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Samtalet på Facebook : En studie om IKEA Sveriges kommunikation i sociala medier

IntroductionIn this study, we have explained the complexities of social media, as it is still a relatively unexplored area. With the rapidly growing use of social media in recent years, companies have chosen to establish themselves in social networks to advertise themselves and communicate with their customers. In this study we analyze IKEA Sweden and their use of social media on the national market, where focus lies upon IKEA Sweden Facebook-page. The study intends to find out how the company uses social media as a marketing and communication tool and also analyzes the relations and conversations that occur on the Facebook-page. Purpose and research questionsThe purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how a large Swedish company as IKEA has chosen to use social media and how it's perceived by them. We also intended to find out how IKEA Sweden uses social media in their daily work and how the company communicates through this media channel.

Hur skildras judar och judendom? En textanalys av svenska medier

In my study, I aim to examine how the printed Swedish media depicts Jews and Judaism.How the agenda is for the depiction of Jews and Judaism and how it can be related todidactic challenges within the school subject religion. The study is based on 194 articlesfrom the Swedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, in July and August 2014. I use a qualitative and a quantitative text analysis where I put articles in different categories. The study?s theoretical framework is The Agenda-Setting Theory and my study leans against Bachner (2006), von Brömssen (2012) and Revell's (2010) thoughts on the media having great influence over our image of religion and religious groups.My study shows, among other things, that Jews and Judaism are mainly mentioned in the media in relation to the conflict in Israel and Palestine, World War II or anti-Semitism.

Raskens från bladet till rutan : En studie i adaption

ABSTRACT Title (English): New technologies, same needs? A qualitative research of media usage in two generations, in the light of modern uses and gratifications research Title (original): Ny teknik, samma behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen Language: Swedish  Author: Frida Ivansson Tutor: Sven Ross Course: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor's Thesis.  Period: Spring term 2013 University: Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMK) atStockholm University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to, in the light of todays uses and gratification research, highlight the differences in media use in adolescents and adults. I focus on the informants' television viewing and I compare this cross-generational, and in relation to other media use. Material/Method: The method I used in this thesis is qualitative interviews. My choice fell on this method because I believe it to be the most suitable for obtaining the data needed.

Det Andra Afrika En kritisk diskursanalys av SVT:s Korrespondenternas representation av Afrika

Discussions of structural racism has now moved to the forefront of the Swedish society, and many researchers have sought to understand what form it takes, how it is manifested, how it is exploited and challenged. At the core of this debate we find the media, and its logic embedded with mechanisms of simplification and polarization.Media is our key source of knowledge and information, why it also affects our norms, beliefs and preconceptions. Media thus has the power to mediate, amplify or challenge how we conceptualize the world, and subsequently our (unconscious) racist beliefs.To investigate how media content is influenced by underlying colonial or racist assumptions and stereotypes thus becomes a way to investigate our understanding of reality.In accordance with postcolonial thought, structural and symbolic racism is embedded in language and hidden in images, and surface in the form of domination and feminization, and the portrayal of the subaltern ?Other? as passive and irrational.This paper thus departs from postcolonial theory and media logic to undercover hidden patterns of structural, symbolic and historically contingent racism in one of Sweden?s most prominent in-depth foreign TV-magazines, namely Korrespondenterna.Adopting Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), this paper explores to what extent racist and colonial stereotypes are reproduced and/or challenged in Korrespondenterna?s representation of Sub-Saharan Africa.In line with postcolonial theory it is found that historically contingent racialized stereotypes are prevalent in Korrespondenterna, and that tendencies of portraying Africa and Africans as passive, feminine and irrational are prevailing.It is thus argued that media logic, imbedded with mechanisms of simplification, polarization and intensification, contributes to the use of colonial stereotypes in media, and thus to the mediation of structural and symbolic racism..

Skönlitteraturens nya kläder? Elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur: en kvalitativ intervjustudie med nio svenska förlag och fyra andra aktörer på det litterära fältet

The main objective of this essay is to present the views of nine Swedish publishers and four other agents in the literary field regarding the possibilities of and obstacles to publishing fiction in an electronic format. Furthermore, whether or not electronic publishing is today actually a viable alternative. A substantial part of the essay functions as background to our interview findings and is based primarily on material originating from the Sociology of Literature field. The introductory chapter expounds the methodological and theoretical basis of the essay and is followed by a chapter placing our study in a larger, international media, context. Chapter three deals with the past decades? restructuring of the publishing sector, the professional functions involved in traditional publishing and Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on the cultural and economic forces at work in the literary field.

Luxury fashion brands on social media: a study of young

The implementation of this research increases the awareness of the value for luxury fashion brands in utilizing social media as a communication channel to reach young consumers globally. It provides a general understanding of young consumers? perception of luxury fashion brands on social media in regards to geographic cultural background, attitude towards new luxury, and preferred way of contacts..

Attac! En analys av diskurskampen mellan media och den sociala rörelsen Attac

In today's society social movement are dependent on media as a channel to com-municate their political message and their discourse. Media is an arena for dis-courses but at the same time, along with Attac, one of the actors who struggle to be part of the dominant discourse of the society. This struggle is uneven due to media and the relationship is to some content hegemonic.Attac Sweden was constituted in January 2001 and got an enormous amount of attention in media. But after the riots during the Göteborg European Council in June 2001, that Attac was partly blamed for, the attention in media has faded out. This paper shows that the images of Attac in media hasn?t been favouring the movement, especially during and after the meeting in Gothenburg.

Rörliga bilder säger mer än tusen ord : Användning av strömmande media (video) på kommunala hemsidor

I min studie har jag undersökt hur strömmande media (video) används på Umeå kommuns webbsida. Dessutom har jag analyserat och jämfört hur sex kommuner i Sverige använder rörliga bilder på sina kommunala hemsidor. De sex kommuner som jag har valt att studera har som gemensamt drag att samtliga sänder respektive kommunfullmäktige live med hjälp av strömmande video. Slutligen diskuterar jag orsaken till att kommunala hemsidor använder strömmande media i liten skala och drar några slutsatser som relaterar möjligheter och hinder i användning av strömmande media på kommunala hemsidor..

Ungas nyhetsvanor : Vilka medier använder sig ungdomar igymnasieåren av för att ta del av nyhetsflödet?

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

Sociala Medier som kommunikationskanal för B2B-företag

The purpose of this thesis is to show what advantages and opportunities social media offer for B2B-companies (business-to-business), and how they can be used for marketing communications.We have studied how companies can use social media, for example evolving the organization, developing products/services, staying up-to-date, building relations, creating customer loyalty and engagement, building the company?s identity and image, and affecting the buying decisions. We have also studied how B2B-companies can choose media channels, set goals, and measure the results.We have carried out interviews, through phone and visits, with four chosen companies that fit our criterias: Swedish B2B-company that is successful in social media.The result of the interviews show that B2B-companies use social media for various purposes, for example networking (to create and build long term relations with other companies) and to improve the company?s image among the end customers. Most of our interviewees reach their end customers (consumers) in first place and customers (companies) in second place, since many B2B-companies do not yet use social media.Half of our respondents mention that social media should not be used for advertising and campaigns (one way communication).

Läraren i nutida svensk barn - och ungdomslitteratur

'Teachers in current Swedish child- and youth literature' is an essay that attempts to understand the reasons behind why authors portray teachers the way they do. The foundation and focus point of this essay are ten Swedish child and youth books that were all published during 2012. Throughout this essay I have analyzed the fictional teachers in these books using the discourse analysis method but also employed a gender perspective. The main questions were these: Do the teachers presented in these books follow the curriculum LGR - 11, or do they represent the authors own education experience brought forward to current settings? Furthermore, was there a difference in how female and male teachers were represented? And if so what, possible reasons could account for that? The conclusions made were thus: ? The teacher characters within these books were mostly a throwback to days gone by, therefore reflecting the authors own memories of their school. ? They were mainly presented to the reader in a negative light which most likely has its roots in how Swedish school and Swedish teachers have been portrayed within the mass media. ? That there was indeed gender stereotyping in how female and male teachers were described..

Kolonialismens sista karneval : En postkolonial läsning av Derek Walcotts Sista Karnevalen

ABSTRACT Title (English): New technologies, same needs? A qualitative research of media usage in two generations, in the light of modern uses and gratifications research Title (original): Ny teknik, samma behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen Language: Swedish  Author: Frida Ivansson Tutor: Sven Ross Course: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor's Thesis.  Period: Spring term 2013 University: Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMK) atStockholm University Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to, in the light of todays uses and gratification research, highlight the differences in media use in adolescents and adults. I focus on the informants' television viewing and I compare this cross-generational, and in relation to other media use. Material/Method: The method I used in this thesis is qualitative interviews. My choice fell on this method because I believe it to be the most suitable for obtaining the data needed.

Etik, öppenhet och relationer : Svenska PR-konsulters syn på sitt arbete

This essay concerns PR-consultants and their view on their work. The purpose was to find out which type of communication they use in contact with the target. By target, we mean the group of people the employer wants to reach with help of the PR-consultant. For example: Jägarförbundet wants to get help from a PR-consultant to influence someone in the government so that Swedish hunters can shoot more wolves, than the target group is the one in the government. We also wanted to find out if the PR-consultants are aware of the image the public have of them and if they are trying to change it into a more positive one, by using more ethics, openness and to have more focus on the relations aspect.  PR in the future with new social media (like Internet) was also a subject, where we wanted to know how much they involve social media in their work.  Our main questions were:How do PR-consultants relate to openness in communication, ethics and social media?Which one of Grunig?s PR-models is most occuring in the PR-consultants work? We made a qualitative study where we carried out interviews with six PR-consultants.

Förskollärar(ens) identitet : En studie kring hur förskollärar(ens) roll formuleras och definieras i en förskoleverksamhet i förändring

In this thesis recruiter?s attitudes and usage of social media within the media business has been examined. The purpose was to find out whether a certain type of behavior in social media could or could not lead to a future employment. How much weight is put on the virtual identity and what does recruiters look for when the look someone up on the internet. Personal interviews with recruiters were done in six different media companies in Stockholm to find out how they used social media when searching and employing new employers.

Humana svenskar och främlingsfientliga danskar? - en studie i svensk medierepresentation av dansk migrationspolitik

The aim of this thesis is to study how Denmark and the Danish people has been represented in the Swedish press and which images of them that appears. For this purpose I make use of discourse analysis and discourse theory. By analysing three cases were the debate about the Danish migration policy has been scrutinized in Swedish newspapers I seek to discover different ways of looking at the world. The study concentrates on the descriptions made by journalists and others who contribute to the debate in the media. The results show an image of the Danes as a people reluctant to foreigners and restrictive in their politics.

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