

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 7 av 144

Visioner och emfaser i naturvetenskaplig undervisning : En kvalitativ studie om hur en lärare uttrycker ambitioner kring naturvetenskaplig undervisnig och hur dessa tar sig uttryck i praktiken

This study examines a primary school teacher?s ambitions within science education and how those ambitions manifest in the classroom. This is being examined by interview with the mentioned teacher and by observations as a participant within four of the teacher?s science classes. The results of this study is categorized and analyzed with assistance of scientific literacy, vision I and vision II, fundamental scientific literacy and Roberts? curriculum emphases.

En klasslärares och en svenska som andraspråkslärares kommunikationsstrategier i ett flerspråkigt klassrum : En jämförande studie

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate two teachers? communication strategies when dealing with pupils with another first language than Swedish. One of the teachers teaches Swedish as a second language and the other teacher educates one class in most of the subjects such as mathematic, Swedish and social studies. I make an ethnographic study where I make non-participating observations and shorter interviews with the teachers. The observations lie in focus of my study and were made at eight occasions, four lessons with each teacher.My result shows that they have a lot of communication strategies in common, but not all.

Förskolechefers syn på specialpedagogens yrkesroll : En studie av specialpedagogikens funktion och specialpedagogens yrkesroll i förskolan

AbstractThe aim of our study was that from a Preschool Manager?s perspective to describe, analyze and understand the function of special education and the Special Education Teacher?s profession within preschools. We conducted twelve interviews with Preschool Managers in two northern Swedish municipalities. From a theoretical base, we used both the relational and categorical perspectives. All answers from these interviews have been analyzed from these perspectives.

Även skoltrötta elever vill något med sina liv : Hur gymnasieelevers motivation påverkas i mötet med läraren

The starting point of this study is national as well as international surveys which show that the study motivation and general level of knowledge among Swedish students have decreased. The Swedish Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System (Lpf94) states that each student shall be given the possibility to strengthen their will and ability to learn. The teachers are expected to play an important role in the effort to increase student motivation. The opinions of the students are a valuable source when trying to understand what motivates them. The purpose of this study is to provide a more profound understanding of what students express about their motivation in the interaction with the teachers.

Konflikthantering i klassrummet

We have chosen to focus our study on conflicts and handling of conflicts in a classroom environment. We are addressing problems such as the teachers? roll in a conflict, the importance of solid leadership in the classroom, students? agency, defense mechanisms in coping with conflicts and so on. In this paper there is a review of different perspectives on conflict and of understanding why conflicts occur the different reasons for the conflicts. Our observation study took place in a grade three classroom, in a mid-sized town, during a regular school day.

Vem vinner: fackboken eller den skönlitterära boken? : en studie över lånevanor i en 3:e klass i en mindre by i norra Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the habits of borrowing books among third-grade pupils. My aim is also to study what significance their teacher and the librarian have on the pupils? borrowing habits. Based on the results from an experiment, two observations, interviews and by compiling a list of short summaries of literature relevant to my thesis. I wanted to compare earlier research with my own results and also reflect on remarks made by librarians and teachers concerning the children?s reading and use of the library.

Elevers motivation : en enkätstudie i år 5 och 6

The aim of this essay is to get a deeper understanding of a teachers' profession and to get knowledge of how earlier experiences can influence you as a teacher. I have interviewed a female teacher, Pia to get this understanding. As a tool to get the teacher's whole story I used the life story method. In her profession she is influenced by her own importance of security as a child.Her own needs of security has given her an deeper understanding for pupils like herself during the childhood; insecure and afraid. Her understanding for all kinds of behavior among the children has increased by her own experiences.The story shows that Pia is frustrated by the fact that she can't control her own working time.

Aegishjalmur, tyrrunan och valknuten : En kvalitativ studie i användandet av fornnordiska symboler bland nationalistiska rörelser.

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Brytning spelar ingen roll! : Elevernas syn på lärarens brytning och dess påverkan i matematikundervisning

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the teacher's background affect students' approach to mathematics teaching. Characteristically, in Sweden today is that mathematics is perceived as difficult subject and that the number of foreign teachers has increased. The study examines a phenomenon which the relationship between the teacher's language accent and substance difficulties.The method used for data collection is questionnaires, in order to investigate the phenomenon as the relationship between the teacher's accent and substance difficulties.The investigation has been carried out based on the students' point of view, both secondary and primary school pupils. What difficulties have arisen in teaching?  What is the biggest obstacle to achieve the goals of mathematics, to understand the teacher's language accent first in order to understand the subject, or that mathematics is difficult in itself to be understood as a substance.The result clearly shows that the teacher's accent does not affect teaching and students' view of mathematics as a subject.

Den ojämlika kommunikationen ? regel eller undantag? En studie av några elevers uppfattningar om kommunikation och interaktion med lärare

In a classroom it is important that interaction between a teacher and a student works or else the communication between them will be lost or come to harm. In the interaction between teacher and student it is important that both of them respect each other, take the necessary responsibility and cooperate. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the students per-ceive the communication in the classroom with their teachers and how the interaction be-tween teachers and students affects the communication. We have made interviewed with stu-dent in high school concerning their opinion of how interaction and communication work be-tween teachers and students. Our method is qualitative and we used open-ended questions.

Perspektiv på läsning : En högstadielärare och sex av hans elever om skönlitteratur i svenskämnet

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

Stig Dagerman - Existentialisten : En jämförande studie mellan De Dömdas Ö och fem existentialistiska tänkare

Is the Swedish author Stig Dagerman an existentialist? This work takes a close look at Dagerman?s novel Island of the Doomed to see if it is possible to consider it an expression of existentialist thinking and to see if it interacts with any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman?s novel was compared with select works of five existentialist thinkers ? Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Karl Jaspers, all read in the light of the four categories of existentialistic thinking identified by the Swedish scholar Lennart Koskinen. All the four categories appeared to be central themes within the novel and a few subcategories were identified.

Processboken : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg att använda inom hantverksstudier

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Inte ett leende före höstlovet : En kvalitativ textanalys av lärarens ledarskap sett genom fem läroplaner med auktoritetsperspektiv

This is a qualitative textual analysis of curriculum for primary education in 1962, the curriculum for primary education in 1969, the curriculum for primary education in 1980, the curriculum for the compulsory school system in 1994 and the curriculum for primary school 2011th. Purpose of this thesis is to see how the government through the curriculum specifies directives for how teachers should be more or less authoritative. The boundaries of the essay are to only look at the claims against the teacher in elementary school. The questions are what is required of the teacher directly or indirectly from the curriculum 1962,1969,1980,1994 and 2011, focusing on the concept of authority and what change has taken place? To answer these questions, I have read the current curricula and other research publications in the field.

Analys av en lärares sätt att kommunicera och föra en dialog på : Beroende på vilken klass som undervisades

The main problem that is seen in schools is that teachers sometimes don not reflect on what kind of pupils they have in the class and therefore do not adapt their way of communicate, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings from the pupils side.In this essay I have study a teacher?s way to communicate with her pupils depending of what kind of class she has. The main question is How the dialogue between teacher and pupils looks like, and after that there are two more questions that are answered.The method in this essay is of a qualitative form where the observation is the main method to gather the empiric parts. The analysis is also of a qualitative form.The theoretical frame is taken from different scholars but the main focus lies in the subject of communication and dialogue and how these subjects are depending on the relationships  between people. But there are also a theory from Bahktin were he points out how to succeed with a dialogue in a classroom.The conclusion in this essay is that communication and dialogue in the classrooms are important regardless what kind of pupils you as a teacher have.

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