

1070 Uppsatser om Target figures - Sida 38 av 72

Balansgången ?mellan ?kommersiell? framgång? och? exklusiv? image : ? ?Att? lyckas ?med ?varumärkesutvidgning ?nedåt ?av ?lyxvarumärken

Many? luxury? companies? within? the? fashion? industry? today? choose? to? extend? their? brands downwards? in? order? to? reach? new? customer? segments? and? hence? increase? their? profitability.? A? brand? extension? strategy? that? leverages? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? is? a ?new ?possibility ?for ?luxury ?brands ?to ?position ?themselves ?towards ?a ?broader ?customer ?base.?? Meanwhile? there? is? a? risk? that? the? extension? dilutes? the? image? of? the? luxury? brand? and? has? a? negative? effect? on? the? company? in? the? long? term.? Thus? a? tradeoff? exists? between? becoming? more? accessible? and? maintaining? the? exclusivity? of? the? luxury? brand.? The? objective? of? this? thesis ?is ?to ?investigate ?how ?luxury ?brands ?that ?perform? downward ?brand ?extensions ?to? reach? new? markets? can? succeed? with? this? strategy? without? diluting? the? brand? image.? This? is? achieved? by? studying? the? perceptions? of? the? new? target? segment? towards? the? extension? of? luxury? brands.? The? results? of? the? study? show? that? the? risk? of? brand? dilution? is? minimized when? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? are? transferred? to? the? brand? extension? while? the extension ?at ?the ?same ?time ?is ?successfully ?targeted ?towards ?the ?specific ?customer? segment..

Bättre enskilda avlopp i Sigtuna kommun : möjligheter för bebyggelse i Odensala socken

There are around 855 000 on-site sewage systems in Sweden and some 1 800 of these are located in the municipality of Sigtuna. The Sigtuna local authority has set the goal that all sewage systems with insufficient function should be improved before the end of year 2010. A malfunctioning on-site sewage system may cause three main problems: spreading of diseases, discharge of eutrophicating compounds and wastage of resources. The municipality strives to reduce these problems already at the stage of granting permits for installation of on site sanitation systems. The municipality has recently adopted new guidelines, which demands certain minimum reductions for different compounds. The guidelines also state that it is preferred that neighboring house-owners cooperate in jointly built and operated sewage systems and that the system should be able to recycle plant nutrients.

Mobilstudio för ShiShi TV

During the fall of 2007 Uppsala University gave the course ?Projekt DV?. As a result of this class a publishing tool for real-time media came to be ShiShi TV. The purpose of this application was to introduce a new way to reach out to people. This was done with a video player on the Internet and a second one placed in a regular mobile phone.

Flyktingbarn med Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom : Hjälp de behöver och får

The aim of this research paper was to examine the help required by refugee children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to this, we also examined the help the refugee children are currently receiving. We have examined this from the perspective of the theory of the ecology of human development. The method we used was qualitative and we conducted eleven profound interviews with professionals working with the target group in question. The essential questions were; which needs, according to the professionals, do refugee children with PTSD have, what characterises the professional's work to help the children and what possibilities and obstacles there are in giving the children optimal help.The results strongly conclude that it is important for the children's development to have at least one supportive adult in their surrounding, a positive experience at school and during leisure activities.

Globalization vs Localization : En fallsstudie om Scanias marknadsföringsstrategier i Sydamerika och Asien

Problem formulation? Are there any factors affecting the choice of marketing strategy?? What is it that determines the degree for the company to use a standardized or a adapt marketing strategy?? How profitable is Scania's marketing strategy in each country?Objective: The overall aim of this study is based on local adaptation and global standardization to compare the degree to which the company Scania chooses to adapt or standardize its marketing to the South American and Asian markets.We also aim to compare and describe any factors that affect the countries' differences in marketing strategies and to evaluate and measure the profitability of marketing strategies in each market.Methodology: The study is limited to Scania's marketing in the truck market in Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia and Singapore from 2006 to 2010. In order to answer the study's problem formulation and purpose we have chosen to combine a qualitative and quantitative approach. Four interviews were conducted with marketing executives from Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia / Singapore and Sweden. We have also chosen to examine Scania's annual report and include figures on the market shares of Scania in the respective countries and the number of sold Scania truck which is then compared against the number of registered vehicles by country.

Interorganisatoriska relationer : Hur ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i interorganisatoriska relationer inom den svenska fordonsindustrin sett utifrån 3 underleverantörers perspektiv

Då det inom fordonsindustrin blivit vanligare med allianser och samgåenden har jag i denna studie valt att undersöka interorganisatoriska relationer. Jag har valt att undersöka hur olika ekonomistyrningsmetoder används i interorganisatoriska relationer inom den svenska fordonsindustrin. Då leverantörerna inom fordonsindustrin har fått ett större ansvar valde jag att undersöka ekonomistyrningsmetoderna utifrån leverantörers perspektiv. Ekonomistyrningsmetoderna som jag undersökt är target costing, open book accounting och information som underlag i ekonomistyrningen. De olika ekonomistyrningsmetoderna kan karakteriseras av antingen dominans eller ömsesidighet, därför blev det också intressant att undersöka vilka tecken på dominans och ömsesidighet som fanns.

Konsten att uppfattas rätt - Varumärkesstrategier för svenska artister

Personal branding is a common phenomenon within the Swedish business world, although less applied on the competitive and fast paced music industry. In order to strengthen Swedish artists' personal brands and to ensure congruence between the artists' presented identities and the target audiences' perceived images, we have developed a model, containing of seven essential factors. The seven dimensions authenticity, credibility, certainty, openness, availability, awareness and timeliness help improve strength when communicating brand identity, as well as minimizing potential discrepancy between identity and image. This report examines the brand strategies within the Swedish music industry through a case study of Sweden's largest pop star, Eric Saade, where Team Saade's communicated identity is compared to the targets audience's perceived image of Saade. Overall, Saade's personal brand has a high level of congruence, except from the clarity dimension, where his words are considered differing from his actions.

HRM-konsulters arbete mot SME-företag : En studie kring HRM-konsulters affärmöjligheter i SME-företag

Human Resource Management (HRM) consultants are becoming more common. Simultaneously there is a lack of HRM in small and medium enterprises (SME?s). SME?s states neither to afford, nor have the time to perform HRM in their business.This thesis is a Working Scholarly essay based on qualitative method, based on ten semi- structured interviews.

Framtidens TV-fäste : Ett projekt i samarbete med People of Lava Sweden

Rapporten behandlar en produktutveckling av framtidens TV-fäste. Teknik och form hos TV-apparater utvecklas varje dag, detta leder till att TV-fästen måste anpassas för att följa trenderna. I samarbete med företaget People of Lava har en designprocess utförts för att utveckla framtidens TV-fäste.Rapporten behandlar en djup marknadsundersökning där statistiska, kvalitativa samt kvantitativa undersökningar utförs. Detta ligger sedan som grund för en target cost där ett produktionspris söks för att försäkra sig om en önskad vinstmarginal för företaget. Utifrån den bestämda kostnaden genomförs konceptgenereringar där form och funktioner utvecklas.

Lärcentra och lärmiljöer på folkbibliotek ? en studie av personalens synsätt på motivation och metoder

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what distinguishes the views of staff at centres for learning as regards users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries. The following questions were asked:? How do staff at centres for learning view the users? motivation to studies?? How do staff at centres for learning view causes for lack of motivation and obstacles for motivation to studies?? What methods do staff at centres for learning use to motivate potential users to studies and to market the learning centres? ? What distinguishes these views of staff on users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries?The methods used in this study are: literature studies, qualitative interviews and questionnaires. Interviews and questionnaires were done with six employees at six centres for learning.

Copingstrategiers och det sociala stödets samband med upplevd stress hos vårdpersonal

IKEA HaparandaTornio employ some two-hundred people in its furniture retail store.Keeping track of staff statistics and employee information has previously been achievedthrough the use of a basic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The store?s human resourcesdepartment requested an upgrade to this system with the hope of speeding up andsimplifying the administrative process, as well as to make it easier to monitor HR-relatedtarget statistics. The following report documents the development process of that upgrade ascarried out by the author. The project draws on research in usability design and cognitivepsychology to develop a user-friendly interface.

When I grow up : En retorisk och semiotisk studie om ansvarsretorik hos Svenska Spel, angående minderåriga.

This essay is a qualitative study of the Swedish joint-stock company Svenska Spel AB?s television commercial from 2008. The commercial is called ?Spela lagom - When I grow up?, and is meant to serve as an informational commercial about being underaged in situations regarding gambling. Using semiotics and rhetoric?s, we are analyzing how elements seen in the commerical affects the rhetorical situation the clip is bound to; how the marketing is done to enhance Svenska Spel?s brand; and what strategies are used to make sure the public service announcements regarding persons involved with underage gambling gets acceptance.

Nyheter på sociala medier : Twitters påverkan på användarnas nyhetskonsumtion

Our digital society encompasses nowadays different channels, which includes social media where many users consider it as a platform where they can fetch news or exchange news and information. This leads to a large spread of news exchange in a very fast speed, which involves the global users within social media to be a part of this social interaction. This study is focused on how Twitter affects the usage of the user?s news consumption. By reaching out to our specific target audience, which includes Twitter users in Sweden, we made a web based survey with a content of relevant questions.

Hållbar design för en bättre värld -med hemlösa i fokus

The aim of this project is to examine the needs and problems that exists amongst homeless people and to develop a solution that will help them in their everyday life. Since the homeless are a relatively large vulnerable group i Sweden, their everyday lives could be made easier in many ways.A clear definition of the target group is put together to create a good starting point. What state and help orginazations do to help the homelss and the society?s view of the homeless is also relevant and has been documented. Four personal stories have been put together to desicribe cases of clear problems existing in everyday life.Several interesting problems has been defined from the research and acceptance in the communtiy, desire to be seen and heard and a lack of confidence were the main needs.

Bristen på arrendemark som hinder för expansion av lantbruksföretag : arrendelagstiftningens och gårdsstödets påverkan på den svenska arrendemarknaden

Improved profitability, a reasonable yearly income or the possibility to have employees are all incentives for expansion. A prerequisite for farm businesses to expand is for land to be made available, either to buy or to rent. In Sweden, 43 % of the total arable land is leasehold land, which implies that a functioning leasehold market is of great importance for the Swedish agriculture. Several factors can affect the supply of leasehold land, for instance the leasehold legislation and the Single Payment Scheme. The fact that the leasehold legislation is compulsory, in protection of the leaseholder, might keep land owners from leasing their land out.

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