

5872 Uppsatser om Technology Acceptance Model - Sida 50 av 392

Jämförelse av analysmetoder för clickstream-data

Det här arbetet har som syfte att genom en jämförelse av olika analysmetoder för clickstream-data kunna fungera som en vägledning när en metod ska implementeras. Metoden som använts vid jämförelsen är litteraturstudie i och med att de analyseringsmetoder som ska undersökas redan är framtagna och kunskap om dem fås genom att studera litteratur i vilka de förekommer. Ett antal kriterier används sedan vid själva jämförelsen, anledningen till detta är att metoderna ska jämföras utifrån en gemensam grund.De metoder som uppfyllde kraven för de olika kriterierna bäst var page events fact model och subsession fact model. Subsession fact model kan dock upplevas som det bästa valet i alla lägen men samtidigt är den kanske lite överdriven om clickstream-datan bara ska användas till att se hur besökarna använder varje individuell sida för att användas i designsupport syfte. Det går alltså att påvisa att syftet styr vilken metod som är mest lämpad..

Vilka faktorer påverkar konkurrensförhållandet mellan en kommunal och en fristående gymnasieskola : en jämförelse av gymnasieskolornas ekonomistyrning och verksamhetsstyrning

When the independent upper secondary schools were started in 1992, it meant a change in the competitive relationship for the local upper secondary schools. A reduced number of students during some years ahead, while the number of independent upper secondary schools increase will probably result in tougher competition between upper secondary schools.The purpose of this study is to review and compare financial and performance management between a public and an independent upper secondary school. The dissertation will focus on the now existing competitive relationship between the two types of upper secondary schools.The theory underlying the study is Porter's model - five competitive forces. The model is applied to the local upper secondary school and used to identify competitive factors affecting upper secondary schools. The study is using a qualitative approach with five interviews at two upper secondary schools, one independent and one public, located in the same town.The comparison of financial and operational management of upper secondary schools indicate that the differences are not as great as we first imagined, but that there still are some differences.

Design och implementering av ett webbaserat personalhanteringssystem

Quickmatch is a company that recruits students to other companies that need temporary workers. Today all administration is done by hand, which is very time demanding and therefore inefficient. Employees send assignment reports by e-mail about the working hours and breaks to the administration office. Since these reports are handled manually, there is a great need for an automated system that makes the company more scalable.The purpose of this work was to solve the defined problem, i. e.

Mobilbetalning : en studie om konsumenters förmåga att acceptera nya betalningsformer

Aim: Banks? settlement of handling cash and the technological developments of our payment services, leaves us guessing at the outlooks of consumers? payment systems. One of the new payment options arising from this development is mobile payment. With access to internet, mobile payment can take over the role as the primary method of payment, as it can be used on any occasion. Questions are raised about which factors that are affecting the future users? attitude to use mobile payment, and if the service can be a threat to the traditional card payments.Method: This study is based on a quantitative method by the means of a survey design.

Sheep enterprise budgets : beneficial planning tools within Agriwise Macedonia

Generally in Macedonia keeping farm records and farm business planning is not often practiced like an ordinary activity in farming. Therefore one of the crucial things to do it is to comprise and continuously practice record keeping of farm data. The efficient and justified farm business planning should be based on farm records about the previous work of the farm, which will bring a structured approach for planning all the activities, as well as provide a good basis for attracting investors and creditors for the additional expansion of the business.Given that sheep breeding holds an important part of the livestock production in Macedonia, there is a need for adding analytical sheep enterprise budgets to support the farm business planning process at sheep farms.The aim of this research was to develop sheep enterprise budgets created on the best production practice for Macedonian conditions of breeding and test their applicability into the farm business plan model Agriwise Macedonia. The sheep budgets were composed with a process of data collecting consisted of direct farm data (for the cases), expert's consultation and relevant desk research, as well as a literature study. The aim of doing it was to attain more accurate calculations of the enterprise budgets, which will result in a more precise outcome in the farm business plan model Agriwise Macedonia.

Framställning av komponentbibliotek i autodesk Revit. Modellering av köks- och badrumskomponenter samt takstolar

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med utvecklingen av en ny modell för kaplanturbiner. Utvecklingen bygger på två kopplade differentialekvationer som under arbetets gång anpassats och implementerats i turbinmodellen.Modellen beskriver hur vattenflöde och turbinmoment påverkas av avvikelsen från den optimala kombineringskurvan för vinklarna på turbinens ledskena och löphjul, och är anpassad för ett referensaggregat med tillgängliga provdata. Även övriga enheter i vattenkraftaggregatet modelleras och sätts samman med frekvensregulator och elnät för att simulera aggregatets reglerstabilitet i önätsdrift.Verifieringen av turbinmodellen sker genom försök att återskapa de befintliga verkningsgradskurvorna med hjälp av modellen. Resultatet visar en god följning av de verkliga kurvformerna, dock med något lägre maximal verkningsgrad.Verifieringen av önätmodellen sker genom att prova stabiliteten i nätfrekvens och turbineffekt vid stegpålastningar. Resultatet ger en stabilare reglerstabilitet än i verkligheten, men uppfyller ändå förväntningarna på en fungerande modell.This report describes the development of a new kaplan turbine model.

Teknikundervisning för yngre barn? : Förskollärares, lärares och anställda i näringslivets attityder till Teknik och Teknikundervisning för barn i yngre åldrar

Syftet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma attityder till Teknik hos förskollärare, lärare, skolledare och näringslivsrepresentanter och försöka ta reda på tänkbara orsaker bakom dessa attityder för att se möjligheter och svårigheter i arbetet med ämnet. Den forskningsfråga jag kommer att försöka besvara lyder: ? Hur ser några ?tidigarelärare? förskollärare och representanter från näringslivet på barns tidiga möten med Teknik? De empiriska data som studien bygger på kommer från 83 enkäter och 2 intervjuer. Enkäterna besvarades av 28 förskollärare, 30 lärare och 25 anställda i näringslivet. Intervjuerna hölls med en person ur ledningen på ett större företag och en skolledare.

Nätnyttomodellens fall och framtidens reglering av eltransmissionstariffer : Tidigare meningsskiljaktigheter samt undersökning av förutsättningar för framtida reglering

The main ambition of this degree project is to illustrate the fundamental problems of today?s electric tariff regulation and the usage of the analyzing tool; The Network Tariff Model. There is a further discussion of potential problems and clear improvements of the 2012 years proposed network tariff regulation. Interviews have been conducted with specific network companies and Energimarknadsinspektionen. The proposed regulation of 2012 is discussed from the government?s proposition.This paper clearly shows that the authority´s work has been conducted in a very unprofessional manner during the period of The Network Tariff Model.

En obetydlig kostnad för eleverna. Hur fyra svenska grundskolor tillämpar avgifter.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Det moderna biblioteket inätverkssamhället : En studie över kulturpolitikers och bibliotekariers åsikter om bibliotekens användande av sociala medier

?The modern library in the network society?A study of cultural politicians and librarians opinions about libraries' use of social mediaSocial media is becoming more and more interacted in our daily lives and Carlsson (2013) argues that today's libraries have undergone major challenges in the digital information technology's entry in the library arena. The new technology has led to sum up in one question: how a library should relate to the digital information technology, the issue has applied in particular the social communications media, such as Facebook, Twitter and more. The purpose of this paper is to examine the culture of politicians and librarians 'perceptions of public libraries' use of social media linked to the libraries and their democracy promotion efforts. This is analyzed from Castells theories about the network society and the digital divide.In summary, the study concluded that the majority of the culture politicians and librarians believe that social media is a part of the future of the library.

Statushantering i Virtual Map med ledningssamordning i BIM

For many years, the construction industry in Sweden has not developed much of an integral approach for design across disciplines. The sector?s impact on society, economics and environment is huge. To make the interactions within the construction industry more efficient, a relatively new concept called BIM (Building Information Modeling) has been introduced. The idea with BIM is that the different actors of the construction industry will work through intelligent CAD software, with common file formats and more cooperation between different actors during the various steps of the building and construction process.The technical consultancy company WSP Sweden is working actively to implement BIM within the frame of its activities.

Utveckling av flödesreaktor : Ett sammarbetesprojekt mellan fakulteten för teknik och naturvetenskap vid Uppsala Universitet och Fagrell produktutveckling AB

 This report deals with thecollaborative project between FagrellProdukt Utveckling AB and studentsfrom the Faculty of Science andTechnology at Uppsala University. Theoverall objective of the project wasin addition to developing students'abilities, to help Fagrell withverification and development ofFagrells prototype, Fundamental flowreactor, for flow chemistry. Theuniqueness of Fagrells flow reactor isthat it should be simple andaffordable compared to competing flowreactors in the market.The verification was done bylaboratory and simulation sessions.The verification shows that Fagrellsidea on how to construct a flowreactor is very good.The development included bothtechnology and business. The result ofdevelopments can be helpful for thecommercialization of Fagrell flowreactor..

FPGA för displayhantering och grafikgenerering i fordonsmiljö

This report is part of the major thesis carried out at Stoneridge Electronics in Bromma,Stockholm during autumn and winter 2005-2006. The background to the thesis is the trendwithin the automotive industry where color displays have become more common for presentationof information to the driver, a trend that has come to the commercial vehicle market. Thepurpose of the thesis has been to evaluate whether programmable logic, with respect to FPGAtechnology, could be suitable for display control and graphics generation of these more complexcolor displays in automotive environment.Within the scope of the thesis the FPGA technology has been investigated, i.e. whatopportunities and threats there are with aspect to environmental and security requirements. Inaddition, the market of FPGAs and pre-built IP-cores has been investigated.

Värdelöst värdeskapande : En studie om co-destruction

The study proceeds from a phenomenom called co-creation. If value can be created, it is logic to asume that it also can be destroyed. This phenomenom has earlier not been applied to long-term relationships such as business to business. In a business relationship it is important to identify factors, that leads to co-destruction, to be able to prevent them from appering. The purpose of this study is to identify which factors leads towards co-destruction.The study have used theories from Echeverri & Skålén (2011) which has designed a model explaning the outcome of co-creation and co-destruction.

Busshållplatsers kapacitet : Utvärdering av tillämpbarhet av modell från Highway Capacity Manual 2000 med uinderlag från busstrafik i Stockholms innerstad

Stockholm is growing with almost two fully loaded SL-buses a day. One of the consequences that derive from this is the increase of public transport travelers who put the regionally governed public transport up to the test in terms of its capacity. The Transport administration in Stockholm County initiated 2015 a project with the purpose of simplifying the calculation of bus stop capacities. A hypothesis (set up by the Transport administration) based on that a model for calculation of bus stop capacities could be calibrated for Stockholm conditions is being researched in this bachelor?s essay.The study is implemented by self-collected traffic data from bus stops located in the Stockholm city center.

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