

389 Uppsatser om Surgical wound infection - Sida 11 av 26

Utvärdering av fyra antimikrobiella preparat som alternativ till antibiotika vid behandling av sårinfektioner

På grund av stora resistensproblem måste användningen av antibiotika i världen minska. För att kunna genomföra detta måste alternativa preparat börja användas. I detta arbete görs en utvärdering av fyra topikalt administrerade preparat som används vid behandling av infekterade sår. De preparat som utvärderas är honung, jod, hydrofoba förband (Sorbact) och polyhexametylenbiguanid (PHMB). Utifrån de fakta och studier som finns tillgängliga i dagsläget görs en utvärdering av preparaten utifrån deras effekt, hur toxiska de är och om de selekterar för resistens hos bakterier. Med hänsyn till detta ges svar på frågan huruvida dessa preparat är lämpliga substitut till antibiotika vid behandling av sårinfektioner. Vid sammanställning av studierna kunde det konstateras att tre av preparaten hade en baktericid effekt in vitro.

Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection

AbstractBackground: After a while the usage of urinary catheters leads to UTI which for the patient means inconvenience, suffering and pain. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate how to prevent UTI from patients with indwelling catheter. Method: This study was a literature review in which the articles have been searched for in PubMed, Cinahl and ELIN@Kristianstad. Results: It is important for the nurse to clean the periutheral area before inserting the catheter, and has the knowledge of different cathetermaterials. Silver alloy-coated catheters reduces the rate of UTI.

Biological control of powdery mildew in greenhouse produced cucumber : an evaluation of two microbiological control agents

Powdery mildew is a serious problem in both field and greenhouse cucumber production and can cause serious infection and radically reduced yields. Today, powdery mildew is the main disease in greenhouse produced cucumber. Disease control should preferably be both efficient and environmentally friendly, which is not easy to achieve at all times. Alternatives to chemical control of powdery mildews are biological control, physical control, non-fungicide control and cultivation of resistant or tolerant varieties. Biological control can be described as the suppression of damaging activities inflicted of a harmful organism by one or more other organisms, which are called antagonists or natural enemies. In Sweden, there are currently no registered biological control products available to control cucumber powdery mildew. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two biological control products in order to evaluate their ability to prevent or reduce powdery mildew infection to an acceptable level in greenhouse produced cucumber. In the experiments, different application regimes were also studied.

Escherichia coli-mastitis in dairy cows :

Escherichia (E) coli is one of the most common udder pathogens associated with acute clinical mastitis in Swedish dairy cows. The aim of this study is to review some of the existing literature on E coli mastitis from a Swedish perspective. The bacteria, its most important characteristics, and diagnostics under field conditions is covered, as well as what happens during infection, how E coli affects the cow and which consequences this have. Clinical symptoms associated with E coli mastitis are described and information on when these cases of mastitis usually occurs is given. Risk factors in the cow?s enviroment are described as well as the importance of the cow?s immune defence.

Studie av Brooks Lag och Kirurgteamsmetoden med hänsyn till öppen källkod

Uppsatsens behandlar de speciella fördelar ochnackdelar som uppstår när utvecklare släpper kodunder öppen källkod. Framförallt studerasproblematiken med Brooks lag som säger att när flerpersoner läggs till i ett försenat utvecklingsprojektblir projektet ännu mer försenat. Denna problematikstuderas utifrån ett öppet källkodsperspektiv därutvecklare utanför projektet kan sända in kod ochförslag på förändringar när som helst underprojektets gång. Uppsatsen försöker att utifrånutvecklingsmetoden kirurgteamet, formulerad avFredrick Brooks, finna en lämplig metod därutvecklingsarbetet går så smidigt som möjligt utanatt försaka de fördelar det innebär att kunna ta emothjälp utifrån. Uppsatsen är framförallt en kvalitativlitteraturstudie där fokus ligger på att studera ochsammanställa befintlig litteratur för att dra generellaslutsatser utifrån denna..


Honungens terapeutiska egenskaper utgör en grund för dess användning vid behandling av svårläkta sår vilket kan vara ett alternativ till andra konventionella metoder. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vetenskaplig litteratur för att belysa vilka effekter användning av honung kan ha i samband med svårläkta sår samt patienters tillfredställelse med behandlingen. En systematisk modell med sju steg användes som metod för denna studie. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Medline och Cochrane Library. Relevanta artiklar granskades med hjälp av protokoll modifierad av författarna.

Berthåga kyrkogård

The aim with the literature study is to inform about the risks that exists in large dairy farms(with focus on mastitis and hoof health) and to inform about the milk industry in Sweden.Personal comments from two study visits (Nötcenter Viken and Vadsbo Mjölk AB) arelinked together with the literature and forms into a discussion regarding sustainableagriculture versus the milk cow's welfare.The profitability for Sweden's milk farmers have decreased because of the decreased milkprice and current inflation. This leads to an increase in herdsize in order to make a profit.The milk cow herds in Sweden becomes fewer year by year and the herdsize increases. Theincreased herdsize can cause a decrease in the time the farmer spends per animal. This canaffect early disease detection and prolong the animals suffering.Swedish Board of Agriculture published (2008) statistics showing that today's milk cow ismedicated primarily because of two reasons; mastitis or hoof problems. Mastitis is thereason to two thirds of all treatments that are carried out.

Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.

Finns det ett samband mellan ökad mjölkproduktion och mastit?

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Leaf structure and localization of a transgene protein in barley

Barley is one of the most important cereals cultivated in the Nordic countries. Climate change brings warmer and moisture climate which favors fungal diseases. In the cropland barley can be seriously infested with hard fungus attack. Since it is important that the yield bears a high quality it is of great importance to find varieties more resistant to attacks.Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are stress proteins induced in the plant in response to infection and abiotic stress (van Loon, 1997). PRs are shown to have antimicrobial activity differing between bacteria, fungi and oomycetes (Tandrup Poulsen, 2001).

Nutritionens betydelse för sårläkning : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att via litteraturen beskriva nutritionens betydelse för sårläkning. Studien genomfördes som en deskriptiv litteraturstudie där metoden bestod av att söka vetenskapliga artiklar i databaserna Medline, Cinahl och Academic Search Elite. Sjutton artiklar valdes ut. Resultatet visade att patienter med bensår eller trycksår i många fall inte når upp till de näringsrekommendationer som finns. Det visade sig vara vanligt att dessa patienter ligger vid gränsen för att vara undernärda.

Nötkreatur som övernattar på slakteri : effekter på beteende vid drivning och bedövning

The purpose of this study is to describe melanotic tumours and the pathogenesis of these tumours. The focus of this study is on differences between benign and malignant tumours as well as the prognosis one may expect when diagnosing this disease. The mechanisms responsible for the occurrences of the tumours are not yet fully understood. It is believed that factors such as chronic trauma, infections, medications and hormones affect the cell mechanisms in some way. Determinants of the malignancy of the tumour are not completely known.

Ett förändringsförslag av Eric Sigfrid Perssons Malmgården - en takträdgård

Barley is one of the most important cereals cultivated in the Nordic countries. Climate change brings warmer and moisture climate which favors fungal diseases. In the cropland barley can be seriously infested with hard fungus attack. Since it is important that the yield bears a high quality it is of great importance to find varieties more resistant to attacks.Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins are stress proteins induced in the plant in response to infection and abiotic stress (van Loon, 1997). PRs are shown to have antimicrobial activity differing between bacteria, fungi and oomycetes (Tandrup Poulsen, 2001).

Ultraljudsundersökning av buken på vuxna nötkreatur :

Ultrasound is still a relatively new method for the diagnosis of abdominal conditions in cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate ultrasound as a diagnostic tool for the common diseases affecting high-producing dairy cattle, for example traumatic reticuloperitonitis, right- and left displacement of the abomasum, fatty liver, wound infections and abscesses. This paper is a combined litterature study and a report of the results from ultrasound examinations of bovine patients at the ruminant clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The study includes two healthy cows from the ruminant clinic, and seven patients with abdominal related diseases. The examinations were made with a 2-6 MHz curvilinear transducer and both the right and left sides of the abdomen were scanned.

Välfärdsproblem hos mjölkkor i stora besättningar

The aim with the literature study is to inform about the risks that exists in large dairy farms(with focus on mastitis and hoof health) and to inform about the milk industry in Sweden.Personal comments from two study visits (Nötcenter Viken and Vadsbo Mjölk AB) arelinked together with the literature and forms into a discussion regarding sustainableagriculture versus the milk cow's welfare.The profitability for Sweden's milk farmers have decreased because of the decreased milkprice and current inflation. This leads to an increase in herdsize in order to make a profit.The milk cow herds in Sweden becomes fewer year by year and the herdsize increases. Theincreased herdsize can cause a decrease in the time the farmer spends per animal. This canaffect early disease detection and prolong the animals suffering.Swedish Board of Agriculture published (2008) statistics showing that today's milk cow ismedicated primarily because of two reasons; mastitis or hoof problems. Mastitis is thereason to two thirds of all treatments that are carried out.

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