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En utvärdering av IT-investeringar på banker med fokus på IT-styrningsmetoder
This report discusses the IT archetypes "governance strategy" and how it could be linked to the IT benefits at the company. The study is based on IT investments that have taken place in ten banks operating in Sweden today, where the reality was modeled on the basis of a questionnaire survey and an additional interview. The aim was to examine whether it is possible to find any correlation between the governance in the banks and obtained benefits for an IT investments.While the competition is intensifying in most companies there is a greater demand for efficiency in IT. The need for IT solutions is greater than ever and the number of IT investments is increasing significantly in most workplaces today, especially on banks. But even if the investments are increasing in numbers it does not necessarily mean that all types of investments are effective and beneficial to the company.
Erfarna oskulder och arbetande hemmafruar : en studie kring kvinnor i moderniseringsprocesser
This is a theoretical study of changing relations between men and women in the context of modernisation. Ideas derived from a general theoretical discussion will be illustrated by examples from countries that are going through societal changes affecting the lives of men and women; Uganda, Morocco and Mexico. Focus will be on connections between changes in the public sphere and interpersonal relations in the private sphere. One part examines certain effects of women?s increased participation in politics and in the workforce, concluding that these changes may cause conflicts with traditional values and consequently tensions in inter-gender relations.
Bemanningsupproret ___________________________________________________________________________ En kvalitativ intervjustudie om journalisters anställningsotrygghet i bemanningsbranschen
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the work situation for temporary workers within the field of journalism. During the past decade, influential external forces such as commercialization, new technologies and increased competition have brought great changes within the industry. As a result, employers value flexibility of manpower, not least to reduce cost, where the flexible employee is usually leased by the media company from a manpower company. Today it is a normal practice with manpower companies and this way of hourly paid form of employment. Although the temporary worker can sometimes benefit from this kind of employment, there are also significant setbacks like job insecurity.
Effectiveness of education program conducted by Novo Nordisk: A study on the prescription behaviour of the doctors? in the treatment of diabetes disease
The purpose of this work is to do an investigation on the customers in the pharmaceutical sector; mainly general physicians who have taken part in the education events have any impact in their prescription behaviour after the participation in the program. The settings for this study are general practitioners in the Swedish market who have taken part in the education program held by Novo Nordisk in the treatment of diabetes disease. Methodology: The methodological approach adopted for this work is quantitative; using secondary data from the internal database from the company. The analytical model is tested through statistical analysis using the data?s obtained from the databases.
Svenska myndigheters användning av sociala medier : Vilka mål har myndigheterna med sitt användande av sociala medier samt hur mäter myndigheterna effekten av sitt arbete?
Swedish authorities have been dealt a mission by the Swedish state, where each agency works on the basis of their assignment. Communication has become more and more important for authorities, there are several reasons for the use of communication and they may differ from authority to authority. Some authorities claim that the purpose of the communication work is to create awareness and recognition among citizens. A communication form that has become increasingly important for government agencies is social media, according to the government authorities should implement social media in their communication work because it is very important that the authorities are available where the citizens are. Previous research has focused on the risks and opportunities that the social media generates for the public sector.
Hållbarhetsredovisningens budskap : en komparativ studie av Vattenfall och E.ON
Companies today are expected to communicate their responsibility to the world around them. Society?s expectations differ and stakeholders are demanding that companies act responsibly on matters related to climate, work environment and human rights. The purpose of sustainability reports is that companies should measure, present and take responsibility in relation to their internal and external stakeholders. It is intended that a reasonable picture of the company's sustainability performance should be communicated, containing both positive and negative effects.Companies efforts with sustainability issues is industry-dependent and industries with significant environmental problems perform the most advanced environmental statement.
Modebloggarnas makt : Hur produktplacering i modebloggar påverkar försäljningen i volymmärkesbutiker
By exposing their products in blogs, companies have the opportunity to reach out to hundreds of thousands of consumers daily. Instead of using conventional Internet advertising such as banners and ads, some companies chose to make use of product placement in blogs. By choosing to expose their products in blogs, companies use a medium that blog readers are familiar with and can relate to, and can thereby solicit customers for their products and brands.We will examine whether product placements in fashion blogs are an effective way for businesses to market themselves and their products. We measure this efficiency, by keeping a record of the sales of ten product placed garment and accessories that we have selected from four of the largest blogs in Sweden. The stores we examine sales of product placed goods in are volume brand stores such as Zara and H&M etcetera.
Lönsamhet av CRM hos företag : En fallstudie på vilka mått företag i Sverige använder för att beräkna sin lönsamhet av CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) har beskrivits som en filosofi, en teknologi, en strategi, en process och ett IT-system. Det finns ingen allmängiltig definition av CRM vilket har lett till svårigheter att identifiera och definiera tillförlitliga mått vid mätning av dess effektivitet. Detta har lett till att företag skämtsamt brukar benämna att CRM står för ?Can?tReally Measure?. Oavsett har flertalet modeller, mått och system tagits fram för att kunna göra CRM-insatser mätbara.
Förekomst av Helicobacter spp. hos hund : samband med hepatit/pankreatit?
To date, the genus Helicobacter consist of 26 different species and even more species are yet to be characterized. Helicobacter has been detected in connection with diseases in the liver and pancreas in humans and animals.
Helicobacter spp. are gram negative, curved, S-shaped or spiral shaped bacteria. They are microaerophilic and have flagella that make them motile. Helicobacter, present in the gastric mucosa neutralize the gastric acid through production of urease that hydrolyses urea to ammonia and bicarbonate.
Utvärdering av svenska aktie- och aktieindexfonder : En empirisk studie av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot och M-kvadrat, år 1998-2008
My essay is on the subject of teachers work environment with focus on noise and communication. In the essay questions are raised on how a teacher can influence his or hers noisy work environment. A school is a large work place with many employees and is owned and administered by the county municipality which is an even bigger workplace. How big an acting space does a teacher have in such a large organization?My methods of research on these questions have been to conduct interviews and analyzing documentation from The Swedish Work Environment Authority.
Vibrationsträning vid knäledsartros
In cooperation with Hälsoteamet Halmstad a pilot study was made to see if whole body vibration exercise has any effect on muscle strength, movement and experience of pain in people with knee osteoarthritis. Today whole body vibration exercise is a revolutionary exercise method that needs more studies to show the positive and negative effects. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease where more cartilage is destroyed than replaced. The most common symptoms are pain, stiffness, restricted movement, muscularly atrophy, tenderness and instability. The cartilage needs pressure to rebuild, it is therefore important that the patient exercise.
Design och konstruktion av mätuppställning för induktiv mätning av magnetisk spinndynamik
Development in spin dynamic occurs in the whole world because of therising demands on fast electronic storage for example hard drivesand RAM (Random Access Memory). Measuring the spin resonance of amaterial gives you the insight of the theoretical speed for amagnetic memory. This means the maximum storage speed is below thefirst resonance. All magnetic materials have different propertiesthat will inflict the resonance frequency which brings that theconstructors of memories need to know which magnetic material theywill use to obtain best results. In the market for normal users themaximum storage speed in a RAM memory is 1.6 GHz.
Utvärdering av klusteranalytiska metoder i kombination med bibliografisk koppling: en bibliometrisk kartläggning av aktuella forskningsteman inom informationsvetenskap
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the combination of bibliographic coupling and three hierarchical cluster analytic techniques: average, complete and single linkage. Bibliographic coupling is applied as a measure of similarity between recently published articles and the cluster techniques are used for the partition of a set of articles into subsets of articles with similar research focus. The field of information science is applied as the test arena and the selection of data, i.e., the article population to be partitioned, is based on a number of central journals. Methods of evaluation include both quantitative approaches as well as a qualitative one. For comparing the resulting partitions, adjusted Rand index is utilized and for the establishment of cluster coherence and isolation, measures of average normalized coupling strength is applied.
Idrottslärares uppfattning av könsblandad och samkönad undervisning : En jämförande studie av undervisningsformer i idrott och hälsa
Children?s utterances have been studied in different languages; however, only a few studies refer to Swedish. The aim of the present study is to describe utterance types, subordinate clauses and utterance length for a group of three and four year old Swedish children without known functional impairments.The study included 29 children, 17 girls and 12 boys, in a larger city in the south-east of Sweden. The children, all native Swedish speakers, were aged 3;0 to 4;11. Sound recordings were made during a playing session with one of the authors in the children?s day care centers.The utterances were divided into the categories elliptical responses, incomplete and partly unintelligible utterances, imitative utterances and independent utterances.
Metodjämförelse mellan instrumenten Vitros 5,1 FS och QuikRead CRP för analysen P-CRP
In studies of serum, in the early 1930s, from patients with pneumonia, a factor was found. It could agglutinate certain pneumococcal species. This factor, which later became known as C-reactive protein (CRP), increased sharply during the early and middle stages of the disease. CRP was identified as an acute phase protein and found especially in bacterial infections. CRP is synthesized in the liver by stimulation of interleukin 6 (IL-6), which is produced by the monocytes, and consists of five non-covalently bound subunits.The aim of this study was to compare two different analytical instruments (Vitros 5.1 FS Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics and QuikRead CRP Orion Diagnostica) for CRP analysis.