

9538 Uppsatser om Swedish municipalities - Sida 11 av 636

Sammanställning och utvärdering av små avloppsanläggningar utifrån tillförlitligheten hos angivna reningsgrader

The private sewage systems in Sweden releases around 600 tons of phosphorus per year, compared to about 350 tons from municipal sewage treatment plants, and they account for approximately 21% of the total anthropogenic discharge of phosphorus into Swedish waters. About 40% of Sweden's nearly 1 million private sewage systems are inferior with respect to emissions to surface and groundwater. The technology of small sewage plants is under development and knowledge of treatment effects for different solutions is poorly consolidated. Municipal authorities lack resources to keep up with the technologic development and assess the reliability of the treatment performances that suppliers report for their products. The thesis aims to conduct a market review and evaluation of wholly or partially prefabricated small sewage plants, to make it easier for municipalities and property owners to assess different technical solutions. The goal is a compilation of the products on the market, evaluated on the basis of the reliability of specified degrees of reduction.Information on sampling procedures and test results were collected through a questionnaire to all active suppliers and the responses were then used to classify the products.

?To help them to be wise? Balanserat bestånd i svenska folkbibliotek 2007

The aim of this thesis is to examine the term balanced collection in relation to Swedish laws and the democratic assignment. The Unesco Public Library Manifesto states that libraries are to formulate a policy defining objectives, priorities and services in relation to local community needs. The Swedish Libraries Act, paragraph 7, states that municipalities and counties shall adopt plans for library services. To fulfil our aim we will answer the following questions. By which terms is the democratic assignment visible in Swedish public libraries collection development policies? Is the term balanced collection used in Swedish public libraries collection development policies? If not, are there categories describing balanced collection? Do the terms in Swedish collection development policies differ to the six categories found by Farooq M.

Kommunalt flyktingmottagande. En studie av Landskrona- och Vellinge kommuns flyktingmottagande.

The purpose of this essay was to find an understanding of what factors whichaffect refugee reception in two municipalities in the southern part of Sweden, themunicipality of Vellinge and the municipality of Landskrona. Three interviewswere made with three local politicians and these interviews were then analysedusing postcolonial theory. With the help of Matthew J. Gibney we identified sevenfactors which aided us in the analysis these were: Integration history, Ethnicaffinity, Determining who is a refugee, The wealth of the municipality, Thehousing market, The labour market and The action of other municipalities.We found that these factors were all useful in creating an understanding ofrefugee reception in the two municipalities. However they affected themunicipalities differently.

Missbrukares rätt till ekonomiskt bistånd : En rättssociologisk studie

The purpose of this study was to examine how the needs of social assistance for people with substance abuse are assessed in accordance to The Swedish Social Services Act 4th chapter 1§. The purpose was also to examine how substance abuse is assessed as a social problem by social workers, how the municipal guidelines concerning social assistance for substance abuser were constructed in relation to the Social Service Act and finally how social workers made their assessments of the need of social assistance to people with substance abuse in relation to the legislation. The sample was made among the municipalities in the county of Stockholm. Municipal guidelines were studied in 18 municipalities by content analysis. A sample of 11 social workers was chosen from 5 municipalities.

Den Normaliserande Alliansen : Två programverksamheter för unga lagöverträdare

The papers purpose is to examine how the Botkyrka and Huddinge municipalities implement their juvenile law offenders' programs. The paper briefly and concisely outlines the history of juvenile offenders and the social services programs dealing with them. We focus on how two municipalities?, Huddinge and Botkyrka, implement these programs. The municipalities belong to the same judicial district,?Södertörns tingsrätt?.

Markanvisning och markanvisningsavtal : definitioner och innebörd i ett antal Stockholmskommuner

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how a number of municipalities in Stockholm County proceed when they allocate land and establish land allocation agreements for exploitation, and to investigate how a number of municipalities define land allocations and land allocation agreements on the occasion of public land sales. The aim of this thesis is to describe the allocation methods a municipally uses when they offer land for sale and to give an insight regarding which correlation different land allocation agreements have in different municipalities.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the underlying theory for land allocations and land allocation agreements have been studied; (2) a questionnaire have been done to complement the literature review and to provide a picture of how a number of different municipalities in Stockholm County use and apply land allocations; (3) an agreement audit have been done to see the extent to which different agreement terms exists.Responses from the questionnaire, together with the definitions form different municipality?s land allocation policies and the literature review, resulted in a definition of a land allocation and a land allocation agreement. The agreement audit shows that agreement terms regarding: price or price indication, location, cost-sharing and planning costs are the most common agreement terms within the municipalities we have investigated.The study suggests that there is some confusion regarding land allocation agreements and the meaning of these, that became apparent when agreements where gathered, despite a careful explanation that it was land allocation agreements we requested, we still got exploitation agreements and purchase agreements. Therefore, we consider it necessary with an official definition of a land allocation agreement well anchored in the Planning and Building Act together with the rules of development agreements or other legislation.That there is a lack of research within the subject becomes evident when reports, essays, and other literature generally refers so the same sources.Keywords: land allocation, land allocation agreement and public land sales.

Synen på värdering av Itsystem. En kvalitativ studie av IT-investeringar i fyra kommuner i Västra Götaland

When a municipality is about to realize an IT investment, e.g. an economy system, theywill need to do procurement according to the laws of procurements. To perform suchprocurement takes time and energy from the everyday work at the municipalities, andtherefore they want to make a quick and efficient procurement. Unfortunately it showsthat municipalities do not always make an assessment that is sufficient enough for theirneeds, which can result in an inefficient system in a longer perspective. Municipalitiesthink more often about the hard values such as costs of the investments, and not alwaysas much when it comes to the soft values, like the user-friendliness.

Interkommunal IT-samverkan. Faktorer och effekter av ett framgångsrikt samarbete

Today more and more municipalities interact across a wide range of sectors. The reasons tostart interacting are varying and for those who succeed with this form of work, there arebenefits in terms of efficiency and knowledge exchanges. But are the reasons that interactalways obvious? Sweden currently has 290 municipalities of varying size and allmunicipalities have basically the same mission, to deliver services to its residents.Information technology allows municipalities to digitize much of the workload, but theintroduction of the technique is not without problems. For small municipalities, there are greatdemands to deliver reliability and support for their internal and external services.

Kommunernas användning av sociala medier : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fyra kommuner och deras användning av sociala medier

The aim of this study was to investigate how selected municipalities? use social media, with a focus on how they are working to increase the dialogue between municipalities? and residents. To answer the purpose of the study three questions has been formulated: how do the communicators use social media in their daily work? What opportunities and challenges are the municipalities? experiencing with Facebook? How do they work with Facebook to increase dialogue with citizens?The theories that has been used in this study is Cutlip?s and Grunig?s public relations theories, Shannon and weavers communication model, Cutlip?s and Heath?s theory of issue management and Jenkins theory of convergence culture. The method that has been used in this study is qualitative semi-structured interviews and the analysis is done with a thematic text analysis.

Grönstrukturplanering i det skånska slättlandskapet?

The ongoing change that characterizes the landscape as a result of the development of the society as a wholeis the basis for this thesis. Even though the Scanian landscape still is dominated by arable land, other valuessuch as biological diversity, cultural heritage and economical aspects, has all been ascribed the landscape asmore and more important factors and in some respects, compete with the farming industry about the right tothe landscape. Our demand of more and more space, will of course also affect the landscape. Huge amountof land are used to build external malls and single-family houses, which gives rise to an increasing need foran extended transport system that also is land consuming.It all comes down to: how the municipalities deal with non built areas - the green structure. Do themunicipalities have separate programs describing their vision and objectives concerning the green structure?Literature studies, an inventory made of the municipality programs in the west and south west of Scaniaand interviews with employees at the municipalities clarifies the use of the green structure concept, both intheory and in practice.The green structure concept seems to be derived from the environmental debate.

Brottsrapporterande och engagerande : En kvalitativ studie kring polisens arbete  och kommunikation inom det sociala mediet Facebook

The purpose of this study was to understand whether there is a difference in how the Swedish police work with Facebook in two municipalities with different criminal records. The methods used were qualitative interviews with the ones responsible for the Facebook-sites and quantitative content analysis of different Facebook-posts, both from members of the Facebook-site and from the police themselves.Among the theories used in this study were the ?four-step relations process? by Cutlip, Allen and Broom, theory around public relations and theory around the public sphere by Habermas.The results showed that there is a difference in how the police uses Facebook between the municipalities and one of the conclusions is that this is mainly because of the ways that the police choose to work with Facebook rather than the difference in criminal records. Another conclusion is that the police get positive feedback from the members on their Facebook-site, and that how much the police uses Facebook as a tool depends a lot on how much resources they have to spend since the ones writing on Facebook are policemen and policewomen, and that the police do not have someone who works with the Facebook-site as a primary task.Keywords: Facebook, police, social media, qualitative interviews, quantitative content analysis, authority, public relations..

Webbdesign : En undersökning av en offentlig webbsidas utarbetande

The purpose of this paper is to form an understanding of how to use the demand for usability and accessibility. Requirements for usability and accessibility are available from several agencies, an example is Myndigheten för delaktighet. Through literature studies, I get answer to what are usability and accessibility and the demands that can be set on a public website. In this study of three municipalities you get a glance how local authorities have been working on their web pages and if they fulfill the requirements so that the disabled would consider that the page has good usability and accessibility. In the interviews conducted in one of the municipalities you will receive information how they plan, organize, implement, monitor and develop their websites.

Ett mynt har alltid två sidor? : En jämförelse av polisens förebyggande metoder mot ungdomsbrottslighet

How do the police prevention methods work against juvenile delinquency? The purpose of this study is to see how the police work to prevent juvenile delinquency in two municipalities in Stockholm, Södertälje and Sundbyberg. Additionally, the purpose of this study is also to find out if there are any similarities or differences between the police methods the police use in these two municipalities. We have used qualitative method in which we have interviewed the police and young people from the communities. We interviewed young people to see their attitudes to the police and the area to find their perception of police work in the fields as well as the police forces attitude toward the young people.

Helsingborg ? Ängelholm, en jämförelse mellan kommunernas friskvårdsarbete för sina läraranställda.

AbstractAuthorJohanna Rahl and Marie Johansson.TitleHelsingborg-Ängelholm, a comparison of the work of the municipalities regarding self generated health care activities for employed teachers.ContentToday you pay more and more attention to self generated health care. Political decisions affect the social development and thereby also conditions for people to feel healthy. As the municipalities are working with its inhabitants they are an important part of the self generated health care activities. The most part of our life we spend in school or at work and this is the reason why these places are the most suitable to create healthy people. From these thoughts we created the following aim of the study:?The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of work regarding self generated health care that is performed by the municipalities of Helsingborg and Ängelholm towards the employed teachers and how the teachers apprehend this work.

Balansgången mellan forskning och praktik : En kvalitativ studie av familjebehandlares kunskapsinhämtning- och tillämpning i evidensbaserad praktik.

AbstractAuthors: Carolina Magnusson and Johanna MagnussonTitle:  The balance between research and practice. A study of family therapist?s knowledge retrieval and the application of evidence-based practice.Supervisor: Jan Petersson Assessor: Peter HultgrenDuring our research we discovered that a very small amount of research had been conducted about the effect of the social services. It inspired us to fulfill this study. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze what knowledge family therapists in two Swedish municipalities use in family therapy work.

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