

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 33 av 91

Skattereformen 1910 : när ett skatteexperiment permanentades

On 1 January 2007 abolished Sweden as one of the last countries in EU the wealth tax. This wealth tax was in Sweden for almost 100 years. As the great debate in the context of tax reform in 1910 was not so much about the introduction of a wealth tax. The discussion was instead on the wealth tax would be proportional or progressive together with the income tax.When the government with and there finance minister, Carl Swartz, presented its government bill, 1910:88, 11 March 1910, the draft regulation on income and wealth tax was said, that now they had finally made a shift in the direct tax to the state. A change had been sought and it would have been great difficulties to be overcome and it would have been deeply entrenched ideas about this tax reform impossible.Despite all the protests from the wealthy in society, so continue this conservative government through reform with the strong support of many conservative politicians who had most to lose from this tax reform.

Inverkan av stora mängder halm som underlag i grisningsboxen på den nyfödda smågrisens temperaturreglering :

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of large amounts of straw in the farrowing pen on thermal regulation of the newborn piglet in different weight classes. 20 sows were given 15 kg of straw in the farrowing pen 2 days prior to until 7 days after parturition. A control group of 18 sows had no straw in the pen. 6 litters from each treatment were observed. Measurements of piglet body temperature were made at 0h, 2h, 4h, 8h and 24h after parturition. At ?8h? the body temperature of the piglets in the Straw group were significantly higher (P=0,0149) than the piglets in the Control group.

Institutioners inverkan på entreprenörsaktiviteter : En empirisk analys av relationen mellan institutioner och entreprenörskap

Entrepreneurship as playing a important role for economic growth has been discussed by a number of theorists such as Joseph Schumpeter and Israel M. Kirzner. William J. Baumol developed these theories as he considered that all entrepreneurship doesn?t lead to economic growth, some entrepreneurial activities may even lead to stagnation.

Administrativ styrning möter akademisk frihet Om Lunds universitets översättning av populära organisationsrecept

In a world of ?formal organizations?, which is constantly exposed for institutionalized super standards and ideas of a what a modern orgnization should be like, the pressure for changes are strong. This is the environment in which Lund University finds itself. Ideas in the beginning of the 21-century is concerning a stronger emfasis on steering, centralisation, re-hieriarchyzation, standardised processes and a new regulation concerning internal control. Through theories of new institutionalism, with conceptions as organizational identity and the expectations of adapting to new ideas, can you track the translation and adaptation that the ideas go through at the university- a decentralised organization where not only freedom has been a concept for the academic parts, but also for the administration.

Moralisk balansering i arbetet : En studie av familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete

Familjeutredare på akut- och utredningshem är en yrkesgrupp som arbetar med utredning av föräldrars omsorgsförmåga. I arbetet träffar familjeutredaren dagligen människor som befinner sig i svåra livsskeenden. Detta ställer krav på familjeutredarens förmåga att hantera emotioner. Studiens syfte var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för familjeutredares emotionella lönearbete, vilka emotionella krav som ställs och hur de hanterar det. Studien utgick från Grundad teori (GT) och datainsamling innefattade sju semistrukturerade intervjuer.

A resource based view of productivity, firm growth and technical management tools : a case study of Swedish large-scale farms

The past and ongoing structural change in Swedish agriculture has led to an increasing number of large-scale farms. The biological factors associated with large-scale farming operations may cause increasing variability, risk and reduced yields due to sub-optimal timing and management of field operations. The theory of economies of scale suggests that largescale production may benefit from lower costs due to scale efficiencies. Thus, large-scale farms may face cost reductions in terms of long term inputs factors, e.g. agricultural machinery.

Solcellspolicy avseende Mikroproducenter : Ett förslag på policy avseende solceller hos privata mikroproducenter till Öresundskraft AB

The development of solar photovoltaic (PV) is increasing,with declining module prices and with a strongenvironmental profile. Policies are developed around theworld to achieve the targets set for renewable energy.In Helsingborg, the local power company Öresundskraft isworking with solar PV to achieve the goals of the city.With their vision: - Energy for a Better World and Powerfor the Region, their work with developing the local solarPV market is continuing and the next step is to create asolar PV policy. Today their offer is 1 SEK/kWh for theexcess electricity delivered to the grid.It turns out that compensating the customer is a vitalpolicy and it has to be dynamic to follow the decisions ofpolitics. The same survey shows indeed, thatenvironmental and technical part is of interest. Solar PVwill be supported locally to act on environmentalsustainability and locally produced electricity and withthis Öresundskrafts vision will be achieved..

Idealflickor och idealpojkar : Förändring av idealbilder i Flickornas Julbok och Pojkarnas Julbok från 1915 till 1970

This essay is a qualitative content analysis of Flickornas julbok andPojkarnas julbok from 1915/1916 to 1920 and from 1966 to 1970. Mainfocus is the representations of gender that is produced in the books, and howthe ideal of the girl and the ideal of the boy is described.The result shows that the girl is undergoing a change of personality. The idealimage of the girl develops from caring, helpful, compassionate, and diligent,to become independent and brave. The Ideal for the boy in the books, bothfrom the 1910s and 1960s, is described as adventurous, courageous, curious,independent, sensible, strong and loyal. In the 1960s books the girl and theboy are described with similar characteristics, but the girl is also expected tobe cute while boy is expected to be technical and knowledgeable.

Lättläst eller svårbegripligt - det är frågan? : Ett examensarbete om lättlästa rutiner för personalen på Eskilshems demensboende

AbstractI believe that everyone have the right to understand and be understood. It doesn´t matter if you are an immigrant, suffer from dyslexia or just don´t like to read.In this study I test the difference between a normal written and an easy-to-read routine. I want to know if there is a way to improve a routine in such a way that even people without pre-understanding can comprehend the content.Routines are an important part in many organisations. Staffroutines in nursinghomes don´t exist just to ensure that caretakers are being taken care of in the right way according to the rules and wishes of the organisation. They also exist to make the work with people who suffer from dementia easier for the staff.Routines are in other words very important.

Validering av delskalan Emotionell Reglering från Social Competence Scale inom projektet PsPATHS i Sverige

Utvärderandet av instrument och metoder är väsentligt för att avgöra validiteten och reliabiliteten av studiers resultat. I den här studien utvärderades delskalan Emotional Regulation. Delskalan ingår i Social Competence Scale (Corrigan, 2003) och användes som underlag för observationer av barn i åldern 4-5 år inom implementeringsförsöket av preventionsprogrammet PsPATHS i Sverige. Totalt deltog 132 barn vid två separata observationstillfällen. Två explorativa faktoranalyser med olika estimationsmetoder (ML och GLS) resulterade i en enfaktorslösning.

Hemmasittande ungdomar och betydelsen av resurser : En studie om sambandet mellan ogiltig skolfrånvaro, psykologiska, emotionella och sociala resurser.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka relationen mellan ogiltig skolfrånvaro och grad av psykologiska, emotionella och sociala resurser. Vi undersökte både hemmasittande ungdomar (N = 13) och normalpopulation (N = 235) i två delstudier med en enkätbaserad tvärsnittsdesign. Resultatet visade att hemmasittande ungdomar upplevde mycket låg grad av psykologiska resurser. Resultaten visade även att graden av ogiltig skolfrånvaro hängde samman med graden av psykologiska resurser. Ogiltig skolfrånvaro hängde även till viss del samman med sociala och emotionella resurser.

Allergifritt hus

This report consists of two parts, out of which the first deals with the planning and designing ofa small house in the Swedish city of Huddinge, using the weather conditions of the Swedish cityof Malmö. The house has to be in accordance with the Swedish building- and constructionregulations, as well as with the limitations in energy consumption given.The house itself has to consist of at least two bedrooms, and blueprints of the house, variousconstructional elements, ventilation, sanitation and electricity have to be drawn. Calculations ofthese aspects also have to be made, to ascertain that the different parts function as they should,and that the dimensions are sufficient.The second part is called ?Allergy free home?, and investigates how indoor climate affects us,and whether it has changed during the last few decades. It also makes an effort to see whetherthe increase of allergies and asthma is correlated with possible changes in indoor climate, andwhether technical solutions might help to handle or even decrease the issues arisen.

Applikationsutveckling baserad på mobilkameran

Mobile application demands a lot of attending to the program code. There are lots of different development platforms that can be used for development. Not only for the specific operating system there are also lots of different cross-platforms that should minimize the amount of program code. This report is comparing the way of creating an android application in the cross platform Xamarin versus in the platform Eclipse using the Android plugin. It contains a part about the architecture of Android and its functions.

Digital doggy bag : iPhone applikation som tar med dina mat- och dryckupplevelser

In this project an iPhone application for storing food and drink experiences was developed with focus on an easy interaction design. The already existing market of similar applications were studied and evaluated to extract their positive and negative features. Interviews with experts within the food and drink business where made in the pre study to get a good perception of how to divide and categorize the sections in the application. To optimize the usability, workshops with potential users with different technical experiences where continuously held during the development of the design.During the development two variants of development environments where evaluated. The final result of the application was developed in the environment that made the best impression and seemed to be the best alternative.The resulting product has a thought out design meant to be easy to understand, even for the first time users.

Åldern i fokus : En studie om hur svensk rätt påverkas av EG-rättens reglering av åldersdiskriminering i arbetslivet

Sweden is a member of the European Union (EU) since 1995. The association results in considerable proportions of the European law, also called EC-law, for Sweden. The legal system has precedence above Swedish law, which forces our national court to take consideration into and interpret the law in the light of EC-law.Sweden doesn?t possess a general legislation of discrimination. An appointed committee investigates the matter and the requirement of a common law, including all discrimination prohibits.

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