

1070 Uppsatser om Target figures - Sida 58 av 72

Smart plombering och märkning

The background for this degree thesis is a need to replace the existing seal used to protect equipment containing secret or sensitive equipment used by Swedish Defence. The target design should satisfy both the need for tamper evidence and reduce Life Cycle Cost. In developing a new design for a seal, additional benefits such as improved logistics support and indication of attack methods such as heat and solvents have been considered.The lack of guiding principles for end users of seals became evident during the interviews. Major concerns for the future are education of users, information about actions if a seal is broken and user liability.The design work was divided into several phases. A feasibility study was performed including investigation of theory of labels, materials and possible technologies.

Djurförbud : en granskning av beslut enligt 29 § djurskyddslagen under 2006-2008

The purpose of this candidate thesis is to obtain an overall picture of how many prohibitions against owning or taking care of animals that were announced in Sweden in the years 2006-2008 and on what basis these judicial decisions were taken. What is the situation for the person behind the judicial decisions? Is there a so-called risk category where preventive actions to solve the problem can be taken at an earlier stage?The first Swedish animal welfare legislation came into force in 1944. Previously there was a law of 1857 that only prohibited the maltreatment of farm animals. In 1988 the existing animal welfare law was revised into an in principle new law (1988:534).As early as in the Royal Majesty?s government bill (1944:43) to the 1944 animal welfare legislation, there was a proposal that issued prohibition for those having been convicted of aggravated cruelty to animals.

Vilka är hållbarhetsredovisningens intressenter? :

Background: Climate changes are a growing concern all over the world today. In June year 2006 the European Union accepted a new strategy for the Unions work against a sustainable development. The concept of taking consideration to all the aspects of an organisations/a company's activity is something that have been in focus during later years. Social and ethical aspects are in focus and questions regarding these aspects are more commonly included in the companies yearly reporting. A sustainability report is characterised by that it takes into account not only environmental aspects, like ordinary environmental reports, but also social and ethical aspects of a company's activity with it's surroundings.

Sveriges turismmarknadsföring : En fallstudie om bilden av Sverige internationellt

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Metod för beslutsstöd vid formulering och uppföljning av en kommuns klimatmål : Fallstudie Uppsalakommun

The purpose of this study is to create a method that can be used to produce decision supportdata for the climate goals of a municipality. The method should be able to demonstrate the potential for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for measures aimed at the stationary energy system in the municipality. It will be used to make long term projections of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in order to be able to demonstrate the ability to reach climate goals. The aim was also to test the method's applicability by using the municipality of Uppsala and the Uppsala climate protocol project in a case study. Uppsala climate protocol is a project consisting of participants from business, government and organizations that voluntarily want to commit to reducing their carbon footprint by reducing their energy use and thus work to achieve the municipality's overall climate goal.

Manlighet på burk - En kvalitativ studie om relationer och konsumentbarriärer inom kategorin manlig hudvård

The beauty industry has experienced a turnover increase of 220 % the last 20 years (Jones, 2010). At the moment the market for men's skin care is seeing the fastest growth rate in the cosmetic industry and multinational companies such as Procter and Gamble and L'Oréal have identified a "multibillion-dollar potential" within the segment. BUT - fresh research from the category leading company L'Oréal, shows that only 48 % of the male consumers use a skin care product specially adapted for men. It further shows that as many as 28 % of these do not even know how that skin care product got into their bathroom cabinet. The purpose of this paper is to get a deeper insight into men's relationship with skin care products and grooming.

Affärsdriven samhällsutveckling. Analys av hotelletablering i Partille kommun

Partille kommun har som önskemål att ett hotell ska finnas i Partille i enlighet med visionen för år 2035, om att gå från en förort till att bli en förstad. Idag finns endast två övernattningsalternativ av vandrarhemskaraktär i kommunen. Syftet med projektet är därför att utreda om en hotellverksamhet i Partille är möjlig. Vidare utreds hur Partille kommun arbetar med affärsdriven samhällsutveckling där kommunal strategi möjliggör en önskad samhällsplanering.Rapporten redovisar fyra faktorer som är avgörande vid val av lokalisering av ett nytt hotell; Tillväxt av befolkning, Tillväxt i näringsliv, Dragningskraft på privata marknaden samt Beläggningsgrad på minst 55 %. Dessa faktorer har utifrån en omvärldsanalys av Partille och dess närområde utreds vid bedömningen om ett hotell är möjligt eller ej.Informationssamling har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med politiker och tjänstemän på Partille kommun samt branschkunniga och verksamma inom hotellbranschen.

Hur påverkar gummigolv i grisningsboxen suggans liggtider, liggbeteende och hennes tid för att lägga sig?

In the farrowing pens the amount of bedding material and the quality of the concrete floor has a huge impact on both the sow and the piglets. In this study imbedding of rubber flooring on the solid area in the farrowing pen was used to see if it had any effects on the sows lying behaviour when compared to concrete. Another important aspect was to evaluate if the rubber floorings had a high enough durability to resist the normal wear in a farrowing pen. Concrete flooring is assumed to have a higher thermally conductive effect then rubber which can affect the sow?s chance to cool down.

FLERSPRÅKIGHET OCH LÄSSTIMULANS : Hur den språkliga sammansättningen hos elevunderlaget påverkar skolbibliotekariens arbete med lässtimulering

In today?s´ multicultural society increasing numbers of school librarians are faced with a relatively new target group of pupils. This group is linguistically less homogenous than previously and this requires modern adaptations of pedagogic methods.Information literacy and reading promotion are two important topics that school librarians work with. Information literacy is essential for problem based tuition and to increase it requires a well developed language. This study is focusing of the school librarians work with reading promotions.

Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective

Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.

Modebloggarnas makt : Hur produktplacering i modebloggar påverkar försäljningen i volymmärkesbutiker

By exposing their products in blogs, companies have the opportunity to reach out to hundreds of thousands of consumers daily. Instead of using conventional Internet advertising such as banners and ads, some companies chose to make use of product placement in blogs. By choosing to expose their products in blogs, companies use a medium that blog readers are familiar with and can relate to, and can thereby solicit customers for their products and brands.We will examine whether product placements in fashion blogs are an effective way for businesses to market themselves and their products. We measure this efficiency, by keeping a record of the sales of ten product placed garment and accessories that we have selected from four of the largest blogs in Sweden. The stores we examine sales of product placed goods in are volume brand stores such as Zara and H&M etcetera.

Skolan och världsmedborgarskapet : Om världsmedborgarskap som pedagogiskt ideal

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Kommunikation i sociala medier : Nya utmaningar för organisationer

AbstractTitle: Communications through Social media ? new challenges for organizations Kommunikation i sociala medier ? nya utmaningar för organisationerAuthor: Jenny Lilius Location: University of Kalmar Language: Swedish Number of pages: 46 (62 including appendix) Level: BA Thesis in media and Communications StudiesAim: The main purpose of this thesis was to explore what kind of challenges organizations face when communicating through social media. Because social media is a new phenomenon the thesis also examined how organizations active in Sweden today looks upon, defines, monitoring what is said about them and uses social media today.Method: The thesis was based upon the qualitative gathering of empirical facts. Through deep interviews with five organizations and literature studies the author was able to gather the results.Theories The analysis is primarily based upon theories about organizational communications such as PR, Rogers?s diffusions of innovations and the marketing mix.

Omklädningsrummens psykiska och fysiska miljö : Niondeklassares upplevelser av miljön, trygghet och kränkningar i omklädningsrummen

Several studies has identified the locker room experience as a potential deterrent for participation in physical education. Both psychological and physical issues arise due to several factors. Psychological issues include different kinds of verbal and physical violations, comparisons between pupils, feeling of vulnerability along with a stressful schedule. The physical environment can contribute to negative experience for pupils in terms of filthy premises and cold showers. These factors may contribute to higher absentee rates in physical education.

Aktieanalytikers förmåga att prognostisera aktiekurser : Påverkansfaktorer för träffsäkerheten

Bakgrund: Affärspressen publicerar dagligen rekommendationer och riktkurser från aktieanalytiker och dess analyser kan anses ligga till grund för investeringsbeslut hos såväl privata som institutionella investerare. Aktieanalytikers förmåga att prognostisera aktiekurser är ett outforskat område med endast ett fåtal publicerade studier på variabeln riktkurs. Tidigare studier fokuserar på att utvärdera träffsäkerheten i prognoserna men få av dessa bidrar till förståelse kring vad som påverkar prognosfelens storlek.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera aktieanalytikers förmåga att prognostisera framtida aktiekurser.Genomförande: Studiens deduktiva ansats gör att resultat från tidigare studier ligger till grund för formulering av forskningsfrågor och utformning av tänkbara påverkansfaktorer för träffsäkerhet. Träffsäkerheten i riktkurserna analyseras via regressionsanalys där det absoluta prognosfelet är beroende variabel medan de formulerade påverkansfaktorerna är förklarande variabler. Vidare studeras en eventuell närvaro av överoptimism i prognoserna genom att undersöka fördelningen av det relativa prognosfelet via T-test.Resultat: Aktieanalytikers riktkurser påverkas av flertalet faktorer, där ett bolags storlek och beta uppvisar tydligast samband med träffsäkerheten.

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