

5317 Uppsatser om Teaching methods - Sida 42 av 355

Matematiskt innehåll och förmågor : Lärares tankar om en uppgift i matematik

Lärare planerar undervisning och väljer vad eleverna ska arbeta med. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka lärares tankar om vilket matematiskt innehåll elever möter samt vilka förmågor elever tränar i arbetet med en uppgift i matematik. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer med fem lärare som fick svara på frågor kring en uppgift i matematik. De övergripande frågorna handlade om matematiskt innehåll och förmågor, men även uppgiftens koppling till Lgr11 efterfrågades. Lärarnas svar kopplades till de specifika kunskaper som behövs för att undervisa i matematik.Studien visade att lärarna i hög utsträckning sorterade in uppgiften inom området kombinatorik och att de framförallt såg uppgiften som en problemlösningsuppgift.

Svensk- eller mångkultur? : En studie av hur lärare förhåller sig till läroplanens begrepp; kulturell mångfald, svensk kultur & gemensamt kulturarv

This essay is a study of how teachers in social studies relate to three central curriculum concepts; cultural diversity, swedish culture and common cultural heritage.Through unstructured interviews, I have taken part of two practicing school teachers interpretations and understandings of the concepts and their practical approach for teaching about identity. An area mentioned in the core content of the courses Social studies 1a1 and Social Studies 1b.The conclusion of my study is that teachers interpret the key concepts in a transparent manner. It is believed that the main task is to problematize the concepts rather than define them. In contrast to this, the practical teaching is largely based on normative values. An open discussion and a normative practice can be said to balance right on the border between the schools values ??and the demands of the curriculum on transposition of the current culture..

Mångfaldsarbete i skolans organisation och undervisning

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the concept of ?managing diversity? and to describe how it appears in the Swedish school, in the classroom as well as in the organisation. To support the study, interviews have been carried out with principals and teachers in three different Swedish schools.The thesis is divided into two sections; a literature study and an interview section where we describe the thoughts and knowledge of principals and teachers. From a diversity point of view, we discuss the relationship between documents, organisation and teaching.The study described in this thesis shows that managing diversity has not yet had its break-through in a Swedish school context. The official curriculum of the Swedish school system values diversity, although the directives are unclear as to how the managing of diversity is to be carried out in reality.

Lärare - status - profession. En retorisk analys av artiklar knutna till lärares situation på 1960- och 2010-talet

The aim with this study is to investigate how the role of the teacher has changed and how society has influenced the teachers' situation in the 1960s and 2010s, with a focus on teaching in secondary school. Starting in the late 1980s when the concept of profession was introduced to the Swedish teachers, many claim that a deprofessionalization for teachers started at this time. Others say that already in the 1960s, the teachers status in the society started to decrease.The method I have used is a rethorical analysis of articles in Swedish Teacher Union Journals. I have also availed myself of one article in the newspaper and articles in online magazines. The rethorical analysis aims to investigate whether the articles give an enthusiastic or dystopian approach to the teaching role, in a similar way as Thomas Karlsohn have used the concepts..

Flow i undervisningen - en studie om lärares uppfattning om begreppet flow

Det här arbetet handlar om flow och hur begreppet samverkar med olika aktiviteter i våra liv. Bakgrunden till flow förklaras inledningsvis i kapitlet om teoretisk bakgrund och sätts senare i relation till inre förändring, socialt samspel, fysisk aktivitet, kommunikation, samt pedagogik. Syftet med arbetet är att ge svar på hur flow kan användas i undervisning. Som metod för datainsamling har jag gjort en gruppintervju med fyra lärare aktiva vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Gruppintervjun fungerade som ett vardagligt samtal mellan fyra personer och resultatkapitlet är sammanställt i sex rubriker: Introduktion; Personernas uppfattning om flow; Vägar till flow och hinder på vägen; Gruppflow; Flow, kvalitet och kommunikation; samt flow och undervisning.

En nyanserad eller homogen judendom? : Hur fem religionsläroböcker för gymnasiet framställer judendomen

This essay aims to examine if five high school textbooks represent Judaism as homogeneous or diverse. The purpose is to see if textbooks add a diverse or homogeneous view on Judaism. The methods for this essay are a qualitative content analysis and an image analysis. The results tells us that both homogeneous and heterogeneous tendencies can be found in the textbooks to a certain extent. The homogeneous tendencies can be explained as an aftereffect of the textbooks? authors becoming limited by their schedule, amount of pages and so on.

Hur gör lärare när de lär barn att läsa och skriva? : En studie av fem erfarna lärares arbete vid läs- och skrivinlärningsstarten.

I den här uppsatsen behandlas lärares arbete vid läs- och skrivinlärning i år 1. I dagens samhälle är det av stor vikt att varje individ utvecklar en god läs- och skrivförmåga. Forskning visar på att lärarens kompetens kan vara avgörande för att alla elever ska utvecklas till goda läsare och skrivare. Därför har jag intresserat mig för hur lärare arbetar. Jag har, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem verksamma lärare, undersökt hur deras arbetssätt ser ut samt tittat på vad som förenar dem och skiljer dem åt i detta arbete.

Företagsvärdering- : En studie i vilka värderingsmetoder som används vid värdering av tillverkande företag respektive tjänsteföretag.

ABSTRACTSeminar date: 2008-06-04Subject: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationAuthors: Charlotta Lind Therese LundinBorn: 1982 Born: 1982Västerås VästeråsTutor: Ulla PetterssonTitle: Company valuation- A study in which valuation methods that areused in determining the value of producing companies and servicecompanies.Problem: According to the theory there are a number of different valuation methods which can be used to determine the value of producing companies and service companies. The thesis research problem is:- Which valuation methods does a valuator use in practice todetermine the value of producing companies and servicecompanies?- Does the valuator take different types of information andkey ratios in consideration when valuating producingcompanies and service companies?Purpose: The purpose is to examine and describe which valuation methods a valuator uses to valuate producing companies and servicecompanies in an acquisition.Method: In order to achieve the purpose of the thesis a quantitative survey and three qualitative interviews, made by email, has been carried out.Conclusion: The conclusion of the thesis is that discounted cash flow and relative valuation are used to determine the value of producingcompanies and service companies. The valuators choice ofvaluation method is not generally affected by the nature of thecompany?s operations.Keywords: Company valuation, valuation methods, producing companies,service companies, relative valuation, discounted cash flow.

Strindbergsbilden idag : En analys av åtta litteraturhistorier för gymnasiet

The purpose of this study has been to analyze the image of Strindberg in today's upper secondary school. How is the author portrayed in the textbooks and teaching aids, and which parts of the authorship does the textbook and teaching aids authors choose to focus on?  This work has been implemented in the form of a textbook and teaching aids survey where eight textbooks for the upper secondary school from 1989 to 2008 has been analyzed with focus on the sections that consider Strindberg and his authorships.What emerges when studying these textbooks and teaching aids is that they give a rather synonymous picture of the man and the author Strindberg. Big focus is aimed on private life and the scandals that the author more or less voluntary became a part of. The majority of the textbooks treats matters as ?the misogynist? and ? the critic of society? and the so called Inferno crisis, and also when one discusses the literary works it is done in the light of the author's own life and accomplishments.When it comes to the author's literary production it is a very limited selection that is presented to the students.

Rytm- och pulsutlärning till klassiska violinister : Hur ser undervisningen ut?

Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur fiolpedagoger på en kommunal musikskola undervisar i ämnet rytm och puls. Det saknas mer omfattande forskning inom området och vi ville därför göra en fördjupande studie som behandlar denna frågeställning. Det didaktiska perspektivet är vår teoretiska utgångspunkt och studien har sitt fokus på vilka hjälpmedel och metoder pedagogerna använder sig av när de lär ut.De metoder vi använde för att få svar på våra frågor var den kvalitativa intervjun samt videoobservation. De båda informanterna som medverkar i studien arbetar och verkar idag som fiolpedagoger på en kommunal musikskola. Resultaten visar på vilka olika sätt de båda informanterna undervisar i ämnet rytm och puls.

Uppgradering av biogas i systemperspektiv med avseende på miljöpåverkan och kostnader

Swedish biogas is currently produced mainly by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludgeat sewage treatment plants, landfills and anaerobic digestion of household or industrialwaste. Also cattle ma-nure from farms can be used to produce biogas. Upgradingbiogas represents an increase in methane concentration from about 65 % to about 97%. In addition, particles and contaminants must be sepa-rated from the upgradedbiogas. There are various methods for upgrading and this report compares sixdifferent methods with respect to environment and economy: water scrubber,Biosling, cryo technology, chemical absorption, Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) andmembrane separation.According to the used ORWARE model, chemical adsorption with amine has the leastenvironmen-tal impact (methane emissions) and the lowest costs.

Kommunikation i multiagentsystem

Communication is an important part of any multi-agent system. There are different ways of communicating and they have different effects on a multi-agent system. This project describes and evaluates two different ways of communication, implicit and explicit. To compare the two methods, two experiments have been executed. The result of the experiments have been compared and discussed.

Involvera flera : brukarmedverkan i parkplanering

The Civil Engineering office in Skellefteå needs to develop the users' participation in the planning of parks and playgrounds. In order to get such a procedure to work one have to find a method that can work in the daily activity. My work aims to find such a method and to implement it in practice. Apart from helping the Parks departement to find an functional method I will also develop a deepened knowledge about users?participation wich can be very useful i my future profession. This work can be divided in three stages.

Framtagande av kravspecifikation för standardsystem

There are several methods and models within the areas of software engineering on how to proceed during a software development process. For each of these methods and models there are benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you choose to look at them. A difference of principle between the different models is that they either advocate iterative development or not. In parts of software engineering one makes use of different methods depending on which is most fitting in a specific situation. There are several methods on how to recieve more qualitative data from the end-users during the requirement collection, but the reappearing pattern is still user centric participation, which means that the user participates more actively in part of or the entire development process.

Pedagogik och Lärande : Infact - En grafisk inlärningsprocess

This report of 10 credits is a C ? level essay in informatics.The report presents the result of our investigation. The purpose is to answer our problem statements:?How does computer-based graphical pedagogical tools work compared to traditional teaching aids? What is the users view upon the content? Is the information too hard or too easy? Does the structure work better than the traditional website design??Infact is a system that has as its primary goal to present information in a pedagogical way to let users of all ages and sexes learn from the contents. The information shown on the web page www.forskning.se is about Swedish and international research and the sites primary target users are high school students.In our investigation we asked a total of sixteen students divided into three groups a number of questions where after we started a discussion that we hoped would yield some answers about Infact and the homepage in general.Our main conclusion is that Infact is a good tool to use side by side with the textbooks and the traditional teaching aids.

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