

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 48 av 91

Äldres upplevelser av palliativ vård och omsorg : - en kunskapsöversikt

Elderly patients experiences of palliative care ? a rewireThe purpose of this paper was to study elderly patient?s experience of palliative care with present knowledge as starting point. The questions were; what criteria do the elderly, dying person think is most important to fulfill in palliative care? and how satisfied is the elderly, dying person with the palliative care that are giving to him/her? The information were collected by a data based search trough science magazines and technical literature. Four relevant studies were found; Costello (2001), Heyland (2005), Wilson (1999) and Formiga (2004).

Äldres upplevelser av palliativ vård och omsorg : - en kunskapsöversikt

Elderly patients experiences of palliative care ? a rewireThe purpose of this paper was to study elderly patient?s experience of palliative care with present knowledge as starting point. The questions were; what criteria do the elderly, dying person think is most important to fulfill in palliative care? and how satisfied is the elderly, dying person with the palliative care that are giving to him/her? The information were collected by a data based search trough science magazines and technical literature. Four relevant studies were found; Costello (2001), Heyland (2005), Wilson (1999) and Formiga (2004).

Undersökning av elkvalitet i distributionsnät med omfattande vindkraftselproduktion

The goal for this master thesis project has been to investigate the power quality in adistribution grid, which has a high fraction of dispersed power production due towindmills. The study has been done on a grid in Laholm South of Halmstad, whereapproximately 45 windmills are connected to the distribution grid owned by SHKEnergi. The investigation has been focused on to two radialy fed 20 kV lines, wheretwelve windmills are connected.Voltage variations have been studied by creating a model of the grid in the simulationprogram SIMPOW. The largest deviation that has been found in any point of the gridis ±1.9 % of the nominal voltage. This deviation is a result of varying powergeneration from the windmills and the voltage regulation at the connection point ofthe line.

Optimering av indunstningsprocess

The wastewater treatment plant at GE Healthcare's facility in Uppsala deployed a three step vacuum evaporator in 2007. The purpose of this was to pre-treat wastewater containing amines. The purpose of this thesis was to optimize thisprocess by reducing the amount of concentrate without releasing more nitrogen tothe environment and to examine if density could be used as a measurement of whenthe process should be ended.To create a foundation for optimization six test cycles were conducted with samples taken from all three steps. Both concentrate and condensate were tested as well as the incoming solution. Furthermore, the thesis has been expanded with a benchmarking part examining two different evaporators.

E-tidningens attraktionskraft på annonsörerna : En flört eller början på ett varaktigt förhållande?

The technical development is advancing at high speed and now the turn has come for the traditional paper to digitalize into the so called e-paper. The newspaper industry has started to investigate the future possibilities of publishing the traditional newspapers on e-paper. Today?s newspapers are mostly financed by advertisement incomes, which makes the advertisers important players, who must be taken into consideration at an introduction of the e-paper. Since the e-paper does not exist as a finished product in the market today, in this essay we look into what kind of functions or services that can attract advertisers to the e-paper on the basis of the experiences made with the breakthrough of the web-newspapers.

?Out of sight, out of mind? : En studie av svenska bokbloggares inställningar till e-boken

There are experiential products that through a digital transformation wholly or partially have taken new place in our everyday lives. Just a few years ago, we had music on CDs, movies on tape and books in bookshelves. In Sweden, we are now facing a transformation when the e-book begins to take place alongside the printed book.This paper focuses on what values play a role in the attitude towards ebooks among a selected group of Swedish book bloggers. A qualitative content analysis was performed on blog posts concerning the ebook from twelve different Swedish book blogs. The posts were then coded into categories and values.

Kundanpassad tjänsteutveckling och förändrade relationer inom den försvarsindustriella sfären

The aim of this thesis is to describe the customer?s attitudes toward the contracting for availability, i.e., which factors are from the customer?s perspective necessary for the fulfilment of a supplier-customer agreement? Furthermore, the objective is to describe and analyse a supplier-customer relation in the Defence Industrial sphere.The present study has been carried out as a case study using an abductive approach. The thesis is based on a practical problem, i.e. which factors will be important to the customer when a contractor in the Defence Industry wants to increase its commitment of service, and how will their relationship change? The thesis is above all focused on generating knowledge that can lead to rapid and concrete measures and that can be used in the analysis of an increased industrial commitment but also as a case study of a problem of a more general nature in the Defence Industry.

Framtida utveckling och byte av teknisk plattform : Produktion av digitala läromedel ur ett förlagsperspektiv

Projektet har utförts ur ett bokförlags perspektiv och förklarar Natur & Kulturs byte av teknisk plattform för deras digitala läromedel. Detta projekt var ett delprojekt och delades in i tre faser: FAS 1: Förstudie, FAS 2: Genomförande och FAS 3: Analys och utvärdering. Syftet med projektet är dels att ge en helhetssyn över hur bytet skett i praktiken inom bokförlaget, och dels undersöka målgruppens förväntning på den nya tekniska plattformen. Projektets mål är att producera två titlar i produktions- och publiceringsverktyget 3D Issue, med utgivning höstterminen 2015. Metoderna som har använts i det här projektet är: intervju och en sammanställning av Natur & Kulturs enkätstudie, och en variation av deltagande observation.

Indoor Energy Academy : Implemetering- och kompetensutvecklingsprogramför nyanställda hos Indoor Energy

Indoor Energy is a company that works in the energy sector. It works through itsthree subsidiaries Indoor Energy Services, Indoor Energy Control and Indoor EnergyConsultants. Because of their comprehensive experience and offering of broad rangeof services they can contribute to integrated extensive solutions for their customers.Indoor Energy Control works with building management through control andregulation. This work is realigned by programmers and project managers. Working inthis area is complex and places a great demand on both technical innovation andprofessional project management.Due to the complexity of the work Indoor Energy Control has a hard time to get thenew employees to be independent in their work as a programmer.

Mellan råd och praktik ? en studie av åtta folkbiblioteks digitaliseringsprojekt

This master?s degree thesis stems from the new possibilities that digitization offers preserving and increased public accessibility of our cultural heritage, but also how a lack of co-ordination and standardization may result in short-term projects and lack of quality. The purpose of this thesis is to examine a selection of public libraries? digitization projects. The two questions posed are:How does a selection of public libraries conduct their digitization projects concerning a) goals and objectives, b) execution c) what resources they encompass?How well does their work agree with the recommendations that exists for goals, objectives and execution?To answer the questions interviews were conducted with persons in various ways involved with the digitization projects.

Akustik och säkerhet i inomhusarenor

The background to the study is that within the next ten years about 50 new multi-purposeindoor arenas will be built. These are used for various events such as sports, concerts, etc. In order to achieve a high level of security in the case of danger alarm signals and alarmmessages must be heard well by the visitors. ÅF-Ingemansson wanted to show builders the importance of good speech perception and that it is not observed in arenas today. They conducted technical tests on two large multi purpose indoor arenas to develop parameters that affect speech perception in the arena.To get a subjective view of how these arenas are experienced a survey was created.

Leksaker baserade på teknik sedda ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om 6-åringars preferenser och användande av könsstereotypa konstruktionsleksaker

Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med barn i förskoleklass och genom enkätundersökningar hos pedagoger har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar som handlar om pojkar, flickor och deras leksaksval då det gäller teknikbaserade leksaker. Syftet var att försöka se om det fanns skillnader i valet och användandet av dessa leksaker och i så fall försöka tydliggöra dem, och dessutom ta reda på varför barnen är olika i sina leksakspreferenser.Resultatet påvisar att för barnen i denna förskoleklass är konstruktionsleksaker ett frekvent val i verksamheten. Alla barn leker med dessa leksaker, dock skiljer sig preferenserna åt beroende på om man är flicka eller pojke, både i hemmet och i förskoleklassen. Hur barnens preferenser uppkommer finns det delade meningar om, dock är huvudteorin enligt de forskarna/författare jag tagit del av, socialt betingat.Pedagogiska slutsatser är att som pedagog måste man arbeta på ett målmedvetet sätt då det gäller leksaker och genus, man skall alltid ha med sig att leken har stor betydelse i barnens utveckling.Nyckelord: genus, leksaker, preferenser, teknik.

CSR i leverantörskedjan : Företags möjlighet att reglera, kontrollera och genomdriva

The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.

Att mötas på Insidan : En användarstudie av Piteå kommuns intranät

Today?s society has become more and more digitalized and we have access to more information than ever before. This has had a major impact on organizations and their work processes. For example have intranets become a common technical groupware to communicate and get relevant information from inside the organization. A common problem related to this is an over-reliance on the technology, where there's not taking into account that some informal and communicative means are difficult to occur through digital resources.The aim of this study is to examine the use of an intranet in a municipality, which consists of many different employees with various work situations.

Att förebygga garantifel inom flerbostadshus

This is a Bachelor?s degree project withthe aim of investigating how to preventwarranty errors in apartment buildings.Our goal has been to compile the mostcommon warranty errors and the reasonbehind them.To achieve this goal, we have studiedthe warranty protocols from fiveprojects. We also performed interviewswith people who work in house productionand people who work with warranties. Thepurpose of the interviews was to findout the underlying causes of warrantyerrors and what one could do to preventthose.Cracks in walls and ceilings were themost frequent remarks on the warrantyprotocols. Remarks on the floors,windows and doors were also common, butnot to the same extent.

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