

964 Uppsatser om Surface temperature - Sida 33 av 65

Inventering och bedömning av förorenade områden inom division Energi, Tekniska Verken i Linköping

This thesis was commissioned by Tekniska verken, Energy Division with the overall aim to investigate the concept of environmental debt and what it means for a business. Furthermore, a sustainable risk and responsibility investigation shall be carried out on the concerned areas. Finally, the priority areas shall be highlighted and proposed actions presented. The Swedish Environmental debt concept was presented in 1992 by Arne Jarnelöv. Environmental debt is defined as restoration costs for environmental damage. In the early days the concept did not take into account who was responsible, but the environmental debts was regarded as a humanity debt to future generations.

Utveckling av hygienfunktioner i diskmaskiner : Desinfektion med ånga

This report is the result of a thesis work in Integrated Product Development, regarding hygienic features in dishwashers and especially disinfection by the use of steam.The thesis is performed at Electrolux Primary Development Dishcare in Stockholm and in collaboration with the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology.The targets of the thesis are to prove the advantages of a technology suitable to implement as a hygienic feature inside a dishwasher and to realize a functional prototype of a differentiated hygienic feature that does not exist on the market today.The process followed to perform the thesis is the process defined for Electrolux Primary Development.The technology chosen for development is disinfection by heating the water on the surface of the dishware, by the use of steam.A number of tests on how steam behaves when injected into the dishwasher tub have been performed, providing the results that have been taken in consideration when designing the prototype.The prototype consists of a pipe system provided with nozzles to eject the steam into the upper parts of the dishwasher. Tests of the final prototype show that thermal disinfection of water in a dedicated area of the tub can be reached within 9 minutes. The operation requires 0,17 liters of water and consumes 0.2kWh..

Skuggföredragande växter i trädgård

Detta examensarbete innehåller en beskrivning av växter som under olika förhållanden trivs och kan växa i områden med delvis eller hel skugga. Beskrivningarna av växterna är översiktliga och ämnar inte informera läsaren grundligt om växten utan enbart om enklare fakta för att kunna planera sin trädgård. Jag har valt att inrikta mig på markförhållande beroende på klimatet (torr, fuktig och blöt mark) och markförhållande beroende på substratet (sand, lera, humus och torv) samt temperaturbundna växter. Därefter följer en slutsats där jag reflekterar över mitt arbete. ***********This thesis contains a description of plants that thrive and can grow under different conditions in areas with partial or full shade.

Kartläggning av snökanoner över Östersjön

Convective snowbands is a weather phenomenon that is associated with heavy snowfall in a limited area. They are formed over ice-free parts of e.g. the Baltic Sea when there is a cold easterly airflow over relatively warm water. These convective snowbands can cause large amounts of snow along the Swedish east coast, often causing traffic hazards. Sometimes they can even paralyze an entire community.  In this study, convective snowbands that have formed over the Baltic Sea during the period 1980-2009 are examined, in order to find out how often they occur, what place they are most common and in what month they usually appear.

The impact of climate change on agriculture in the Republic of Mauritius : a socio-econometric study on Mauritian farming

"Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life" (FAO Summit, 2003, pp. 28).Food insecurity is of concern regarding the Republic of Mauritius (ROM) since it is defined as a net food importing country. (Farming news, 2008). The impacts of climate change followed by their complexity could potentially have an increased risk effect upon the social and environmental welfare as well as the economic drivers in the ROM (www, UNESCO1, 2009). The primary victims when it comes to the impacts of climate change are the Mauritian agricultural producers since agriculture is highly dependent on climate stability, therefore affecting the yields of the producers.

Testplattform för nätverks-RTK i syfte att ge en rikstäckande GPS-tjänst med centimeternoggrannhet

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Stress test methods : a potential approach to hurry up shelf-life tests on oat products

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to find out more about the delimiting quality- and shelf-life parameters over time for liquid oat-based products. According to that, to present applicable subjective and objective shelf-life test approaches at accelerated conditions. The study aimed to gain a deeper knowledge concerning the general and accepted way of performing accelerated storage tests. This study focused especially on products, which suffer from quality failure caused by oxidation, such as liquid oat-based products.

Trafiken till Göteborgs södra skärgård - En annorlunda kollektivtrafik

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Förändringar och Förvillelser : Skriftspråkets modernisering mellan år 1895 och 1938 i en roman av Hjalmar Söderberg

This essay ? Discourse and Dissonance ? deals with Mary Shelley?s gothic novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818). The focal point is the construction of ?Them and Us?, as defined by scholars such as Stuart Hall, viewed in terms of the following categories: race, gender and family, class, and sexuality. Rather than applying an outside perspective, e.g.

Avbördningskapacitet för Traryd kraftverk: en modellstudie vid dimensionerande flöde

Sydkraft Vattenkraft AB owns and operates the Traryd hydropower plant, located in the river Lagan in the southern part of Sweden. The gravity dam is classed according to RIDAS guidelines (Hydropower Industry Dam Safety Guidelines) as a class 1B dam. This means that the dam must discharge a class 1-flow which has a return period of 10 000 years. The inflow into the dam has been calculated in an earlier report to 495 m3/s, with a waterline at an elevation of 126, 3 meters above sea level. The gravity dam has a discharge system with two rectangular weirs, which results in a smaller discharge than the necessary 495 m3/s.

Rostfritt stål som ett alternativt material till koppar i tappvattenledningar för bostäder

Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.

Automatisk viktkontroll av glascontainer

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Gedevelop in Helsingborg.Gedevelop has developed a camera that can calculate the weight of a liquid glass mass.Because of the density and viscosity changes in the glass, the weight information issometimes incorrect given. Glass industry is today addressing the problem by an operatorperforming a manual weighing of a few bottles which, in turn, calibrates the camera system.The project aimed to develop an automated system to control the weighing of glass bottles forglass industries. This system must be so flexible that it can be easily mounted on plants withdifferent production equipment around the world.The project includes design and construction of equipment that meets the requirementsformulated together with Gedevelop. Work has been done both in Halmstad and Helsingborgand has included both calculations and review of the theory to understand the forces thatinfluence the design of different construction parts. A prototype was produced that meets theoperating requirements for the design and can be used in testing features.

Vintervegetation genom ljus : om hur man med belysning kan framhäva avlövad vegetation i offentlig stadsmiljö

Use of lighting is crucial to make public urban places available during dark hours. Landscape architects participate in planning of lighting, but during our education there is very little taught on the subject. Through this study we approach the subject of lighting by looking into lighting methods for urban plant materials during winter. In this thesis we look into ways to emphasize the visible characters and experiences of urban plants during winter season using light. Target audience are landscape architect students and landscape architects without knowledge of lighting. The part of the thesis that describe basic conditions for, and visual characters of plants can be useful to lighting designers without knowledge in this subject. Working methods used were the following: ? Pre-study about light and lighting techniques through literature and dialogues. ? Compiling important visual winter plant characters through photography and literature. ? Outdoor light experiments with plants.

Om konstruktionen av vetenskap i kriminalserier på TV : En kritisk diskursanalys av CSI och Bones

AbstractTitle: The Construction of Science in Television Crime Shows ? a Critical Discourse Analysis of CSI and Bones (Om konstruktionen av vetenskap i kriminalserier på TV ? en kritisk diskursanalys av CSI och Bones).Number of pages: 45 (50 including enclosures)Author: Lovisa SandbergTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communications Studies DPeriod: Spring 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim was to explore the construction of science in the television crime shows CSI and Bones.Material/Method: The method used is critical discourse analysis based on the thoughts of Norman Fairclough. The analysis includes three episodes of CSI and three episodes of Bones,broadcast from between the 10th and 25th of April, in 2006 on Swedish television.Main results: The scientists in CSI and Bones are constructed as rational and calm; they are mainly concerned with finding the truth. On the surface, the truth is objective and reachable, although, in these TV-shows all observations are theory laden.Keywords: CSI, Bones, crime shows, television, science, discourse analysis..

Optimering inför insats  : en idealtypsanalys av korvetten HMS Stockholm

I och med Försvarsmaktens omställning till insatsförsvar med internationella åtaganden har sannolikheten för att marina förband ska nyttjas för väpnad strid ökat markant. Med detta följer ett än större behov av att kunna hantera sådana prövningar. I den här uppsatsen provas idealtypsanalys som metod att mäta korvetten HMS Stockholms effektivitet ur ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv. Idealtypen, referensfartyget ?HMS Excellence?, skapas genom att använda 7s modellen (Waterman et al.) för att åskåda organisationen och resultat från den Amerikanska studien ?Excellence in the Surface Navy? (Gullickson & Chenette) som indikatorer för effektivitet.

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