

9143 Uppsatser om Swedish conceptualisation - Sida 62 av 610

Konsten att uppfattas rätt - Varumärkesstrategier för svenska artister

Personal branding is a common phenomenon within the Swedish business world, although less applied on the competitive and fast paced music industry. In order to strengthen Swedish artists' personal brands and to ensure congruence between the artists' presented identities and the target audiences' perceived images, we have developed a model, containing of seven essential factors. The seven dimensions authenticity, credibility, certainty, openness, availability, awareness and timeliness help improve strength when communicating brand identity, as well as minimizing potential discrepancy between identity and image. This report examines the brand strategies within the Swedish music industry through a case study of Sweden's largest pop star, Eric Saade, where Team Saade's communicated identity is compared to the targets audience's perceived image of Saade. Overall, Saade's personal brand has a high level of congruence, except from the clarity dimension, where his words are considered differing from his actions.

Vad avgör vem som läser svenska som andraspråk? : En studie av de bakomliggande faktorerna i urvalsprocessen för vilka elever som läser svenska som andraspråk på grundskolan.

The purpose with this essay is to study how students in elementary school are placed within the subject called ?svenska som andrasspråk?, or SVA. SVA is a subject specially designed to deal with the complications that students with a different native language encounter when trying to learn Swedish.  National school documents state that a student is to be offered SVA if he or she has a different native language than Swedish and if the headmaster decides it?s ?needed?. In this work I focus on the different factors which are involved in the headmasters decision whether a student should be in a SVA-class or a normal Swedish class.

Media and the priming of stereotypes : Direct effect of news articles racial stereotypes on individuals judgements of people of foreign extraction.

The present research examined both automatic and controlled processes in newpapers ability of priming racial stereotypes via the portrayals of people of foreign extraction. The automatic process were examined through articles which; a) involved an illegal act or b) the act was not illegal but morally questionable. Swedish-born subject?s explicit opinions against foreign people were also measured through ?The Modern Racial Prejudice Scale?. In the experiment participants read four different articles which included; Swedish person/noncrime, foreign person/noncrime, Swedish person/crime and foreign person/crime.

Sverige och Nato : En studie om de svenska relationerna till Nato efter det kalla krigets slut

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Swedish relations to Nato and by doing so see on what terms the cooperation is executed and why. However, Sweden is not a member of Nato and is thereby not seen as an ally of the organization but even so Sweden has a close cooperation with Nato. The theories used in this essay is The Rational Actor Model and The Organizational Behaviour Model by Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow. To this a number of additional theorises are used as to complement these two main theories. The aim with these theories is to see which one gives the most satisfying explanation of the Swedish strategy to cooperate with Nato and still not be a member of the alliance or if all theorises are needed.

Genomförande av e-handelsdirektivet i svensk rätt

Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer protection. A good consumer protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.

Egendomsbegreppet enligt Europarätten, särskilt legitima förväntningar och dess betydelse för den svenska rätten

This is an interview- and literature study that discusses teaching about the Second World War and the Holocaust, while working with the basic values in grade 7-9.The purpose with this examination is to see how teachers of history in grade 7-9 choose to teach about the Second World War and the Holocaust, how they work to integrate the basic values in their education and whether the teachers? education can be sustained by the Swedish school curricula.In this study I?ve been doing qualitative interviews with five teachers of history in grade 7-9 from different schools. I have also perused the Swedish school curricula and read some literature and studies about different ways of dealing with the subject: the Holocaust.According to the central parts of the Swedish curricula, LGR 2011, the fields about the Holocaust and the 20.century World Wars are to be studied during grade 7-9. All my respondents in the study teach about this think that the most important thing with this complex time in history, is to give the students a deeper understanding for the time leading up to the beginning of the  Second World War in 1939, and why the Holocaust actually took place.Regarding the work with the basic values, all the five respondents agree on the fact that, this subject shall permeate the entire work at school, all the time, every day, but that it?s absolutely essential while studying the Holocaust.

Skogspolitik i Sverige

For a long time the Swedish forests were used by the landowner?s mainly for providing wood to the household itself. The wood was not, to a greater extent, considered a product to be sold. During the 1800s the industrial era led to a demanding need for wood in the industry and thus the use of forest, forest production kicked off. The forest production was not regulated by law, which led to a differentiated forest production over the whole country without consideration of re-growth.

Klotter och skadegörelse : metoder och tekniker som förebygger klotter och skadegörelse i offentliga miljöer

The city?s public environments are meant to be perceived as safe and inviting areas to visit any time of the day. In recent decades the number of vandalism complaints has doubled and graffiti has become so common that it received a separate category in the crime statistics. With this type of impacts in the public environments the experience are precarious and a boring sight. It?s difficult to put a price tag on these types of crimes, the number of unreported cases suspected to be large.

"Det känns lite knepigt att kalla en skulptur för text" En studie av svensklärares syn på det vidgade textbegreppet i gymnasieskolan

This study aims to draw attention to the discourse of Swedish language teachers and their literary repertoires from a didactic perspective. This leeds to the following inquiries: ?how to define and delineate a broader concept of text;? ?how realized is this concept in Swedish upper secondary schools;? and ?how does the use of the broader concept of text effect the ability to learn.? The empirical data comprise group interviews with six teachers who work at two different schools, in different towns, located in southern Sweden. The data are transcribed and carefully analysed by tools consistent with methodological approaches. The theoretical framework consists of discursive psychology.

Bilder från det inre Afrika : Representationer av afrikaner i den svenska skämtpressen 1880-1920

This paper investigates the representations of Africans in the Swedish comic press around the time 1880-1920, with the purpose of establishing how Africans were depicted and how these representations can be explained. The sources consist of four comic magazines: Kasper, Söndags-Nisse, Strix and Naggen.Results show that images of Africans in the late 19th and early 20th century Swedish comic press highly conform to international representations. Traditional stereotypes and overall caricatures are widely applied, mediating racial difference and black subordination. The comic strips and jokes can be divided into categories, defined by their main theme: 1) Exotic animals and nature 2) Skin colour 3) The unintelligent or uncivilised savage 4) Cannibalism 5) The civilised African 6) Imperialistic overtones. The use of international stereotypes indicates that some comic strips might have been directly copied from foreign publications, and incorporated into Swedish contexts.Several theories, likely interacting, can be considered in explaining the imagery.

Kartläggning och jämförelse av träning i neonatal återupplivning på svenska sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to survey the occurrence of and obstacles to team training inneonatal life support in Swedish hospitals and, accordingly, to compare university hospitalswith other hospitals. The study included all the managers in 37 pediatric wards whoparticipated in telephone interviews with the aid of a questionnaire. The results showed that81 % of the Swedish hospitals that have a paediatric ward train the staff in neonatal lifesupport. All of the university hospitals and 74 % of the other hospitals are running training insome form. The methods of training varied and so did the occurrence of training.

Fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial för förskolebarn : Vilka ord kan ingå?

The present project is a first step towards a new Swedish assessment tool to examine phonological ability in preschool-aged children. The work consisted of developing a word list with words that was considered to reveal a child?s phonological ability and to try out the word list on pre-school children. The reason was to make sure that the words existed in the vocabulary of the children in the chosen ages. A word list consisting of 109 words, which convey relevant phonological information, was created.

Hur man förstör en film : Svenska Statens Biografbyrås censur av Hellraiser

The Swedish censorship is an institution run by the Swedish government since 1911 and has cutting films to protect the citizens from unnecessary violence. Their main purpose doesn't work well with the law of copyright in literary and artistic works, as they break this law while cutting movies. They therefore destroy the authors work by doing this, and in this thesis I will point out how they have destroyed the purpose of two scenes in the film Hellraiser and by that, more or less, altered how the audience may look upon two of the characters in the film.  The results points to the unnecessary way of physically cutting films to protect the audience, but also how they choose to work and what preferences they used in their line of work..

En jämförelse av den turkiska och den svenska lärarutbildningen

This is a study, where we have deepened ourselves little more in the Swedish and the Turkish teacher training. We have both looked on the differences and the resemblances. We are also aware about that the essay builds on a small study and a limited material, special when it comes to the Turkish teacher training. Therefore we have drawn our conclusions with big caution. They are examined and preliminary, but we are than however convinced about that.

Svensk vård i export : En empirisk studie om företag inom vård- och omsorgsbranschens internationaliseringsprocess.

The international requirement of Swedish healthcare today is high and due to a good reputation and a long history of reliable methods through extended experience. For those Swedish companies within this business, the process of internationalization is often a attractive option.This study aims to describe, analyze and translate how minor Swedish companies within the care keeping section establish their business on the international market.The study is based upon a qualitative approach and is an empirical study carried out through semi-structured interviews.The result presented in the study shows that internationalization of companies within this business does often require a lot of time and money, is based upon establishments through networks and were learning-by-doing often is used as a strategic approach for the companies penetrating a new market.The study also accounts for major entry barriers, which declares for being to some part of political nature, but mostly of cultural nature.Differences in language and culture are shown in the study to be a major entry barrier and host-countries different cultural levels are very conclusive for the success of internationalization. .

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