

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 41 av 867

Mannen, myten... Stereotypen? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur manliga stereotyper konstrueras i tidningen Cafés reklamannonser

The discussion about gender and ideals shown in mass media is a subject of great importance for the society in general. Media is playing an essential part when it comes to establish standards and values and we are constantly exposed to all types of impressions, whether we are aware or not. It is therefore of great importance that we understand how stereotypes are built and to gain a deep knowledge that would enrich the area of Media and Communication Studies.The aim and focus of this study was to analyze how male stereotypes is communicated in print advertising and how visual means of expressions helps to construct the masculinities shown. From a semiotic analysis of seven print adverts appearing in the Swedish lifestyle Magazine Café were we able to gain a thorough understanding about how male stereotypes are communicated and built.The result showed that different kinds of stereotypes are in fact used but it is still a hegemonic masculinity that is predominating. Traditional male characteristics are still in use but we were able to see strong indications of effemination, sexualizing and objectifying.

Social isolering. En studie om a?siktspolarisering och normativ press i sociala medier

The purpose of this study was to look for tendencies that social media can contribute to exposing users to a stronger perception of opinion polarization, and further to see if the daily presence of social networking sites can put normative pressure on the users. The study was made using a survey with participants from Umea? University during the time frame of november-december 2014. The theoretical framework behind the study was mainly drawn from The Spiral Of Silence by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann and was further supplemented with more current research, studying the effects from The Spiral Of Silence in the modern and more fragmented media landscape that exists now then when her theory was written. Further theoretical tools for analysis of the results came from Michel Foucault and his discussions in Discipline and punish, specifically his views on how surveillance can be discontinous in practice, but still permanent in it?s effects.The results of this study indicates that social media users tend to isolate themselves from uncomfortable opinions, and do not follow or read opinions they do not already agree with.

Spegel, spegel på väggen där: Tv:s presentation av utseendet i de program ungdomar ser på

Denna studie behandlar frågor om media, ideal och ungdomar. Media har stor betydelse i dagens samhälle och förmedlar bilder av utseendet som skapar olika ideal. Ungdomar är mer mottagliga för dessa ideal eftersom de befinner sig i en period i livet när de försöker finna sin egen stil. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur tv presenterar utseendet i de tv- program som ungdomar tittade på. Vi genomförde en mindre enkätundersökning som visade att ungdomarna såg mest på tv-programmen Idol 2005, Vänner och OC.

Läraren som ledare och hennes roll i elevers kunskapsutveckling och socialt uppförande

 Over the past ten years, the pupils' performance and grades has fallen and the number of competent to high school has decreased gradually. The Swedish school has been criticized and the role of the teachers has been questioned, among other by the media. In autumn 2007 Johannesskolan, one of Sweden's tenth worst schools replaced the ordinary teachers of Class 9A against eight of the country's "main" educators with the goal of the class to become one of Sweden's third major. The teachers have the autumn term in which to achieve the goal and the outcome will be measured by national tests in core subjects Swedish, English and Mathematics. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of the teacher's leadership in relation to the pupils' social and intellectual development, and identify common leadership of these eight educators.

Medias skildring av hiv: en diskursanalytisk studie

This paper aims to investigate what part Swedish media plays when it comes to portraying hiv and people infected by the virus. The study comes from articles published in Sweden's two largest daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Göteborgs Posten, in 2007.By using discourse analysis we found that hiv within Sweden is described as related to riskgroups or risk behaviour and that individuals with hiv is portrayed as average people living normal lives. Except for the above described pattern, stories about so called hiv-men frequently occur. Overall, the words abroad and foreigners are reproduced in articles about individuals living with hiv or aids. When it comes to articles describing hiv abroad, aids is more in focus and people living with the virus is portrayed as innocent victims.

Stora Enso : Vägen till ett lyckat hållbarhetsarbete

 There is an ongoing reorganization within media industries today as they adapt to new and changing demands - the environment is changing fast and the organizations with it. The development of new technology is contributing to new forms of media distribution in the present media industry. The structure of media organizations is getting flatter and the co-workers are getting a new and bigger role. All this is bringing new challenges for the leaders of the organization. Caught in the middle of these new structures is the middle manager who now is facing different demands from all sides.

Fallet SAS : En studie i hur medial diskurs reproducerar maktförhållanden på arbetsmarknaden

Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how the media through a certain discourse constructs a view of the labor market and the power relations between companies, unions and employees. The goal is to explore this through studying the media coverage of SAS? financial situation between September-December 2012 and our research question is the following: What view of the labor market and its power relations was constructed and reproduced by Swedish newspapers through their portrayal of SAS during September-December 2012?Method: This study analyses the findings with the help of questions based on theories of social constructivism, discourse, agenda-setting and power. A content and discourse analysis was compiled of 360 articles from five Swedish newspapers that addressed SAS and their situation from September-December 2012. The results of these analyses were further processed using power analysis and John Gaventa?s power cube.Results: In this study we conclude that the medial discourse constructs identities of the different actors and affect power relations between them, in favor of the company.

Har det svenska statsskicket Europeiserats? : Konstitutionella förändringar sedan EU-inträdet

Since Sweden became a member of the European Union (EU) several constitutional reforms has been taking place. During this time, Sweden has also changed its view on democracy,from a collective to an individual perspective of democracy in the politics. A reasonable hypothesis and the purpose of this essay is to investigate if the Swedish government has beendeveloped towards an Europeanization.The Swedish state audit changed in a pioneering way after the EU- entry, with the formation of Riksrevisionen. Another constitutional change is that the Swedish EU- membership is being instituted in the Swedish constitution. The role of Swedish courts has also changed since the EU- entry.

Vad får det lov att vara: en bok eller ett tv-spel? En studie om folkbibliotekens inköp av medier.

The purpose of this Master`s thesis is to examine if the pur-chase of media in public libraries reflects the library's role in society. Two questions have been posed: ? What view of public library's role in society is reflected in the purchase of media? ? What principles guide the selection of media in public li-braries in Sweden? In order to investigate these questions, we used a question-naire that we sent out to a sample of 120 public libraries in Sweden. The analysis is based on a theory of three ap-proaches to the role of the library developed by Douglas Raber. The three approaches are the conservative approach, the populist approach and the social approach.

Gestaltung ist auch Information : En studie kring layoutens betydelse med Aftonbladet i fokus

In this thesis I'm trying to examine the meaning potential of visual elements and layout in a Swedish newspaper front page and the same newspaper's website's start page, drawing on theories about multimodality and social semiotics developed mainly by Theo van Leeuwen and Gunther Kress. The study is focusing on Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the website aftonbladet.se and compares these three different days. In this thesis I also try to examine what the newspaper communicate about its identity through the different visual components. My conclusion is that visual elements and layout have a great importance regarding what a newspaper communicate about how the news articles should be read, but what can be said about a company's identity mostly depend on the genre the newspaper belongs to and how well the reader knows that particular genre..

Konsten att kommunicera med medborgarna genom media. En studie om kommunpolitikers uppfattning om förhållandet till lokaltidningen i Linköping och Motala

Media har en central maktposition i dagens samhälleliga kommunikationsprocess, vilket har fått allt större betydelse i takt med att medborgarnas intresse för partipolitik har minskat. Allt färre medborgare ansluter sig till ett politiskt parti och flertalet medborgare får sin huvudsakliga information genom media. Under de senaste decennierna har kommunerna laborerat med olika lösningar och organisationsmodeller för att effektivisera verksamheten, spara pengar och öka medborgarnas inflytande. Denna utveckling har resulterat i ett ökat behov för politikerna att föra en dialog med medborgarna och få stöd för beslut och prioriteringar. Studien behandlar hur kommunpolitiker hanterar situationen med ett dominerande media, d.v.s.

Kommunikation mellan företag - förutsättningar för bruket av sociala medier i en företag-till-företagskontext

The study examines how social media can be used in a business-to-business context. To understand the communication conditions, factors has been identified that affects the choice of communication channels for different types of information transferred between parts. Furthermore, the study investigates the underlying reasons for why certain communication channels are chosen before others, in different situations. The study results are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees in a small engineering consulting company. The investigation has focused on employee communication and choice of communication tools primarily in relation to the business relationship.

Datoranvändning : En diskursanalys av medias attityder till dator och surfplatta

The essay is a discourse analysis of the media's attitudes toward computing. The aim is to compare what the media is really saying about the usage of tablets, computers and compare it to what the research is saying. In addition, it examines what the media says about socialization. We analyze the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen and will first compare these two together and see what attitudes that emerge, and then seek similarities and differences with the previous research and theories including socialization learning, attitudes and consumption. Conclusions we can draw is that Expressen has a more negative attitude towards the use of computers while the Dagens Nyheter has a more positive attitude, but is also more objective to what they write about.

Attityder till nya medier. En metastudie av attityder till nya medier i uppsatser vid Högskolan i Borås.

This essay is a meta study of essays published at theInstitution of Library and Information Sciences at theUniversity of Borås in 2009. It aims to answer the followingquestions:What attitudes about new media can be found in essayswritten within SSLIS and are there traces of media panic inthe discourse?The theoretical framework of the essay is based on a theoryof the concept of media panic as defined by Kirsten Drotneret al, and the concept of moral panic as defined by StanleyCohen.The method used is derived from Klaus Krippendorff?sideas on content analysis, as published in the book ContentAnalysis. The method in this study uses computerizedsearches for target words. The target words used were:Internet, web, e-, blogg, facebook and twitter.

"Har vi råd att ta emot dem?" : En studie om Smålandspostens inställning till och framställning av invandrare och flyktingar under 1980-1993.

The past years in Sweden has been infected by a discussion about immigration and immigrants, both spoken in politics and media. The aim of this essay is to study the attitude about immigrants in the third period of immigration in Sweden found in the local press. And also what image the press gave of immigrants. The study looks at Smålandsposten, which is a large local press in the Växjö area. During the period for this study was the attitude in the local press very negative. The studied articles in Smålandsposten shows a profound idea of a ?we? and ?them?.

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