

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 16 av 867

Kvalitetsarbete i fritidshemmen - en framgångsfaktor

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningars framställande av ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine how ADHD is discussed in the Swedish mass media. We have examined 21 articles from Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet. All articles are reviewed from the newspapers online edition.Theories used are Erving Goffman?s theory of Stigma and Michael Foucault´s theory of categorization as well as Göran Palm's, Renée Skogersson's and Anders R. Olsson's theories about mass media.

Om superpedagoger och vanliga lärare : en analys av hur media konstruerar läraryrket

School and education are topics that are frequent in Swedish media. The intention of this essay has therefore been to investigate the image of teachers and their profession in Swedish daily press. The overall aim has been to analyze how teachers are portrayed in the debate that followed the TV-show Klass 9A, and by that find how the debate defines the concept of a good teacher. The representation that was found was then compared to earlier studies. The series was shown on Swedish television between January and March 2011.26 articles were chosen and the ambition was to have various perspectives represented, such as different voices and also papers from different areas of the country.

Pedagogers inställning till it och media i förskolan- hot eller möjlighet

 Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.

Cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet : En granskning av filmmediets position i skolan

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

Sociala verktyg på en digital marknadsplats : Ett ramverk för användning av sociala medier i marknadsförings- och PR-syfte

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

Fan fiction en värld för fans : En textanalys av fan fiction

This thesis is a qualitative study in which 12 award-winning printed adverts, awarded with either a Swedish ?Guldägg? or an international Clio Award, have been analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. Visual rhetorics were used to analyze the adverts in order to expose the rhetorical concepts and to find out whether the rhetorical concepts represented in the Swedish adverts are the same concepts represented in the international adverts. One of the conclusions drawn is that pathos-arguments, a rhetorical concept where the senders allude to the emotions of the receivers, are the most prominent in both Swedish and international adverts, but are used in different ways. Another conclusion drawn is that the adverts are overall characterized by their messages not being explicit.

Nyhetens behag: En textanalytisk studie av litteratur som bygger på nyhetshändelser

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine literature on current media events. We see a close relationship between this literature and the media society where we relate Manuel Castells theory of the network society. In this thesis we have chosen books which give different views on three major media events in Sweden: 1 the assassination of Anna Lindh, the former Swedish Minister for foreign Affairs; 2 the Knutby murder and; 3 the Tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. These books combine fact and fiction in their writing which in media science is called faction. This form of writing has similarities to genres like new journalism and documentarism and can be problematic for the reader in terms of genre expectations because of the mix of fact and fiction.

Dublinförordningen : en fallstudie av Migrationsverkets implementering av Dublinförordningen i sitt dagliga arbete

The Swedish immigration policy is a subject constantly under scrutiny, especially in the media. The Dublin treaty, which came into effect in 2003, has meant stricter regulations for the handling of asylum seekers, which in turn increases the requirements of the officials at the Swedish Migration Board. Consequently, the staff at the Swedish Migration Board is daily facing difficulties when deciding who is to stay or not. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate how these criteria in the Dublin Treaty, are used in the daily work of the officials. Emphasizing these problematic aspects of the Dublin Treaty, this study aims to answer the following two questions:- How has the Dublin Treaty been implemented in Swedish legislation by the officials at the Swedish Migration Board?- How do these officials work to implement this treaty?This case study is based on interviews with a number of officials working at the Swedish Migration Board.

Självupplevd auktoritet i gränslandet : En kvalitativ studie av lärarstudenters upplevelser kring begreppet auktoritet under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen.

My essay explores the public view on smoking in Sweden over the last few decades. I've studied how changes in social structures through media, laws, studies and education has brought about a change in the opinions about smoking. I found that even though there have always been different opinions on smoking it seems to have become less accepted in the Swedish society, particularly in the past twenty years. I discuss the different reason as to why (and how) the view on smoking might have changed the last decades amongst the Swedish people. To be able to do this I have done interviews on which I have applied narrative analysis..

"Första boken är aldrig bra när det gäller böcker" en kvalitativ studie av pojkars läsning i mediesamhället

Children of today are surrounded by many different kinds of media. Books have to compete with new media like computers, video games, many TV-channels etc. The aim of this study has been to investigate the reading habits of 9-12-year old boys in their spare time, and their reasons for reading related to their use of other media. Our interest has been to shed light on the boys reading habits, their preferences and motives for reading and their reading functions. Even though our focus has been on their reading, we also have examined their use of other media and the function of this use.

Sanning - I vems intresse? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra tidningars förhållande till medieetiken rörande ?busskapningen i Årdal? och ?dubbelmordet i Ljungsbro?

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Att beskrivas som misstänkt gärningsman i media : En undersökning om nyhetsbevakningen av en misstänkt styckmördare i fyra svenska tidningar

The subject of this thesis is how a suspected criminal has been described in written Swedish media. The topic of the articles is the investigation of a man suspected for murder and for dismembering the victim during the winter of 2011. The purpose of this thesis is to try to answer the question of what the newspapers actually write to describe a suspect before he or she has been trialed in court. For the analyse of the articles, published in four of Swedens largest newspapers, critical discourse analysis has been used. The results have been compared with other analyses made on other cases and have been discussed with Pierre Bourdieu?s theory of action.

Porträttering av förorten Tensta

The purpose of this study was to investigate hove some suburban areas image is shown to the public in the media coverage of suburban areas, and this is why I in this paper want to look more closely at the image of Tensta in the news media and how people in Tensta perceive themselves. News media has a very important role in the creation of human worldview. It influences our own identity and affects what a person believes is the difference in us and them. In the post-colonial theory, identity creation is a central role in philosophy, us and them. Based on the above purpose, I formulated an overall main question that this essay should answer.

Ungdomars musikvanor : En studie i hur och var svenska ungdomar upptäcker och konsumerar musik ur ett mottagarperspektiv.

This essay is a study of the various attitudes and behavioral habits for music consumption and discovery of new music amongst young people in Sweden from a receivers perspective. The aim of the study is to review and map out the current trends, habits and cultural views on music consumption. An online survey was posted and spread on Facebook with 195 respondents as a result. The analyzed result and conclusions of the survey was then to be of use for understanding how to market and spread new music more efficiently. The study showed that there are three dominating sources of music for youth in Sweden.

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