

221 Uppsatser om Table - Sida 1 av 15

Skapa kreativa möten : En visuell gestaltning av situationer och funktioner runt ett community table.

This work is a study in how I as a designer can create the conditions for people to work, socializing and refreshments at one place. A place that encourages creativity, where I made a suggestion at a community Table designed for Urban Deli?s new business. By visiting various similar sites I have identified what I think is important in an environment like this and then gave an answer to it in a visual form.A cafe-office will draw lots of different people. Which guests come here to work? Residents, freelancers, but also those who may want surrounded by a new creative work place and maybe leave their regular offices for a day at Urban Deli.

Utveckling av nytt koncept för positioneringsslid

A manufacturing machine at the engineering company Sandvik Coromant has a positioning Table which task is to move an item linearly. The positioning Table has a linear motor capable of high velocity and acceleration. This makes it possible to achieve short cycle times and a more profiTable production.The purpose of this thesis is to bring forward a new concept which is more adapted to the requirements of the positioning Table. The reason is that the current positioning Table provides an unnecessarily positioning accuracy of 0.01 mm, while the requirement for the positioning accuracy is just 0.1 mm. The goal is to reduce manufacturing and component costs.To develop a suiTable solution an approach for the concept development process has been performed.

Idrottslig prestation och ekonomisk ställning : En sambandsstudie i fotbollsklubbar

Purpose: Examine if there is a connection between the athletic performance and the financial status in football clubs.Theoretical perspectives: This thesis is based on the theory that the modern football club is like every other company trying to maximize profit. The clubs should therefore use the same business strategies.Empirical foundation: The study is based on 25 observations over five years and five Allsvenska football clubs. The data is a compilation of the key ratios from the annual reports and the league Table, years 2004 through 2008 in the clubs. Year 2009?s league Table place is also included since tests have been done with one year?s displacement between the financial status and the league Table.Conclusion:There is no correlation between solidity and the place in the league Table in Allsvenska football clubs.There is no correlation between net profit and the place in the league Table in Allsvenska football clubs.There is no correlation between equity and the place in the league Table in Allsvenska football clubs..

Reglering av vridbord

This report describes a master thesis performed at Saab in Arboga. The main purpose was to build a controller for a system containing a turn Table and an antenna beam. The idea is to use this system on a boat where it will be exposed to position disturbances due to waves. The desired behaviour is that antennas placed on the antenna beam should point towards the same target all the time. To solve this problem the system has been modeled and simulated in Matlab and Simulink.

Coffee table-böcker eller praktverk ? begrepp, attityder och arbetssätt : Djupintervjuer med grafiska formgivare och förlagsanställda

Åtta semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes i syfte att kartlägga svenska formgivares och förlagsanställdas strategiska och kreativa arbetsprocess samt olika attityder vid arbetet med praktverk och coffee Table-böcker. Dessa böckers termer och definitioner diskuterades även, samt boktypens förut-sättningar och utmaningar på marknaden. I denna rapport presenteras funna teman rörande dessa tankemönster och attity-der, samt en generell beskrivning av arbetsprocessen. Produktionen av coffee Table-böcker och praktverk fanns vara komplex på grund av att den involverade många personer, tog lång tid i anspråk, var kost-sam och hade relativt små vinstmarginaler vilket därmed kunde förenas med vissa risker. Respondenterna upplevde generellt arbetet som spännande, roligt och givande.Studien belyser även förekomsten av en viss diskrepans vad gäller associationerna till termerna ?coffee Table-bok? och ?praktverk?.

Konvertering från UDK till SAB

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine what problems may arise when converting class symbols from one classification scheme to another. In order to fulfill this purpose, a conversion Table between parts of the Swedish online-version of the UDC and the Swedish classification system SAB was constructed. For main classes 0 and 3 every class number from this abridged version of the UDC was converted, whereas for the rest of the main classes only class numbers with fewer than four figures were converted. The conversion Table was constructed using the alphabetical index of SAB and different UDC-indexed library catalogues. Various aspects of the conversion Table were then analysed using methods mainly devised by the authors themselves, but inspired by lexicography and multilingual thesaurus construction.

Metodik för utmattningsberäkning av svets i vibrationsmiljö

In this work, a method was developed and evaluated for calculating the life of welds under the influence of fatigue loads from a vibration environment. Typically, a shaker Table is used for testing a component against vibration loads. The shaker Table creates a vibration environment that is defined in the frequency domain by a power spectrum.Similarly, a virtual vibration Table can be used to calculate the same type of load environment, which can then be used to calculate the expected lifetime. The benefit of this method is that it can be used in design, as well as in simulation of tests before physical verification tests are carried out.Today there are methods for calculating fatigue life of non-welded base material, but since many components contain welded joints, there is a need to apply this method to those types as well. To achieve this, the thesis combines two different areas, which together provide a method for fatigue assessment of welds using a virtual shaker Table.The methodology is carried out by modeling the component, and its welded joints, in a finite element program.


AbstractWe have been honored to work with a company called Frimeko AB. Frimeko is located in Halmstad where they make and sell furniture for school and office environment. Our task is to construct a new, more modern sewing machine Table for schools. The task is to use the same function as before, ease the storage and production of sewing machine.Efforts to develop the new sewing machine Table resulted in that we came up with an innovative design that the company is pleased with.During this project the group has used the method from ?Fredy Olsson Konstruktion? .

Instrumentbordets sterilitet

Background: Postoperative infections are a serious patient safety problem and affects about 3 % of all patients undergoing surgery. The consequences are prolonged hospital stays, high social costs, increased use of antibiotics and impaired quality of life for the patient. It has been shown that postoperative infections may be caused by contamination already in the operating room. Today we know that there is growth of microorganisms on the instrument Table´s top, but there is a research gap about the instrument Table's edges.Aim: To examine if the sterile drape on the instrument Table´s edges are sterile after finished surgery.Method: Contact plates are printed on strategically selected areas on the sterile drapes top and edges. In the pilot study, a total of 51 cultures were taken at the end of three operations which lasted over three hours.Results: Growth on the top surface and the edges of the sterile drape were detected.

Round Table: en funktionsanalys av en sällskapsklubb för yngre män

I vårt samhälle finns ett stort antal sociala klubbar och föreningar där Round Table Sverige är en av dessa. Denna klubb är den svenska grenen av den globala sällskapsklubben Round Table. Den första svenska Round Table- klubben startades redan år 1943 i Helsingborg. Trots vårt samhälles snabba utveckling och ständiga förändring så har dock klubben lyckats bestå utan att nämnvärt förändras. Vår avsikt med studien var att bidra till en ökad och fördjupad förståelse för vad som gör att sällskapsklubben Round Table kan bestå än idag.

Framtagning av ett förlängningsbart bord

This report covers the product development of a new type of extendable Table for the company Karl Andersson och Söner. The company wants to expand their product collection with a new product. Karl Andersson och Söner is a well-known family company that has been located in Huskvarna since 1898, and they are producing furniture for private- and the public environment.The aim with this project is that the product should lead to increased sales, as well as expand their collection to appeal a wider audience. The work is permeated by two issues, to achieve as good results as possible. The issues will bring up how to make a Table better, in terms of the competitor?s options, and how to apply a design process to develop a Table that meets the markets needs and requirements.The design process of the work consists of strategically picked parts from three separate design processes.

Utvärdering av webbportalsteknologier

The purpose with this project is to evaluate which of today?s technologies for creating web applications is the most suiTable to use when constructing web portals. From a great amount of different technologies, five of the most widespread and well known technologies have been chosen and closely examined on nine different web portal specific criteria. The result from this evaluation is a Table where all the grades for each technology is displayed. With the help of this Table, it is possible to get an idea about what technology is the most suiTable to use when constructing a specific web portal.

Vikten av säkra nätverk

The purpose of this thesis is to show how to use vulnerability testing to identify and search for security flaws in networks of computers. The goal is partly to give a casual description of different types of methods of vulnerability testing and partly to present the method and results from a vulnerability test. A document containing the results of the vulnerability test will be handed over and a solution to the found high risk vulnerabilities. The goal is also to carry out and present this work as a form of a scholarly work.The problem was to show how to perform vulnerability tests and identify vulnerabilities in the organization's network and systems. Programs would be run under controlled circumstances in a way that they did not burden the network.

Finansiell företagsvärdering med uppskattning av humankapital : En studie av värderingen på den svenska marknaden

The importance of human capital in firm valuation is something Huang and Wang points out in there paper from 2008. We expand Ohlson?s valuation model (1995) in line with Huang and Wang (2008) to enhance a market value that includes proxies for human capital. By using human capital based market value and one of Francis, Nanda and Olsson?s (2008) version of earnings quality, we create a value Table which aim to sort for undervalued and overvalued companies during the  economic upswing of 2003 to 2007 in the human capital line of business.

Table your story : Ett bord att leva med

I projektet har jag utformat ett bord för hemmet som man kan leva med hela livet och som enkelt kan anpassas utifrån olika människors behov, och förändras allt eftersom ens livssituation och behov förändras.  Bordet ska kännas värdefullt och få ett mervärde genom att laddas med personliga berättelser och vara något man vill behålla och bevara.   Samtidigt är bordet tänkt att vara en startpunkt för att få människor att börja reflektera över sina förhållningssätt till konsumtion och vilka värden som är viktiga i livet. I ett längre perspektiv  hoppas jag att detta kan minska den onödiga konsumtionen och bryta den slit- och slängmentalitet som råder i samhället..

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