

1346 Uppsatser om Target classes - Sida 66 av 90

Effektivitet som ett mål vid decentralisering, finns den? : Om samverkan och decentralisering i Kalmar kommun för en bättre arbetsmarknadsetablering av invandrare.

This essay will explain the effects of decentralisation, and what impact it has on the efficiency to create a better integration for immigrants on the Swedish labour market. Examples of literature that has been examined are Marcus Gossas and Jon Pierre. From these authors, I have been trying to explain the relationship between decentralisation, cooperation and efficiency.Since the end of the Second World War until the middle of 1980, Sweden mostly received labour immigrant. Since then, the immigrant pattern has changed to consist of mostly refugees. Changed immigration patterns together with increasing debts for the Swedish government has lead to decentralisation and cooperation between public authorities has therefore become a target to reach better efficiency.

Yes Logo

Abstract Title: Yes logo! What defines a good logo? Authors: Fredrik Dahlin and Vladimir Zunkovic Supervisor: Klaus Solberg Söilen. Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits.

Mål att sträva mot : - En kvalitativ litteraturstudie av fyra läromedel i svenska för årskurs åtta

AbstraktDetta examensarbete handlar om språkval engelska/svenska, alternativet för de elever som av olika anledningar väljer att inte läsa ett modernt språk. En undersökning har gjorts i form av intervjuer med lärare och en skolledare samt en enkätstudie med elever, för att få fram en bild av hur de ser på språkvalet och dess funktion. Syftet med arbetet är att söka svar på just detta, samt ta reda på vilka elever det är som går i dessa grupper och hur tiden utnyttjas där. De svar jag fått fram tyder på att både elever och lärare ser brister i organisationen; det är en relativt stökig miljö och många elever som finns i grupperna har egentligen inget behov av extra engelska eller svenska. Alla är dock i princip överens om vilket syfte undervisningen har: att stötta de elever som behöver hjälp med dessa två ämnen.

"Ett hem utan en gamling, är som ett hus utan pelare": en kvalitativ studie om hur sent-i-livet-invandrare integreras i det svenska samhället

More recently, the number of elderly immigrants has increased. This means that Sweden is faced with new challenges. The purpose of this study was to illustrate how the elder immigrants general situation in Helsingborg looks like, as well as how social workers work to integrate this target group. Furthermore, I wished to have an answer on whether social workers feel that there is a continuing need to be concentrated on the integration of elder immigrants. To get answers to my questions, I have interviewed five social workers in Helsingborg who are working on issues that concern elder and integration.

Analys och kvantifiering av energieffektivisering inom fjärrvärmesektorn

The Swedish Government has set a target to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency within the construction and real estate sector. The purpose of the study is to examine how energy efficiency within this sector could affect the district heating volume in the future, on basis of Vattenfalls district heating system in Uppsala.An Excel model has been created to study how energy effficiency measures affects district heating demand in buildings by 2045, based on technical and economicalconditions. Furthermore, an interview study has been conducted to examine incentives for district heating customers to invest in energy efficiency measures.Result of the Excel model shows that the district heating volume of Vattenfall in 2045 is expected to 931 GWh, which corresponds to a volume decrease of 10,6 %. Based on the study?s theoretical framework only 15 %, 1 024 GWh, of the technical-economical potential is assumed to be implemented.

Tidig extubering efter hjärtkirurgi : Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans kunskap om tidig extubering och deras syn på faktorer som påverkar tiden till extubering

Early extubation of cardiac surgery patients has become increasingly important. The assessment of the patient before an early extubation is crucial and the intensive care nurses (ICU nurses) in this estimation is there for very important.The aim of this study was to examine critical care nurses' knowledge of early extubation, and what view ICU nurse has about factors that affect the time to extubation of cardiac surgery patients.A quantitative approach with descriptive and comparative design was used. Selection was all ICU nurses at a thoracic intensive care unit who were clinically active in patient care.The study showed that ICU nurses had good knowledge of why an early extubation was essential. However, the knowledge about the unit?s extubation criteria was low.

Ungdomars medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker med bankverktyg

According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths? awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied.

Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.

AHA in northern Sweden ? a case study : conservation values of deciduous trees based on saproxylic insects

AHA is a Swedish abbreviation of "reveal threatened park and avenue trees" and is a method to assess the conservation value of individual trees, mainly in the park environments but also in natural stands. This method has previously only been practiced in southern Sweden (Sörensson 2008). To see if this method could provide satisfactory results in northern Sweden, I have studied it in areas around the Umeå River. This was done by studying the relationship between trees with different classifications of conservation value (as classed by the AHA method) and their content of species (species richness and abundance). Insects were collected using trunk window traps in a period of 13 weeks during the summer of 2014.

Ordförrådet hos barn med hörselskada i 7 - 9 års ålder

  I föreliggande studie undersöktes ordförrådet (ordförståelse och benämning) hos 21 barn med hörselskada och 21 normalhörande barn i åldrarna 7-9 år, matchade till ålder, kön och bostadsort. Deltagarna delades även in i undergrupper med avseende på hörselskadans typ (ledningshinder, sensorineural skada samt kombinerad skada) och grad (lätt, måttlig, grav och döva/hörselskadade barn med CI) samt typ av skolform. Ordförståelse undersöktes med Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III och benämning undersöktes med Word Finding Vocabulary Test. Som förväntat hade gruppen med hörselskada lägre resultat på båda testen, men endast benämningstestet visade en statistiskt signifikant gruppskillnad (p = 0,002 jämfört med p = 0,054 för ordförståelse). För benämningstestet hade barn med hörselskada i 7-års ålder ett signifikant lägre resultat jämfört med åldersmatchad kontrollgrupp, medan skillnaden inte var signifikant i de äldre åldersgrupperna (8 och 9 år).

Nu jagar de papperslösa : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om massmedias framställning av Reva-projektet och polisens arbete

The purpose of this essay, ?Now they are chasing paper-less - A qualitative discourse analysis of mass medias depiction of the Reva-project and the work of the police?, is to analyze how mass media portrays the Reva-project and polices work with the project. The basis for the essay will be eight selected newspapers. The Reva-project implies collaboration between the Police, the Swedish Migration board and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service within the border police. The aim of the project is to enhance the efficiency and the execution of the border police work, in accordance with the government?s target.

Yes Logo

Abstract Title: Yes logo! What defines a good logo? Authors: Fredrik Dahlin and Vladimir Zunkovic Supervisor: Klaus Solberg Söilen. Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits. Purpose: To find out which are the defining characteristics of a good logo, from a scientific point of view. Method: We have used a qualitative method consisting of interviews with experts within the marketing area with the goal to test the Swedish point of view against the one in the litterature. We also used a quantitative method to investigate the publics attitude towards the testlogos we created. The purpouse of this poll is to test different colourcombinations and how the marketsegments feel about them. In this poll we used statistical methods to make sure that the agelimits and the number of male and female respondents are correct. We executed another quantitative study towards Swedish marketing companies to create an idea of the businesses thoughts about a good logo are. Results: A good logo is a simple symbol or geometrical form consisting of a combination of colours that reflect the company?s core values, visions and goals.

Hedervärda kvinnor och vördnadsvärda män : Kön och trovärdighet i tre sennmedeltida svenska mirakelberättelser

The purpose of this essay is to look upon the gender structure in Sweden, during the late Middle Ages. Mainly I focus on how the church viewed men and women, since the material of my research, the miracle stories of three saints, was found credible and was written down by churchmen. The saints, whose miracles I have studied, are Birgitta Birgersdotter and Katarina Ulfsdotter of Vadstena and Niklas Hermansson of Linköping. These miracles have earlier been studied by the historian Anders Fröjmark, who has noticed that there are fewer heeled women than men figuring in the miracles. Because of this, Fröjmark draws the conclusion that women were less able to leave their homes and travel as pilgrims to the holy sites of the saints.

Praktisk nytta av en byggnadsinformationsmodell

Byggbranschen befinner sig i dagens läge i ett paradigmskifte mellan ett traditionellt sätt att bygga och projektera och till att utveckla ett mer industriellt sätt att bygga och projektera. Från att använda ?ointelligenta? 2D-modeller börjar allt mer intelligenta byggproduktmodeller där information som rör hela byggnadens livscykel användas i större omfattning. Branschen går mer och mer mot att all information ska kunna samlas och vara tillgänglig på ett och samma ställe, genom en gemensam IT-plattform för branschens aktörer och intressenter samt genom byggnadsinformationsmodeller (BIM). Ett sätt att göra en sådan plattform möjlig är med hjälp av en internationell standard, IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), som är ett oberoende filformat som ska kunna läsas oavsett digital programvara. För projektörerna i branschen utvecklas ständigt olika program för ändamål som möjliggör att så mycket information som möjligt samlas i en och samma fil.

Förföljelse på grund av kön : En analys av hur kön som skyddsgrund tillvaratar kvinnors skyddsbehov

In the school subject of the natural sciences it is imperative that the students are given opportunities to ?talk science?, since the dialogues that occur in the classroom have a significant importance for the students? abilities to engage in meaning-making in their learning process. Hence, the student and teacher interaction in the classroom and the feedback given there play a significant role in the students? learning process. The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of formative assessment tools that can mediate the students? meaning-making in natural sciences subjects in upper-secondary school.

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