

195 Uppsatser om Surprise attack - Sida 4 av 13

Krigföringens principer i Försvarsmaktens reglementen och doktriner för armén 1915-2010

Idag är krigföringens principer en vedertagen del av svensk doktrin. Så har det inte alltid varit. För ungefär ett sekel sedan tvistade militära tänkare i väst om det överhuvudtaget fanns något som kunde kallas för krigföringens principer. Det finns än idag de som hävdar att det inte finns några principer, eller att krigföring är en konst och inte en vetenskap. I Försvarsmaktens doktriner är dessa principer dock en väsentlig komponent.


In July 2011 the journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson are arrested in Ethiopia when on a mission to report the activities of the oil exploration company Lundin Petroleum. Following a trial, closely observed by media, the two journalists are convicted to a prison sentence of eleven years. The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Bildt, is now to act on their behalf to preserve their rights as Swedish citizens. However, doubts are raised as to whether Bildt has a conflict of interest because of his former engagements as a board member in Lundin Petroleum.

Spoiler alert : En analys av kvinnliga karakta?rer i tv-serien Homeland ur ett nationsperspektiv

This essay is a comparison according to the ideological thoughts about womens position in the society of Mao Zedong och Josef Stalin. The material I have analysed is writings by Mao and Stalin, in a wide range from leaflets to orders to the armies of the states of China and the Soviet Union. The method I have used is an ideological analysis where the attitude towards women is the target for my survey. The attitude towards women generally was not unified in the world during the time for Mao and Stalin. In many countries the women was intended to take care of the children and the home, not be active in working and fighting.

Förlorad lönsamhet - en studie av PEAD:s förändrade egenskaper på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan år 2000 och 2009

In this thesis we study the development of post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD) in the Swedish equity market from 2000 to 2009. By forming portfolios based on the stock price reaction to quarterly reporting we show that the characteristics of PEAD have changed. We demonstrate that negatively surprising companies show a positive drift during a holding period of six months sufficiently large to render the trading strategy unprofitable. This development holds from 2005 and onwards and these results contradict many a study which finds the same portfolio construction to be indeed profitable. We argue that this development is a trend that will not only affect our study but future studies as well..

?Lika lön för lika arbete? : En jämförelse av kvinnosynen i texter av Mao Zedong och Josef Stalin

This essay is a comparison according to the ideological thoughts about womens position in the society of Mao Zedong och Josef Stalin. The material I have analysed is writings by Mao and Stalin, in a wide range from leaflets to orders to the armies of the states of China and the Soviet Union. The method I have used is an ideological analysis where the attitude towards women is the target for my survey. The attitude towards women generally was not unified in the world during the time for Mao and Stalin. In many countries the women was intended to take care of the children and the home, not be active in working and fighting.

Manliga och kvinnliga förebilder - spelar det någon roll? : genus, förebilder och motivation hos folkhögskolestudenter med inriktning folkmusikfiol

This essay is a comparison according to the ideological thoughts about womens position in the society of Mao Zedong och Josef Stalin. The material I have analysed is writings by Mao and Stalin, in a wide range from leaflets to orders to the armies of the states of China and the Soviet Union. The method I have used is an ideological analysis where the attitude towards women is the target for my survey. The attitude towards women generally was not unified in the world during the time for Mao and Stalin. In many countries the women was intended to take care of the children and the home, not be active in working and fighting.

The effect of domestication on insect resistance in cotton : bioassays with the insect herbivores Spodoptera littoralis and Agriotes spp.

A plant's defensive ability against herbivore attack can be influenced by many different factors, one of them being domestication. During human selection to improve the yield of plants, the resistance against herbivore attack can have been lowered, due to a trade-off for use of resources between these traits in the plants. In this thesis I investigated the effect of domestication on resistance against herbivorous insects in cotton plants. I used different varieties and species of wild and domesticated cotton in three different experiments. A feeding assay was conducted, the mortality, development time and pupal weight of larvae of the Egyptian cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis was studied. In a second experiment the preference of the root-feeding beetle Agriotes spp.

Gerillareklam - överraskande effektivt: En jämförelse mellan gerillareklam och traditionell reklam

The consumer of today is bombarded by an increasing number of commercial messages, which makes it harder and harder for brands to cut through the clutter. Because of this, new methods are developed and introduced to the market every day. One of the most widely discussed of these methods is guerrilla advertising. Even though the method has received numerous praises there are not any academic proofs supporting these arguments. The authors, of this thesis, have examined if guerrilla advertising is more or less effective compared to traditional advertising and what the reasons for the result are.

Grundläggande säkerhet i Trådlösa Nätverk

Trådlösa nätverk är något som växer och breder ut sig mer och mer i det moderna samhället. Allt fler personer har bärbara enheter som kan ansluta till dessa nät. Därför måste de nätverk som inte skall vara publika skyddas från obehöriga. Viktig information kan annars hamna i fel händer. I denna rapport kommer olika trådlösa nätverk och säkerhetslösningar till dessa att undersökas.Genom att använda olika säkerhetslösningar så som kryptering med hjälp av t.ex .

Omständigheter och motiv : Om hur öppna lärresurser blir till, används och återanvänds

With the purpose of finding the motives behind use, production and reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER), the writer has conducted a qualitative survey. The three main questions in this two years master?s thesis are:? Why do people use others? unmodified OER?? Why do people produce OER?? Why do people alter and reuse OER?The theoretic framework is built around Manuel Castells? network society, with its social and efficiency seeking dimension, along with the Knowledge commons. Some pedagogy is included as well.A web survey was distributed to 796 users of the Connexions OER repository. 95 responses were received.

Inferno Shield : Konstruktion av avtryckare med sladd

This thesis was performed at Indusec ABin Stockholm. Indusec AB is a companythat develops security solutions.Together with the Police of Sweden theyhave gotten the assignment to develop anapplication based on one of theiralready existing product Inferno soundbarrier. This application is supposed tobe mounted on a ballistic shield thatthe police use, the application consistsof a speaker box (the sound barrier) anda trigger with wire. The trigger withwire is the part that will be addressedin this thesis. The application willthen be used as a tool to surprise atarget at various skirmishes.The project consists of three majorphases, pre-study, concept generationand modeling.

Akut hjärtinfarkt : En litteraturstudie om patienters emotionella upplevelser vid en akut hjärtinfarkt

Background: Heart ischemia is a disease affected by behaviour, lifestyle and heredity. The disease is more common in the western world and the number of those who suffer increases. The mortality has reduced thanks to that medical resources and knowledge have approved. Purpose: The purpose of this study of the literature was to find out what patients experienced emotionally at an acute heart attack. Methods: A study of literature where scientific articles has been refereed and analyzed, then resulted into five categories presented in the result.

Genomgång av skyddsmetoder för TCP SYN flooding

Följande arbete behandlar möjliga lösningar för hantering av SYN flooding, en Denial-of-Service-attack mot tjänster som använder TCP för kommunikation över datanätverk. Ett flertal olika skyddsmetoder, med varierande ansatser, identifieras, beskrivs och undersöks. Även möjligheter att kombinera dessa analyseras. Det visas att genom att implementera existerande skydd, samt kombinera flera av dessa begränsas hotet från SYN flooding avsevärt. Rekommendationer presenteras dessutom för hur organisationer bör gå tillväga för att säkra tjänster som riskerar att utsättas för SYN flooding-attacker genom att implementera skydd nära tjänsten först  samt  därefter ytterligare lager allt längre ut i nätverket..

Ekonomi i odling av ekologiskt potatisutsäde :

According to the EEG-councils regulation nr 2092/91, all seed used in organic production must have organic origin. All seed which is offered for sale must be controlled by KRAV, and also comply with the rules of the seedlegislation. The seedlegislation contains demands respecting origin, quality, growingconditions and freedom from deseases. In this piece of work I will investigate the profitability of organic potatoseedproduction, and also what it takes to produce potatoseed. The workmethod has been to, with help from counsellors and growers, make some compareable calculations for foodpotatoes and seedpotatoes, and also with help from a literaturestudy investigate which requires an organic seedcultivation must fulfil. In this piece of work I found out that the organic potatoseedproduction still is to insecure to be profitable. The attack of potatoleafmould, which is out of control, cause unequal yields and this will bring that the new EU-rules, concerning organic seed, not seems defendable yet..


Under mina tre år på Konstfack har jag arbetat fram en värld av ickefigurativa mönster. I mitt examensarbete låter jag mönstren röra sig bortom skolans väggar och ut i det offentliga rummet. Genom att titta på hur reklamen idag tar plats i staden, på gator, väggar, tidningar och i kollektivtrafiken har jag hittat en för mig ny exponeringsyta.Mitt arbete består av två delar:I min processbeskrivning utforskar jag ickefigurativa mönsterbilders värde och roll i både konstnärliga och vetenskapliga sammanhang. Jag har också studerat hur reklamen tar plats i vårt offentliga rum. I mitt praktiska konstnärliga arbete har jag använt dessa teoretiska kunskaper tillsammans med en grupp tillvägagångssätt som jag gett samlingsnamnet PATTERN ATTACK.I mitt konstnärliga arbete presenterar jag hur olika PATTERN ATTACKs kan gå tillväga. .

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