

76 Uppsatser om TRIPS - Sida 1 av 6

Exkursion ? ett lärandetillfälle? : Lärare och elevers uppfattningar om exkursioners betydelse för lärande i ekologi

The main purpose of this study was to obtain insight into what students and teachers think about field TRIPS in ecology and whether they think that fieldTRIPS result in increase of students? learning. Open questionnaires and half structured interviews were used to investigate this. Persons who answered the questionnaires and participated in the interviews were senior high school teachers in biology or science and high school science students. All the teachers and most of the students thought that field TRIPS in ecology resulted in increased learning.

Är Kinas upphovsrättslag förenlig med TRIPS-avtalet?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, China has captivated global attention due to its astonishing economic growth. This development has resulted in an enormous growth in foreign direct investments, as well as the country?s new role aseconomic super power. When joining the World Trade Organization in 2001, China agreed to adhere to the minimum requirements of the organization?s several multilateral agreements.

"Varje lärare bör känna Gotland" "Det idealiska semesterlandet med de rika minnena" : Gotländsk skolresehistoria 1900-1940

This assignment focuses on the concept of ?school TRIPS? and Gotland. Pedagogically, the school trip was initially focussed on practical and national aspects, the education to be made visible and the idea was to present Sweden, its nature and its industries. The Gotland administration chose to focus on the unique and cultural history, and it was unusual that visits were undertaken to factories and workshops. This was also the start of the current tourism trend where knowledge of the value of the countryside and the opportunities for tourism is a successful combination, which can be seen today even if the school TRIPS now have different areas to visit.

Indiens läkemedelsinddustri och TRIPS

Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för utvecklingen av den indiska läkemedelsindustrin och sedan undersöka vilka efekter TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) avtalet kan leda fram till. Indiens läkemedelsindustrin har haft en relativt stakt utveckling sedan 1970-talet då regeringen införde flera reformer som var menade att utveckla den inhemska läkemedelsindustrin och begränsa import. Samtidigt infördes också ett ganska svagt patentsystem som tillät de indiska producenterna att kopiera västerländska läkemedelsprodukter. I början av 90-talet var den indiska läkemedelsindustrin ganska framgångsrikt bland utvecklingsländerna och regeringen insåg att exportorientering vore en bra väg att gå. Under 90-talet utvecklades industrin ytterliggare, där både produktion och export ökade markant i volym.

Internationell tvistlösning inom immaterialrättens område : Utvecklingen av tvistlösningsmekanismer och dess genomslag

International conventions signifies international trade, which in itself would be ineffective if there were no dispute settlement mechanisms. This essay intends to examine how dispute settlement mechanisms between states have developed over the years and a large emphasis is placed on the World Trade Organizations (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body since it?s had great significance for the efficiency of international law. In order to show the need for dispute settlement mechanisms, a background to the conventions that have called for the development of the DSB is in order. This essay focuses on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and the agreement that currently regulate intellectual property rights, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), but also its connection to the DSB.

Miljö- och Handelsgåtan : Intellektuella egendomsrätter och dess implikationer i en globaliserad verklighet

This paper seeks to discern the political factors that determine the results of negotiations in international cooperation. On the one hand, it makes a contribution to the broader theoretical debate on international regimes by combining regime theory and theories on globalisation into an integrated framework for the analysis of international policy results, or in this case treaties (theoretical objective). More generally, globalisation theory will help us understand why it has become important to initiate international cooperation, and regime theory to elucidate how these international cooperations emerge. To many observers, it is the large transnational corporations of the rich North, which have done best out of free trade. Through the huge influence they wield over governments at the WTO (World Trade Organisation), these corporations have won the freedom to move around the globe without restriction, making use of cheap labour, and locating wherever they can best tap into the largest and most lucrative markets.

Tvångslicenser som medel att nå fattiga med nödvändiga läkemedel

Epidemiska sjukdomar som HIV/AIDS, malaria och TBC utgör ett stort hot mot dagens utvecklingsländer. WTO: s regelverk erbjuder i form av tvångslicenser medel att komma till bukt med bristen på läkemedel. Tvångslicenser meddelas dock mycket sällan. WTO har vid två tillfällen gjort tillägg till TRIPS-avtalet för att förtydliga och till viss del förändra innehållet i dess 31 artikel. Detta har skett i syfte att underlätta användandet av tvångslicenser som medel främja allmänhetens hälsa genom att nå befolkningen i fattiga länder med läkemedel.

Intellectual Property Rights : A Barricade to Technological Development. An Ethical Analysis on the Less Developed Countries

Debate over Intellectual Property Rights ?IPRs? particularly patent and copyrights is mainly on forward-looking industries in computer software. As part of a trade deal reached in 1994, the member nations of the World Trade Organisation must adhere to a global agreement known as TRIPS, for the Trade- Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights.This study is to analyse the ethical conception of Intellectual Property Rights and in particular its implications on the developing countries in relation to TRIPS. The approach will be to analyse a broad philosophical theories of property to see if there is any justification for a software program to be treated as private property and also argue base on John Rawls two principles of justice in relation to TRIPS Agreement. Some reflections will be put on the use of open-source software by less developing countries.From the study it was asserted that, strong IPRs protection would hinder technological transfer and indigenous learning activities in the early stage of industrialisation when learning takes place through reverse engineering.

Privatiseringen av de växtgenetiska allmänningarna : Konsekvenserna av regimkomplexet kring växtgenetiska resurser för bönders rättigheter och matsäkerhet

This thesis discusses the global regime complex concerning the management of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and how different regimes concerning these resources cooperate or stand in opposition to each other. Because of changes in US patent law and the establishment of TRIPS, patent claims over plant genetic resources has increased dramatically globally. This, amongst other things, in turn has lead to the development of CBD which in turn lead to the creation of access and benefit laws in many countries. To create a free flow of genetic resources for food and agriculture the ITPGRFA, with its multilateral system, were negotiated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which consequences the regime complex concerning plant genetic resources for food and agriculture can have on the rights of small farmers, agricultural research and food security in the global South.

Användning av lekplatser : en fallstudie i Vänersborgs kommun

The aim with this report is to investigate what influence the way playgrounds are used throw the case study in Vänersborg, and also to find methods for municipalities to collect information about how playgrounds are used. The methods were observations, interviews with parents and children, a questionary with questions about what playgrounds they used, how often and why they used them and what the children used to do there. There was also a demographic investigation and documentary research. The most popular playground, Skräcklan, gets visitors from all parts of the municipality. It is located in a park with a view over the lake Vänern, there is a parking place and a café and it has furthermore a large area and many play equipments. Many of the families make shorter TRIPS and picnics to this place. In exception of this playground, the families almost always go to the playground in their neighborhood and their part of the town.

Faktorer som underbygger och motverkar användningen av doping : En genomgång och analys av dopingforskningen 2004-2009

Business across the Internet has increased in recent years and most companies that are selling TRIPS have increased their sales online. Many companies that are selling TRIPS strive for customers to receive and experience a personal service online. The meeting between the client and a webpage service system on the Internet should work. Service encounters are an essential part of the contact between customer and company and play a big part in how the first impression is perceived by the customer. To understand how a service encounter works, meeting face to face, companies need to understand how customers perceive that meeting.

Service på Internet ? Hur service erbjuds av företag som säljer resor på Internet

Business across the Internet has increased in recent years and most companies that are selling TRIPS have increased their sales online. Many companies that are selling TRIPS strive for customers to receive and experience a personal service online. The meeting between the client and a webpage service system on the Internet should work. Service encounters are an essential part of the contact between customer and company and play a big part in how the first impression is perceived by the customer. To understand how a service encounter works, meeting face to face, companies need to understand how customers perceive that meeting.

Hållbar stadsutglesning. Om människors inköpsresor och färdmedelsval före och efter etableringen av Allum köpcentra

External shopping malls in the context of urban sprawl have, according too much of the previous research, had a negative connotation when it comes to urban planning and a sustainable society. In recent years, some of this research on the issue has changed course towards that it might be some positive opportunities and elements in this development, given that it follows certain patterns. This latter development is what we have chosen to look deeper into in our study, Sustainable urban sprawl.The shopping mall Allum in Partille center has been the subject of this case study, to explore how people's shopping habits and travels in connection with these purchases has been affected by the establishment of an external shopping mall from a sustainability perspective.The method we used was a questionnaire distributed at workplaces in Partille. The collected data were then analyzed by using some of the dominant urban planning theories, for thus underpin our analysis. We have supplemented the study with a collection of information on existing and planned shopping centers in Gothenburg region.Our study shows that external shopping centers located in already developed areas, with an existing social structure, can help to create a more compact city with fewer and shorter shopping TRIPS, and more sustainable transport choices when purchasing goods and services..

Ekoturismens natur- och miljöpåverkan i polarområden

Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic is increasing rapidly. In both Polar Regions, the cruise tourism is predominant. Several of the tour operators arrange TRIPS under the banner of ecotourism, meaning that the TRIPS should be ecologically sustainable. To ensure ecotourism standards there are different types of certifications; for cruise travels in the Arctic there is AECO (the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) certification, and for travels to the Antarctic IAATO (the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators). Promoters of ecotourism argue that these TRIPS are important because they create support for conservation work among tourists making them ?polar ambassadors?.

Upphovsrättens sanktionssystem : En komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansk upphovsrätt

Immaterialrätten består av olika moment, bland annat upphovsrätt, patent samt varumärkesrätt, den här uppsatsen utgör en komparation mellan svensk och amerikansk upphovsrätt. På upphovsrättens område finns en rad olika internationella konventioner, bland annat, Bernkonventionen, TRIPS-avtalet samt WCT. I och med att länder ansluter sig till konventionerna och ratificerar dem i deras lagstiftning blir de också bundna av att följa dem och tillhandahålla de rättsmedel som föreskrivs för att kunna upprätthålla en fungerande upphovsrättslagstiftning. På upphovsrättens område har även EU kommit upp med direktiv, bland annat infosoc-direktivet samt IPRED-direktivet, dessa bygger i huvudsak på de internationella konventionerna.Konventionerna är gjorda av minimibestämmelser vilket innebär att länderna kan ha en hårdare tillämpning än vad som föreskrivs i konventionerna. Minimiskydden är till för att de utvecklingsländer som inte har någon fungerande lagstiftning så att upphovsmannens rätt kan tillvaratas där.Författaren har i en omfattande analys kommit fram till slutsatsen att svensk och amerikansk upphovsrätt är förenliga med de internationella konventioner som de är bundna av, främst TRIPS-avtalet vad gäller tillhandahållande av rättsmedel för att säkerställa att upphovsrätten följs.

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