

1728 Uppsatser om Teaching supervision - Sida 37 av 116

Matematikundervisning i två olika länder : En jämförelse mellan polska och svenska pedagogers arbetssätt på lågstadiet

Mathematics is a central topic in today?s society. There are many different approaches each teacher has their own way. In this essay, I compare four teachers? mathematics teaching in two different countries with regard to ways of learning, particularly in the four operations.

Skyddsvillkor för areella näringar i 3 kap. FBL: En rättfallsstudie

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

Därför väljer vi : om några lärare val av

.The Whole language program is in Sweden generally referred to as ?Kiwimetoden? - ?the Kiwi program? (author?s direct translation) partly due to the fact that the Whole language program originates from New Zealand. Whole language is basically a literacy program and approaches literacy from a holistic point of view. Children learning to read and write should do so in the same natural way children learn to speak their native language which is in the context of authentic language as a whole. In Sweden the program is generally practiced together with a commercial and pre-organised material called ?kiwi? or ?Stjärnsvenska?.

Med framgång i sikte : En studie av forskningens syn på gynnsamma faktorer för läs- och skrivutveckling

I denna uppsats jämförs och diskuteras gynnsamma faktorer för elevers läs- och skrivutveckling. Jag lyfter fram tre olika forskares syn på vad som kan ha en positiv inverkan för elevers utveckling på området och sätter det i relation till gynnsamma faktorer för lärande i stort. Frågeställningarna berör likheter i forskarnas metoder, lärarrollen samt lärande utifrån individ- och grupperspektiv. Som jag skrev ovan så fokuseras arbetets kring tre huvudtexter. Dessa texter är Judith Langers Effective Literacy Instruction (2002), Palincsar och Browns Reciprocal Teaching (1984) och Graham, Harris och Santangelos Self-Regulated Strategy Development (2008). Dessa tre texter ger tillsammans en bild av faktorer som kan vara av betydelse för både läs- och skrivutveckling. I resultaten av studien kommer bland annat vikten av att eleverna lär sig strategier fram.

Narrare humanum est (Att berätta är mänskligt) : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om berättande som undervisningsstrategi i historia

The purpose of this essay has been to do a study on narration as a strategy in history education. By taking a starting point in the perspective that Shulman calls ?wisdom of practice? and other studies I interviewed three teachers that were all experts in narration. This to have an insight in how they looked at the oral narration and on its role in history education. Is there a common view among the interviewed techers and to what extent are the traits and qualities of story telling described in litterature linked to the teachers? answers?My results show that the oral narration is not a straight and exclusive teaching strategy; it differs from teacher to teacher.

Matematik och Språk : Betydelsen av språket i matematik för andraspråkselever

This paper investigates the methods used by teachers when teaching elementary mathematics to children with Swedish as their second language. The original mathematical terminology derives from Latin, Greek and Arabic, this terminology is not of great importance in this paper, the everyday language spoken in elementary classes when teaching mathematical concepts and calculations to younger children is. The use of everyday language is an advantage for children with Swedish as their second language as mathematical problems presented in a more plain language is easier to comprehend and solve than problems in mere numerals. Special teachers in home language classes often have the task of clarifying the mathematical concepts, introduced to the children during mathematical lessons, in the pupils first acquired language. A qualitative method was used in this study.

IT-Instrument : En intervju-och observationsundersökning kring användandet av digitala instrument inom undervisningen i ämnena historia och engelska i en gymnasieskola

This essay is a study of the use of IT technology by teachers of English and History at a Swedish upper secondary school. It is based on four interviews and four observations. In my analysis of these I have made use of the theory of Social Shaping of technology, a theory which puts emphasis on a teacher´s purpose regarding the use of IT technology in order to empower the teaching process. As a researcher I aim to explore the reasoning on the part of the teacher and to that end I use the method of interviews and observations. This study shows different ways of using IT technology varying from one teacher to another.

PLATSCHEFENS FÖRMÅGA ATT ÖKA PRODUKTIVITETEN - en jämförande studie av fyra arbetsplatser hos Peab -

studier visar en låg produktivitet jämfört med andra branscher men också komplexiteten av produktivitetsmätningar. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka platschefens roll och vilka faktorer som påverkar förmågan att få ut produktiviteten på en byggarbetsplats. Fallstudien genomfördes på fyra av Peabs projekt och frågeställningen besvarades med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i form av intervjuer och enkätundersökningar. Vidare undersöks produktivitetspåverkande faktorer såsom kommunikation, motivation, kompetens och samarbete. Vid jämförelse används en incitamentkvot som ställs i relation till enkätundersökningarna och intervjuerna.Resultatet visar tydliga skillnader mellan platschefernas förmågor, arbetssätt och egenskaper som leder till en skillnad i produktivitet på arbetsplatserna.Slutsatsen visar vilka egenskaper och arbetssätt som tenderar i att ge en hög produktivitet..

Utvärdering av strömmätningar vid Höga Kusten : Strömmars betydelse för lokalisering av odlingslokaler och utformning av kontrollprogram i kustområden

A study was made to evaluate how current measurementscould help to determine how particles from fish farms are dispersed. During sixweeks of the summer 2012, two different current measurements were conducted.One of them consisted of measurements each fifth minute at 5 m and 15 m atthree locations for 14-16 days each. The other consisted of profilemeasurements at each location at four times during the period of six weeks. Forthe current measurements two instruments (model RCM 9) were used. A two weekmeasurement can give enough data to make an evaluation of how the currents at alocation will transport litter from a fish farm.

Förekomsten av ersättningsnivåer i internationell expropriationsrätt ? en jämförelse av Nordiska länder

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

När kritiska elever är målet. Att undervisa i källkritik på gymnasiet

This essay examines teaching in source criticism in upper secondary school history education. Two questions are to be answered: 1. What are the conditions like for teaching source criticism? 2. What opportunities for further development in teaching source criticism are there? In order to set a standard for what knowledge and skills in source criticism the students need, I design a four step model for good source criticism based on the historical science.

Skolan i demokratisk utveckling : Förändringar i lärar- och elevrelationer

This work is designed to monitor developments in the relationship between teacher and student in the school environment, but also outside, from the 1950s until today. The survey was based on four interviews with teachers in the same age, and based on their life stories. Their experiences range from student to novice teachers and a long working life until retirement. In addition, all four children has a parent perspective. The following issues have been focused:                      1.What factors have been crucial in teaching elevrelationens development from the 1950s up     to today?                      2.

Storskaliga markinvesteringar - framgångsrik utvecklingsstrategi eller hot mot lokala försörjningar? : En fallstudie av Kalangala palmoljeprojekt i Uganda

Education systems face a number of challenges regarding social justice, diversity, difference, and inclusion and membership for all students in the groups that schools create. This invokes questions of how well these challenges are met in curricula and teaching materials. Through discourse analysis of eight Swedish geographical textbooks, this essay aims to seek out the perspectives surrounding difference within the subject of geography. It concludes that the idea of fixed homogenous cultures as meaningfull in differentiating among people dominates throughout the latter half of the 20th century and during the last decade. In addition, it concludes that the discourse surrounding diversity in Swedish geographical teaching materials mainly has a binary liberal view of plurality focused around tolerance.

H?llbar arbetsmilj? i en distanskontext: En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers tillv?gag?ngss?tt p? globala f?retag

The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the representation of fiction authors who have written in languages other than Swedish in educational school books within the Swedish subject. This is done in relation to the school's promotion of cultural diversity, a globalized world and to the Swedish curriculum. The study is a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative analysis that takes its starting point in six educational books for the courses Swedish 1 and 2. The analysis shows that all study materials include a broad representation of authorships from Europe and the USA. The selection of authors from other parts of the world is, however, limited.

Detaljeringsgraden i dagens detaljplaner, en studie av femtio planer för nyexploatering av större bostadsområden

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

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