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Samhällsinformation i Göteborg : en jämförande studie av förmedlare av samhällsinformation

The aim of this master's thesis is a comparative study on units for civic information in Göteborg. The study is based on a project currently in progress at the main public library in Göteborg. It is observed that according to the library's mission statement the library aims to become the most competent intermediary of civic information in Göteborg. This statement suggests a competitive strategy towards other intermediaries of civic information. The mission statement does, however, also state that their goal is to be obtained in cooperation with other intermediaries.

Svenska idrottsprofiler i reklam: älskar, älskar inte..Älskar!

The aim of this paper is to examine, by means of a quantitative method, whether using a Swedish athlete endorser in a sports advertisement will increase its effectiveness. We examine which characteristics an athlete endorser needs to be able to make people form a positive attitude towards the athlete endorser and thereby make him or her successful in advertising. We also look into whether an interest in sports can affect the advertisement effectiveness when using a Swedish athlete endorser. The results show that a well-liked Swedish athlete endorser generates highest ad effectiveness and that the most important characteristics that contribute to form a positive attitude towards an athlete endorser are trustworthy, physical attractiveness, success in sports and ?successful in respondent?s mind?.

Fr. Alexander Schmemann och Kyrkan som mysterion

What is the Church? This question has been asked in many times and places. In Sweden, it seems asif there's a general identity crisis among the churches. It seems like many churches don't know whythey exist, or at least they have a very vague understanding of the full meaning of the Church.Some 50 years ago, we had a new encounter in Sweden. Immigrants from Orthodoxcountries came to live here, and they brought their church and tradition with them.

Analys och produktionsförbättring på monteringslinan Vensafe

This study is preformed at Westbaltic Components placed in Töcksfors Sweden. Themain target in this study is to make one of the company?s assembly lines better andmore effective. The assembly line constructs vending machines for different stores allover Europe.It will contain tobacco, snuff, cigarettes and shaving blades and many more similarproducts.The first step in our study is to locate the daily problems and find out a good way toreduce them and make them disappear. A good way to do this job easier was toconstruct a visualizing board.

Elevers  koncentrationsförmåga under matematiklektioner på förmiddagar och eftermiddagar

This project has aim to examine how students experience their concentration ability during mathematics lessons in the mornings and afternoons, and how students? learning can be in-fluenced by the concentration ability during mathematics lesson in the morning and after-noons respectively? Which role do the methods of learning play in mathematic depending on which time it is carried out during mornings or afternoons with regard to student concentra-tion ability? In order to find out those issues, I used two methods; (interview and observa-tion).Interview with 4 students and 3 teachers and observations of 4 mathematics lessons based on a qualitative method. In order to measure students' concentration ability during ma-thematics education on various times, I distributed questions to 23 students and repeated it during each lesson that I have observed from a quantitative approach in two classes in a sec-ondary school. In the literature I discuss the definition of concentration, and factors affecting the concentration negatively and positively. What is the relationship between concentration, learning and type of activity and how individuals can improve their learning and attention? In addition I studied two earlier studies on the concentration.

När en patient flyttar : Patientens upplevelser inför förflyttning från högsäkerhetsenhet till annan vårdenhet

The aim of this essay is to create an understanding, of how teachers comprehend knowledge, grades and tests in a school context. It is important to get a grip of the different parts of the teacher?s reality. The test, the grades and knowledge are deeply connected as a part of a whole. The teachers view on knowledge can not be understood without asking about the practical parts of their work and understand how the different parts are dependent on each other.The main material consists of interviews with four teachers that work in a public mandatory school in the south suburbs of Stockholm.

Socialtjänstens arbete med pojkar som begått sexuella övergrepp

The aim of this study is to examine how one can understand the experiences that social workers within the social service's have of children who have committed sexual assault against other children, and the social workers? thoughts about the choice of actions and the family involvement in those actions. The study has a qualitative character. Information was obtained through interviews with social workers within two Swedish counties, and the analysis of the results was based on earlier research findings as well as theoretical aspects, such as systemic theory and salutogenesis.Regarding the actions taken for the target group, the social workers have, in many ways, a systemic perspective as they emphasize elements within the child as well as within the family. It is also shown that the collaboration with other authorities affects the choice of actions, and that it is important to involve the entire family in any interventions, so that the effect of those interventions may last over time.

Att blunda för annonser. En studie av konsumenters och annonsfinansierade företags uppfattningar om annonsblockering på webben

The majority of free content on the internet is financed by online advertising. A requirement for thismodel to work is that the visitors see the ads. The emergence of ad-blocking software has shifted thepower from the advertiser?s choice of publishing ads to the consumer?s choice of viewing ads. Weexamine the consumers? opinions regarding the use of ad-blocking software and compare them to theopinions of companies using online advertisement.


In autumn in 2010 the project group came in contact with the travel company Golf Joy in Halmstad. They had been briefed on the problems of their customers had when they travel with their golf bags and contacted Halmstad University for help in solving this problem. When we heard about this idea, we became curious and contacted the company. After a successful meeting, we took the problem with us to the school and began to brainstorm to see how we could solve the problem. The goal was to produce a stylish and functional travel golf bag with the cart and bag in one and launch it in the golf season in 2012.

Klotter och skadegörelse på en högstadieskola: en miljöpsykologisk fallstudie med fokus på fysisk miljö.

The purpose of this study was to examine and try to understand the physical environment focusing on the fenomena of scribble and damage at a high school. More specifically its aim was to find out how the pupils themselves discribe their physical environment, the reasons why there are scribble and damage at their school and how they are treated by the adults at the school bearing in mind the scribble and damage that occur. The study took place at one high-school in the southern of Sweden and the methods used were six qualitative interviewes, a minor inquiry in six classes, fotographing the physical environment and putting up scribble boards on the pupils' toilets. The physcial environment was quite bare and monoton and the pupils often felt bored by it. There were few places where the pupils liked being at.

Emissions for Sale : The Ethics of Emissions Trading

International regulations target a global reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through the allocation of national reduction targets and the definition of mechanisms to achieve these targets. One of these mechanisms is international emissions trading, these trading programs have been the targets of widespread criticism since they were introduced into the policy-making arena. The point of departure in this study has been that the trading raises questions about morality, since it implies signals, which legitimates pollution. The main purpose with this study has been to find out if emissions trading systems can be morally justified with the method of wide reflective equilibrium. From the study it was found that the moral intuition; it is wrong to pollute the environment, and perform activities, which legitimates pollution, finds support from the different theories within environmental ethics and Kantian ethics.

Kritiska Prestations Indikatorer (KPI), Hur väl fungerar KPI:er som verksamhetsstyrning inom den producerande industrin?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how key performance indicators are being used as performance management tools within the production industry. Specifically the purpose is to investigate how the KPI:s within the telecommunications industry drives reusability regarding production test systems. This thesis will also highlight today?s cost models and suggest improvements of the KPI and what new ones could be introduced. A case study at Ericsson AB has been performed.

Brown bear (Ursus arctos) den site concealment in relation to human activity in Scandinavia

As a hibernating species, the brown bear spend most of the winter months in a den as astrategy to avoid unfavorable conditions. The denning period is a vulnerable time for bears,making them unable to flee disturbances without losing valuable amounts of energy. Brownbears' wariness of humans and avoidance of anthropogenic disturbance often steer denningbears away from human infrastructure, and bears thereby avoid possible disturbance and itsassociated energetic costs. This study was carried out to test the hypothesis that bearsdenning closer to infrastructure select more covered den sites to compensate for the closedistance. Dens from 32 individuals were visited and analyzed in terms of sighting distance(a measurement for den horizontal cover) and habitat ruggedness, in relation to distances toinfrastructure.

Vägen mot den Svenska vardagen : En utvärderingsstudie om kommunpolitikers, Arbetsförmedlingens och Invandrarservice uppfattningar kring implementeringen av Etableringslagen

This essay is an evaluation of the act of establishment (2010:197). The act is about different operators' responsibility and accountability for new arrivals to get a more effective integration into society and to speed up the new arrivals' establishment on the labor market. The purpose of this act is to get more new arrivals involved in the Swedish labor market directly. By doing so, it gives these people a possibility to become self-sufficient. This study has focus in four different operators; Employment service, Immigration service and two local politicians from Social democrats (Socialdemokraterna) and Conservatives (Moderaterna).

Får idrottande elever högre betyg? : en fallstudie på tre samhällsvetenskapliga program för att visa eventuella samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och höga betyg

Abstract AimThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the possible differences in grades and attitudes towards further studies that can be explained by the student?s level of physical activity. The questions we wanted answers to were:- Does students in more sports-oriented programs have better grades than students in more theoretical programs?- Is there a relationship between physical activity and study-results?- Are there any differences in attitudes towards further studies for students at the different programs?- Which other variables could be affecting the students grades?Method The extent of this study has included 3 municipal schools and 6 classes (2 from each school) ? in all 119 students and 6 teachers. 3 different social sciences programs have participated ? two sports-oriented and one without any sports-oriented concentration .

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