

3747 Uppsatser om TeachersŽ profession - Sida 1 av 250

En ny vÀrld? : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollÀrare ser pÄ sin första tid i yrket

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how four preschool teachers experienced their start in the profession as a preschool teacher. The questions in the stydy were as follows: What kind of expectations did the preshool teachers have before the start in the profession? What did the preshool teachers experience as difficulty and opportunity at the start in the profession? How do they think now about their professional development during the early period in the profession? The empirical material, I got through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting point was to take the hermeneutic research perspective, aimed for interpreting and understanding. Theories of Socialization and socialization for teachers, socio-cultural theories and theories of tacit knowledge have been used to analyze the material.

LÀrarlegitimationen : En studie kring lÀrarlegitimationen och dess betydelse för lÀraryrkets status

The aim with this study was to gain an understanding for teaching as an profession, and get a bigger knowledge about the certification of teaching and what it means for the teaching occupations status. To get an answer for this study two methods were used. The first method was a survey with questions that were sent out to working high school teachers in the North of Sweden. The second method was a document analysis of articales from three Swedish dailynewspapers. To analyse the results from this study a theory about professions is used troughout the whole paper.This studies resluts shows that profession as an definition is hard to undestand.

MÀnniskan och lÀrarprofessionen : En livsberÀttelse

The aim of this essay is to get a deeper understanding of a teachers' profession and to get knowledge of how earlier experiences can influence you as a teacher. I have interviewed a female teacher, Pia to get this understanding. As a tool to get the teacher's whole story I used the life story method. In her profession she is influenced by her own importance of security as a child.Her own needs of security has given her an deeper understanding for pupils like herself during the childhood; insecure and afraid. Her understanding for all kinds of behavior among the children has increased by her own experiences.The story shows that Pia is frustrated by the fact that she can't control her own working time.

LÀrares uppfattning om yrkets statusförÀndring under 30 Är : En intervjuundersökning om Ätta lÀrares uppfattning om yrkets statusförÀndring

This paper is about how the teaching profession have got a changed status from the perspective of the teachers. The papers cause is to find out how the teachers think that their status have changed in a period of 30 years. Interviews have been done with eight middle school teachers from two schools in the municipality of SödertÀlje. The answers from the interviews have been put in relation to theories in research of professions. Three hypotheses have been put up to apply the theories on the answers.

Före och efter Lpfö, 98; Fyra förskollÀrares reflektioner om arbetet före och efter införandet av lÀroplanen.

Since 1998, the Swedish preschool has its own curriculum and with this the preeschool became the first step of a lifelong learning. The aim of this study was to explore how preschool teachers perceive their work before and after the Swedish curriculum was inserted. A qualitative method was used in this study. Four different in-depth interviews were conducted with preschool teachers, all experienced working at least before 1993. The curriculum theory and curriculum history were used to analyze the empirical data.

Pedagogiskt ansvarig : en kvalitativ studie om förskollÀrares tankar kring sitt pedagogiska ansvar

In the previous curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, the educational responsibility was documented belonging to all the team members. On the 1st of July 2011 a new curriculum was introduced to the preschool, Lpfö 98/10, where it is documented that the educational responsibility now belongs to the preschool teachers. According to curriculum experts at the Swedish school board this educational responsibility is not new, just a clarification of the preschool teacher?s educational responsibility.This study is a qualitative study and the purpose was to interview the preschool teachers about their thoughts concerning their educational responsibility. The purpose was also to examine if their educational responsibility has affected their role in the team at the preschool and if they believe that this has any significance for their profession.My result of the study shows that the educational responsibility of the preschool teachers now has been clarified and that they should take a leading role in the team towards the goals that are set for the preschool.

Är lĂ€raryrket en bortglömd profession? : En kvalitativ studie av styrreformernas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ lĂ€raryrket

The study takes place in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. It focuses on how the past reforms since the 90s have changed the teachers? occupation as a profession.The study is partially based on analysis of prior research and documents related to the thesis. The cornerstone of it is based on four immerse interviews carried out in three different schools. Two of which were private schools and the third is a municipal school.

Det handlar om att höja statusen! : en studie om vad mÀn som arbetar i grundskolans tidigare Är tycker behövs för att fÄ fler mÀn att vÀlja att arbeta dÀr

The purpose of this study is to stress what experiences men working in the earlier school years share about being a minority group and what thoughts they have about why other men tend to avoid this profession.In this survey I have interviewed four male teachers in the earlier school years. In previous research it is claimed that men choose not to get a teacher training for the earlier school years partly because this profession is known to be dominated by women where it is difficult for men to feel at home. It is also claimed that teachers in training choose the later school years in order to focus more on teaching than looking after the children. None of the interviewed men sees it as a problem being a minority group, neither during training nor in teaching. What the men in this survey state as the main reasons for why other men do not choose to become teachers are the low levels of status and salary.

KarriÀrtjÀnsters verkan pÄ lÀraryrket - En studie som Àmnar att undersöka karriÀrreformens verkan pÄ lÀrare och förstelÀrare

The Government announced a new school reform which aims to support teacher appraisal and professionalism within the Swedish education system. The once well renowned profession is hurting by the decreasing quality of the Swedish education system and the declining number of applicants to the university teacher program. The school reform introduced a new career path for especially skilled teachers to an occupation earlier characterized by a homogenous work force. The Government encourages principals to promote thriving teachers to first teachers, whom will receive an increase in the salary covered by state aid. By supporting these effective teachers, the Government wishes to increase the image perceived and status of the profession and improve the competitiveness of teaching's salary.

Legitimation för förskollÀrare : Statens strategi mot ökad professionalisering

This essay discusses the decision of licensing for nursery and school teachers. In Swedish society there has for a long time been discourse about professionalisation within various industries, including teaching. One strategy towards achieving professional status is official authorisation of a profession, which occurs when a profession obtains licensing. In February 2011, the Swedish government announced the decision that nursery and school teachers would be licensed. This means that only those with an education can be employed as a teacher and obtain that license.

"Det" - Profession och giltighetsansprÄk i lÀraryrket

During my one year master in pedagogic science, I was frequently given the impression that depicts the pedagogue?s profession as a rather transcendent talent or, more precisely, a matter of having ?it? or not. It seemed to me, as if the communicative part of the teacher?s specialised skill was more or less undefined in the description of what makes the pedagogue a professional pedagogue. On those premisses, I was led to the aim of this study, which is pursuing the very essence of the profession by discussing how five teachers validate their daily work from a habermasian perspective on communication, society and pedagogy.

LÀrarlegitimationer : Statusökning eller slöseri?

This study investigates certified and non-certified teachers in Sweden and how they themselves view the status of their profession. Teacher certifications were introduced to Sweden in 2011, under the assumption that it would raise the status of qualified teachers. Recent results from international studies showed that Swedish students have fallen in rank compared to other countries around the world, and one of the proposed solutions proposed to this was to raise the status of teachers, as well as their pay. A higher status would then solve other issues, such as the low number of applications to university courses related to teaching. This study asked high school teachers, through an online questionnaire, what their views were on the status change the reform was supposed to create.

En man bland mÄnga kvinnor  : en studie om varför mÀn vÀljer lÀraryrket i den tidiga grundskolan

 The english name of this essay is ?One man among many women?. This essay takes its starting point in the situation today with few male teachers in the earlier years of elementary school. I have decided to look at the small group of males that actually started the education to become teachers and why they did it when the profession as teacher today is low-paid, low status and is a profession with a large dominance of female teachers. I have chosen to write about this because of the importance for the children to meet both men and women as teachers in the early schoolyears.

LÀsinlÀrning pÄ lÄgstadiet : en kvalitativ studie av hur erfarna respektive oerfarna lÀrare vÀljer att arbeta med lÀsinlÀning pÄ lÄgstadiet

In my study I focus on how teachers work and teach regarding reading in schools and what kind of methods they are using. The purpose of this study is to find out if there are any differences between experienced and inexperienced teachers. I examine this in three different primary schools where I interviewed two teachers with long experience in teaching children in the age of six to ten years old. I also interviewed two teachers with four or less year of experience in teaching. I have done this study through qualitative interviews with experienced and inexperienced teachers. Through these interviews my purpose was to find out how they teach the students how to read and what factors that influence the choice working strategies. The results show that teachers, regardless of experience teach the students through different approaches.

Ensam - i fantasin eller i verkligheten? : En jÀmförelse av det ensamma? barnet och dess verklighetsflykt samt av karaktÀrsroller i Astrid Lindgrens "Mio, min Mio" och "Bröderna LejonhjÀrta"

 The english name of this essay is ?One man among many women?. This essay takes its starting point in the situation today with few male teachers in the earlier years of elementary school. I have decided to look at the small group of males that actually started the education to become teachers and why they did it when the profession as teacher today is low-paid, low status and is a profession with a large dominance of female teachers. I have chosen to write about this because of the importance for the children to meet both men and women as teachers in the early schoolyears.

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