886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 30 av 60
Vad påverkar beslutet av missbruksvård? : Faktorer som kan påverka val av insats
Title:What influences the assessment of addiction treatment? - Factors that may affect thechoice of interventionsThere are few studies on trauma and the importance of religion for the professional handlingof abuse clients in a Swedish context. It is therefore appropriate to examine the role of suchfactors. This study examines whether experienced trauma in childhood or religious beliefsinfluence the assessment and selection of input in fictitious cases. To examine this created sixvignettes.
Sälja eller låna ut, är det skillnad? - En experimentell komparativ studie av återvinningseffektivitet i bibliografiska databaser.
The aim of this thesis is to answer whether a group of databases dedicated to selling books or a group of databases dedicated to lending books is more efficient. The measurements used to determine the efficiency of the two kinds of databases are Cumulated Gain and precision in modified versions. The inquiry has been conducted thus that the same 18 queries have been put forth to six databases and these results have consequently been judged according to relevance on a 4-graded scale by five respondents. The rankinglevels have then been merged to one average value per respondent and ranking. These values have then been used to determine CG/iCG/nCG and P@n per query, rank 1-10, per database and per group (the groups being STORE (BUTIK) and LIBRARY (BIBLIOTEK).
Lärande i förändringsprocesser : En fallstudie om individers villkor för lärande vid implementeringen av ett nytt affärssystem
Problem Are there any abnormal changes in the parent company's share price at the news of a spin?off.ObjectiveThe main purpose of the study is to investigate how the news of a spin-off affects the parent company's share price. In other words if the news of the Spin-off gives an abnormal return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the specific period of 1998?2008. In addressing this, the paper will also investigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in the abnormal returns in various sectors and what the reasons to perform a spin?off in the Swedish market are.MethodAn event study in which market data is used to measure specific events? impact on the value of the company and on the effects on the stock market.
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.
Är mamma verkligen lik sin mamma? : En studie kring motivation utifrån generationstillhörighet och personlighetsdrag i temporära arbetsgrupper
Purpose ? The current study aims to analyze how employees in temporary groups gets motivated, based on their personality traits and generation belonging, focusing on the goal setting theory. The study also focuses on the combination of these two variables concerning the goal setting theory.Design ? A total of 56 individuals working in project groups completed the questionnaire made for measure their personality traits and their work motivation.Findings ? Results in this specific case demonstrated differences in motivation based on their personality traits and generation. The study also found differences when studying the combination of the two variables.
Hur använder små närproducerande företag Facebook? : En fallstudie om hur företag i livsmedelsbranschen stärker sitt varumärke genom marknadsföring på Facebook
The European Union has been working to promote equality between women and men for a long time. Despite this, Sweden still have a gender segregated labor market where men generally has the leading positions. According to European law the member states shall promote gender equality and to take all appropriate measures. Statutory gender quotas for company boards is one such measure that some of the European member states have implemented in national law. The Swedish law has no provisions governing gender quotas and therefore the purpose of this study is to explain how gender quotas for company boards relate to current law, both of European law and national legislation.
Svenska nyhetssöktjänster på webben: En utvärdering av Yahoo! Nyheter och Sesams återvinningseffektivitet
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the retrieval performance of two search engines, Yahoo! News and Sesam, specialized on indexing news articles in Swedish. Thirty search questions were used in this study, divided into three different categories: domestic news, amusement and sport. Precision has been calculated both for the 30 search questions as a total and for the three categories as well. Precision was calculated at every DCV-level and then divided with the number of search questions used, in an attempt to reach an average measure.
Vetorätt i FN:s säkerhetsråd : Dess inverkan på humanitär intervention
The purpose of this degree project was to examine which remedies are available to individuals when the State has violated their right to a fair trial as stated in article 6 in the European Convention on Human Rights. Furthermore, the aim was to, in cases where the remedy is determined to money, to clarify the indemnity rates that apply in determining the non-pecuniary damages. The starting point was a review of the European Court practice, domestic Swedish practice and relevant literature.The outcome of the review is that the remedies available to the individual?s disposal can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary remedies. Primary remedies mean compensation not consisting of money, and must be exhausted first.
All the Web, Alta Vista och Google: en effektivitetsstudie av tre söktjänster på webben.
The purpose of this essay is to perform an evaluation regarding retrieval performance of three web search engines. The search engines included are All the Web, Alta Vista and Google. These have been tested using ten queries within different subject areas chosen by the author. The first twenty hits for each question have been analyzed for relevancy. Relevancy is judged on a three-point scale; 0, 0,5 and 1 where 0 goes to irrelevant and inactive or duplicate documents, 0,5 point goes to partially relevant documents and 1 point goes to highly relevant documents.
Kvällspressens nyhetsvärdering på förstasidan : En sensationell utveckling
Our premiss in this study is the escalating competition in the swedish newspaper market, which have become an issue regarding smaller editions for the newspapers, and some scientist have claimed that this has brought an sensational touch to their news. With this in mind, we have studied if a sensational touch is brought to the two biggest Swedish newspapersAftonbladet?s and Expressen?s first pages. Our purpose with the study is to look into the newspapers development regarding a more sensational newsworthiness on the front page over time. The use of quotes, images and news themes is indicators to measure the development.Trough a content analysis from three different years, 1972, 1992 and 2012 we have measured the data with the computer program SPSS.
Utvärdering av närstridsillustrator : Piloters expertis till stöd för framtida utveckling
This thesis describes the evaluation of a prototype (Illustrator) for future simulator training of Within Visual Range - combat in the Swedish Air Force. The main focus was to collect and transform user acceptance data (expert opinions) to useful guidelines for continued development. Thirteen active fighter pilots participated in the study. The aim was to use expert opinion to study a) the psychological user acceptance, and b) the technical user acceptance, of the Illustrator together with c) gathering opinions for future improvement. Three psychological aspects were rated before and after the sessions to measure psychological user acceptance.
Kartläggning av energianvändning under byggfasen vid nyproduktion av flerbostadshus
The energy consumption in the sectors of residential and public buildings is 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden. The main part, 85 %, of the energy use in these sectors is for operation of the buildings. The rest is used in the building process. When energy-efficiency measures are taken the energy use during the operation time decreases and the fraction of energy consumption during the building time increases. This project is carried out in cooperation with JM AB and concerns the energy use during the building time of production of blocks of flats at the building site.The main part of the electricity that is used during the production of apartment buildings goes into the heating of portacabins and illumination of the building during the construction phase.
Utvärderande bibliometri: en jämförelse mellan två kvalitetsindikatorer
This master's thesis aims to explore the field of evaluative bibliometrics. In short, this field of research uses bibliometrics - i.e. the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication - as a research assessment tool. In recent years, evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method in research evaluation and is today used and implemented in many countries worldwide. Today, in Sweden, we can also see that evaluative bibliometrics is highly recognised and, in some cases, used in practice.
Ledningssystem för trafiksäkerhet- lokalisering av framgångsfaktorer förspridning av ledningssystemetISO 39001
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.
Den osynliga uniformen : Boendestödjares erfarenheter av regler och gränsöverskridningar inom socialpsykiatrisk verksamhet
This study is inspired by research about alliance as a common factor. The purpose is to explore the positive experiences among community-based social support workers when breaking the rules with their clients. The study questions in which situations they broke the rules and how they handled these situations related to their clients and colleges. Qualitative, individual interviews were made with four community-based social support workers who had such experiences. The results were analysed through an hermeneutic approach using Johan Asplund's theory of social responsiveness.