

2157 Uppsatser om Teacher thinking - Sida 60 av 144

Flöjtglädje : En undersökning om vad flöjtelever tycker är roligt med sitt spel och sina flöjtlektioner.

This is a study of how young flutists experience playing their instrument and having music lessons, especially what they think is most enjoyable. 27 flutists between the ages of 8 and 19 years old, from three different municipal schools of music in central Sweden, were interviewed during spring 2000.Some of the conclusions are that enjoyment coincides with meaningful when you are in a musical context, and when your progress is confirmed by the teacher.The study is to be seen as some examples of different things that young flutists find enjoyable. It is not an enumeration of recommended items in teaching, rather some thoughts about the positive experiences of playing the flute, and how teachers may relate to that..

Lärrollen i en föränderlig tid : The teacher´s role in time of change

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the external communication of Science Park Jönköping, how they want students in Jönköping to perceive them. Further we would like to compare thatinformation with how students in Jönköping actually perceive Science Park Jönköping. Do the both pictures agree?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitive method has been used.Two interviews with the managers of Science Park, and five focusgroups with students havebeen conducted.Main Results: The main result from the focusgroup interviews shows that the students perceived image of Science Park correlates in many ways with Science Parks profile. But the study also shows that Science Park do not apply many of the relevant theories that would benefit their marketing..

"Ibland undrar man ju vad de tänker med, de som sitter där uppe" : En kvalitativ studie om brukarmedverkan inom hemtjänsten

This qualitative study examines the participation that older people have in their own home care by exploring experiences of care workers. We will investigate to see if there are limitations due to financial implications in the sector. Modern day care of the elderly in Sweden is facing increasing pressures to both show cost savings whilst maintaining the same levels of service within the community. It is becoming more essential for older people to participate in their own care for the sake of their health and well-being. The method that we used for data collection was qualitative interviews.

Barns uppfattningar om och förståelse kring sin dyslexi : En studie i hur barn upplever sin dyslexidiagnos

AbstractThis act is about how five children with dyslexia consider and understands their diagnosis. It is also about their self-image, future sights and about how their school life is compared with before they got their diagnosis. The study is implemented autumn 2011 on a medium-sized school in central Sweden. The survey was implemented through interviews with the five children, of which four was girls and one was a boy. The study shows that the children understand their dyslexia relatively well, but that they experience that it is bothersome to live with dyslexia.

Svensk kulturmiljövård : angeläget. tillgängligt och användbart för alla?

The aim of this thesis is to explore from a cultural diversity perspective, students 'views on teachers' leadership styles in the classroom and what style of management students prefer. The study uses a qualitative methodology to interviewed focus groups of students consisting of a total of twelve students at a secondary school in Botkyrka municipality. The corpus was divided into three different groups. Overall, results showed that students seem to prefer an intercultural situational leadership style. This is based on the students expressed need of wanting to be understood on the basis of their cultural background.

Grafritande räknare ? hur påverkar de undervisningen i matematik?

The purpose of the study is to examine how teachers and students believe that graphing calculators affect the teaching of high school mathematics courses. By becoming aware of this, teachers and teacher students have the opportunity to reflect on the use of graphing calculators in their teaching. The empirical base consists of interviews with teachers and a survey among students at two high schools in southern Sweden. The results show that teachers especially consider the graphing calculator as a tool, much like paper and pencil. They use it if and when it is deemed able to contribute in a significant way in their teaching, either to save time and/or to help deepen the understanding of various mathematical concepts and methods.

A?r det egentligen inte bara ett slo?seri med tid och pengar? : En kvalitativ studie i anva?ndandet av sociala medier som kommunikationsverktyg 

Social media has become an important marketing and communication tool worldwide, mostly through the largest social platforms Facebook and Twitter. With two-way communication via Internet companies has gotten the opportunity to interact and communicate directly with their customers. Facebook has been the focus point through the study because it has shown to be the most efficient and frequently used platform for communication. Our study aimed to confirm how communication via social media actually looks like. To be able to reach the best results, we have conducted the study from a phenomenological approach, which means; usage of qualitative semi-structured interviews to reflect the respondents experience on the phenomenon social media as a communication tool. Social media has shown to be a great way of communicating externally for companies who are willing to spend time engaging in the platform.

?Vissa kan man lita på mer än andra? . En studie i gymnasieelevers källkritiska bedömningar

The main purpose of this master thesis is to examine how high school students think when they independently are evaluating information for a school assignment. We examine what types of sources they use, and what their reasons are. Besides that we also examine what sorts of criteria they use when evaluating if a source is usable, and if there are any other factors that can have an influence for their choice of material. We have done a qualitative study with 23 students, where the students wrote down their answers in a questionnaire containing wide open questions. We have created our own tool for analysing the material by extracting the most general things in our chapter of earlier research, concerning the three questions which our study is based on.

Underlag för en kommande rivning av J-huset på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala : Generell planeringshjälp vid utförande av rivning

This report is about planning a demolition. The purpose of this report is that it should become a base for a demolition of house J at the Academic hospital in Uppsala, and also to make general help for planning a demolition. This report also contains a part about how a change in the work environment affects general people. The work started with studies of literature and design of the general part of the report and then continued with a practical study of house J. From the experience of the first two parts of the report a general help for planning a demolition was shaped.

Hur pojkar och flickor tar och får ordet i klassrummet. : Ur ett genusperspektiv

The text is about behaviour and appearance of boys and girls in the classroom in a gender perspective. How are the boys and girls placed in the classroom, and does this affect them in any way? How boys and girls are called on to speak. Is the teacher fare in the allocation of speech? There are a lot of differences between the genders, boys and girls are placed in a special way.

Ledarskap och relationer vid implementering av lean i sjukvården: en utveckling av yrkesidentiteten

The aim of this case study was to investigate the role of leadership and interpersonal relations among staff during implementation of lean at a University Hospital in Sweden. The 15 respondents were leaders and staff members from different wards and clinics, who had started working according to lean principles. One of the methods used was explorative, low structured interviews. Other methods used for gathering information about the case was attending lectures about lean healthcare at the hospital, part-taking in the lean game and reading articles about lean and the implementation in both daily press and on the intranet of the hospital. The results showed that an open and accessible leader that coaches his/her staff and supports their work, helps the staff to develop a lean identity.

Ett kognitivt branschperspektiv : Bemanningsbranschen

Background: The way in which corporate managers interpret, reason and evaluate uncertainties and constant changes, and how they take advantage of their experiences and wisdom can make a big difference for the long term survival of their companies. The requirements for efficiency and flexibility have increased in many ways, especially concerning the workforce needed and its degree of competency. In Sweden, employee recruiting industry has grown concurrently with the changes in the Swedish economy. Purpose: The purpose is to better understand the recruiting industry by performing a theoretical evaluation from a cognitive perspective. Delimitation: We intended to study the cognitive characteristics of the Swedish recruitment industry.

Förskollärares involvering i barns fria lek

Abstract   In this thesis, my aim was to investigate how preschool teachers view their involvement in children's free play. In order to answer this, I chose to do semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers in three different preschools. My interviews has revealed similarities and support for as how history of research looks at the involvement of educationists. Both research and my results stresses the importance of being active in children's free play and to be a supportive teacher, particulary in conflict situations. For those children who have difficulty entering into the free game its the educationists task to co-play and help the children find the game.

Trombon i blodet? : Vilka faktorer påverkar trombonelevers val av sitt instrument?

In this survey I have been trying to find out which factors influence the students? choice of instrument. I hope to, through the results, gain knowledge about how to reach interested students in my future work as a trombone educator.I have let 15 students that have played trombone in the County Music Academy one to three years, answer my inquiry concerning their choice of instrument. The students? parents were also asked to give an explanation to what they think made their child play the trombone and whether they tried to influence their child in the choice of instrument.

Miljöundervisning i årskurs 5 och 6 : En studie om elevers miljötänkande

The purpose with this essay is to find out how aware students are about the environment, andif they believe that their actions can influence the environment. I have used both earlierresearch and questionnaire surveys in order to fulfill the purpose. In earlier research, I haveused research based on materials that are scientific. According to the researchers it isimportant that the children and young people become involved and dedicated to theenvironment and its surrounding world. It is important to listen to the children's thoughts andvisions as they are aware about what happens, but do not reflect on the worst, but hope that itbecomes an improvement in the future.

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