

389 Uppsatser om Surgical wound infection - Sida 7 av 26

Kvinnors kroppsuppfattning i samband med bröstcancerbehandling : En litteraturstudie

Background                      There are different types of treatments for breast cancer, and these may be of surgical and non-surgical art. These treatments produce different side effects that can cause both physical and mental harm to the woman. The breast cancer can change the women's body image and relationships to their families. The women manage their lives in different ways depending on which culture they belong to. Aim                                    The aim of the study was to elucidate women?s experience of her body and the altered body in relation to breast cancer treatment.Method                              The method used was a literature review based on scientifically articles to overview the field of breast cancer.

Bedömning och beskrivning av sår ? formulär och riktlinjer leder till kontinuitet och förbättrad sårläkning

Inledning: Patienter med sår förekommer överallt i vården och det är ett tillstånd som leder till ökat lidande hos de drabbade patienterna. Dessvärre fungerar inte alltid vården kring patienter med sår på önskvärt sätt. Subjektiva bedömningar görs och dokumentationen är bristfällig. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka om och hur bedömning och beskrivning av sår enligt riktlinjer och bedömningsformulär resulterar i förbättrad sårbehandling och sårläkning hos patienter jämfört med när olika hjälpmedel inte används. Metod: Resultatet baseras på tio vetenskapliga artiklar.

Övertänjd urinblåsa- redan före operation? En observationsstudie

Introduction: Urinary retention is a common postoperative complication associated with bladder distension. Permanent damage to the bladder affects the patient?s quality of life and may lead to a lifelong inability to empty the bladder and needs of self-catheterization with the risk of urinary tract infection. Bladder distension was classified as the fourth largest health care related injury in Sweden in 2013. Bladder distension may occur before the operation starts and is more common among orthopedic patients.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av barnanestesi

AbstractThe aim of this study was to describe the anesthesia nurses experiences of pediatric anesthesia in two surgical wards, a general surgery department and a day surgery surgical department at two hospitals in central Sweden. The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, in which ten anesthetic nurses with more or less experience in children's anesthesia participated. Data were collected using semi-structured interview questions and were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results were reported based on a theme, three sub themes and nine categories. The theme When skills, tactfulness and interpersonal skills come to a head, with three sub themes Being prepared and ready, Interacts and open for participation   and Emotional tension.

Dog bite incidence and associated risk factors : a cross-sectional study on school children in Tamil Nadu

Dog bites pose a threat to public health globally and can lead to infection, disfigurement, incapacity, post-traumatic stress syndrome and even death. In geographical areas where rabies is endemic, bites from infected dogs account for over 90% of the human rabies cases. Children have been proven to be at a greater risk of being bitten by dogs and subsequently contracting rabies than adults. In this cross-sectional study, a school survey was undertaken in association with a rabies awareness campaign in India, to investigate the dog bite incidence and various risk factors associated with dog bites as well as assessing the knowledge of safe interaction with dogs among children in the age group 10-18 years. A total of 1295 questionnaires were collected. 43.2 % (n=556) out of the respondents were boys and 56.8 % (n=731) were girls with a mean age of 14 years.

Påvisande av Helicobacter spp hos hund : en metodologisk studie

The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable molecular-genetic method to determine the different species of helicobacter in dogs. The study is part of a larger project to map the prevalence of Helicobacter spp in healthy and sick dogs in Sweden, and to determine the possible connection of Helicobacter spp infection with gastrointestinal diseases in dogs. Several published studies have reported on the prevalence of Helicobacter spp in dogs. The problem is that three of the most common species are so alike that a 16SrRNA-PCR with sequencing is not able to differentiate between them. In this study, DNA has been purified from samples and then a Multiplex PCR has been performed. Multiplex PCRs use multiple primers in one single PCR.

Förskrivning av antibiotika till hund vid veterinärhögskolan i Nantes, Frankrike :

The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the prescription of antibiotics to dogs at the small animal clinic at Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Nantes, France. The purpose was also to compare the possible prescription patterns in France with those seen in a similar study by Petersson (2003) at the small animal clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Antibiotics are very important in veterinary medicine and are used both to treat infections and to prevent them. The use of antibiotics however is not without complications and the risk of developing antimicrobial resistance is of most concern. Resistance has been shown to exist against all currently known antibiotics and potentially all pathogenic bacteria could develop resistance to one or more antibiotics. This study analysed the case records for all dogs presented to the small animal clinic at Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Nantes, France during October 2001 and March 2002 to identify patients which were treated with systemic antibiotics. For these cases the antibiotic used, classified according to the ATCvet system, and the indication for use was noted. A total of 292 cases (146 per month) resulted in administration of systemic antibiotics.

Varför gjorde jag inte som jag tänkte, för jag kände att det var något fel : Arbetsordningoch upplevd psykosocial arbetsmiljö på operationssalen

 The purpose of this study was to study how surgical nurses experiences their work order in the operating room (OR), and how they experience their psychosocial work environment and work organization in terms of hierarchical structures..

?Att hjälpa eller stjälpa? : Kvinnors upplevelse av missfall och vård vid missfall

Background: Miscarriage is one of the most common complications connected to pregnancy, every fourth woman undergoes a miscarriage during her lifetime. There is often no medical explanation why miscarriage happens, although the risk may increase due to certain factors in lifestyle or diseases. During incomplete miscarriages medical or surgical treatment is needed.Women are treated at surgical or gynecological departments and the period of treatment is often very brief, on some occasions not even a day. Therefore, the nurse faces a great challenge in meeting the women?s needs during the period of treatment.Aim: The aim of the study is to illuminate womens experiences of miscarriage and the treatment they experienced.Methods: A systematic literary study containing 13 articles.Results: Miscarriage is an individual experience and many women are affected emotionally and have many strong feelings afterwards.

Förekomst av agens i kattsnuvekomplexet på ett svenskt katthem

Conjunctival swabs from 12 cats in a Swedish animal shelter were analyzed by real-time PCR for FHV-1, Mycoplasma felis and chlamydiae. The purpose of this study was to see whether and to what extent these agents can be detected and if they were detected from cats housed in quarantine or in the adoption department. Samples were first taken upon arrival at the quarantine and then a second sample was taken two weeks after moving to the adoption department, or upon presentation of signs of disease. The cats spent the quarantine period in two separate quarantines: five in a new quarantine (quarantine A) and seven in a room in the old shelter (quarantine B). The difference between these quarantines was that in B the cats were often mixed together ant the hygiene routines were not as good as in quarantine A.

Larvterapi versus konventionella metoder i modern sårläkning av svårläkta sår. Effekter och upplevelse. //LARVA THERAPY VERSUS CONVENTIONAL METHODS IN MODERN WOUND HEALING OF ULCERS. EFFECTIVENESS AND EXPERIENCE.

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att jämföra larvterapi och konventionella metoder vid behandling av svårläkta sår utifrån följande perspektiv: upprensning av sår, duration av sårläkning och patienternas upplevelse. Polit & Becks (2006) modell användes vid arbete med denna litteraturstudie. Sökning av relevant litteratur gjordes i tre databas: PubMed, CINAHL och The Cochrane Library. Relevanta artiklar granskades med hjälp av granskningsprotokollerna modifierade av författarna efter Willman (2006). Nio olika studier har undersökts i denna litteraturstudie.

Hepatit E - en zoonos?

Hepatitis E virus, HEV, is a frequent causative agent behind, especially waterborne, infections in developing countries such as India. However, during the last years the number of non-travel-associated infections in industrialised countries, for example US, Germany and Sweden, has increased. The symptoms vary from mild with nausea to icterus and it can even be lethal. There are four different genotypes of HEV and many studies consider HEV infection to be a zoonosis. Scientists have by using phylogenetic analyses found great genetic similarity between strains isolated from humans, pigs and food, such as pork and liver, especially among viruses belonging to genotype 3.

Det perioperativa samtalet-nyexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar

The perioperative nurse's primary responsibility is to care for the patient during the operation?s three phases; before, during and after. The communication between colleagues in the surgical department is increasing opportunities for safe care for the patient and a good dialogue with the patient can alleviate the concerns facing the unknown environment such as an operating theater. The pilot study was to investigate the surgical nurses' perceptions of conversations with the patient one year after graduation. To answer the pilot study's aim a qualitative interview study was chosen with a phenomenographic approach.

ATT BYGGA OCH ÖVERFÖRA VARUMÄRKEN TILL INTERNET - En kvalitativ fallstudie av Getinge Infection Control och von Braun Sports Cars

Title: To build and transport brands to the Internet ? A qualitative case study of Getinge Infection Control and von Braun Sports Cars. Seminar date: 2009-06-09. Course/ subject: FÖ6016, Degree Project Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (ECTS). Authors: Kristoffer Eriksson and Erik Kaplar.

Optimisation of a method for isolation of Clostridium difficile from faeces

Clostridium difficile is a pathogen for both humans and animals and is often associated with antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Recently, several human cases of C. difficile-infection with increased mortality and morbidity have been reported. In studies performed in different countries C. difficile has been found in meat.

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