

5872 Uppsatser om Technology Acceptance Model - Sida 23 av 392

Fast Service in Fast Fashion-En kvantitativ studie av kundrespons till självserviceteknik i fast fashion

The success of self-service technology in retail grocery stores cannot be ignored, and the fact is that every other grocery store in Sweden has implemented the self-scanning or self-checkout systems. The trend is that the technique is spreading into other markets with potential to increase productivity for companies and enhance the service for customers. Fast fashion is one branch that is left untouched by the development in payment processes, and despite the leading companies extensive focus on fast service, the concept of self-service technology has not yet been tested. This paper undertake a quantitative, experimental approach to the issue and examines the effect self-checkout would have on Fast fashion- customers. By presenting a scenario with and without self- checkout and afterwards asked about the respondents experience, we can provide the marketing world with new insights.

Lyckans land? : En ekonometrisk studie över nationshemvistens påverkan på upplevd lycka.

Does the country people live in affect the probability of them experiencing happiness? Can a country variable in an ordinal regression model be affected when microeconomic and macroeconomic factors are added to the model? The possible outcomes are either that the country variable affects less when the additional predictors are added to the model, or that they stay the same. The micro data is collected from the European Social Survey database, the macro data is collected from the World Bank. The country variable becomes less substantial when additional variables are added to the model. The variable with the most influence over expected happiness apart from the country variable is whether the individual often socializes with friends or not.

Silverlight på Incordia AB

The purpose of this report is to outline the development of a dynamic Microsoft Silverlight application, which will be able to present products and be administered in a simple manner. The project has been carried out at Incordia AB, a company that specializes in e-commerce, situated in Helsingborg, Sweden. Although the Silverlight application is customized for a particular site, forMicro AB (an ongoing project at Incordia), the template and the classes that are used to manage information, are developed so that they can be used in future projects for Incordia AB..

Modellering och simulering av hovrande helikopter

At the department of Electronic Warfare Assessments at the Swedish Defence Research Agency in Linköping one of the activities is modelling and simulation of the duel between a robot and a target. The aim with this Master's thesis is to develop a simulation model of an hovering helicopter. First a theoretical description of the forces and moments acting on an helicopter is given. Then the equations of motion are derived. These equations are simplified to be valid only for a hovering helicopter and the result is a mathematical model.

With a few liters of clean drinking water : a Cost Benefit Analysis of the socio-economic effects from implementing new clean drinking water technologies in rural India

In 2010, Airwatergreen AB started testing their new technology, the Airwaterwell, an atmospherical water generator of their own design that is running on solar heat, with a production capacity of three litres of water per day and m2. The purpose was to focus on foreign aid organizations as main purchasers for project investments towards rural communities in developing countries that suffer from lack of, or compromised quality of drinking water. In order to further understand if this technology would bring a positive impact in the developing countries, the company contacted the Swedish University of Agriculture for a socio-economic study of the Airwaterwells? potential. The authors elected Cost benefit analysis as the appropriate method for conducting the study and India became the study region because of its many problems with water related issues such as diseases as well as insufficient water supply for households. The regions that this study is based on are Gujarat, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh given their differences in income, health situation and poverty rate.

Den situationsanpassade ledarskapsmodellen som verktyg i lärarskapet

In the 1960?s, Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed a theory called Situational Leadership. Situational Leadership is a model where the leader analyses the needs of the situation and the needs of the people to be led. After analysing the situation, decision is made on what leadership style to adopt. The Situational Leadership model was developed in a company environment.

Portföljoptimering med courtageavgifter

Ever since it was first introduced in an article in the Journal of Finance 1952, Harry Markowitz? mean - variance model for portfolio selection has become one of the best known models in finance. The model was one of the first in the world to deal with portfolio optimization mathematically and have directly or indirectly inspired the rest of the world to develop new portfolio optimization methods. Although the model is one of the greatest contributions to modern portfolio theory, critics claim that it may have practical difficulties. Partly because the Markowitz model is based on various assumptions which do not necessarily coincide with the reality.

En grundläggande modell för att beskriva stadens ljudbild med utgångspunkt i dess rytm

The purpose of this essay is to state a fundamental model which can describe the sounds of the city, emphasizing on its rhythm. The essay is based on a theoretical study that deals with essential elements to describe a soundscape. The theories presented are founded on R. Murray Schafer's theses about soundscapes, Bert De Coensels theses about rhythmical sound patterns and Ambjörn Hugardts view on rhythm. The model that is presented stresses the importance of a multidisciplinary perspective when one attempts to understand and describe a soundscape.

En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter

When a helicopter is flying, the dynamics vary depending on, for example, speed and position. Hence, a time-invariant linear model cannot describe its properties under all flight conditions. It is therefore desirable to update the linear helicopter model continuously during the flight. In this thesis, two different recursive estimation methods are presented, LMS (Least Mean Square) and adaptation with a Kalman filter. The main purpose of the system estimation is to get a model which can be used for feedback control.

Den licensierade vargjaktens betydelse för vargstammen

In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted in a new wolf policy in Sweden. This meant that the wolf population now should be limited to 210 individuals by harvest. The new policy also recognized that the public acceptance of this species must increase and the genetic status improved. In the 17th of December a decision was taken by the Swedish parliament that it should become legal to hunt wolves in Sweden. The wolf hunt resulted in debate on a large scale amongst people, some thought of it as a good decision while others thought it was wrong.

Konsten att ställa ut konst. En studie i Nationalmuseets basutställningsverksamhet under 70 år

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Informationsbegreppet. En hermeneutisk undersökning av Ingwersens och Briers informationsdefinitioner

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

HAVECA-modellen : En metod för att fortlöpande säkra ett internt nätverk mot tredjepart

This thesis will address a problem concerning availability of information systems at an enterprise within the financial sector and its external suppliers, so called trusted third party. The information system resides on the internal network of the enterprise and must be available to both employees of the enterprise and the trusted third party simultaneously. This contradicts the company policy which disallows third parties access to the internal network. The HAVECA-model introduced in this thesis provides a framework of methods, each solving a sub problem identified in the model. The identified methods are hardening, verification, control and assurance, together supplying a method for continuously securing the internal network against a trusted third party.

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang

Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.

Skönhet kommer från Photoshop - En studie om effekter av retuscherade modeller i reklam

There are widespread discussions about the use of retouched models in media, ranging from bloggers to legal decision-makers. Research shows that there are negative psychological effects on especially females being exposed to idealized, retouched model images. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of using retouched models in advertising from a marketing perspective, based on attitudes, perceived quality and purchase intentions.Based on theories about attractiveness, halo-effects and social comparison, an experimental study was done, investigating the different responses on above mentioned parameters to advertisements showing either retouched model images or non-retouched model images. Initially it was also tested if the retouched models were seen as more attractive than the non-retouched models. The results showed almost no differences between the reactions to the advertisements with retouched models compared to the advertisements with non-retouched models, when all respondent groups were analyzed together.

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