886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 19 av 60
Det sociala stödets betydelse för stress hos grundskolelärare
Socialt stöd bidrar till mindre risk för yrkesrelaterad utbrändhet. Var tredje lärare uppvisar inom sina första arbetsår symptom på utbrändhet. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan socialt stöd och utbrändhet hos grundskolelärare. Totalt deltog 71 respondenter i Stockholm via enkäter. Socialt stöd mättes via Berlin Social Support Scale och utbrändhet mättes med Shirom Melamed Burnout Measure.
The Swedish government have a goal that wind turbines shall produce 30 TWh by the year 2020, compared to about 3,5 TWh produced in Sweden during 2010. To minimize the disturbance that wind turbines create the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has stated a guideline value that noise from wind turbines at nearby residents shouldn?t exceed 40 dBA, at 8 m/s wind speed. With advanced calculation models, like Nord 2000, the emitted sound from future wind turbines can be calculated at an early stage to optimize the power production without exceeding the 40 dBA. When the turbines have been built there is a need to verify that they really are within the guideline.
Broar, länkar, gränser. Kultur, makt och marginalisering i diskursen om linkworkers/brobyggare
Abstract:The aim of this study is to critically analyse the discourse of linkworkers, a integration project in a ?multicultural? school in Malmö. In the project, four persons with different ethnic / cultural background where employed to work as a link between the school and the parents, and between the Swedish culture and the children's and the parent's ?original? culture. My material consists of evaluations of the project and interviews with school staff.
Vad sägs om kvalitet? Olika synsätt på litterär kvalitet i två bibliotekstidskrifter.
In this master thesis I investigate different views on literary quality in two quite different library journals; Biblioteksbladet and Bibliotek i Samhälle. One aim of the study is to see whether the ambiguity of the term literary quality is considered. Since there is no universally accepted definition of literary quality to be found the analysis is inspired by discourse analysis. This theoretical frame work starts off in the assumption that our views of the world are much dependent the way we describe it. The work of Finnish scholar Sanna Talja is presented and the results of this thesis are compared with the three perspectives on music culture that are presented in her book.
"Det börjar med en blick" : Pedagogers uppfattningar om anknytning Anette Höglin
Socialt stöd bidrar till mindre risk för yrkesrelaterad utbrändhet. Var tredje lärare uppvisar inom sina första arbetsår symptom på utbrändhet. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan socialt stöd och utbrändhet hos grundskolelärare. Totalt deltog 71 respondenter i Stockholm via enkäter. Socialt stöd mättes via Berlin Social Support Scale och utbrändhet mättes med Shirom Melamed Burnout Measure.
Jämställdhetsarbete inom förskolan : En etnografiskt inspirerad fallstudie
Socialt stöd bidrar till mindre risk för yrkesrelaterad utbrändhet. Var tredje lärare uppvisar inom sina första arbetsår symptom på utbrändhet. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan socialt stöd och utbrändhet hos grundskolelärare. Totalt deltog 71 respondenter i Stockholm via enkäter. Socialt stöd mättes via Berlin Social Support Scale och utbrändhet mättes med Shirom Melamed Burnout Measure.
Stuttering Severity Instrument 3: Svensk översättning och utprövning
The main purpose of this study was to translate Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and to evaluate its reliability and validity. Five speech-language pathologists assessed 35 adults who stutter with this assessment tool. Overall the results showed a very high inter- and intrarater reliability. A highly significant correlation between Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and ratings of severity, made by the speech-language pathologists, strengthen the validityof Stuttering Severity Instrument 3. No correlation was found between the total score of Stuttering Severity Instrument 3 and the self-report measure Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering, whichindicates a lack of social validity in Stuttering Severity Instrument 3.
Formgivning av möbler i SWISSPEARL Carat
This thesis concerns partial discharges in stator windings and the possibility of analyzing data using statistical methods. Partial discharges, or PD, are a physical phenomenon in which discharges occur locally due to large electric fields. PD can occur in or adjacent to the insulation of stator windings and causes breakdown of the insulating materials. PD measurement can provide an idea of how widespread the PD activity is. A technique to measure and analyze PD that has become very popular over the last few decades is phase resolved PD patterns.
Abnorm avkastning för konkurrenter till budmottagande företag - En empirisk studie av företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic
This paper aims to investigate abnormal returns for rivals to bidder targets in connection with the announcement of the bid. The study is based on 38 bids placed between September 2006 - January 2011 and 137 rival firms listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic. We measure cumulative abnormal returns, CAR, for rival firms through an event study. We find that rival firms earn significant positive CAR in connection with the announcement of the bid. This is in line with the two-sided signaling effect presented by Akhigbe et al.
Icke utövande Kvinnors relation till styrketräning : Om Kunskap, Fördomar, Arbetsgivaruppmuntran och Manslukt
In this study it has been investigated what is missing in non-strength training women to begin exercise regular strength training. It has also examined the level of knowledge about the health benefits and the employer's encouragement to maintain good health. The study was designed in a qualitative methodology and data collection was designed in form of semi-structured interviews. Six women were interviewed between the ages 22-51år. The results showed that women possessed a very low level of knowledge about strength training and also fears and prejudices existed among them.
Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.
Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.
Arbetsvillkorens samband med sjukfrånvaro och sjuknärvaro : En studie av hemtjänstpersonal
Sickness absence is a measure of health and is therefore an important issue. To get a complete picture it´s important to also include in the discussion sickness presenteeism, working while ill, and voluntary absence, staying at home without illness. Working conditions have been proven to play a role for the three aspects which is why this study aims to further investigate the connections between them. The method used was secondary processing on interview data collected from two home care teams, one having a low and the other a high sickness absence. The results showed that there were big differences concerning working conditions, where the group with the high sickness absence perceived more stress, less control and less support from colleagues and superiors.
Konstruktion av elektrolytisk ozongenerator
The work has been carried out in cooperation with the company Zenit Design in Malmö. The project's goal was to restore, improve and produce an ozone generator. During the project, the authors sought relevant literature in databases, been in contact with US suppliers of fuel cell membranes, Asian suppliers for the processing of Teflon and Titanium parts in mechanical engineering and Swedish suppliers of various standard components. The authors had access to a temporary lab at Zenit and electron microscope at Halmstad University where material tests were performed. The authors have also had access to measurement equipment to measure amounts of ozone.During the work, the authors have mapped how an existing ozone generator works and then have their own development.
YTTRANDEFRIHETEN OCH MÅNGFALDEN Får man bilda sin egen uppfattning?
This Master's thesis discusses the freedom of speech, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas in the context of public libraries in Sweden. The scope of this thesis is to examine the acquisition and maintenance of the literature about the killing of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme 1986. This literature will serve as an instrument to measure the extent to which Swedish public libraries adhere to the rules set by the Swedish parliament, United Nations' universal declaration of human rights article 19, UNESCO's public library manifesto and the principles of the Federation of Library Associations and Institutions..
Lokalisering av landsbygdsutvecklingsområden i strandnära läge
In the constitution of Sweden everyone has the right of common access in the nature. Toprotect these rights, as well as the nature, in areas close to shores the environmental law ofSweden (miljöbalken) protects areas within 100 meters from the waterline. Due to amendmentin this law, Swedish municipalities have to present countryside development areas close toshores. Within these areas, which are to be displayed in the municipality?s comprehensiveplan, it will be possible to get exemptions from the protection if the planned measure willbenefit the development of the region.