886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 8 av 60
Nationell Moralsyn? : Om betydelsen av nationell tillhörighet för ungdomars moral.
Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka nationella skillnader i moralutveckling och innehåll i moraliskt resonemang. Studien omfattar 445 svenska och 148 amerikanska ungdomar i åldern 14-19 år. De svenska fpp är hämtade från högstadium och gymnasium i Stockholmsområdet, och de amerikanska från två katolska privatskolor i New York. Dessa tog del av ett moralfrågeformulär av Gibbs (Gibbs & Widaman, 1982; Socio-moral Reflection Measure; SRM) som är en reviderad version av Kohlbergs intervjumetod för bedömning av en individs moralutveckling och kvalitativa, moraliska synsätt i frågor rörande moral. Vid analysen förelåg inga nationella skillnader i moralutvecklingsnivå.
Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?
The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.
Att mäta generell skam : En analys baserad på Raschmodellen
The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether Suzanne Retzinger?s linguistic cues for shame and verbal behaviors for hiding shame could be used to measure shame in surveys based on Thomas Scheff?s theory of shame. I created a measurement instrument consisting of 30 statements, which were all meant to measure general shame.The instrument was administrated to 180 respondents studying at Karlstad University, of whom 4 respondents were removed from the data set due to lack of standardization. With the polytomous rasch model used for the analysis, data from 176 respondents were analyzed, of whom 124 respondents were female and 52 were male.The result showed that the measurement instrument?s statements should not be used together because the analysis indicated multidimensionality.
Turbiditet som ersättningsmått för totalfosforhalt i kustmynnande vattendrag i Östergötland
Eutrophication is a major problem in the Baltic Sea, as a result of increased loading of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the coastal parts of Östergötland the soil largely consists of clay and contains high levels of phosphorus bound to clay particles. Erosion of the soil in agricultural areas makes the water turbid and transports phosphorus to the Baltic Sea. The aim of this project was to examine the relationship between phosphorus and turbidity in the coastal streams of Östergötland. The aim was also to evaluate the possibility to use turbidity as a surrogate measure for phosphorus.
Låt inte maten tysta mun! : En kvalitativ studie om samtal vid måltider i förskolan
The aim of this essay was to examine the way preschool teachers and children converse during school meals, and also the way preschool teachers start and develop conversations during meals. The conversations were analyzed from the topic of conversation and the teachers' ways of using language acts such as questions, remarks, exhortations. The study was based on observations, tape recording and contact schedule. The result shows that the topic of conversation is significant for how involved teachers are in conversations during meals. The result also shows how conversations develop or end depending on what language acts teachers use.
Utvärdering av ett värmepumpsystems prestanda till en HWC-tvättmaskin : Med fokus på fläktvarvtal och köldmedieflöde
This report was performed in order to evaluate a new technological measure and focuses generally on a heat pump system to a HWC-washing machine. The client is Asko Appliances AB, a company well known for its environmentally friendly products. The goal of this study was to improve the energy efficiency of a washing machine by combining a heat pump device to the heater of the wash water, in order to reduce the energy consumed for heating the water. Besides reducing the energy consumption in heating the water, the washing machine was required to meet low noise and short operating time specifications. For that purpose, nine trials in three test series have been carried out.
Bäckmans stenhuggeri AB : Möjligheten att skapa ett nytt segment inom stenbranschen
The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.
Kombinationsbruk, talltimmer och vilt?
When I began my studies at Gammelkroppa forest school I started to think about an appropriate thesis. There was much discussion about the wild grazing damage during that period. I was at that time a part of Boo property and helped at their great hunts. They had the dual uses of wildlife and forest. I decided that I want to study how big the wild grazing damages are and if we can reduce them.
Hur hjälper vi barn och ungdomar med dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter? - En undersökning av insatser från skola och bibliotek
This paper examines how teachers and librarians are helping children and young people withdyslexia/reading and writing difficulties. The examination has taken place in a small municipalityin Skaraborg County. Seven teachers in the municipal schools and the chief librarian inthe municipal library have been interviewed as well as an advising county librarian.In the municipal schools the pupils have access to literature in easy language and computerswith programs training reading, writing and spelling. In some schools there are textbooks ontape too. In the municipal library and in the county library disabled readers can loan literatureon tape and literature in easy language.The conclusion of the examination is that children and young people with dyslexia/readingand writing difficulties need all sorts of aids in reading and writing.
Kosovo - Självständighetens betydelse och möjligheter : En fallstudie i demokratiutveckling
The aim of this study is to examine the democratization process of Kosovo in the years after the countries independence was assured. Two central questions for the case study consist of whether a democratic improvement in the country has occurred and which factors, positive and negative, are present to further improve or impede the democratizationprocess. The study builds upon two central definitions, democratic states and democratization in order to gain theoretical background to be able to measure these two quite abstract expressions. A socioeconomic model is used to measure favorable or negative developments within Kosovos society and the findings of this model confirms the hypothesis of modernization theory, namely that increased socioeconomic development increases the chance of a positive democratizationprocess. There has been a positive democratic development aswell as socioecomic progress but since the nature of this study is merely descriptive and not explanatory, it doesnt make claims on the explanatory power of modernization theory.
Slack på mellanchefsnivå : Ger budgetstramhet och budgetdelaktighet önskade effekter på slack?
The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.
Analys av mätdata från nätstationer
Fortum has in a pilot project installed metering equipment with wireless communication in secondary substations in Stockholm. So far, the collected data are used only in specific projects.This master thesis was carried out at Fortum Distribution AB in Stockholm during 2013. The purpose of this study is to simplify and enhance the use of data in for example network planning process, by giving suggestions on how data can be managed and giving examples of analyzes that collected data can be used for.The electricity meter which Fortum has installed is a EDMI-Mk10A which is set to measure max/average/min values with a one hour time resolution of the following parameters: voltage (per phase), current (per phase) andactive power and active and reactive energy.In order to analyze the collected data an analysis tool is required. During this thesis two customized tools in Microsoft Excel have been developed, one for sorting data and one for analyzing.One aim of the thesis is to show examples of what collected measurement data can be used for. This work shows an example of analysis of active power, power factor, voltage, occurrence of interrupts and the relationship between outdoor temperature and power.This master thesis has among others resulted in the following advice: Expand the number of secondary substations with measuring equipment.
Informativiteten kring finansiella instrument : En studie om hur informativt företag framställer sina instrument i årsredovisningen
The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.
Manuell indexering av webbresurser: en undersökning av indexeringskonsistens vid social indexering
Social indexing is an approach to manual indexing of web content. The purpose of this master thesis has been to investigate terminological and conceptual consistency in social indexing of web content. Conceptual consistency was investigated/measured focusing on synonyms and (the use of) singular and plural forms of words. In order to measure consistency in social indexing data were obtained from the Delicious website. The data set consists of five indexed objects, 3001 tags and 239 users.
Miljonprogrammets omfattande upprustningsbehov : Vem tar räkningen?
The function of budgetary controls is to control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary control function is used to measure and control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.