

12999 Uppsatser om Swedish media - Sida 14 av 867

Dress for success - by using multichannel marketing

Background and problem: Corporate Governance is a well-known phenomenon which has been the focus of plenty of research where the board of directors and the CEO have been regarded as important actors. What's affecting decisions regarding these actors has been debated whereas media has been pointed out of having an impact. To decide whether or not media can affect Corporate Governance have shown to be problematic whereas it exists divergent views regarding this. At the same time this relationship is more explored in other contexts than the swedish one, although this one is considered suitable for this. Consequently there is a motive for examining medias impact on Corporate Governance in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explain if media has an impact on Corporate Governance at an overall level.

För Sverige i rymden : Fuglesang, föreställningar om rum och svenskhet

The senior essay examines the geographical imaginations, notions of Self and community that were mobilized in the media and by the government in conjunction with an event, namely, the space voyage of Christer Fuglesang ? the first Swedish astronaut in space on December ___ 2006. The study is a critical investigation of media discourses, representations of space, and geographical imaginations that were triggered by the event. The specific issues addressed by this study are (a) which representations of Sweden were mobilized in narrating the event? (b) In what ways has Fuglesang´s space voyage influenced the image of Sweden? (c) How was the event rallied vis-à-vis discourses of entrepreneurial culture and neoliberal growth by the government? (d) Which themes and clichés were mustered in the media dramaturgy of the event? (e) Which topics were excluded in media narratives and representation of the event? (f) Have familiar geographical imaginations, notions of Self and community been reconfigured? If so, how?The present study analyzes narratives of the event in the two largest newspapers in Sweden - Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, as well the two biggest TV-channels ? Swedish Television and TV4.

Att bo i Södertälje och studera på sfi : Sex irakiska flyktingars syn på sina sfi-studier, staden de bor i och att vara flykting med en framtid i Sverige

It is widely recognized that the town of Södertälje, a small Swedish town of 85 000 inhabitants, has alone received more war refugees from Iraq than the US and Canada have put together. Whilst writing this thesis had nearly 6000 Iraqi refugees sought their way to Södertälje since the US invasion in Iraq 2003.Nevertheless, life is not what the media and the government retail. Six of these Iraqi refugees who resided in Södertälje share their life stories in the following thesis. They discuss their escape from Iraq and the difficulties of living in the segregated parts of Södertälje where they solely speak Arabic and Assyrian, whilst learning Swedish at sfi (Svenska för invandrare, Swedish for immigrants). Another distress is related to the unsecure future in Sweden waiting ahead.      The aim of this thesis is to engage in, and highlight the studies of six sfi-students in their endeavor to learn Swedish, whilst struggling through Swedish bureaucracy and experiencing despair due to their situation and uncertain future.       .

Företags användning av tävlingar på sociala medier : Hur har sociala medier förändrat livsmedelsföretags tävlingar?

This study has examined how social media has changed food companies way of holding contests. The study examines how food companies use contests with the help of social media and how they used to do the contests before the use of social media. We have also researched the users behaviours and opinions of companies contests on and outside of social media.In this study we have interviewed four people responsible for contests on the social media department on their respective food company. We also performed a survey that was published on Facebook and followed it up with interviews from two of the participants.This study has showed that contests on social media, as a technical aspect, have given new possibilities for the design of the contests. But there are still some unexplored areas around contests on Facebook and the companies do not know exactly what the users are demanding.

Revolutionen i Egypten : En fallstudie om sociala mediers roll utifrån nyinstitutionalismen

This study examines whether social media had an influence on the revolution in Egypt. Social media was an important tool for the revolution since the president Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian regime strictly controls the media. However social media was not the determining factor for the revolution, the revolt evolved due to many underlying factors. Social media facilitated communication, made the mobilization effective and, spread information to the inhabitants and to the rest of the world. The authors are discussing this theme from the new institutionalism perspective, democracy- and revolutionary theories and based on six selected interview persons; activists, researchers and journalists..

Sociala medier. En kvalitativ undersökning om sociala medier i Pr-verksamhet

This thesis was written by order of Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Company, a PR- consultancy firm located in Gothenburg. The assignment was to investigate social media in Pr- activities. The thesis is formed by three main categories:? What is social media?? Who are using social media?? How can you use social media in public relations?The information which is being presented in this thesis is based on academic reports, interviews and research on social media blogs and lectures. It is a qualitative approach since the purpose is to get a deeper understanding for the subject in question.

Vaxholmskonflikten och innebörden av solidaritet : En argumentationsanalys av den svenska pressdebatten

The conflict in Vaxholm was an important event since it influenced the view upon the Swedish labour market. The entire Swedish model was questioned and questions about what the concept of solidarity stands for and for whom it is meant arose.The Swedish union, Byggnads, was harshly criticised for having acted in a discriminating fashion towards den Latvian workers and the Latvian company Laval un Partneri. The debate in the media was intense.My intention with this essay was to scrutinise the arguments in one of the most prestigious newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter, and to put the argumentation into a perspective of solidarity. I wanted to investigate how the different parties argued about solidarity. One of the conclusions I drew was that Byggnads needs to question their definition of solidarity and how they wish to express that in a new world more influenced by globalisation and immigrated labours..

Tala eller tiga - En kvalitativ studie om självupplevelser av medierapportering

The primary purpose of this essay is to study and describe what student?s self experiences of the media coverage of social work. The theoretical perspectives applied to analyse the empirical data are social constructionism, roles, and construction. The method of this study is qualitative and based on ten personal interviews. The material has been analysed by condensed meaning units and three themes have been used, the media coverage of social work, the relationship between social workers and media and the influence media coverage has on the students.The results given from these interviews show that the majority of the interviewed group considers the media coverage of social work as negative.

Konstruktionen av ett socialt problem : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av hur hedersrelaterat våld återges i dagspress och fackpress mellan åren 1997 ? 2007

The purpose of this paper was to describe how a phenomenon is constructed into being a social problem, by studying articles on honour killing in the Swedish daily press and in the technical journal Socionomen. The main questions were: can different discourses on honour killing be identified, and if so, have they changed over time, and are there differences between the discourses identified in the daily press and in Socionomen? The method used was a qualitative analysis of discourse influenced by Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis. The main conclusion was that honour killing has been textually constructed as a social problem in the studied media. There was one main discourse which clearly pointed out groups as bearers and victims of the social problem.

Media och Sverigedemokra­ternas väljare. : En studie om medias gestaltning av Sverigedemokraternas väljare i jämförelse med partiets väljares egna åsikter.

The purpose for this study is to compare two major Swedish daily newspapers ?Dagens Nyheter? and ?Svenska Dagbladet? and their statements regarding the electors of Sweden Democrats attitude regarding immigrants and immigration policy during the autumn of 2013. The scope was to analyze medias interpretation with the electors of the Sweden Democrats statements and opinions regarding their immigration policy. I have used three different ques­tions to fulfill my purpose; the first one is to describe how media chooses to present the elec­tors of Sweden Democrats opinions regarding immigrants. The second question is to reflect and pre­sent the electors own opinions on immigrants and their immigration policies.

Det perfekta eventet? : En analys av New Media Meeting utifrån ett samproduktionsteoretiskt perspektiv

Med hjälp av fyra kvalitativa intervjuer baserade på modellerna SWOT-analys och Perfect Event tar vi reda på hur arrangörerna bakom New Media Meeting jobbat fram ett hållbart event..

Språkhantering på ett mindre bibliotek: en kvalitativ undersökning om hur ett mindre bibliotek arbetar med minoritetsspråk

The following thesis will examine how a smaller library manages the prioritization of media between Swedish and 'minority language'. We are also interested in the challenges and problems that can occur in such work, as well as how the librarians think about their role in the integration process. We have studied this through several qualitative interviews with librarians as well as earlier related research. The results show that librarians display a high propensity of appreciation related to working with minority languages and consider this an important aspect of their profession ? they fully ingratiate and accept the importance of helping the immigrant population in learning Swedish.

En kompis i brevlådan En kvantitativ studie om flickor och pojkar i Kamratposten under 1993 och 2013

Title: En kompis i brevlådan. En kvantitativ studie om flickor och pojkar i Kamratposten under 1993 och 2013Authors: Malin Magnusson & Malou TranlövSubject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of GothenburgTerm: Spring 2014Supervisor: Ulrika HedmanLanguage: SwedishKamratposten is a Swedish magazine for children aged 8-14. The target audience is both girls and boys. This makes it the only magazine on the Swedish market that aims to reach both sexes within this age group.Our main purpose with this study is to explore how girls and boys are portrayed in Kamratposten in 1993 and 2013. This was done using a quantitative methodology.

Den kritiska Messengergenerationen : En studie om politiska diskussioner i sociala medier samt skolans roll i att forma kritiskt ta?nkande individer

The purpose of the study is to explore how social media can be used as a forum to discuss politics and also how young people use critical reflection to evaluate the information available on social media. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative research is used. The empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with six high school students who voted in the Swedish parliamentary elections in/of 2014. The empirical data were then analyzed based on previous research on social media, and the school's mission to foster individuals who think critically. The analysis is also based on the theory of deliberative democracy model.

Blodbad eller tragedi : Hur fyra skolmassakrer framställs i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter

This survey's main purpose is to highlight how the two Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter writes and describes four different school shootings. We wanted to find out if there is a general pattern of how school shootings are reported by the media. Two of the shootings occured in USA, Columbine and Virginia Tech, and two in Finland, Kauhajoki and Jokela. The analysis aims at three areas: the whole event, the perpetrator and the victim. We have used a qualitative content analysis with a semiotic model to examine the articles in the survey. The theories in the study is based upon views on social constructionism, media logic, stereotypization, representation, morale panic/media panic and media events.

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