886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 38 av 60
Utveckling av metoder att mäta centrering av skruvhål i skär
There have been, in some rare cases, difficulties with clamping of inserts with U-holesin their tool holder. According to the complaints, the inserts could not be properlyclamped or could fracture when clamped. A study has shown that variations inclamping behaviour are mainly depending by the position of the screw hole in the toolholder and the centering of the screw hole in the insert.The focus of this project has been the centering of screw hole in insert. It has beenshown that the screw holes are not always enough centered in the insert. Theproblem may occur after a certain step in the production, i.e.
Det relativa värdet av ämnesingångar i databaser: Variationer mellan discipliner
This thesis deals with tactics for information seeking in electronic databases. An important aspect is knowledge of the relative value of different subject access points. The method used here is literature studies. Nineteen empirical studies are described and analysed with the purpose to compare the relative value of different subject access points. The studies examined compare the relative value of subject access points in relation to each other or in relation to different scientific disciplines.
Utvärdering av ett IR-system i en informationssökningsprocess ett holistiskt perspektiv
The research objective of this thesis was to conduct a holistic evaluation of an operational information system. By holistic evaluation we mean that an equal focus was placed on both the system system perspective and its users user perspective, in the actual environment where the system and its users function contextuality. In addition, the methodological objective of the study was to test a new research approach in a real life setting. The participants of the study were twenty newspaper journalists employed at Göteborgs-Posten GP. The information system NewsLink is a manually indexed full-text database containing all articles published in GP since 1994.
Validering av smärtformulär för katt
The objective of this study was to assess validity and reliability for five different owner-completed instruments evaluated to assess chronic musculoskeletal pain in cats. All of the instruments were questionnaires, three asking about behavioral changes, one about the degree of pain and one about quality of life. One of the instruments was written originally in Swedish, the other four instruments were translated into Swedish before use.
Data available were records from 57 cats with no signs of pain and 11 cats with different pain-related diagnoses. The diagnoses were ensured by clinical examination including palpation and manipulation of joints, gait testing on a force-plate and X-ray scans. Instrument 1 was completed by 57 pain-free and 11 pain-affected cats.
Cassava as an additive in biomass fuel pellet production :
In this study, the effects of using fine milled cassava stems as an additive in biofuel pellet production was compared to the effects of refined starch addition. The bulk biomass fuel raw material, to which the additive was added, was a blend of spruce and pine sawdust. An experimental design in the factors cassava/starch content, moisture content and material temperature was used. Measured responses were pellet bulk density, pellet durability, amount of fines, pelletizer motor current, pellet temperature, die temperature and CV for pelletizer motor current (a measure of process stability). Each response was modeled by multiple linear regression (MLR).
Mätning av abrasivflöde för vattenskärningsmaskiner
The content of the following report is the summarized result of three students
thesis at Blekinge Institute of Technology in co-operation with Water Jet
Sweden AB.
This report will give the reader a description of principles how to measure the
abrasive mass flow in a waterjet cutting system.
The work began with a visit to Water Jet Sweden AB to get a closer look at the
problem. When the analysis of the problem was done the criteria were defined in
the form of demands and desires. The main task of the criteria was to guide the
search for the solution. The work proceeded with an extensive search for
abrasive flow meters along with obtaining information about flow measurement in
general. When the search for abrasive flow meters resulted in nothing all the
efforts were concentrated on finding a principle of measurement that could cope
with the criteria.
Att mäta innovativ kultur : En fallstudie av Eskilstuna kommuns medarbetarenkät
Innovationsproduktiviteten har blivit allt viktigare i vårt samhälle och ses som en förutsättning för att skapa framgångsrika organisationer. Innovationer springer ur människors kreativitet och initiativförmåga och innebär att omsätta kunskap, kompetens och idéer till praktisk nytta. Det förefaller som om innovation endast blomstrar under rätt organisatoriska omständigheter. Kärnan i den innovativa organisationen är en kultur som agerar vägvisande med en tro på människan. Nyckeln till innovation blir således organisationers förmåga att förhålla sig till förändring i en ofta kaotisk miljö med människan i centrum. Som ett led i detta arbete behöver organisationer kontinuerligt ta temperaturen för att tydliggöra både den nuvarande och den önskade kulturen.
Vi tar tempen på ert CO2-utsläpp! : en studie av hållbarhetsredovisningars användbarhet
The environment has become an important part in people´s lives, and in today´s society stakeholders demands have increased upon companies when it comes to sustainability reports. How these sustainability reports are designed depends on whom it?s for, laws and regulations, and the companies own norms and values. The purpose of sustainability reports is to measure, monitor and compare a company´s enviromental impact. It?s not only about integrating economics, but also enviromental and social standards together to get both financial and competitive advantages.Sustainable Value method is a new model and is the first real method that can be used to evaluate a company´s resources, both financial, social and enviromental to a sustainable value.This model is used to compare the resource efficiency between companies.In this thesis, a documentary study with an experimental approach has been made.Sustainability reports from six selected companies (in the engineering and forestry sector) have been investigated with respect to their accounting for carbon dioxide, and an experiment using the method ?Sustainable Value Approach? was subsequently performed.
ICC-profilers funktionalitet vid byte av tryckfärgskvalitet
This degree theme work aims to evaluate the present ICC-profile and printing ink of Dalarnas Tidningar AB. The companyhas changed printing ink quality and wants to evaluate how the present ICC-profile work with the new printingink. Four different ICC-profiles were included in the comparison.One test printing was accomplished with two different separations. Two new ICC-profile was created, as a comparingmaterial. An densitometer was used to measure the technical parameters of the printing.
Hur ser de kemiska principerna för mätning av metabolism med hjälp av indirekt kalorimetri ut? En metodjämförelse mellan Douglas-bag och Oxycon Stationary Pro
Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are usual measurements within the sports and training physiology. The same measurements are also common when it comes to establish the amount of energy that is used during work and to establish the intensity of work. The volume of oxygen that is consumed contra the volume of carbon dioxide that is produced can be used to calculate the metabolic rate within the human body. This calculation shows the percent relationship between carbohydrates and fat in the metabolism. The first accurate method to measure the breathing gases for use in metabolic calculation was established in the early twenty century when the Douglas bag method was introduced.
Terapiträdgårdens växtmaterial
This report discusses the IT archetypes "governance strategy" and how it could be linked to the IT benefits at the company. The study is based on IT investments that have taken place in ten banks operating in Sweden today, where the reality was modeled on the basis of a questionnaire survey and an additional interview. The aim was to examine whether it is possible to find any correlation between the governance in the banks and obtained benefits for an IT investments.While the competition is intensifying in most companies there is a greater demand for efficiency in IT. The need for IT solutions is greater than ever and the number of IT investments is increasing significantly in most workplaces today, especially on banks. But even if the investments are increasing in numbers it does not necessarily mean that all types of investments are effective and beneficial to the company.
Överläkare i ortopedi och kirurgi : Likvärdiga arbeten med lika löner?
This investigation is a pilot survey whose main purpose is to investigate with work evaluation and attitude analysis whether the orthopedists and surgeons work can be equaled, why the wages differences exists between women and men, and also which preventive measures the organization can use to even out the wages differences between the genders. In relation with the investigation I have applied the reflexive way of thinking to establish which difficulties come up in the work of gender-equality.The result?s from work evaluation displays that the works are equivalent but the salaries are not, which can depend on value discrimination,gender discrimination and the organization theory.Wages differences between women and men depend on, according to the informers, partly by historical explanation and partly by the old directors who was allowed to retain regular salary when theypost transformed. The common point of view is that men have a larger work experience and therefore a higher salary.The managements attitude towards gender-equality issues is of absolute importance in order to achieve and bring a change within the organization.The measure positive special treatment is proposed to be used as an improving method to achieve (gender)equality between the posts and to even out the wages difference between the sexes.To establish whether or not gender discrimination exist in the investigated organization there needs to be done a whole lot supplementary studies like a complete wage (salary) mapping which includes all supplements and more interviews among the organizations all occupation groups..
Integrerad arbetsprocess mellan projektör och konstruktör, För effektiv och kvalitetssäker projektering med Tekla Structures och SAP2000
The purpose of this work is to design and construct a device able to measure the mechanical attrition of oxygen carrier particles. Those particles are used in chemical looping combustion and in the present situation there is a lack of knowledge in how the attrition process work and in which extension. To find already tested solutions trying to answering this problem a literature study wascarried out and the best solution found was the so called Grace-Davison Jet-Cup method. This method is supposed to emulate the attrition caused by a cyclone separator and its advantages are that it is possible to use small test amounts, 5-10 g, and a thirty minutes long test will be enough to acquire useable results. An device was designed based on the Jet-Cup method with some slight modifications.
Konstruktion av sök/räddningsrobot
Volvo Human Monitoring (VHM) is an ongoing project at Volvo Cars where they measure, amongst other parameters, inhalation and exhalation through a device called Respiratory Inductance Plethysmograph (RIP), on drivers. RIP measures changes in the cross-sectional area of the chest and abdomen. When the driver is in motion, such as when she is turning the vehicle, the cross-sectional area changes and noise in the RIP signal may arise.The noise results in a large number of manual adjustments in the analysis of the RIP signal, which is very time consuming and the validity of the device for measuring inhalation and exhalation is questioned.The purpose of this study was to improve the efficiency of the analysis of the RIP signal. The goal was to create a new data processing tool in Matlab that automatically detects inhalation and exhalation from a RIP signal with higher validity compared to the previous data processing tool.In this study, nine tests were performed on drivers while they were driving in different scenarios such as highway, country road and in city traffic. Inhalation and exhalation was measured using a RIP, a pneumotachograph with a tightly sealed facemask and a thermocouple placed between the nose and mouth, which was used as reference to the RIP.The result of this study was a data processing tool that automatically detects inhalation and exhalation with higher validity compared to the previous data processing tool.
Struktur och styrning med balanced scorecard som styrverktyg : En studie inom Västra Götalandsregionen
BackgroundThere are different organizational structures and control and it has been proved difficult to find a combination between these that leads to goal congruence and improved efficiency. An organization can be structured according to hierarchical levels and the decision making can be either centralized or decentralized. Organizational control can be classified according to the amount of rules and balanced scorecard can be used to weld together the structure with the control.PurposeThe purpose is to create an understanding of how two types of structures and control in an organization appears and also to investigate how these differ from one another concerning the balanced scorecard as a control system. We will also investigate how the variables goal congruence and efficiency are affected by the implementation of the balanced scorecard.MethodTo answer the purpose of this thesis we have mainly used the qualitative method since we have studied two organizations thoroughly through interviews on different levels of the organization. The study also has some quantitative elements since we wanted to get a more truthful picture of the organizations.