

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 64 av 867

?Det spelar ingen roll om de letar efter Nalle Puh eller Hitler? ? Barnbibliotekariers syn på och hantering av medier som innehåller ämnen med en kontroversiell karaktär.

The aim of the study has been to find out children?s librarians? views on and management of media that contains topics with a controversial nature and also to find out how this affects the public library as a democratic institution. We have conducted the study by interviewing six children?s librarians. By using Vestheim?s terms value rationality and instrumental rationality, we have been categorizing the answers from our informants and thus identified two different points of view.

Historien om jägarna : En fallstudie om rapporteringen av Kalixhärvan i lokala medier

This study focus on how two local news papers in the northen part of Sweden reported about the investigation of illegal hunting, called Kalixhärvan, in the years of 1983-1984. The study also adress how this newspapers presented the agents that is mentioned in the newsarticles, who played an importent part during the investigation. The study is based on the analysis of eight articles involving the investigation. The aricales is selected from march 1983 to march 1984. The analys is made using the method of critical linguistics and with the theoretical ground in theories of masculinity and stereotypes.

Pojkar som inte lyckas i grundskolan

The purpose of this essay was to examine pupils who leave the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system without reaching the requirements for the Swedish senior high school, and then to compare with those who reach the requirements. I used the following questions to help me reach this purpose:- Where in life are those pupils who reached the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- Where in life are those pupils who did not reach the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- What differences are noticeable between these two groups?The method that I used to examine these questions was to send out a questionnaire to the pupils. I also tried to make an explanation to the results with the help of Erwin Goffmanns theories.The result of this essay shows that there is not a big difference between the two groups. They both did equally well after they finished the Swedish nine-year compulsory school..

Social samvaro i sociala medier : En studie om digitalt utanförskap hos äldre

This study focuses on trying to understand the attitudes of people born in the 1940?s concerning their view on social media. This 1940?s group has been growing on the social networks such as Facebook, but their usage is not active. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to understand in what way they are affected by the using of these platforms.

Hur kan vi utveckla vårt personliga uttryckssätt med ljud?

This is a bachelor thesis that studies and discuss the question: How can we develop our individual narrative technique with sound design in a Swedish drama production? We have done research and empirical studies. We have analyzed movies to get an idea how we use the sound design in Swedish drama productions today. We have produced a movie that gives sound the biggest part. Key words: Swedish drama production, narrative technique, sound design.

Hur mår svensk filmmusik? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska filmkomposito?rers fo?rutsa?ttningar i det nutida produktionsklimatet

This thesis examines Swedish composers' modes of work and production within the Swedish film industry. It starts off with a historical overview treating live music in early silent film, the conversion to sound and the Swedish production climate until present time. The analysis consists of contemporary empirical studies; interviews with people writing music for film, TV and commercials. The musician's perspective is in focus but directors and other film workers are heard as well. The situation for female composers in a male-dominated industry is also discussed.

Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare : ? En studie av hur Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet2010Författare

AbstractTitle: Electoral campaigns, social media and young voters ? a studie of how Moderaterna andSocialdemokraterna are going to reach out to the young voters in the electoral campaign of2010. (Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare- en studie av hur Moderaterna ochSocialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet 2010).Number of pages: 45Author: Sara RothmanTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Autumn semester 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Departement of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this essay is to research how the two largest parties in Sweden,Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna, are going to reach out to the young voters in theelectoral campaign of 2010. I will also find out how the young voters are going to collecttheir information before the election. That information will be compared to the strategies ofthe parties, in that way I can tell if their strategies match the young voters plans ofinformation search.Material/Method: In my eximination I chose to use two informant interviewes and fourdifferent groups of discussion.

Det mångspråkiga biblioteket ? en studie av folkbibliotekens arbete med medieförsörjning på andra språk än svenska.

The underlying purpose of this study is to investigate how the libraries in Sweden organize and administrate the service of providing literature in other languages than Swedish. The study focuses on the central guiding principles that regulate the provision of multilingual literature and how these guidelines are implemented in to practice at the libraries. As the guidelines are closely connected to the official discourse in Sweden concerning policies targeted towards immigrants, the guidelines will be examined from a perspective of integration politics. To assemble data a survey has been conducted looking into factors such as how the libraries perceive the guidelines, how the libraries do business intelligence and user inquires to reach out to the users of the multilingual media, forms for statistics and method of working. The results points out that the libraries in their work with multilingual media are confronted with three tensions; the first tension is that between the libraries aim to promote equality and freedom for the individual and at the same time to fulfil certain collective interests and goals.

Kollektivistiska individer i en individualistisk kultur: en fenomenologisk studie om hur muslimer och jezidier från mellanöstern upplever livet i den svenska kulturen

The purpose of this study is to examine if Muslims and Jezidier from the Middle East experience changes in them self when they live in Sweden and how they feel about apply for work in the Swedish labour market. The study uses the individualistic - collectivistic dimension to describe the differences between the Swedish culture and the participants home culture. A phenomenological, theoretical and methodological approach has been followed, with self-reports as the instrument for data collection. The information where analysed through the softwares MCA - Minerva and Sphinx-Lexica. The analyses show many different outcomes.

Jippieserien : En kvalitativ studie om hur multimodal media kan nå ut till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och deras föräldrar

This report describes the work process to an interactive movie addressed to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, where Jippieserien is the client. The aim is to explore how multimodal media can convey Jippieseriens message to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents, by taking the users needs into account.It is important to focus on the people who will use the system when designing interactive systems. This project is therefore using the designprocess human-centered design for interactive systems. The process includes four basic elements and provides guidelines for user-centered design. These parts are analysis, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation (Johansson.

Föreställningar kring tiggeri och tiggare : En diskursanalys av artiklar i Dagens Nyheter mellan dec. 1998 och dec. 2013

Tiggeri och tiggare är idag ett omtalat fenomen som berör människor på olika sätt. Hur människor bildar sig en uppfattning kring ett fenomen kan många gånger avgöras av hur media framställer fenomenet. I denna studie presenteras en analys kring hur tiggeri och tiggare framställs i media över en längre tidsperiod. Materialet består av 30 artiklar publicerade i Dagens Nyheter under perioden december 1998 ? december 2013.

Media, IT och IKT i undervisningen : Främjande eller hämmande?

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad lärare och pedagoger anser om effekterna av media, IT och IKT i undervisningen. Främjar eller hämmar det elevernas kunskapsinhämtande och vilken påverkan har den tekniska tillgången på elevernas skriftspråk, det vill säga hur mycket påverkas eleverna av det språk som förekommer i andra informella kontexter så som textmeddelande (sms) via telefonen, bruket av chattspråk samt de bloggsidor som de regelbundet besöker. Den variant av tillvägagångssätt jag har valt att grunda undersökningen på är av kvantitativ form. Påverkas elevernas skriftspråk något av den IT som förekommer i undervisningen idag och åt vilket håll i så fall? Som en parallell så pekar tidigare undersökningar på att eleverna vidgar språket med hjälp av den teknologi som går att tillgå i dagens undervisning.

Om önskvärdheten av svensk deltagardemokrati En analys av argument från åren 2000-2002

On the 17th of January 2002 the Swedish government presented a bill to theSwedish parliament, proposing ways of strengthening the Swedish democracythrough reforms for increased elements of participatory democracy. A publicreport on the state of the Swedish democracy had been released two years earlierwith similar enthusiasm for participatory democracy. However, the participatoryideals of these two documents were strongly criticised by a group of scholars.The aim of this thesis is to analyze and compare the arguments articulatedbetween the years 2000 and 2002 by the actors mentioned above, and to examinetheir relation to arguments concerning political participation, articulated bythinkers from previous times. By classifying the arguments into different groupsdepending on their content I find that both parties in the Swedish argumentationfocus on the effects of participatory democracy on political equality, on theefficiency of the political decision-making and the quality of the decisions beingmade, and finally on the personal character of the citizens. Among the argumentsarticulated by thinkers from previous times, similarities with the Swedishargumentation can be seen as well as important differences.

Svenska tidningars bild av socialt arbete : En kvalitativ studie

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka vilka faktorer som kantänkas ligga bakom medias sätt att skriva om socialt arbete, på vilket sätt media skriver om socialt arbete utifrån hur tre svenska tidningsgenrer speglade det sociala arbetets profession åren 2002 och 2012 och vad detta kan tänkas ha för påverkan på läsarna och det sociala arbetets profession. Metoderna som används i undersökningen är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och en diskursanalys. Materialet begränsas till artiklar publicerade i Sverige åren 2002 och 2012, från en national-, en regional- och åtta landsortstidningar. Faktorer som kan tänkas ligga bakom tidningars sätt att skriva om socialt arbete kan kopplas till att media använder sig av ett stiliserat berättande med bestämda roller. Socialt arbete får rollen som den starka myndigheten med makt över de svaga.

Hur belönande kan det va liksom? : Tidningsläsares förståelse av biomedicinska förklaringsmodeller av beroende

Genom att framställa vissa fenomen som viktiga och samtidigt exkludera andra har media en stor inverkan på hur vi upplever nyheter, exempelvis om forskning. De senaste decennierna har biomedicinsk alkoholforskning tagit allt större plats i nyhetsmedia, framför allt i artiklar som rör hälsofrågor. Forskningens inträde på arenor i individers vardagsliv är intressant, dels för att det kan öka informationsflödet från forskare till samhällsmedborgare och dels för att en ytterligare dimension ? forskningen ? läggs till sammanflätningen av samhälle, media och människa. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur tidningsläsare tolkar biomedicinsk alkoholforskning skildrad i media, och vilken betydelse detta har för deras förståelse av (alkohol)beroende.

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