1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 44 av 82
Alkohol- och tobaksvanor inom fotboll : En jämförelse mellan alkohol- och tobaksvanor inom olika divisioner i herrfotboll
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine alcohol and tobacco habits in men's soccer in the in Sweden and compare those habits in different divisions. The method we used in the study was aquantitative survey report. Two teams participated in the survey, one team from the fifth divisionand one from the second division. The respondents (n=34) are born between 1977 and 1996. The results turned out to be very interesting because it both confirm and denies our hypothesis that players in higher divisions use less tobacco and alcohol than players in lower divisions.
Likabehandling : Men på vilka grunder?
The Act Prohibiting Discrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and School Students (2006:67) entered into force on 1 of April 2006. The purpose of this Act is to promote equal rights for children and school students and to combat discrimination on the five discrimination grounds of sex, ethnic origin, religion or other belief, sexual orientation or disability. This Act also has the purpose of combating other degrading treatment. According to the Act the organiser of the activity shall insure that there is an equal treatment plan that aims to promote the equal rights for children and school students irrespective of the five discrimination grounds. Discrimination is a result of the social norms which tends to exclude people who does not fit in and therefore considerers as being abnormal.
Prototyp för skolapp
The consultancy firm Knowit sought a smartphone application for communication between schools and pupils. Together with the students, it was decided to create the app both for Android and for iPhone. The project would produce a prototype app with limited functionality usable as a proof-of-concept in communication with potential customers.The questions that have characterized the work are; what features would be demanded in a school app, how to program user-friendly functionality and how to use object-orientation to design such an app. A question has also mentioned the differences between development for iOS and Android. The work was done in an iterative process in which the students worked together with planning, programming and testing.
Planering, förutsättningar ocheffekter av implementering avsolceller i stadsutvecklingsprojekt.
Today, buildings utilize 40 % of the total energy consumption. New energyrestrictions and directives have entered the construction industry. Photovoltaic is asustainable, clean and quiet solution that integrates well in the urban environment buthave not yet reached a breakthrough on the Swedish market. The conditions for solarenergy production are often set in the early planning stages where they rarely arebeing prioritized.This master of engineering project focuses on identifying problems regardingimplementation of photovoltaic in city development projects and giving suggestions topossible improvements in the planning- and construction process. It also givesrecommendations on how the conditions for energy production can be optimized inthe early zoning stage.By conducting simulations with PVsystV5.21, on three ongoing city developmentprojects in Umeå, Malmö and Stockholm and by carry out and analyzing interviewswith city planners, constructors and architects, some conclusions have been made.Several improvements, both politically, with changes in the subsidization systemand/or instatement of a new law with feed-in tariffs, and within the solar- andconstruction industry itself, with better communication between different parts of theprocess as well as better use of experience, can be made.
Teamarbete hos två tryckerier
Under de senaste 20 åren har teamarbete blivit vanligare, inte minst för att arbete i projektform ökar. Projektformen innebär även att arbete i skiftande eller temporära konstellationer förekommer och därmed blir flexibilitet samt snabb anpassning i grupper en konkurrenskraft. I och med detta ökar behoven av att bygga och stärka grupper. (Sjøvold, 2008, s 10)
Syftet med rapporten är att studera några företag i den grafiska branschens syn på sitt teamarbete och teambuilding genom en enkätundersökning, samt analysera resultatet med teambyggande teorier.
Resultatet av enkäten har gett en översikt hur tryckeriernas anställda upplever sitt teamarbete med tyngdpunkt på mål och strategier, struktur och ansvar, socialt klimat samt kommunikation.
Omorientering och förändring Den ryska utrikespolitiska doktrinen under Vladimir Putin
AbstractThis thesis analyzes the Russian Foreign Policy Doctrine from a broad theoretical perspective, with the aim of describing and explaining the doctrine using a number of theoretical approaches. Russia's foreign policy has undergone substantial changes since Vladimir Putin became president in the year 2000, involving a radical shift in foreign policy objectives and thereby moving away from the more confrontational and distrusting policies which characterized the Boris Jeltsin regime. Putins doctrine, based on pragmatism and seeking partnership and collaboration with the West, can be described as a near revolutionary re-orientation of Russia's foreign policy guidelines, meaning a transformation of the country's self image which implies a rejection of great power status and a search for a new role in the international community.Our thesis has examined explanatory variables such as the domestic political situation in Russia, the contemporary international system and President Vladimir Putins system of beliefs in order to describe and explain the doctrine. Our results show that the doctrine is largely a product of Putins personality, values and beliefs, but also to a large extent a consequence of necessities, namely the poor Russian economy and the fact that the country no longer can withstand an all out conflict with the West involving an excessive arms race.Keywords: Vladimir Putin, pragmatism, realism, domestic politics, radical change..
Lärande i andra vågen : En studie om lärande inom företag efter implementering av nytt affärssystem
Introducing a new type of IT-structure means a change that employees within an organization must adapt to. Today, many companies have implemented information technology in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and find themselves in th so-called Second Wave stage where an after work is ongoing with continual improvement that involves changes that employees need to understand and act upon. To learn how to work with these recurrent misadventures is of importance because it is seen as a critical factor in order to take advantage of the ERP system and its benefits. To study this a study was conducted through personal interviews at Apoteksgruppen AB which a few years ago introduced a new ERP system. There the authors saw that employees learned in different ways depending on the position, and that the more responsibility this person had the greater freedom this person had to resolve their problems and therefore learned more effectively.
Management - våra reflektioner och lärdomar
Uppsatsens titel: Management ? våra lärdomar och reflektioner Seminariedatum: 14 januari, 2004 Ämne/kurs: Management FEK 261, 20 poäng, magisternivå Författare: Emelie Bischoff, Staffan Cederwall, Christoffer Ekström och Daniel Lindström Handledare: Heléne Tjärnemo Företag: Sekretessbelagt Fem nyckelord: Management, lärdomar, reflektion, grupputveckling, självinsikt Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna rapport är att presentera våra lärdomar utifrån de områdena inom management, vi skaffat oss insikt i. Metod: 20 poäng projektarbete med en kvalitativ ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Management, grupprocess, team, ledare, chef, strateg, projektledning Empiri: Djupintervjuer med ledningsgrupp, gruppövningar, självinsikts- och personlighetstest, intervjuer med professorer och lärare vid EHL. Slutsatser: Vi svarar på vårt syfte genom att presentera våra viktigaste lärdomar utifrån oss själva, både som individer och som grupp, samt kommunikation och projekt..
En STARK specialtidskrift : Arbetet med att ta fram en grafisk mall till en specialtidskrift från STARK Magasin, samt en diskussion om hur båda tidskrifterna kan göras om till e-format
The goal with this project was to develop a graphic template for a new magazine about running, STARK Löpning. Besides the looks of the graphic elements, sections in the magazine would be developed. Finally, a discussion is made about how the magazine can be remade into an electronic format.Content analyses has been made regarding magazines with both a main and a specific orientation, to review the graphic relationship between them. A content analysis regarding a competing magazine about running was also made.An unstructured interview was done with Art Director Petrus Iggström, to find out his way of working when he creates new graphic templates for magazines.The discussion concerning the electronic format was done based on previous research in the subject.The graphic relationship between main and specific magazines turned out to not be significant, they had few similarities. It was often showed that elements regarding the magazine s?identity had been changed, for example text fonts.
Optimering av ett småskaligtvattenkraftsystem
This master thesis covers the seasonal planning of a small scale hydropower system. The system in this study is owned and operated by Mälarenergi Vattenkraft AB. The total system consists of 4 different main rivers with 24 hydropower stations and several dams. The total installed power in the system is 43.75 MW. Most of the hydropower stations are regarded as small scale hydropower stations and thus entitled to green certificates.In this report the issue of planning is formulated as an optimization problem.
Bibliotek Plattan : en plats för inspiration, lärande och möten?
The main focal point of this study is about public libraries and its possible roles in today's society. Going from having had a clear educational orientation, public libraries has with time amassed several other roles, which all need to relate to the swedish law regarding libraries and other governing documents, as well as business plans. This thesis focus on a qualitative investigation, which was conducted through in-depth interviews with librarians and other staff at a public library in Stockholm, named bibliotek Plattan, to ascertain the prevailing opinions within this facility about the role of libraries and librarians. The choice of examine this particular library was based on the fact that bibliotek Plattan differs from the public library in general and only offers material for adults. Their collection of litterature is primarily based on fiction novels.
Inhysningssystem för växande ungtjurar
The purpose of this study was, if possible, to find a housing system for growing bulls that was as optimal as possible for the animal welfare. In order to select housing systems you must take into account the size of the group, body weight and the type of floor. Seven of the international most common housing systems were compared, straw bedding, deep straw bedding, sliding straw bedding, concrete slatted floor, rubber coated slatted floor, cubicles and feeding cubicles. Studies that have examined the proportion of tail, claw and leg injuries and the presence of unnatural behavior in the different systems. In summary, all studies showed that soft underlay were beneficial for the animals in terms of the proportion of bone lesions and swellings.
Var finns lekplatsen? : Ett examensarbete om orienterbarhet i en parkmiljö
Detta examensarbete har skrivits inom ämnet informationsdesign, som en del av kandidatprogrammet Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Rumslig gestaltning. Platsen som har studerats är Folkets park i Malmö, som i skrivande stund står inför en större ombyggnation. Detta examensarbete har både tagit utgångspunkt i parkens nuvarande, samt föreslagna utformning, vilket gjort att jag under processen behövt växla mellan dessa två olika perspektiv. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram ett koncept som kan förbättra målgruppens möjligheter att orientera sig i parken efter den föreslagna ombyggnationen. Genom teorier, platsanalyser och intervjuer har människors beteendemönster vid informationssökning i rumsliga sammanhang undersökts, med särskild fokus på hur detta kan fungera i Folkets park.
Safire : Unik brandvarnare med smart design för ökad säkerhet
Can you ensure that your smoke detector will sense fire and sound the alarm in the middle of the night?In 80 percent of the cases where emergency pulls out, smoke detectors are missing where the fire occurred. In the year of 2009, 118 people in Sweden died in fires ? most of them would have survived if there had been a functioning smoke detector.Earlier development of smoke detectors has mainly been focusing on components that sense smoke and alert in case of fire. But in most cases the problem has not been whether the smoke detector was working or not as fully assembled, but rather that it was missing.
Samhällskunskap - ett ämne i tiden? : En studie av globaliseringens inverkan på samhällskunskapen
In preparation for the autumn term in 2011, the Swedish elementary school adopted newsyllabuses regarding,inter alia, the civic education (Sw. Samhällskunskap). The civiceducation has traditionally been a disciplinary subject with a main purpose of mediatingdemocratic values as well as providing general orientation in the society. Generally, the civiceducation intends to reflect the world in which people live in, being a complex society whichto a large extent is regularly affected by global aspects and developments.The purpose of this study is to review all the elementary school?s syllabuses relating to thecivic education with specific focus on the globalisation perspective.