

9143 Uppsatser om Swedish conceptualisation - Sida 65 av 610

En villaleverantörs möjlighet till etablering i Finland : analys av för- och nackdelar

The construction market has, as a result of the crisis in Europe been uncertain in recent years. During the year 2013, the construction will be stabilized, in particular Finland. The geographical proximity between Sweden and Finland and similarities in cultures and climates makes Finland a coveted market for many Swedish companies.Differences in national regulations and guidelines, which are produced by the authorities in different countries, are examples of barriers that may hamper the process, including for Swedish villa suppliers, to establish themselves on the Finnish market. It may be useful when facing a new export drive, to look up what similarities and differences there are between the countries building codes, to prevent mistakes and unnecessary costs to the project work..

Pedagogiskt arbete på Bror Hjorths Hus : invandrargrupper samt skolklasser.

The house of one of the most prominent Swedish artists of the 20th century, Bror Hjorth (1894-1968), was turned into an artists-museum and opened to the public in 1978. It has since the start held pedagogical activities and during the years developed its own pedagogical approach.I have studied the museums pedagogical work from two perspectives; visiting groups of immigrants and visiting groups of schoolchildren, in search of answers to the questions; can art be used as a way to integrate immigrants into the swedish society, and can artmuseums be a resource for schools?This essay contains my observations, conclusions and theories as well as general facts about Bror Hjorths House..

Gemensamma åtgärder i harmoni? : En beskrivande fallstudie av regional miljöpolitisk koordination mellan nationell och internationell nivå.

 The aim and scope of this study is to describe the coordination of joint efforts concerning chemicals and hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region, between the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) and the land-based pollution group of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM LAND). Based on the description of the coordination, the second aim is to discuss the consequences for the Swedish Chemicals Agency in its policy shaping work towards a nontoxic environment. A qualitative and descriptive case study method is used for this purpose. Theories of coordination and achievement-inducing criteria for environmental goals are applied to the case. Components and related processes of coordination are applied to the descriptive part of the study, whilst the achievement-inducing criteria are applied in the discussion.

"Man måste verkligen möta varje barn" : - En undersökning om ämnet svenska som andraspråk sett ur ett lärarperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose with this examination is to contribute with knowledge about teaching in Swedish as second language from teachers? point of view and which materials the teachers? choose to use while teaching. To reach the purpose, I have formulated questions that I have tried to answer through a qualitative study. The questions are: How do teachers? describe their teaching in Swedish as second language? Which material do teachers? feel that they use while teaching and is there any difference in teaching at schools that has many pupils needing second language teaching compared to schools with fewer pupils who needs second language teaching?I have interviewed three teachers? in three different districts, who all work with second language teaching.

Oförsvarbart : argumentationen i media rörande Försvarsmaktens avveckling av överskott 2000-2003

The Swedish Military Defence is about to make a large reorganization. Surplus, everything from tanks to personal underwear, enough to equip 800,000 soldiers will be destroyed or sold to the highest bidder. This thesis is a discourse analysis about the argumentation in media between the Military and the enthusiast, who are interested in military vehicles and military surplus..

Det är viktigt att förmedla normer och värden till elever i förberedelseklasser : En kvalitativ studie om vad lärare i förberedelseklasser gör till "svensk" kultur

Swedish municipals schools have been given an assignment to convey basic values to pupils. The assignment is to bring up the pupils through transmitting and developing a heritage such as values, traditions, language and knowledge. Together along with the lasting knowledge which constitutes the community frame of reference everybody needs. There by is the purpose of this study through a qualitative method to investigate how the schools assignment to create a community national identity of the pupils is interpreted by the teachers in introduction classes. Even how the teachers in this study response to ?Swedish? culture by presenting and educate the pupils in this.

Den fria lekens betydelse för barns talspråkliga interaktion : En studie som använder sig av Visual methods, i detta fall The Diamond

The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:-          What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?-          What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?-           How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of  the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.

Svensken i fält : Svenskhet och soldatideal i dokumentära skildringar av den svenska insatsen i Afghanistan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Fruar och fröknar i frikyrkan : en studie om framstående femtioåriga frikyrkotanter i Svenska Missionsförbundet under åren 1945 ? 1970

In the New Testament different pictures of a Christian woman are presented, not only thepicture of someone who is nursing and caring, but also the picture of someone who is learningand being educated.Women are put into systems of gender which form them, and throughout the years the pictureof women has been that they primarily should be caring and nursing, not learning.Both of these pictures exist within the Swedish Missionary Society, a society that has not hadany constitution to comply with until 1964, which meant that each person could make his owninterpretation of the Bible and its texts.This essay examines how fifty-year-old women are pictured within the Swedish MissionarySociety 1945-1970, assuming that women who want to serve Jesus have to be prepared togive up their traditional role of nursing and caring, and focus on learning instead.The research method is qualitative, and the written sources are from a regional Christianweekly publication. The essay does not present an unambiguous picture of fifty-year-oldnonconformist women, but the results show that they are not being related to children, that themajority has a higher education than elementary school, and that many of them are addressedto as ?Mrs?..

Sms-lån : Kreditgivning med bristande konsumentskydd

The subject of sms-loans is examined by using primary and secondary sources?. This form of credit is formally independent from other obligations with a very short credit period and the amount of the loan is low. This form of credits is applied by mobile phones and on the internet by several companies, some of them are presented in this essay. These type of creditors do not come under any sanctions from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as is customary for other creditors, they only need to register.

Hur kan vi ta emot nyanlända invandrarelever på bästa möjliga sätt? : En undersökning av Örebro kommuns sätt att ta hand om nyanlända invandrarelever med hänsyn till Skolverkets allmäna råd

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Den digitala slöjan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om Facebook som scen för den svensk-muslimska tjejens framträdande

The purpose of this study is to find out how Swedish Muslim girls use Facebook and its functions in constructing their Muslim identity on the platform. The study is based on a qualitative method which consists of nine interviews with Swedish Muslim girls between the ages 17-23 and who use Facebook daily.The study is based on the view of Facebook as a scene where individuals can perform for an audience. I have used Erving Coffman?s dramaturgical perspective that explains why individuals appear in an appropriate manner to achieve confirmation from their audience. I also used theories about identity construction, community and the theory about how individuals create a social presence online.

Har antalet naturvärdesträd i Sverige förändrats mellan 1999-2009?

Forestry and forest products are vital components of the Swedish economy but the forest is also important for recreation, hunting, out-door life and conserving biodiversity. The Swedish Forest Act has two equally important objectives, production and environmental protection. Polytax is the Swedish Forest Agency´s inventory programme which monitors progress toward the two objectives in connection with regeneration fellings. It includes data on environmental protection measures taken in connection with regeneration fellings. 30 § of the Swedish Forestry Act and related regulations specify the demands for conserva-tion of nature.

?Konstnärlig frihet är väl inte bara att provocera ? : ? en kvalitativ studie av begreppet konstnärlig frihet

In Sweden, discussions about artistic freedom are common both in a political and media context. At the same time, the role of contemporary art in Sweden?s society continues to grow and contemporary art has become more visible to the public. In the present work, we analyze the ?artistic freedom? concept by examining what it stands for and how it is being used.

Rätt fönster i olika väderstreck : En undersökning av energieffektiva fönsters påverkan på byggnaders energiprestanda

The Swedish building stock accounts for nearly 40 percent of the total energyconsumption in the country. Properties built today are likely to last for 100 years orlonger. This places high demands on long-term and smart energy solutions that willkeep the future Swedish building stock energy consumption at low levels. This thesishas focused on examining how the energy performance of buildings is affected bydifferent choices of window types in different cardinal directions. The objective wasto obtain a basis for recommendations on how window properties can be optimizedfor different types of buildings and orientations.

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