

9538 Uppsatser om Swedish municipalities - Sida 13 av 636

Om ekonomiskt bistånd och kriminalitet - En studie om socialt stöd och dess effekter på misshandel och stöld

Since criminality started to rise steeply in most western welfare states following the second world war the relationship between welfare support and criminality has been debated. For a period of time thought to be an effective preventive measure against crime welfare support has since from time to time come to be seen by some as ineffective and in some cases even as a contributing factor to the rise in crime. It remains a contested issue as new theories, such as social support theory, which is employed here, attempt to contribute to the understanding of what effects general welfare has on overall crime levels. As a connection which is relatively well-researched in the USA, altough still not yet fully understood, this study strives toward a better understanding by testing the relationship in a swedish context. The relationship might not function in the same way considering that the US is a fundamentally different welfare-regime than Sweden, liberal and social-democratic respectively.Untangling the relationship is attempted by employing a multivariate regressionanalysis on a crosssectional dataset consisting of data from 2012 covering 247 of Swedens total of 290 municipalities.

Implementering av forskningsprojektioner om havsnivåhöjning i kommunal planering : Gränsorganisationer som redskap vid riskkommunikation mellan forskning och praktik

Climate change and the sea level rise that it contributes to is an ever more pressing issue for costal municipalities around the world. Today there is a great deal of scientific reports and projections on what these changes could entail. However, resent studies on south Swedish costal municipalities have shown great discrepancies when it comes to how these scientific projections are implemented in the municipal planning and adaptation strategies. In an effort to understand the underlying reasons for this lack of concurrence, this paper has applied Rolf Lidskogs theory of the hetrogenity of science. The theory gives an explanation to the complications in the science-policy interface, by describing complicating factors in the communication between these actors.

LSS-handläggares uppfattning om LSS-lagstiftning och dess tillämpningSocial workers apprehension about the Support and Service for persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and the application

The aim with this study is to see how social workers apprehend the law, support and service for persons with certain functional impairments (LSS) and the application. We interviewed six social workers in six different municipalities to get a distribution between small and big municipalities. In the study we have used a qualitative method with half structured interview questions, since we wanted to get a comprehension for the social workers apprehensions. We have used a communication theory and a role theory in the study. The result showed that the social workers consider that the LSS is important, but that there are a few difficulties in the application.

Socialsekreteraren och organisationen : ett samspel på gott och ont

Different forms of organization in the field of social work, creates different conditions of the individual social workers occupation. This affects not only the people who carry out this work, but also the clients who come in contact with social services.   This survey was based on six interviews executed during spring in the year 2010. The respondents were social workers within economic aid and their nearest executive manager at two municipalities in Kalmar County. The overall aim for this survey was to examine how these social workers were influenced by various ways to organize the municipal work activity. This through following questions:How was respective social service in the municipalities organized?How were the social worker effected in their daily work by the organization?Where there any specific up- or downsides in the way that economic aid was organized in the aspect of the social workers daily work?  The result of this survey was synonymous with a lot of the previously executed research in the area in the sense that the larger municipalities were more specialized in its organization than the smaller.

Hur folkbibliotekarier i några mindre svenska kommuner upplever sin yrkesroll

The aim of this study is to examine how public librarians in small Swedish municipalities experience their professional roles. As part of examining such an abstract subject as experiences we also examine what tasks they perform, which will function as a support of the analysis. The theoretical frame-work is based on librarian identities worked out by Anders Ørom and a model of professional roles worked out by Maj Klasson. The analytical procedure consists of both deductive and inductive viewpoints. The empirical material consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with five librarians that work in public libraries located in municipalities with less than 12 500 inhabitants.

Riksintressen för kulturmiljövården. Kritisk genomgång av fördjupade riksintressebeskrivningar

In Sweden, the main responsibility for urban planning lies with the municipalities. The county administrative boards are responsible for clarifying the governmental interests for the municipalities. The main purpose of this essay was to study documents with descriptions of national heritage areas in order to examine whether certain problems within these documents are still present in the most recent ones. This was done by comparing old documents with new ones. The problem with these kinds of documents has been the lack of clarification of cultural values in national heritage areas.

Förutsättningskontroll och nedbrytningstest på oljeförorenad mark : Preem 2, Karlstad

More frequent and intensified rainfalls are expected to occur due to climate change in the nearfuture. This together with a higher proportion of paved areas increases the pressure on today?sstorm water systems (Risinger, 2014; Boverket, 2013; Stahre, 2006). Traditional storm watersystems (i.e. underground pipe systems) have during last decades started to be questioned(Olshammar & Baresel, 2012).

Partneringupphandling inom anläggningssektorn : Kommunernas intresse i Mälardalen

Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Sova med fienden - Orsaksförklaringar till uppkomsten av oheliga allianser i svenska kommuner

Over the last years there has been a considerable change in Swedish municipals. The number of municipals run by a rainbow coalition, a coalition made up of parties from different political blocks, has increased dramatically. Despite this clear pattern little research has tried to explain this increase. My thesis? aim is to try and clear the water around this subject by answering three questions about this type of coalitions.

En bostadsmarknad på svaj med lyxboenden på kaj : En studie av fenomenet bostadsbrist på hyresmarknaden och dess problem ur aktörernas perspektiv

70 percent of Sweden´s municipalities say they do not have vacant rental flats and a shortage is emerging, during the same time are 1.1 million young people ready to enter the housing market. In order to curb the housing shortage, have the Swedish politicians since the postwar period chosen to stimulate the market with subsidies to increase new production and to control that what is built is in the right direction. The construction industry is perceived as conservative, and many argue that the state keeps it under their wings, which has led to that the development not has progressed in the same way as other, non-subsidy regulated industries.The purpose of ours bachelor thesis is to provide an overall picture and describe the underlying problems of the housing shortage at the rental market. In addition, we want to present theories about where possible actions could take place in the market, by illuminate the problem from the differente actors perspective.To fulfill our purpose and provide a deeper understanding of the problem we have chosen a qualitative approach. We interviewed nine different actors on the Swedish housing market, two managers, two to representatives of Halmstad Municipality, a representative for the construction operators and four different interest groups.

Den fungerande stadsplaneringen : En studie i uppfattningar och effekter av torget och dess påverkan på demokrati

In this undergraduate thesis you will venture on a journey through the land of democratic values and urban planning. My research question is stated as: whether or not urban planning can show effects on democratic values and whether or not the municipalities in Sweden takes these possible effects into account when planning their city centres. You will in my theory part of this thesis be able to read about different views on urban planning and on democracy. Famous authors like Robert D. Putnam and Richard Florida will be examined as well as other theorists on democracy and urban planning.

Från verksamhetsmodellering till verksamhetsutveckling? : Leder kompetensutveckling av personer i ledarskapsroller till verksamhetsutveckling?

Learning organizations and organizational development are interesting subjects that does not examine municipal organizations and private organizations an equal amount.  Furthermore, there exists little research on the effects of competence development for individuals in a leadership role within organizations. Because of this, we wanted to examine the impact of competence development in business modeling and how it affected local government activities. Competence development is used by organizations to develop their business and achieve a greater competitive advantage, but does competence development for individuals in a leadership role lead to organizational development? This paper examines competence development in the form of a business modeling course via the Bitstreamproject and the effects that occur within three municipalities as a result of the competence development. By interviewing three participants and four coworkers within different municipalities and studied the data from the Bitstream project, we can not conclude that competence development within business modeling leads to organizational development, only that it exists a tendency for it.

Analys av flyttmönster i Norrköpings kommun

The objective of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze moving patterns in Norrköping?s municipality. The main aim is to analyze the migration to, from, and within the municipality of Norrköping, not only for the population as a whole but also for groups of special interest. Another aim is to compare migration patterns in Norrköping with those of other municipalities in Sweden.Several data sets have been used, each of them extracted from population statistics carried out by Statistics Sweden (SCB).Data mining using association analysis is used for finding the migration pattern within Norrköping?s municipality and several questions are examined using descriptive statistics.

Ett holländskt fenomen i Värmland : Faktorer bakom och effekter av en holländsk inflyttning

AbstractDuring the last five years there has been a considerable immigration from the Netherlands to Värmland in Sweden. INVA, Invest in Värmland, wanted to highlight this phenomenon and therefore contacted Karlstad University to make a survey about how extensive the immigration is and what consequences it brings for the business life and municipalities in Värmland. We were luckily chosen to perform this research and the main focus in this study has been the following questions:? Why do the Dutchmen choose to buy their house in Värmland?? What are the main reasons for leaving the Netherlands?? What consequences does the immigration cause for the business life in Värmland?? How do the Dutchmen experience the contact with Swedish authorities?To answer the questions we designed a questionnaire that was sent to 200 Dutch house purchasers. The ambition was to survey all the Dutch house purchasers in Värmland, but with the time constrains and the municipalities having problem to find complete data, we limited the survey to 200 households.

Datormedierad kommunikation i politikens tjänst : En studie av attityder till datormedierad kommunikation

This essay examines the recent electoral success of the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the Swedish municipal election in 2006 and 2010. By using statistical methods it aims to explain which of three contradicting theoretical frameworks best can explain how a populist radical right party could penetrate one of the most stable party systems in the world. The theoretical approaches tested in this essay are: a demand-side, an external supply-side and an internal supply-side approach. By using theoretically anchored proxies to determine the effect of the contradicting theoretical approaches this essay concludes that the internal supply-side explanation measuring the local party organizational ability of the SD had the most substantial effect when it comes to explaining their recent electoral success in the Swedish municipalities, as opposed to a more commonly believed demand-side driven explanation..

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