

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 54 av 91

Samverkan och samordning för nyanlända flyktingar : En kvalitativ studie om etablering på arbetsmarknaden i två kommuner

This study has an integration policy direction as it focuses on the qualification for the new arrivals to quickly establish themselves in the labor market, and how the government's interventions, which in this case is the establishment reform, have affected municipalities and what its role is in this context. The purpose of the establishment reform is to faster the new arrivals integration in to the labor market. The aim of this study is to analyze the interaction factors that is affecting the integration of new arrivals into the labor market by study the professionals opinions on the interplay between involved organizations in two municipalities before and after the establishment reform. Studies have shown that the establishment reform has not achieved its goal and the purpose is to analyze the aspects behind this problem. The results of the study were analyzed with help of the interaction theory and the new institutional theory which is a part of the organization theory. An important aspect in the results of our study is the deficiency with the interaction between the participating organizations that obstruct the new arrivals path to becoming self-contained. In order to identify the problem, the study focuses on the co-operation among two communities in Sweden with the new arrivals way into the labor market.

Verkligt värde : implementation of IAS 40 in quoted real estate companies on the Stockholm stock exchange, and effect on the company key ratios

Background: Within real estate companies assets according to IFRS/ IAS 40 should be valued at fair value, to compare with previous valuation criteria according to which real estate should valued at cost. Two models can be used within IAS 40, these are value at cost and fair value. When valued at cost the real estate value in the balance sheet should be specified at cost. The method chosen by the company should be used for all real estate within the company except for the premises used by the company. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyse and evaluate how real estate companies experienced the problems that arose when converting to IAS 40, and to analyse the effects on the companies key ratios as a result of the change of accounting method.

Bibliotekariers uppfattningar om Bibliotek 2.0 ? En fenomenografisk undersökning

In the library community there is a continuous discussion about enhancing user interactivity on library websites, according to the principles of Web 2.0, called Library 2.0. The purpose of this thesis is to study how librarians conceive Library 2.0. The focus is on the study of the librarians? conceptions of user interactivity on the website, and if the librarians conceive that their professional role is affected by Library 2.0. The study is implemented methodologically by interviewing six librarians and using phenomenography as an approach.

Servicekvalitet på Linköpings stadsbibliotek ? ur tre fokusgruppers perspektiv

The main purpose with this MA thesis is to examine how visually impaired, disabled and people with dyslexia define service quality at the public library of Linköping. The method that has been used is focus group interviews. A focus group consists of four to eight people who are joined together, without knowing each other before, to discuss a certain subject. The aim is to get a wide spread of answers. A secondary purpose is to examine how this method works.

Informationssökning på Internet - att välja verktyg

The Internet offers an abundance of information. This information is easy to access in technical terms, however it is difficult to find. At present there is a wide variety of search services to choose from. This master's thesis is about selecting the appropriate search service for a certain question. Are different types of services suitable for different types of questions, and if so, which services for which questions?To answer this, I have undertaken one theoretical and one empirical study.

En rörelse i förändring? - Om organisationsgraden i Sverige, idag och imorgon

Sammanfattning Den här uppsatsen behandlar den höga organisationsgraden som vi har i Sverige idag. Huvudsyftet är att ge ett svar på varför organisationsgraden är så hög. Syftet är också att undersöka hur fackföreningsrörelsen kommer att utvecklas i framtiden. Uppsatsen inleds med en redogörelse av faktorer som bidragit till den höga organisationsgrad vi åtnjuter idag. Fackföreningarnas struktur behandlas I första delen av uppsatsen.

Askdeponi i bergrum : Metoder för slurrytillverkning

This thesis work has been carried out at the consultant company Pöyry Sweden AB in Norrköping, whom performs the task for E.ON heating Sweden AB, Händelöverket in Norrköping. The report shows methods to manufacture slurry consisting of fly ash and water. The slurry shall be pumped into several former oil storage rock shelters that E.ON has put into operation for the specific purpose. The ash mixture also develops hydrogen gas in contact with water.The work has aimed to produce different suggestions of methods and equipment that can be used for the objective. Mixing method and security issues were in centre while working with the suggestions.

Histonmodifieringar och alternativ splicing

Alternativ splicing av pre-mRNA ger upphov till proteindiversitet. Histonmodifieringar kopplas till den alternativa splicingens reglering genom adaptorsystem som overfor den epigenetiska informationen direkt till splicingfaktorerna. De cis- agerande RNA- elementen pa exoner och introner med tillhorande trans- reglerande splicingfaktorer paverkas darfor direkt av specifika histonmodifieringar. En sammankopplande integrerad modell over en rad DNA- baserade processer foreslas. Denna komplexa modell ger en bild av interaktioner och paverkan mellan dessa delar.

En undersökning av Quicknets Customer Relation Management

This report is focused on a research to find out if the Customer Relation Management (CRM) of Quicknet AB works and if their customers are satisfied with it. During this investigation I tried to see if the customers had a need for taking the CRM and use a tool called Social CRM. The report will conclude if the clients of Quicknet think that there is something that can be done in the relation between both parts and how it can be improved. At the same time I am going to build an application which relates to the problems of this report.To solve the problem I am going to do a survey which will include the CRM and also try to find out if the customers of Quicknet share the same thoughts about having a Social Customer Relation Management. Also if this survey shows what the customers think about the CRM, it could improve the relation between Quicknet and themselves. The result from the survey showed two things.

Kompensatoriska hjälpmedel i en skola för alla - Specialpedagogers kunskap om och inställning till tekniska hjälpmedel för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Hård, Anneli (2007). Kompensatoriska hjälpmedel i en skola för alla ? Specialpedagogers kunskap om och inställning till tekniska hjälpmedel för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter. (Adaptive and assistive technologies in a school for all- special educators knowledge of and view on technical assistant means for students in reading- and writingdifficulties ) Skolutveckling och ledarskap. Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Studiens syfte är att undersöka specialpedagogers kunskap om och inställning till kompensatoriska hjälpmedel samt att i ljuset av målet ?en skola för alla? analysera användandet av dessa hjälpmedel.

Utvärdering av taxonomi och systemstöd för riskbaserad analys inom den svenska Luftfartsinspektionen

The Swedish Aviation Safety Authority has decided to standardise a classification system for reporting deviations found in inspections. The purpose of a classification system is that similar deviations always should be reported in the same way since this will enable better decisions regarding different risk areas. The inspectors are therefore constrained to use a standardised classification system and are not free to use their own words when reporting deviations. A hierarchal classification system with predefined phrases is in aviation referred to as taxonomy. Taxonomy is already in use when reporting accidents and incidents but not when reporting deviations found in inspections.

I jakt på tillämpning : Om F.O.V. Fabrics möjligheter att understödja kommersialiseringen av algbatteriforskning

The purpose of this essay is to explore the actor network of a high technology company in the textile industry called F.O.V. Fabrics. The background for doing this is a recent project, which we choose to call the Salt & Paper Battery Group, aiming to commercialize a newly discovered technology ? a battery based on cellulose from an alga. We start by examining a range of network theories in order to eventually shape a framework of our own.

Biblioteket, bibliotekarien och framtiden

During my time as a student at the School of Library and Information Science in Borås there was an ongoing discussion regarding whether or not the library and librarian were facing an identity crisis and what future consequences this may lead to. The discussion was and still is of interest to me since it most likely will have an impact on the identity I soon will make part of my self as a professional librarian. This master?s thesis is an attempt that to through discourse analysis seek clarity in what the future identity of the library and the librarian may consist of. I do so by examining articles from the two library journals Ikoner and Biblioteksbladet.

Kundlönsamhetsanalys som avbildande kalkyl och medskapande praktik: En fallstudie av Billerud

In recent years, customer profitability has become a focal point of academic discussions on business performance. However, researchers remain divided as to how evaluation of customers ought to be conducted, resulting in uncertainty of how accounting systems should be adapted to prevailing conditions. This paper aims to investigate the application of customer accounting techniques and the role they play in the organisational and commercial context in which they take place. In a case study of Billerud, a Swedish company providing materials and services for packaging solutions, the interplay between customer accounting techniques and customer relationship characteristics has been examined through the application of a theoretical framework developed by Lind and Strömsten. Particular emphasis has been put on deviations from the prescribed pattern of the framework.

Utvecklingsanalys av installationssystems montering vid industriellt träbyggande : Värme, vatten, ventilation, el och avlopp

The industrialized timber housing process is capable nowadays to build multi-storeyhouses since fairly new changes in the Swedish regulations where made after theadmission of the European Union in 1994.The industrialized process moves parts of the construction process into a highlyeffective factory where 3D-volumes of the building are prefabricated beforetransportation to the building site for assemble.The assembly process is relatively effective compared to the completion of thebuilding service system and this is therefore the main focus in this thesis. This thesisattends problems with completion of the building service system, and thereforedemarcates from other aspects, such as technical and economic aspects, of thebuilding service system.The degree of completion of the flats differs from completion of the connectivepassages, for example hallways, in a way that suggests a need for further investigation.This thesis includes analysis of the possibilities to increase the prefabricatedconnective passages, to the extent of containing building service systems.An increase of the prefabrication of the building service system has a greatdevelopment potential, even though some restraining factors need to be solvedbefore implementation.This thesis was made in collaboration with two of Sweden?s leading companies on themarket of multi-storey industrialized timber housing, Moelven ByggModul AB andLindbäcks Bygg AB..

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