

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 38 av 867

Diskursen kring "ungdomsrån" : En studie av Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets framställning av unga rånare

The aim of this study was to examine the existing discourse of youth robberies from year 2003 to year 2013 in DN and Aftonbladet. By using discourseanalysis as theory and method I have studied newsartikles from these two newspapers.The study shows that the portrayal of youth robberies is focused on the young muggers as a group and not as individuals. The groups that are mentioned are young men and women, children and muggers with another ethnical background than swedish. Girls, children and ethnical background are given more attention in the articles, and are portrayed as more problematic. The youth robberies are described as brutal and are focused on the young muggers as unrestrained, evil individuals with no future.The analysis also shows that a change in the discourse is taking place during the studied period.

"Jag letar efter tjuven så letar du kapsyler" : En undersökning om vad barn kan lära sig genom pedagogiska dataspel i förskolan

This thesis treats the extended Swedish rules regarding deduction limitations on interest. The purpose for this thesis is to investigate whether the interest deduction limitation rules have potential to protect the Swedish tax base. The thesis also assesses whether the options presented how the extended rules could look liked had been better to protect the Swedish tax base. Furthermore thin capitalizations rules have been evaluated if this is a better method to protect the Swedish tax base.In 2009 the Swedish deduction limitations rules on interest came in to force to protect the Swedish tax base. Despite these rules companies was still able to avoid Swedish tax and therefore threatened the Swedish tax base.

Band eller hjul? : Lämpligt fordon för EOD-specifika behov i Afghanistan.

The background to this paper is the events that have taken place in the Swedish area of responsibility in Afghanistan where Swedish troops have been ambushed by the insurgents. Although the troops primarily where riding in Toyota Land Cruisers they had no casualties. I think that the Swedish force needs other vehicles that can be armed and are armoured.When I compared three different types of armoured vehicles, I found that PTGB 6 is the vehicle of choice, according to the special needs that a Swedish EOD-squad, their task and their equipment have. .

The use of Swedish in teaching English in the multilingual classroom

The purpose of this dissertation has been to get a deeper understanding of how, when and why the English teachers of year 6-9 at a particular multilingual school use Swedish when they teach English in a multilingual classroom. Data were collected through notes taken during observations of two teachers during one lesson each. After observing the teachers I conducted one interview with them each. Swedish was used mostly when grammar was explained and when work was done with vocabulary. If Swedish dominated during a lesson or not, depended on what was being done during the lesson. The main reason given why the teachers used Swedish in teaching English was that they were not trained to teach English in a multilingual classroom where Swedish is not the first language of all the pupils. The teachers felt it was difficult to speak English during a whole lesson when they were teaching a group of pupils who had a low level of English..

Kärlek eller plågeri? Konstruering av diskurser kring tidelagskriminalisering

This study is a discourse analyse of texts concerning the criminalizing of bestiality andonthological questions around it. This essay has been written as an qualitative analyse of three media texts: Swedish and Danish animal protection laws, interpellation of criminalizing bestiality in Swedish Parliament as well as the discussion forum, "Nordisk Zoofil Forum".The study indicates that bestiality can be understood as inacceptable through discourses about normality, naturalness, moral, sexual pleasure or discourses which comprehend sexual abnormalities as a consequence of each other. On the other side bestiality can be understood as unaccebtable through discourses about sexual needs, sexual identities, love or sexual pleasure. Also the idea about one practising bestiality seems to be gendered as a male person..

INDIREKTA FÖREBILDER BLAND TWEENS ? Modespridning med hjälp av celebriteter

I uppsatsen utreds indirekta förebilders påverkan på svenska förtonåringars modeval av kläder och skor. Mycket av den forskning som gjorts tidigare berör andra marknader än den svenska och andra produkter än kläder varför vi anser vårt valda område tämligen outforskat. Vi redogör i uppsatsen för teorier som behandlar modespridning, barnens roll som konsumenter, kommunikation, varumärken, referensgrupper, self-concept, symbolisk konsumtion och familjens beslutsroller. Resultatet från de kvalitativa intervjuer som vi genomfört med pojkar och flickor i åldern tio till tolv år redovisas. Slutsatserna är att förtonåringarna har ett uttalat idolskap från i första hand sportvärlden och i andra hand musikbranschen.

Tuttar och terrorister : Om mediarapporteringen kring Göteborgskravallerna

This essay focuses on the press coverage of the riots in Gothenburg 2001. The questions it aims to answer are, How is it that although the media was gender-neutral in its news reports, the lasting memory is one of rioting men, and why did the media simultaneously exaggerate and minimize the importance of the riots?The material consists of articles and photographs from Swedish mainstream newspapers. The method is text analysis, with a heavy influence of discourse theory. The conclusions are that since the hegemonic discourse on gender does not allow women to be active and violent, all bodies in the riot automatically become men, no matter how female they seem to be in other contexts.

Swedish Match : Hur kan Swedish Match kommunicera under lagstiftade marknadsföringsförbud?

Den rådande lagstiftningen kring marknadsföring av tobaksprodukter skapar problematik för Swedish Match och försvårar dess mediekommunikation. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Swedish Match marknadsföringsstrategi för produktkategorin snus, genom en modell som omfattar Porters fem konkurrenskrafter, olika alternativa kommunikationskanaler samt Carrolls CSR-pyramid. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet var kvalitativt och innefattade personliga intervjuer som sedan analyserades och triangulerades. Undersökningens resultat visade bland annat att de fem konkurrenskrafterna har olika betydelse för Swedish Match marknadsföringsstrategi och att en aktiv konkurrens driver företaget till innovativa lösningar och utveckling. Dessutom framkom vilka kommunikationskanaler som finns tillgängliga för Swedish Match, samt att CSR är en del i företagets interna marknadsföring..

Man och kvinna i tvåsamhet, Amen : en studie om debatten kring samkönade äktenskap i religiös media

The purpose of this thesis is to present a number of examples of how the debate concerning same-sex marriages in Sweden was conducted in religious media between the year of 2005 and May 1st 2009. I intend to examine if and how these debate articles can be descibes as examples of religion taking part in the public sphere according to José Casanovas theory of deprivitization and public religion (1994) and Jürgen Habermas theory of religion in the public sphere (1964, 1989, 2006, 2008). I will apply the theories to the material by using four criteria for public religion, based on Casanovas and Habermas two theories, designed by Marta Axner. I also intend to compare the arguments used in the material to the arguments found in Marta Axners dissertation Public Religions in Swedish media (2013). To identify these arguments a textanalysis containing seven argumentschemes, designed by Gunnar Björnsson (1994), is applied.

Riktig svenska : Om andraspråkselevers ämnesval och litteraturläsning på gymnasiet

The purpose of this study was to look into how learners of Swedish as a second language and some teachers of the subject think and reason about the choice between Swedish or Swedish as a Second Language and literature in Swedish at upper secondary schools. Similar studies have earlier been carried out at upper secondary schools in areas dominated by immigrants while the present study has been accomplished in a small municipality with comparatively few immigrants. The study is based upon qualitative interviews which have been analysed through the socio-cultural theory regarding those artifacts, communication and that mediating second learners of Swedish and their teachers and schools are using in their choices between Swedish or Swedish as a Second Language as well as selection of literature in literature teaching.  The study also shows how learners of Swedish as a second language perceive the choice between the two options of Swedish courses at advanced upper secondary school and how their teachers look upon their choice and the information given. Furthermore we will also get to know the learners of Swedish as a second language and their teachers? view on teaching Swedish literature at advanced upper secondary B-level in Swedish.

Utveckla hemsida med beställningsfunktion

Under utbildningen Medie- och kommunikationsteknik utfördes detta examensarbete på våren 2006 åt STRAX media i Linköping. Eftersom STRAX media kände att det var dags att de marknadsförde sig på Internet tyckte de att det var en utmärkt idé att en examensarbetare skulle göra hemsidan åt dem. Denna hemsida är ett sätt för STRAX media att visa vad de erbjuder samt vilka de är som driver företaget. Hemsidan är uppbyggd av HTML och PHP och den är kopplad mot en SQL-databas. Syftet med rapporten är att ge läsaren en enkel insikt om hur jag skapade hemsidan åt STRAX media genom att ge exempel och bilder.Planeringen som gjordes bra och således kunde hemsidan läggas ut inom den planerade tidsramen.

Likvärdigt bemötande i TV ? eller inte : En studie av fyra partiledarutfrågningar i SVT inför valet 2010

As the 2010 Swedish election was closing in, there was a discussion about how the media represented the different party leaders in a differential and unfair manner. This study aims to identify if there were any differences in how four of these party leaders, Lars Ohly, Maud Olofsson, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Mona Sahlin were treated in four individual questioning sessions on Swedish television. Utilizing conversation analysis the study focuses on identifying differences in the usage of interruptions between the four different sessions. The study also analyzes the aggressiveness of the journalists? questioning and how they designed their questions in the four different sessions.

Ka?ta tjejer och Ka?rria?rsmammor - kvinnan ska vara allt : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnan skildras i magasinen Cosmopolitan och Slitz

Every day readers of magazines receive advice on how their life is expected to be. Magazines write about what to wear, who you should be dating and where you should work. People are social beings and are affected on what they read, hear and see. In that way media is one of the main channels which defines people and draws examples on for example how a "normal" woman should be.This essay dealt with several questions: how women are described in Swedish women magazine Cosmopolitan and men ?s magazine Slitz and how they are differ from each other.

Pedagogers möte med media i undervisningen

I och med medias utveckling och förankring i vårt samhälle har pedagoger i dagens skola inte längre monopol på kunskapsförmedling. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur pedagoger talar om hur de arbetar med media i undervisningen. Undersökningen bygger på 14 stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med pedagoger och elever ifrån två olika skolor i Malmö. Skolorna är belägna i två olika stadsdelar varav en av dem är präglad av mångkulturalitet och den andra är mer traditionell svenskt homogen. Empirin analyseras utifrån Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv samt tidigare forskning som bedrivits kring medias roll i skolan.

En sund livsstil med sociala medier : En studie om sociala mediers roll i individers motivation till att anamma och uppra?ttha?lla en sund livsstil

Motivation is a key factor in sustaining a healthy and active lifestyle, and technology has afforded us new methods for attaining information concerning exercise and health. This paper aims to examine how social media can motivate individuals to obtain and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as identify which particular social media channels are preferred for this purpose. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used as data collection in this research. The results of this report show that images and text shared on social media, as well as the communication therein, can function as motivation for individuals to commence and maintain a regular physical activity and health regimen. Additionally, an individual?s sharing of their own training and health routine is enough to motivate the person in question to sustain their training and health procedure.

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