

1364 Uppsatser om Technical regulation - Sida 30 av 91

Medarbetares skattning av chefers konflikthanteringsförmåga predicerar chefers självskattade emotionsreglering

Studien syftar till att underso?ka om de ansta?lldas skattning av chefers konflikthanteringsfo?rma?ga kan prediceras baserat pa? chefens emotionsigenka?nningsfo?rma?ga och sja?lvskattade emotionsreglering. Studien genomfo?rdes genom att 32 chefer utfo?rde ett datoriserat emotionsigenka?nningstest (Geneva Multimodal Emotion Portrayal Set) och en emotionsregleringsenka?t (Emotion Regulation Questionnaire). 181 medarbetare till cheferna svarade pa? en webbaserad enka?t ga?llande chefens konflikthanteringsfo?rma?ga (Conflict Resolution Questionnaire).

Mekaniserad plantering med Eco-Planter i södra Sverige :

This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The work was an assignment from Södra Skogsägarna and the aim of the work was to investigate the economical and biological output after mechanical planting with Eco-Planter compared with traditional manual planting. Eco-Planter is a tool for mechanized planting, fixed at the end of the boom on a conventional harvester. The study confirms that manual planting is less expensive under normal conditions. However, the differences between mechanized and manual planting are not that big and with technical development and/or increased labor costs together with an improved work organization the system with Eco-Planter could be competitive. The biological output, e.g. planting result and survival rate, seems to be quite good.

Identifiering av parametrar för tillståndsbedömning av en vattenkraftstation

The report begins with a general inventory of possible technical faults in a hydropower plant and of possible fault indicating measurements. Then an investigation is made concerning a few different faults. Based on this investigation a choice on seal box condition and water leakage is made as problem for a more thorough examination, in which it is concluded that the turbine water leakage is larger when the turbine is put into operation. The examination ultimately results in a computer alarm for faults related to the seal box. Finally a few things are mentioned about flow measurement and pressure measurement in relation to the project as a whole..

Personlig integritet och kreditupplysning

Most people would agree that privacy is a civil right, and that we should not be deprived of this civil right for other than legitimate reasons. The difficulty lies instead in how to decide where the legislative boundary should be drawn for the right to privacy, in order to protect the individual from an undue intrusion of his privacy. There are a number of areas where the right to privacy comes in conflict with opposite interests. One of these areas is credit report. In this master thesis the author discusses questions as, what is the meaning of the word privacy, and whether the protection of privacy is sufficient in the legislation concerning credit report? Also a comparative study of the Swedish and the English regulation is performed.

Utvärdering av ett större bergvärmesystem i en flerbostadsfastighet som har konverterats från fjärrvärme

This master thesis is an in-depth study of an existing heating system at a household cooperative in Uppsala that has been converted from district heating to a bedrock heat pump system. The study focuses on an economical system optimisation of the building?s complete heating system. The aim was to determine how well a heat pump system in large buildings actually work, find out possible ways to optimize the existing system and point out important system parameters for new heat pump installations in larger buildings.The project points out a possible energy cost reduction of 45 % without investment and further cost reductions with equipment investments. A reduction by 30 % is possible by improvements in the regulation system and 15 % is possible by maintaining the brine system.

Detektion av mRNA från en cytokrom c gen belägen i genklustret för kloratmetabolism i Ideonella dechloratans

Abstract:In previous experiments with the bacterium Ideonella dechloratans a probable sequencecoding for a cytochrome c protein (cyt c) was observed, the sequence is assumed to have afunction in the bacterial respiratory chain. Detection attempts have been made to try to findthis protein, but have not succeeded. The purpose of this project is to detect the expressionof mRNA associated with the cytochrome c. And if it is detected, it will also be investigated ifthere is any difference in expression of the mRNA due to aerobic or anaerobic environment.Total RNA was purified from cultures grown under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. cDNAwas then synthesized using reverse transcriptase and subsequently amplified with thespecific primers in a qRT-PCR.qRT-PCR testing showed a distinct amplification of primer product, confirming that I.dechloratans expresses mRNA coding for the cyt c protein.

"Det öppnas en hel värld och man lär sig så himla mycket" : En fenomenografisk studie av föräldrars uppfattningar av barns läspraktik i hemmet

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to see how public libraries have adopted the new e-book readers and how the libraries think the e-readers will affect them in the future. There are three different theories in this study which are used to see how the e-book reader influences the libraries as an innovation and as a remediation from the paper book as well as its evolution. The authors have used four qualitative interviews where they have tried to find the most relevant librarians for the purpose. It was found that all the libraries in the study think that they need to learn about the e-reader and its functions to be able to understand users? needs, but they haven´t agreed if they should have the e-reader as a library loan.

Ett odemokratiskt beslut. En jämförande studie av trängselskattens demokratiska aspekter i Göteborg.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Programvaruutveckling för en elektromagnetisk skanner med fokus på användaren, användarstudier och inlärning

The project was based on a request to improve an already existing program and hardware at the electrical engineering department at the royal institute of technology. For maximum ease of use, tests have been done on students to properly design the program for what it is meant to be used for. These tests have been transcribed and analysed, then brought back to the group in a discussion and then transcribed and analysed again, I call this process the ?four step process? (this process is presented and explained in chapter 6.4.). A part of this master thesis was also to analyse the four step process to enhance validity of this research.The project resulted in a new program with a new graphical view and features to help students and researchers to work with the technical tool for electromagnetic readings of planar objects.

Utredning av solenergi för drivning av sorptiv kylprocess för inomhusluften på Stockholmsarenan

Cooling down the indoor air can be done in several ways. One way is desiccantcooling which will be used at the Stockholm Arena. This method is used in airhandling units that use temperature changes and moisture fluctuations in the air. Oneof the steps is to add heat during the cooling process in order to reduce the relativehumidity of the exhaust air. The air passes thru an adsorptions rotor which thenabsorbs moisture from the supply air.

Jämförande analys av drivlinor och dess bränslesorter för fordon av hybrid, elektrisk och traditionell typ

The development of solar photovoltaic (PV) is increasing,with declining module prices and with a strongenvironmental profile. Policies are developed around theworld to achieve the targets set for renewable energy.In Helsingborg, the local power company Öresundskraft isworking with solar PV to achieve the goals of the city.With their vision: - Energy for a Better World and Powerfor the Region, their work with developing the local solarPV market is continuing and the next step is to create asolar PV policy. Today their offer is 1 SEK/kWh for theexcess electricity delivered to the grid.It turns out that compensating the customer is a vitalpolicy and it has to be dynamic to follow the decisions ofpolitics. The same survey shows indeed, thatenvironmental and technical part is of interest. Solar PVwill be supported locally to act on environmentalsustainability and locally produced electricity and withthis Öresundskrafts vision will be achieved..

Finansiella garantier - en möjlighet att säkerställa ett miljömässigt omhändertagande av uttjänta produkter

Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) is a form of product take-back regulation that requires the producers to manage their products at the end of life. By internalising the products? entire life cycle costs into the market price the ultimate objective of such regulations is to reduce the environmental burden from the products. This Master´s thesis seeks to examine if the total life cycle cost of a product actually is borne by the producer, and if not, predict who will then take this cost. This is done by analysing the market for take-back activities in three different categories of products; electrical and electronic equipment, cars and wind power stations.

Konfigurationshanteringsverktyg (CM-verktyg) och CM-kriterier, dess tillämpning för presentation av migreringsdata

The purpose of this thesis is to present and describe which criteria, according to the systemfamily Configuration Management, should be met when developing a CM-tool to handlemigration data.ACT is a tool developed by Microsoft to gather information about, analyze, test and mitigateapplications in a network when migrating the IT-infrastructure of an organization to a newoperating system. The organization that is being studied wants to present the data about theanalyzed applications in such a way, that a customer can choose what to mitigate and migrate.The goal is therefore to develop a prototype (CM-tool) that will present this data.The study has shown that ACT lacks certain requirements stated by the organization when itcomes to presentation. But when it comes to the rest of the functions, ACT performs as expected.The investigation resulted in specifications and technical solution for the new CM-tool. CMcriteriafor migration data was put forth and parts of the prototype were also developed..

?Det bärbara biblioteket : En kvalitativ studie i hur man inom folkbibliotek resonerar kring läsplattan

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to see how public libraries have adopted the new e-book readers and how the libraries think the e-readers will affect them in the future. There are three different theories in this study which are used to see how the e-book reader influences the libraries as an innovation and as a remediation from the paper book as well as its evolution. The authors have used four qualitative interviews where they have tried to find the most relevant librarians for the purpose. It was found that all the libraries in the study think that they need to learn about the e-reader and its functions to be able to understand users? needs, but they haven´t agreed if they should have the e-reader as a library loan.

Åtta gymnasielärares upplevelser av bedömning och betygssättning i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Utvärderandet av instrument och metoder är väsentligt för att avgöra validiteten och reliabiliteten av studiers resultat. I den här studien utvärderades delskalan Emotional Regulation. Delskalan ingår i Social Competence Scale (Corrigan, 2003) och användes som underlag för observationer av barn i åldern 4-5 år inom implementeringsförsöket av preventionsprogrammet PsPATHS i Sverige. Totalt deltog 132 barn vid två separata observationstillfällen. Två explorativa faktoranalyser med olika estimationsmetoder (ML och GLS) resulterade i en enfaktorslösning.

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