886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 5 av 60
Utveckling av applikation för android-plattformen : Förenklad medicinering genom ny teknik
The objective of this project was to develop an application for mobile phones using the Android operating system. The main goal was, with the help of GPS, to pinpoint locations, measure distance traveled and illustrate the progress on a map. Functionalities for just showing the map, fetching addresses and saving to a database was also implemented. The result of the work was a proper application, called MeasureApp, that fulfills the goals set in the planning stages of the project. MeasureApp can be used to measure distances where accuracy is not a main factor, i.e walks or runs.
Tryckalgometri hos friska hästar :
There are no reliable, objective and simple methods today for measuring pain in horses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and describe measuring of mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) values with a pressure algometer in clinically pain free riding horses at the riding school of Strömsholm. In this study there were 24 horses. Tape recording and electromyelografi (EMG) was used in an attempt to increase objectivity in the examination. MNT increased with age, however sex and colour had no influence.
Kommunikation med drivlina : Implementering av seriell kommunikation och LabView-gra?nssnitt fo?r DSPer i drivlina
The objective of this project was to develop an application for mobile phones using the Android operating system. The main goal was, with the help of GPS, to pinpoint locations, measure distance traveled and illustrate the progress on a map. Functionalities for just showing the map, fetching addresses and saving to a database was also implemented. The result of the work was a proper application, called MeasureApp, that fulfills the goals set in the planning stages of the project. MeasureApp can be used to measure distances where accuracy is not a main factor, i.e walks or runs.
Fra?n beso?kare till boende : En studie om ma?tning av destinationsimage ur inva?nares perspektiv
It has become increasingly common for cities and municipalities to take greater account of the place marketing, and to see the physical location as a brand. An early step in this process is to make the image measurements of the place, in order to develop better marketing strategies. A method often used in tourism research for this type of measurements is Etchner and Ritchie's theoretical framework. The framework is initially designed to measure visitor's image of a tourist destination.Almost all previous research in this area is based on the visitor's perspective, but Olofsson and Skredsvik have used this framework to measure a location's image among the residents. They feel that the residents of a place can be seen as ambassadors of the place because they know the site well.
Filter och kapsling för IR-givare
This paper describes the work done trying to diminish the noise present in the signal from an IR-detector. The project was aiming towards two different kinds of applications; heat protection and presence detection. The hypothesis was that the signal-noise ratio would decrease if a filter and a proper installation were used for the detector. Some experiments were executed to determine what kind of filter were the most suitable for each application and how these could be installed. After executing the experiments and evaluate the results we recommend to use a specific filter for each application.
Jämförelse av två mätmetoder för mindre gasvolym
Two different methods for measuring biogas production were used, gas meter and gasbags. The gas meters were electronic and counted each time a certain gasvolume passed through them. The gasbags collected the gas that hade passed through the gas meter until a manual measuring could be done. The two different methods gave the same result for a volume at three liters but for a volume around 0,2 liters they did not. Accuracy and precision for the gasbags was more exact than for the gas meters even if the method was difficult with a lot of different elements that could affect the result.
Vad kvinnor är mest nöjda med i samband med sin förlossning : Validering av instrumentet KUPP-I
AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women´s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care??. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I.
Design av Digital Multimeter-modul för inbyggt testsystem
The thesis work of 15 credits has been performed to interest of Norrtälje ElektronikPartner AB (NEP) in Norrtälje. The aim of the thesis was to develop a prototype for an integrated digital multimeter, designed for one of NEP's proprietary test systems. A digital multimeter module according to NEP's requirement specification, such as physical size and accuracy should be constructed. The module should be able to measure current, voltage and resistance.The final circuit was based on the chosen analog to digital-converter, Maxim integrated´s Max134, which is the main component of the circuit for this instrument. A circuit diagram and PCB layout were made. The result of this project is a constructed DMM board.
Ute och cyklar? : på jakt efter en metod att mäta upplevelse
Well-functioning bicycle paths are relevant issues in today´s society as a way to increase active transport. Active transport means working for a better global climate, urban environment and public health. What we experience on a bicycle affects the choice of a bicycle path and is a subject where there is much left to explore. This essay examines methods in environmental psychology literature that measure the experiences of landscape. The aim is to find and apply methods to measure the experience of two bicycle paths in the Skåne plains.
Leveransprecisionsmätning : en företagsstudie på Sanmina-SCI
Performance measurements have become very important tools for companies because of ever increasing global competition in today?s market. Delivery dependability is one of the three most important performance measurements for companies to focus on and that makes this analysis, of the dependability, both very interesting and up to contemporary. In this rapport different aspects of delivery dependability will be dealt with, and a weight will be on what to measure and how to measure it together with how to present the outcome of the measurements. A discussion has also been held regarding what goal the company should have on its dependability.
BSR Prestandaverktyg / BSR Performance tool : Prestandamätning via diagnosuttag över CAN / Performance measure via diagnostic socket over CAN
This abstract describes the bachelor degree thesis in computer technology at Växjö University. The company BSR in Växjö has requested an application that can measure a cars performance, with attributes like acceleration times and engine power estimation. The communication between car and computer is via the USB port on the computer and the OBD-II socket on the car with the network protocol CAN, controller area network. Cars from VAG have been the primary focus group and the application has been tested on a Volkswagen Passat CC from 2009. The system is developed in the programming language C# in the environment Visual Studio with the framework .NET.
Utbrändhet bland svenska alpina tränare, finns det? : Vad ska kunna göras för att förbättra tränares arbetssituation?
Aim: The purpose with this study was to examine if there is burnout or symptoms of burnout among Swedish alpine coaches. The study would also investigate if the place of work have any meaning of developing burnout symptom or to become burnout. How the coaches think that their working situation could be any better is also going to be lightened.Method: The participants in this study were all full time paid alpine coaches in Sweden. Total amount of participator was 28. 13 of them worked on ski gymnasium, 4 worked on ski collage and 11 worked in SSF (Swedish Ski Federation).
Health Locus of Control och impulsivitet i relation till träning : en studie om universitetsstudenters träningsbeteende
There are many aspects which must be taken into consideration when studying individuals? need of exercise. The study investigates if impulsivity and Health Locus of Control affect the continuity of physical practise. The main presumption was that individuals with high impulsivity, high Powerful Others and high Chance Health Locus of Control, would have a significantly harder time to maintain a continuous physical activity. The survey used two standardized tests to measure impulsivity and Health Locus of Control and in order to be able to measure the insensitivity and the periodicity of physical exercise, a test was developed by the authors.
A comparison of two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare in relation to resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures
Traditionally risk-based measures have been used to assess animal welfare in legislation and certification schemes. With increased knowledge and research, debate today tends to focus on and advocate the use of animal-based measures. However this is not a panacea for welfare and the most sound conclusion should be that assessment of animal welfare needs both. The aim of this thesis is to identify the points that need to be taken into consideration to find the optimal balance in the use of input and outcome measures according to the aim of the assessment and how these should be applied when designing a certification scheme? To answer this, a comparison of the use of resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures in two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare, Freedom Food (UK) and Svenskt Sigill (SWE), was made.
Hastighetsmätning av kolvrörelser i pneumatiska cylindrar
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate different methods do measure velocity of pistons in pneumatic cylinders at Bosch Rexroth Teknik AB. Through information of velocity the adjustment of a cylinders damping can be done easier.A future transducer will be used by salesmen, service personnel and customers. This requires a sensor that is easy to apply and use. It is also desirable that the sensor is cheap. A number of possible methods to measure velocity have been presented.