

1728 Uppsatser om Teaching supervision - Sida 56 av 116

Att vara mellanchef i Svenska kyrkan : en studie om den prästerliga mellanchefen i tio stora pastorat efter strukturförändringen 1 januari 2014

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Vuxna suzukibarn talar ut - En studie om konsekvenserna av Suzukimetoden i fem vuxnas liv

Title: Adults who have been suzuki children speak out - A study of the consequences of the Suzuki method in five adults' lives. This study deals with a quite unexplored field: the consequences that the Suzuki method, that among other things is based on learning by listening and early beginning, can have on a child's life. This can be useful for those generally interested, for Suzuki teachers and even for those who are critical to the Suzuki method and have asked for more research about it. I have performed interviews with five adults who have all grown up with the Suzuki method of learning in Sweden. Based on their answers I have also analysed their experiences in relation to Suzuki's view on child development, the thirteen basic principles of the Suzuki method, Howard Gardner's opinion on the Suzuki method and previous research in Sweden.

betraktaren och objektet

The aim of this thesis is to study what conceptions of literature that are present in the teacher magazine Svenskläraren between the years 1985 and 2012. In other words: what is the underlying view on literature's value as a teaching aid and why should we study it in school? I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education. A critical methodology has been used to study the material. In my results I distinguish three conceptions of literature that are present in Svenskläraren.

?Anti-vertigo-systemet behöver kalibreras? : En undersökning av Bamsetidningens läsbarhet i förhållande till målgruppen

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Det samiska språket : i det politsiak arbetet kring smaiska frågor

The aim of this study is to investigate oral peer review on argumentative speech and to study the attitudes towards this peer review. The investigation was performed in an up-per secondary school class, and it focused on the different types of oral responses students give each other. In addition, the study investigated in what way the students experience this type of peer review. The results show that students reflect on form and performance as well as content, but they place more emphasis on form and performance than content. Students are positive about peer review and its importance for their progress.

Minus är inte bara att ta bort : Subtraktion i åk 3

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevers användning av lösningsstrategier i subtraktion samt lärares och läromedlens framställning av dessa, för att kunna komma fram till hur en framgångsrik undervisning i subtraktion, med fokus på lösningsstrategier, kan se ut. Undersökningen genomfördes i tre klasser i åk 3. Metoder i studien var elevenkät, intervju med lärare och läromedelsgranskning. Data bearbetades med hjälp av en egenkonstruerad begreppsmodell utifrån olika lösningsstrategier. Resultatet visar på en större variation av lösningsstrategier i undervisningen än i elevernas uträkningar.

På spaning efter det svenska språket på Internet : en undersökning av chattar och diskussionsforum

I denna uppsats undersöks det svenska språket i öppen kommunikation på Internet för att se om det förekommer ett gemensamt språkbruk för både synkron och asynkron kommunikation, närmare bestämt för chatt respektive diskussionsforum.Bredvid uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte följer också två frågor:- Skiljer sig det studerade språkbruket åt mellan olika åldersgrupper?- Vilken syn har chatt- och forumdeltagare på sitt eget skrivande i de olika sammanhangen?.

En studie av kvantitet i gotländska och skånska.

Föreliggande studie är ett försök att få fram relevant information kring realisering av kvantitet i två svenska dialekter. Föremål för undersökningen är eliciterade enstaviga minimala ord från två talare av gotländska samt två talare av skånska. Materialet, som spelats in av dialektprojektet SweDia 2000, ger möjlighet att i flera dialekter studera kvantitetsfenomenet med hjälp av samordnade, jämförbara ordlistor..

Om språkets och bildens betydelse i TV-reklam

Med utgångspunkt för tre forskningsområden: semiotik, pragmatik och kognition, har det gjorts ett försök i att belysa om språket och bilden har skilda roller i den moderna TV-reklamen. Ett noga urval av dagens TV-reklamfilmer användes som underlag för den empiriska undersökningen undersökningen. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna testades reklamfilmerna ur två kognitiva aspekter: kognition och affekt. Resultatet som framkom i undersökningen ligger som grund för en diskussion huruvida det går att tala om skilda roller för språket och bilden..

Det lustfyllda lärandet - : ?Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter? som ett led i läs- och skrivinlärningsprocessen

The purpose of our study was to examine how three teachers and four students relate to the program "Fem myror" in teaching. We have been through qualitative interviews with two teachers and one special teacher received a detailed picture of how their literacy programs made in relation to the "Fem myror." Qualitative interviews have also been made with four students, a boy and three girls, in order to examine their attitude to the program. From educators? interview answers, we think we can say that the theory and practice conform to what we read in the literature may be associated with what we observed during our time in the business. The study has shown that all teachers believe the program will be a good educational tool to take to read and write.

Interkulturell samlevnadsundervisning? : En textanalytisk undersökning av två läromaterial inom sex- och samlevnadsområdet.

This paper is intending to examine the intercultural aspects of two teaching aids used in Swedish schools today. How does the material take the students prerequisite in consideration? Is every student included in the material in order with the standpoint and laws in the Swedish school system? And if they are not, who is the outsider in this occasion? With intercultural pedagogy lies the idea that everyone is unique and that teachers has an opportunity to develop and make student grow mentally. Intercultural endeavor is to learn to accept our differences and see them as assets instead. The theory?s used in this paper in mostly the postcolonial theory with its dividing between "us" and "the others"..

"Är en omogen människa grön?" : Lärares strategier och tankar kring ordinlärning för elever med svenska som andraspråk.

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Specialpedagogiska insatser - på vilket sätt för att ge effekt? : Betydelsen av insatsernas tidpunkt och innehåll för barn i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter

I denna studie analyseras skriftspråksutvecklingen hos sex elever i riskzonen för läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Syftet med studien är att klarlägga vilken roll specialpedagogiska insatser spelar för elevers skrift-språkliga utveckling. Har innehållet i stödet någon betydelse för elevernas utveckling och vad händer när stödet uteblir? Studien fokuserar på tidig kontra sen identifiering av elevernas läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt påföljande insatser. I detta sammanhang analyseras också hur dessa insatser påverkar elevernas självförtroende och motivation för skolarbetet.

RTLS - real time location systems : an inventory study for agriculture applications and requirements

The trend towards increasingly large farming units raises questions regarding how to better monitor production. Larger units make the impact from possible errors more severe, which increases the pressure on management supervision. To cope with management issues, prevent errors and handle increased demands on traceability and documentation, the Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) concept is making its way into various parts of agriculture. In sectors outside agriculture, RTLS are already being used successfully to track and locate items through nodes at different levels of accuracy, such as room level or the relative or absolute position. Empirical data can be received in real time from the nodes.

Finns det något samband mellan stormusslors (unionoida) föryngring och utsläpp i närheten av dess levnadsmiljö? : en jämförelse mellan vattendrag i Västra Götaland

Common species of freshwater mussels may, like the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) have a drastic decline in number and there is several reasons, like sedimentation, a decline of host fishes, introduction of alien species, nutrition leakages from agriculture and pollutants of medic drugs and poison. Ann Gustavsson made in the year of 2007 a study over rejuventation of freshwater great mussels in nine watersystems and considered that the rejuventation within the populations were all along the line poor. This study orients from her work and points to determine if there is a connection between the poor juventation and pollution of nitrogen and phosphorous from industries and private sanitations. The study was performed with the software program ArcGIS9.2 to take out drainage areas for the concerned habitats and contact was made with the concerned authoritys. When it comes to supervision of private sanitations is it the countys and for industries is it the county administrative board.

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