

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 52 av 91

Biblioteksoro: i en svensk kontext

This Master?s thesis is the first to quantitatively study the prevalence of library anxiety at a Swedish university. Library anxiety is a concept describing the negative feelings students can experience when using the library. The study was conducted using web questionnaires sent out to 512 students at Växjö university. 38 % responded and the results were analysed with the help of, amongst other methods, correlation studies.

Vetenskaplig kommunikation inom kemi och ekonomi: ett polskt perspektiv.

This study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories within this scientific community. This thesis gives the results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey at two academic faculties at a Polish technical university. As its theoretical framework, the study uses Whitley?s theory of the intellectual and social organisation of academic fields and Latour and Woolgar?s study regarding various motivations for publishing.

Sambors rätt att ärva varandra : ? den svenska lagstiftningens brister i ett nordiskt perspektiv

The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.


Reflections är en stämningslampa som med hjälp av invävd fiberoptik lockar fram nya visuella och taktila uttrycksvärdeni en textil. Under arbetets gång har jag utforskat mängden ljus som fiberoptisk textil sprider längsmed fiberlängden samt undersökt naturfiberns egenskaper när den vävs samman med fiberoptik.En stor utmaning var att hitta balans mellan tekniska begränsningar och det uttryck jag sökte. Lampans formspråkär min reflektion över dagens stadslandskap där arkitekturens geometriska former möterfordons strömlinjeform. Med stämningslampan hoppas jag att hitta och inspirera till nya användningsområdenför fiberoptisk textil.Reflections is a mood light using interwoven fiber optics witch brings out new visual and tactile expressionvalues in a textile. During the work, I have explored the amount of light fiber optic textile spreads along thefiber length and examined properties of nature fiber when it is interwoven with fiber optics.A major challenge was finding a balance between technical constraints and expressions I was looking for.

Områdessökning i geografiskt associerad data

This thesis considers the problems associated with searches in insufficiently geographically tagged data. The thesis was carried out at Booli Search Technologies AB, a company developing a search engine for the Swedish real estate market.The aim of the thesis is to identify some areas of possible improvements of the company?s existing technical platform, perform a benchmarking among similar services, suggest possible solutions and lastly, build a prototype from one of the suggested solutions.The thesis starts out with defining the problems that the search engine faces: some areas are not possible to perform searches on, the users are not presented with the full search result that they expect, some results are placed incorrectly on the map associated with the search results and results are also not described with enough geographical information. These problems are due to the fact that the data retrieved at the indexing stage in the company?s information retrieval process are insufficient and incomplete.As a result of a benchmarking process and after discussing the results, severalinteresting solutions were identified.

Varför och hur integreras medier med svenskämnet? : En kvalitativ studie av tre pedagogers uppfattning om inkluderande arbetssätt

This essay is about why and how the media is integrated with Swedish as a subject. The purpose of the study is to investigate if the teachers who use different media when teaching Swedish consider that this pedagogy develops the students? learning. I also aim to find out if there are any differences and/or similarities between the teachers.To fulfil the purpose I have done a qualitative study with three teachers who work at a school. I have focused on following issues: How, when, where and why do the teachers use media when teaching Swedish?The investigation shows that media is popular today and it is becoming more so all the time.

Sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning : Koppling eller frikoppling

Since January 1st 2005, public companies within the European Union shall prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with the international accounting standards. The adopted accounting standards are IASB?s IAS/IFRS completed with interpretations. Furthermore, member states may permit or require public companies to prepare their annual accounts according to IAS/IFRS. Sweden has not yet given companies the ability to use IAS/IFRS in the annual accounts due to taxation difficulties the strong relationship between accounting and taxation brings.

Skriftligt formkrav : det digitala dokumentet

This thesis seeks to investigate how an agreed written form requirement is met in an electronic environment. Swedish Contract law is applied since Sweden lack specific regulation for electronically closed agreements. Since contractual freedom prevails in Swedish law, it is up to the parties themselves to decide if the formal requirements to be applied.In order to assess whether the written requirement is fulfilled in the electronic environment, a purpose-oriented analysis should be made. When the purpose of why a written form requirement applies has been clarified, the analysis continues to assess whether the objective can be achieved with the modern form of communication. The method is called functional equivalence and means that when an electronic media fulfill the same functions as the paper medium so will the electronic medium as a starting point to give the same legal effect as if it were the case of a written paper document.

Digitalisering av bilder vid två museer

The aim of this thesis is to describe digitization of images in two Swedish museums. We want to examine their reasons to digitalize; the administrative and organizational aspects of their work and how they handle the problems of preservation and access to the digitalized images. These problems will be examined through our main questions: Why do the museums choose to digitize their image collections? How are their work organized in terms of staff and economical matters? What kind of software do they use, and which technical solutions do they choose? Which preservation and access strategies for ensuring long-term preservation and access of the digital images do the museums work with? How do the museums select material for digitization? How do they handle the matter of discarding of materials? The study was conducted both by reading text material and interviewing personnel at the two museums. The museums? main reasons for digitization seem to be to protect fragile materials from deterioration and provide greater access to the collections.

Konstruktionen av ett socialt problem : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av hur hedersrelaterat våld återges i dagspress och fackpress mellan åren 1997 ? 2007

The purpose of this paper was to describe how a phenomenon is constructed into being a social problem, by studying articles on honour killing in the Swedish daily press and in the technical journal Socionomen. The main questions were: can different discourses on honour killing be identified, and if so, have they changed over time, and are there differences between the discourses identified in the daily press and in Socionomen? The method used was a qualitative analysis of discourse influenced by Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis. The main conclusion was that honour killing has been textually constructed as a social problem in the studied media. There was one main discourse which clearly pointed out groups as bearers and victims of the social problem.

Referensservice + Internet = Sant? Bibliotekariers tankar kring användandet av Internet under referensservicen.

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the design of the reference service and its development that Internet has caused in college/university libraries when it comes to the service provided to the user. I want to examine the quality of this development from the view of the librarians, and also investigate their attitude and how they deal with this development.The following questions were asked:? How has Internet changed the reference service at college/university libraries?? How do the librarians look upon the possible change of quality in the reference service when the Internet is involved?? What attitude do the librarians hold toward this development where Internet is used in the reference service and how do they deal with it?The method used was qualitative interviews. A total of six librarians from Blekinge tekniska högskola, Halmstad högskola, Lunds universitet and Växjö universitet have been interviewed.The theories and models used were ?media richness?, a quality framework including ?quality aspects of a service?, and social psychology and its ?reasons for a positive/negative attitude on an organisations change?.The result shows that Internet has brought more sources of information and additional ways to contact the library.

Begreppet "upphandlande enhet" enligt lagstiftningen om offentlig upphandling

The government procurement legislation ? i.e. the Swedish procurement law, the EC procurement directives and the WTO?s Government Procurement Agreement ? applies on public procurement. Such a procurement exists when the contractor meets the conditions stated in the directives that the organ is to be considered as a contracting auhtority.

Vad är viktigast i staden? : Utveckling av ett lokaliseringsverktyg för stadsplanering

This paper is part of the research programme ViSuCity, a programme with the goal of creating more sustainable urban planning through the development of better visual tools, which ultimately means better communication between various parties of public planning. The paper concerns the implementation of MCE into a 3D program for visualization. Multi criteria evaluation (MCE) is a technique that has been developed during the last 20 years. It merges GIS with AHP, forming a decision making tool for localization of, for example, new buildings.The result is an automated tool that enables advanced analysis of geographic areas.The tool has a very high potential due to the completely automated MCE and it is adapted for people without a technical background, let alone formal training in MCE. It provides great opportunities to test different scenarios, something that should be an important advantage.

Influence of the habitat on the potential for cannibalism and population dynamics in stream-dwelling European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.)

Cannibalism can have major influence on fish population dynamics. A prerequisite for cannibalism is that the cannibal and the potential victim meet, and besides density effects, the encounter rate between cannibals and their victims is therefore also largely dependent on habitat use and habitat heterogeneity. In this study I quantified and compared the potential for cannibalism in stream-dwelling European grayling populations in three rivers in Jämtland by means of habitat classifications. I also analyzed population dynamic consequences of varying the potential for cannibalism in terms of intensity, using a physiological structured population model. Findings based on habitat characteristics were that the potential for cannibalism is in general not favourable in these types of streams.

Integrering av pelletsfabrik med Rya kraftvärmeverk i Göteborg : en teknisk och ekonomisk utredning

Göteborg Energi has a surplus of district heating during spring, summer and fall. The heat surplus is due to a constant production of waste heat from oil refineries and heat from waste incineration over the year. It would be desirable to increase the demand for heat and the uptime for the newly built combined heat and power generation plant, Rya Kraftvärmeverk. One alternative could be to integrate Rya Kraftvärmeverk with a pellet production facility. By producing heat, electricity and pellet in a joint process the energy use can be decreased.

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