

9946 Uppsatser om Swedish leadership - Sida 2 av 664

How Thai Culture Affects Expatriates' Leadership

To contribute to understanding of how Thai cultural context affects the leadership of expatriates in management positions. Instead of modifying the leadership styles to fit the local (Thai) context, the expatriates tried to push and influence their culture and leadership styles to Thai employees..

Managers´ perception of leadership in the 21st Century

We have decided to conduct a case study of German and Swedish mid-level managers within the automobile industry. Primarily we used a qualitative method of investigation and a phenomenographical methodological approach in order to conduct an in depth analysis. We conducted semi-structured interviews with six mid-level managers each in Germany and Sweden. The semi-structured interviews allowed us to conduct flexible interviews which enabled these managers to speak relatively freely about their own view of leadership. Throughout our investigation we have based our results on the empirical findings and at the same time sought explanations to different phenomenon in relevant secondary data, such as management literature, thus used the abductive method of investigation..

Ledarskap och ledarstilar i klassrummet : Lärarens upplevelse av sin egen ledarstil: demokratisk eller auktoritär?

The aim is to examine teachers own experiences of leadership, leadership styles and what good leadership is and to find out how teacher leadership can influence students according to teachers. My questions are: How do teachers evaluate leadership and their own leadership styles?What is good leadership according to teachers?How can the teachers leadership styles affect students in the classroom according to teachers?The method used is a qualitative method based on interviews with five teachers. The reason why I have chosen a qualitative research method is that I believe that this method can give me better results by understanding the world from the interviewees? point of view.I have come to the conclusion that the interviewed teachers believe that leadership and management style play a large role in the teacher's profession and that the teacher's leadership style in the classroom democratic or authoritarian have a major impact on students. The teacher should consider his management and find some sort of balance by exercising both democratic and authoritarian leadership style and adapt it to the situation. And In terms of results regarding good leadership of the interviewed teachers, I can say that good leadership is largely about good relationships between teachers and students and that a teacher can become accepted as leader by winning students confidence..

Ledarskapsprocesser inom framgångsrika organisationer

The aim of this study is to investigate leadership in sports organizations and business organizations. The study focused on common and important leadership components and the most important leadership processes in both business context and sports context. The study also investigated common and important leadership components, leadership challenges and which degree leaders used the transformative leadership. The study focuses on leadership components most importantly from the leaders view, including both sport managers and business leaders. The investigation was based on eight interviews, which are analyzed with content analysis.

Ledarskapets samband med arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and leadership style as well as participants' perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. Sixty-two participants answered a questionnaire containing 56 questions regarding perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. The leadership styles examined in the study was transformative, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. The results showed a relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and job satisfaction but not with laissez-faire leadership. The results also showed that employees experienced a laissez-faire leadership.

Vad kännetecknar ett bra ledarskap i skolan? : En intervjustudie

The purpose of the thesis is to find out what characterizes a good leadership in the school. Five persons from two different schools were interviewed. From one school the female vice principal was interviewed. From the other school four persons were interviewed ? the female principal, the male vice principal, a male teacher and a female teacher.  This was executed  to get a picture of their view on a successful leadership in the school.

Ledarskapsideal : - ur ett demokratiskt-, auktoritärt- och låt-gå (laissez-faire) perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to identify and analyze the term leadership based on democratically-, authoritarian-, and passive (laissez-faire) leadership and find out which of these types are to be preferred among employees. Our main aspects are:Do employees prefer democratically-, authoritarian-, or passive leadership?Are there any differences regarding ideal leadership considering sex, age, length of service and sector?We have chosen to make a quantitative study of two equivalent organizations, one in the private and one in the public sector. Our method is an explorative method were we seek to find new knowledge about our fenomena. Our study is based on the already established theories on leadership and our empirical data is gathered by questionnaires.The conclusions to be drawn from this study is that our respondents to a large extent prefer a democratic leadership towards an authoritarian and passive leadership. Most of them prefer a democratic leadership with elements of the other leadership types.

Lean leadership : the Toyota way in agricultural firms

Swedish agricultural businesses are facing challenges in order to achieve long-term profitability. The opportunity to improve profitability and efficiency on farm level may be enhanced by management. One way to work with leadership is to use Lean. It is a management system that aims to improve competitiveness. Currently, there is a project where Lean is implemented into 100 agricultural firms.

Kvinnligt dominerade yrken inom äldreomsorgen - arbetsledarnas upplevelser av sitt ledarskap inom kommunala äldreomsorgen

The purpose of this research was to find how supervisors in the care of elderly experience their leadership in everyday work and their view on the factors which are important for their leadership. In the research a qualitative method has been used to do interviews with six supervisors and to do analysis of material. By the help of literature studies, I explained leadership. Result of the study indicate that leadership concerned supervisor should prepared to do the right thing in every situation and to find best solution of different situation that come up on the work. The way to do all this is important to create leadership.

Tillämpningar av ledarskap från höghöjdsexpeditioner : Användningsområde - krissituationer

The institution of Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University in cooperation with Umea? University is working on a project where they will examine the decision-making in extreme situations. A part of this project is to investigate leadership in high altitudes expeditions.This report will discusses the type of leadership used in high altitudes expeditions. Then, to examine how well you can use it in companies and organizations, and the ability to prevent company?s disasters with this kind of leadership.This is done by studying different company?s stories, where they gone bankrupt or fallen into a deep crisis.

Sju husmödrar berättar : en etnologisk studie om husmödrar under mitten av 1900-talet

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Ledarskap på bibliotek En studie av tre högskole- och universitetsbibliotek

This essay is about leadership in libraries within the academic world, i.e. leadership in research libraries. To place our survey in a context we begin the theoretical review with a chapter about organisation theory. We dont think its possible to separate the leader from the organisation so we wanted to describe the organisation and its effect on the leadership. The next theoretical section is about leadership research.

Ledarskap och ideologi : En textanalys av ledarskapslitteratur för lärarstudenter

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Kvinna & chef : samband mellan ledarstilar och kommunikationsformer

Similarities in earlier research between leadership styles and communication forms were found, partly concerning relations and partly concerning work assignments. Our approach was based on the notion that there could be a correlation between the manager2019s choice of communication mode (informal/formal) and leadership style i.e. Relation-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style/Task-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style. A gender perspective was used in the research. The method was quantitative with a questionnaire to women managers (N=78) in the private and the public sectors.

Återförsäljare vs. leverantör : påverkan och förväntningar

Through our study we have found that there are moresimilarities than differences in leadership styles. The dominant leadership style of managers in both private and public sector is the democratic leadership style, often in combination with other styles; most notably the authoritarian leadership style. The charismatic leadership style doesn't seem to be popular in neither private nor public sector.Title:                                                                              A study of leadership styles in public and private sector Course:                                                    Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors:                                                  Milos Kostic and Rudina ShabaniAdvisor:                                                   Ingemar WictorKeyword:                                                Leadership style, public, private, leadershipProblem formulation:          What differences and similarities in leadership styles are there between managers in private companies and managers in public companies?Purpose:                                                  Our purpose has been to find which similarities and differences there are in leadership styles between managers in private sector and managers in public sector.Theoretical framework:       After studying the theory of leadership, we found four different leadership styles relevant to our study. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories of authoritarian leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership and charismatic leadership.

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