

6342 Uppsatser om Technology education - Sida 15 av 423

Trafikinformation via SMS

Abstract The technology has made it possible for you as a train traveller to be available in other places than stations and on the train. You now have the possibility to communicate by the phone or through the Internet to get information about the train you want to take. Development in mobile technology gives us new possibilities to communication. We want to find out whatever SMS would be a suitable approach to inform passengers about delays. The problem formulation is ?If the technology is available to inform the passengers about delays in an more effective way than today, then why not use it? The ?Kustpilen? that operates in Blekinge and Skåne is the case for our study.

Hur invandrarungdomar tillgodogör sig svensk musikundervisning utifrån musiklärares perspektiv

Music has a role to play in every country and every culture. Sweden today is a country whith many different cultures, religions and music genres. The purpose of this investigation is to study how immigrants youths profit from music education on the basis of music teachers' perspectives. Questions at issue are: are there immigrant children/ youths who can not take part in music education? Have the students' religions any importance? Do the parents question the offered education? Is there more opposition to some specific kind of music? Are teachers avoiding to present some music? Can music education help the immigrant youths to form their identities? I have used questionnaires and I have made five interviews.

Bildning och skönlitteratur i folkhögskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the present importance of liberal education in the Swedish "folkhögskola" by studying its expressions in the teaching of literature and fiction. I have interviewed teachers at four different schools about their opinions of liberal education, literature and cultural heritage, means of instruction, and influence of their students. Liberal education in this thesis is considered as a process. Starting from our own experiences we meet something strange to us and while absorbing this in our experiences we change. But its purpose also is to convey the canon of Western literature.

Lärarstudenters upplevelse av utbildningens förmåga att förbereda dem för undervisning av andraspråkselever : En intervjustudie med blivande lärare i samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen

This study aims to investigate how a number of students who are at the end of a teachers? educations program in social studies, geography, religion and history interpret that the national curriculums states that every teacher is responsible for students language development and should be supportive of language backgrounds. In the light of the curriculums the study explores how the teacher education students feel that the education has prepared them for teaching children with Swedish as a second language. The study also examines how the teacher education students think that the teacher education could improve in matters like preparing future teachers to teach social studies, geography, religion and history to second language children.The study is based on interviews with seven university students and shows that they feel a responsibility to develop their future students? language.

Erfarenhetsåterföring av konstruktionslösningar Optimal utformning av ett detaljbibliotek med standardiserade konstruktionslösningar

This thesis has been carried out at the Building and Civil Engineering Programme at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with NCC Technology. The study aims to investigate the optimal design of a library of standardized structural solutions for in-house multi-family buildings and what benefits it brings. Today NCC use technology platforms to improve efficiency and simplify the construction process. The platforms provide the constructors guidelines on how construction details should look like, but the details are not complete. NCC Technology started in the spring of 2013 a project to investigate what benefits there are to create a library of standardized structural solutions for the constructors, with more detailed solutions than in the platforms.

Folkbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet : vad den består av och hur den formas

This master's thesis reports on our investigation of how the public librarian's professional identity is formed and what it is formed of. We have considered factors such as: education, competence and daily tasks. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on concepts such as competence, education, professional identity and profession. We have also carried out an empirical study where we have interviewed nine librarians on public libraries. The method of analysis is qualitative.

Vi skapar barns ordförråd : En studie om barns språkmedvetenhet i förskolan i Sverige och Marocko

AbstractThere is a lot of confusion when it comes to defining Special Education. An example of this appears here by a statement from Assarson (2007) "Special Education initiates a special pedagogy, but contains no innate sense of what is the special component in it" (p. 52, authors? translation). This study is an attempt to clarify the elements of the concept.

Ideellt kårengagemang - Drivkrafter och resultat

The purpose of this study was to examine how modern information and communication technology influence collective action within the framework of social movements. By studying the protests in the Arab World 2011, and focusing on the social movements in Suleimanya in northern Iraq, by observation taken on place, the essay discusses that collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet.Result shows that modern communication technology has enabled immeasurable access andconnection between individuals throughout the world, which seems to be different from previouscollective action. The new communication channels in the form of social media, has been used for the dissemination of information and news, documentation, organization and membership recruitment in the social movements in the Arab World and Suleimanya. The new social movements have the tendency to be decentralized and flattened organized, they are now self-organizing and that they only do a whole as global patterns, as evidenced by the social movements in the Arab World andSuleimanya..

Clashes and Education in Timor Leste

The purpose of this qualitative thesis is to describe and analyse the implementation of an education system in the newly independent state, Timor Leste. One question to be discussed is whether an emergency phase is still going on in the development of a functioning school system, or if Timor Leste already reached a capacity building phase? Via the participant's answers in field observations and interviews, the study analyses the clashes between generations, social classes and different levels in relation to the choice of Portuguese as an official language and the international environment in the country. The thesis concludes that a lot of work remains in creating a fully functioning education system. We enjoyed the writing - and hope you will enjoy the reading!.

Dom kallar det Lean? En studie om Lean i sjukvården och dess påverkan på den professionelle läkarens medicinska beslutsfattande

The purpose of this media scientific study is to contribute to a better understanding about how blind people?s empowerment and participation may affect their role in the digital society.Earlier international studies in this area have shown that blind people not only need more knowledge then the seeing population about the computer, but also about the technology behind their tools for using Internet. The results from these studies have also shown that Internet increases the blind people?s independents and that those who use Internet feel more involved in the society.A qualitative method was chosen to study the three most common categories from the earlier studies: knowledge of technology, empowerment and participation. Are there differences in the results compared to our study in Sweden 2014?Interviews with eight blind, experienced computer users have shown that knowledge of technology is essential for their use of Internet and that the Internet increases their empowerment and their participation.

Barns delaktighet i användningen av media och IKT i förskolan

Today's children characterized and named according to Palfrey and Gasser for digital natives. Children are shaped by the use of media and ICT (Information- and Communication Technology) in a natural way. If their participation in environments where the media and ICT is common, it leads to other conditionsthan the previous generations. The purpose of this study was to understand and describe what teachers say and do to create involvement in children's use of media and ICT tools. The former media education development works carried out at preschools in Piteå municipality was the starting point and inspiration for the study. Study was based on a qualitative approach. Qualitative interviews and participant observations were carried out at one preschool in Piteå.

Specialpedagogikens många frågetecken : En grupp pedagogers tankar om pedagogik och specialpedagogik

AbstractThere is a lot of confusion when it comes to defining Special Education. An example of this appears here by a statement from Assarson (2007) "Special Education initiates a special pedagogy, but contains no innate sense of what is the special component in it" (p. 52, authors? translation). This study is an attempt to clarify the elements of the concept.

"Kompakt oförstånd?" : En studie om modersmålets plats i skolan

View description: The purpose of this study is to investigate in what way the mother tongue language education integrates in a compulsory school activities and also which significance it has to the students who studies mother tongue language. My questions are following:How does the cooperation look like between mother tongue languages teacher, teacher and principal?How do students perceive the mother tongue language education?How does the mother tongue language education take place at the school?Method: This investigation is classified as a qualitative study and consists of theoretical points and empirical material such as interviews and observations.  Based on hermeneutic view of tradition which means that I interpret all my material.Results: My results of this study is that the mother tongue language education does not integrate with the other school activities and the mother tongue language teachers does not cooperate with other teachers or principal at this school. The reason for this is mainly because the mother tongue language teachers work situation. I´ve also seen that language has to do with the creation of a personal identity.

?Arbetet handlar faktiskt om mer än att bara stämpla ut böcker och vara trevlig.? Arbetsuppgifter på svenska folkbibliotek 1990-2000 ur ett kritiskt diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the profession of librarianship by studying tasks in Swedish public libraries. The method is a textual analysis of articles inspired by the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The theory applied consists of the profession theory of Andrew Abbott and the gender theory of Yvonne Hirdman. The questions raised are: how do librarians speak about their tasks, which discourses can be constructed and how can profession theory and gender theory explain the result.

Språkinlärning och Språkutveckling : I en förberedelseklass i högstadiet

Then the language learning process and the approach in a preparatory class differs itself from a general class. The methods conducted in a preparatory class are not just focused on teaching as in a more traditional method. Achieving the objectives in a preparatory class depends on the individual student and the cohesion in the group. Students have different backgrounds and knowledge level, therefore it is extremely important that the teachers use different work methods in order to achieve and to promote the students' language development. The aim with this survey is to get the knowledge about what education methods is being used by teachers in a preparatory class.

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