

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 58 av 867

Pedagogisk diskussion om dokusåpor ? meningslös eller betydelsefull för eleverna?

Uppsatsen handlar om den pedagogiska diskussionens betydelse för elevernas förståelse för dokusåpornas indirekta budskap och om huruvida diskussionen är meningslös eller betydelsefull för eleverna. Utifrån problemformuleringen: Vad betyder en diskussion om TV som media för elevernas förståelse för de implicita budskap som merparten av dokusåporna förmedlar? har en kvalitativ studie genomförts på 32 elever i skolår 4 och 5 på en friskola. I litteraturdelen behandlas TV som media utifrån flera olika perspektiv; såväl dess positiva som negativa påverkan, samt skolans roll och ansvar att diskutera media och vem som bär huvudansvaret för det som barn ser på TV och varför de tittar, samt dokusåpornas utveckling och påverkanskraft. Resultatet visar att en pedagogisk diskussion har betydelse för elevernas förståelse men att diskussionen bör genomföras när eller om man som pedagog ser att dokusåpornas budskap påverkat eleverna negativt..

Ledarskap i organisationsförändring.

This study investigates the use of the social network Facebook among 67 Swedish libraries; 27 academic libraries and 40 public libraries. Data is collected through an analysis of the libraries? Facebook pages and through an email survey. To analyze the data, a series of statistical analyses were performed.The results indicate that the public libraries more actively posted Facebook updates than the academic libraries and that the libraries that had a policy for use of Facebook/social media more actively posted updates than those libraries that did not have such policy. The libraries use Facebook mainly to post links and photos and to announce events, provide book recommendations, and to emphasize special occasions.

"Hamrén-haveriet" : En kvantitativ studie om personifiering av svenska förbundskaptener i kvällstidningarna

Total amount of words: 15 269.In this essay, the purpose is to examine the personalization of Swedish national coaches during international championships in the Swedish tabloids. Research shows that a leader nowadays is representative for her organization. Therefore it could be assumed that the way the national coach is portrayed can have some kind of effect on the public opinion about the team as a unit and their sport federation in total. This essay is a quantitative study of the sport tabloids Sportbladet och SPORT-Expressen during three international championships: Euro 2012 in football, WC 2013 in ice hockey and Euro 2014 in handball. We have studied the coverage of the national coaches Erik Hamrén, Pär Mårts and Ola Lindgren/Staffan Olsson in contrast to the coverage of their teams in total.The main results are that the national coaches are mentioned in every second article that is written about the national teams during the championships. They are mainly portrayed in a neutral way, even though the coverage of them is affected by the results in the matches.

Varumärkeskommunikation : En analys av Borkas och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS

AbstractTitle: Brand communication ? An analyze of Borka and BayIcons communicative labor in relations with WJOS. (Varumärkeskommunikation ? En analys av Borka och BayIcons kommunikativa arbete i relation till WJOS)Number of pages: 53 (55 including enclosures)Author: Johan LarssonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communications Studies CPeriod: Second term / autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/aim: The purpose of this essay is to study how two small Swedish clothing companies, Borka and BayIcon, manage their brand communication. Brand communication includes work with target groups, brands, media and finally communication in a bigger perspective.

Att "gilla" ett museum : En komparativ fallstudie av tre museers externa kommunikation

The aim and purpose of this essay is to study if three museums are using Facebook strategically to promote two-way communication with their target audiences in their external communication. A qual-itative and comparative research method and has been used and communication managers from each of the three museums have been interviewed. These interviews have been transcribed and coded in order to reveal opinions and views on how that particular museum feels about social media and the use of these tools in their external communication. A number of Facebook statuses have also been collect-ed in order to discover how each of the museums is using social media in order to reach and engage their target groups. Should the results of this essay be summarized it would show that the museums are using the communication channel that they feel suits the needs of reaching a specific audience.

Litterära Cirkeln : En studie hur Cirkeln av Mats Strandberg och Sara Bergmark Elfgren diskuterats på bokbloggar i anknytning till nätbokhandlar

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine posts on bookblogs about the book, Cirkeln by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren and see how it has distributed amongst readers through social media and reader response. We want through this examine whether bookblogs have a place in the literary society, and in such cases, how this may take place. The Swedish Online bookshops Adlibris and Bokus is being used to find the blogposts to be examined in this thesis. The analysis is being implemented using content analysis and constructed encoding schemes. Interdisciplinary topics, like LIS and sociology of literature may have similar points of contact, which we want to highlight with this thesis.

Bland kockrockar och rock-kockar  - En retorisk analys av svenska matlagningsprogram

Aim: The purpose of this paper is to see if there has been a change over time in the performance and in the spoken word of the Swedish cooking programs. By testing the theory of intimization on the cooking programs I get the opportunity to see if the border between the private and the public have become clearer or more difficult to notice, and if the new language, the informal language as intimization entails, has been used in Swedish cooking programs since the 70s until today, or if there´s ever been a formal language in Swedish programs? Method/Material: I'm using a rhetorical approach that includes a three-step analysis. Analysing the context, means to persuade and performance. The empirical material I intend to analyze is Swedish cooking programs from the 70s until today, 2010.

Ungdomars avvikande & hotfulla beteende i media

Abstract Författare: Lovisa Bergman Titel: Ungdomars avvikande och hotfulla beteende i media Uppsats: Sociologi C, 41-60 p Handledare: José Pacheco Högskolan i Halmstad Sektionen för hälsa och samhälle Vårterminen 2007 Syftet med min uppsats är att genom en diskursanalys av mediatexter klarlägga hur avvikande beteende bland ungdomar framställs av media och därigenom kan konstrueras i samhället. Syftet leder fram till följande frågeställningar:o Vilken bild skapar medias framställning av ungdomar med avvikande beteende?o Vilka följder genererar medias bild?Som teoretisk ram för min studie har jag valt Erving Goffman, Michel Foucault och Emile Durkheim som utgångspunkt för min studie som även till stor del grundar sig i tidigare forskning inom området där artiklar från Brottsförebyggande rådets tidsskrift Apropå blir användbara i min analys. Jag har använt mig av den kvalitativa metoden diskursanalys. Slutsatser som framkommit är att media framställer en ganska hotfull bild av ungdomar i samhället och medias närmande av underhållningsindustri innebär att det många gånger är en vilseledande och inte helt sanningsenlig bild som skildras (Apropå Nr 3 2001).

Registrerad : - En förklarande studie av Skånepolisens romregister

In 2011, a crime prevention initiative was undertaken by the Swedish police department in Scania. Two years later, the Swedish media reported on this initiative, claiming that it had been intended as an ethnic registration of Romani people. This revelation resulted in a great deal of controversy and sparked a national debate on the issue of ethnicity and public registration in Sweden. The police in Scania had difficulties explaining the purpose of such a registration effort, and could not provide evidence that it had been legitimate and legal. This paper will attempt to explain the motivation behind the original police initiative with a theoretical analysis based on assessments from public authorities.

Hashtag #förskola : en studie om användandet av sociala medier för föräldrasamverkan inom förskolan

The purpose with this examination is to interpret and analyze interviews with a few chosen teachers and parents to find out what they think about using Instagram in preschool. My purpose of my study is also to see how preschools can improve parental interaction by using social media in their daily occupation.My questions for this study are: How can you use social media in preschool and what is the purpose with this? What does a few teachers thinking about using Instagram in preschool? What does a few parents thinking about using Instagram in preschool? Could it be any problems with the using of Instagram in preschool? What kind of material is published on a few chosen preschools Instagram account? To get answers to my questions, I have made qualitative interviews with three teachers and three parents. As a complement to my interviews, I have made an observation and description what preschools publish on their Instagram account. I have featured some research about parental interaction and the meaning of that.

Ekonomiska nyheter och dess effekt på aktiemarknaden : En studie i hur nyheter av ekonomisk karaktär påverkar aktiesparare och i sin tur aktiemarknaden

Syfte: Vilken effekt som publiceringar från media med dåliga ekonomiska tider har på aktiespararna på stockholmsbörsen samt undersöka om dessa nyheter påverkar aktiepriset på ett negativt eller positiv samt hur aktiesparare reagerar på ekonomiska indikationer samt om aktiespararens utbildningsnivå har någon effekt på om aktiespararen använder sig av media som beslutsunderlag i sin aktiehandel.Metod: Det är två undersökningar varav den ena är en kvantitativ enkätundersökning utan kvalitativa element. Den andra är ett stickprov på aktiekurser i samband med specifika artiklars publiceringsdatum.Slutsats: Utifrån de resultat som presenterats så går det att utläsa att aktiesparare sällan använder sig av media som beslutsunderlag när de handlar med aktier samt så finns inget negativt samband med de valda artiklarna och aktiekursen. Det fanns dock ett sammanband i det att aktiesparare med högra utbildning är mindre benägna att använda sig av media och dess indikationer som beslutsunderlag i deras handel med aktier.Fortsatt forskning: Det finns flera intressanta undersökningsfrågor kvar, bland annat så skulle undersökningen behövas göras på mer än ett område av media samt på flera olika områden av aktiemarknaden än dagligvaruhandeln. En annan intressant fråga är att enligt enkätundersökningen så är många aktiesparare högt utbildade inom ämnet men är fortfarande osäkra på deras effekt på aktiemarknaden när de handlar.Uppsatsens bidrag: Ett försök till att undersöka om media skapar sina egna självuppfyllande profetior i samband med att de publicerar nyheter med en negativ vinkling på det kommande ekonomiska klimatet. Enligt undersökningen så har inga tidningsartiklar någon märkbar effekt på aktiekursen..

Design & Kreativitet ? och omvärldens orimliga krav

In a time where fast trends and shorter product lifecycles are dominating the clothing industryfashion companies must constantly deliver revolutionary products in order to survive. Theconsumers are more demanding than ever before and collections that used to be released twicea year are almost nothing but a memory lost. Some companies are now releasing theircollections continuously and have abandoned the seasons completely. Media has put attentionon the speed that the fashion industry is moving in now and asks whether we can expect it toimplode?The purpose of the thesis is to establish how the creative process in a company operating onthe Swedish or the Danish clothing market is affected by external factors i.e.

Ekot från djupaste Afrika : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Ekots gestaltning av konflikten i Goma, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo.

This is a critical discourse analysis of the conformation of the conflict in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, as constructed by Ekot, a news-show on Radio Sweden. The ambition of this bachelor thesis is to examine the production of a Congolese conflict for a Swedish audience and to find out how the construction differences with and without a reporter in the field. To obtain this purpose the narrative is studied as well as the use of voices that define the conflict. The construction of proximity between Swedish audience and the Congolese event and the meaning of sound to stabilize the formation of discourse within foreign news is examined as well. To conform and explain foreign news it must be put in relation to a starting point.

Diskursen kring misshandel : En studie av Aftonbladets framställning av förövare och offer i misshandelsfall.

The aim of this study was to examine the existing discourse of assault in Aftonbladet from the years 2012 and 2013. We have studied news articles and analysed them by using discourse analysis as theory and method.The study shows that the portrayal of perpetrators and victims in assault cases tend to differ depending on gender. The women is portrayed as weak and part of a homogeneous group while the man is portrayed as dominant and offered a more individual role. The study also shows that the normative group is separated from the deviate groups in society. The analyze show that media, through this representation, maintains the normative power in society.

Våld- och kvinnoskildringar i TV-spel

ABSTRACTTitle: Violence and women representation in video games (Vålds? och kvinnoskildringar i TV?spel)Number of pages: 42Author: Karolin BodlingTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Autumn 2005University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim is to investigate how violence and women are presented in video games and in game reviews.Material/Method: The study includes theories that consider violence and gender in media and video games. The material of the essay exists of two games and five reviews. The method that is being used is a content analysis. The games that are being analysed are Jade Empire and Grand Theft Auto ? San Andreas.Main results: The video games are often connected to brutal violence but the analysis of the game Jade Empire shows that it is possible to hve control of the violence in the games and that the player has a possibility to choose the outcome of violence.

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