

964 Uppsatser om Surface temperature - Sida 13 av 65

Att ta vara på solens fulla uppvärmningskapacitet

The purpose of this bachelor´s report is to expand the knowledge about heat supply of a small house in Malmö. The heat supply will be provided from solar panels in combination to two accumulator tanks which will storage the up heated water and a pellet boiler.The technique used here is warmth storage in water over seasons, which will provide the total need of heating for the house. Accumulator tanks in combination to solar panels gets more and more common in Sweden but this far it´s unusual to use it for storage over seasons. This report will highlight many of the difficulties associated whit heat storage and give information about a system's possible design and function.The design of this system is decided early on. An accumulator tank is placed 2 meters down in the earth on the backside of the house.

Utvärdering av möjligheten att tillvarata energi ur processvatten : En undersökning gjort vid Olofsfors AB på uppdrag av UMIA AB.

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.

Skydd mot yterosion i slänter av finmorän

Slopes in fine till soils are exposed to surface erosion due to rainfall, snowmelt and upland water sources. Large areas of road slopes are therefore covered for surface erosion protection. Preventive methods like ditches and trenches are also being used. Silt tills are particularly troublesome since the water can bring the soil into suspension and cause mudslides. Different methods for erosion protection have been studied in this work, with the emphasis placed on rockfill covering. The need for and the dimensioning of this type of covering has been examined in literature and field studies.

Systematiskt arbete för att hantera osäkerheter vid mätning : vid Q-Med AB i Uppsala

This report is about helping Q-Med AB in Uppsala to start its implementation of uncertainty of measurements analyses in their manufacturing department. Prior to this, the company relied solely on personal experience or did not take this uncertainty into consideration at all during different kind of measurements, which means that some of the processes that the company previously believed were within specified acceptance limits, will actually fail when considering these sources of uncertainties.Q-Med AB needed some sort of instruction to help the company, in a systematic way, to investigate different types of disorders that are affecting all kinds of measurements. This instruction includes a short summary about measurements and uncertainty of measurements in general and a detailed procedure about how these uncertainties are going to be handled in their daily work.The goal was to be able to use this instruction to systematically locate, eliminate (when possible) and analyze all kinds of disorders when measuring. Q-Med is using a lot of different types of instruments when measuring different types of quantities, including temperature, mass, pressure and density. This instruction will hereafter be used for every instrument, regardless of quantity and type of instrument.The instruction is tested through 4 different kinds of measurements, for mass, temperature and humidity.

Västlänken Analys ur ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Grundvattenavsänkning vid tunnelbyggnad ? tillämpning Förbifart Stockholm.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Biologisk behandling av oljeförorenad jord : Abiotiska faktorers inverkan och effekter av olika uppläggningssätt på nedbrytningshastigheten.

The purpose of this report was to investigate how the abiotic factors (temperature, pH, nutrients, oxygen levels and water content) would affect the decomposition of oil-contaminated soil and how a variance in structured soil would affect the decomposition-rate. A minor field-study was made and soil where structured in five different ways (one was a default pile and was used as a reference). The study took place over 137 days and three samples were taken (start, middle, end) and analyzed for aromatic and aliphatic compounds. The result of this study shows that there is a significant difference between all methods for the aliphatic compounds and no significant difference for the aromatic compounds. The abiotic factors that affect decomposition vary from organism to organism, depending on what type of environment it will function the best.

Källor i Lagga, en uppländsk slättbygd : Geografisk och geologisk påverkan påkällvattens egenskaper

For centuries, springs have played a significant role in our society as water supplies, reasons for where to settle down, and in folklore. There are different reasons why and where a spring forms, e.g. in what kind of soil it has its outflow. Geographic and geochemical surroundings have an influence on spring-water quality.For this project some of the springs in the Lagga perish, Knivsta municipality, Sweden, were selected for a closer study. Water samples were collected from springs for analysis.

Igensättning av långsamfilter i Östby vattenverk i Kramfors : studie av påverkande faktorer

Östby waterworks in the community of Kramfors has since 2003 had problems of fast clogging of the slow sand filters. As the clogging appears more often, they must be cleaned more frequently which has made the drinking water preparation difficult. Wintertime it has sometimes been impossible to clean the filters which has led to their closing and this has influenced the water quality negatively.The waterworks is a surface waterworks which takes its raw water from the lake Sjöbysjön. The water is flocculated and filtered in a contact filter with the flocculent EKOFLOCK 91. Thereafter it is alkalinized before it reaches the outdoors placed slow sand filters.

Allergifritt boende genom val av invändiga ytmaterial

The number of people of getting allergic symptoms is increasing and the reasons are considered to be many. The human have changed their habits and spend more time indoor. In combination with new building technologies where denser housing constructions and new materials this causes bad indoor climate contributes to a higher occurrence of allergiesThere are several courses of action to deal with this problem. One action is by choosing allergy-free interior surface materials. An allergy-free material emits low concentrations of harmful substances resulting in a great indoor air quality.

Bremsningens effekter hos häst : utvärderat med hjälp av termografi, hormonanalyser och hematologi

Twitching is frequently used in horse management because of its sedating and pain-relieving effects. In this study, the effects on the horse?s nervous system by twitching were investigated by thermography of the skin temperature. The temperature is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system through postganglionic sfincters at the capillaries of the skin. The effects on the endocrine activity have also been studied by the measuring of ACTH and cortisol in blood plasma.

Elektronisk Handel : Framtagning av två implementeringsmodeller

This report is about helping Q-Med AB in Uppsala to start its implementation of uncertainty of measurements analyses in their manufacturing department. Prior to this, the company relied solely on personal experience or did not take this uncertainty into consideration at all during different kind of measurements, which means that some of the processes that the company previously believed were within specified acceptance limits, will actually fail when considering these sources of uncertainties.Q-Med AB needed some sort of instruction to help the company, in a systematic way, to investigate different types of disorders that are affecting all kinds of measurements. This instruction includes a short summary about measurements and uncertainty of measurements in general and a detailed procedure about how these uncertainties are going to be handled in their daily work.The goal was to be able to use this instruction to systematically locate, eliminate (when possible) and analyze all kinds of disorders when measuring. Q-Med is using a lot of different types of instruments when measuring different types of quantities, including temperature, mass, pressure and density. This instruction will hereafter be used for every instrument, regardless of quantity and type of instrument.The instruction is tested through 4 different kinds of measurements, for mass, temperature and humidity.

Koldioxidavgång vid ekologisk odling på organogen jord

The background of this work is the media discussion about the effect of cultivation on peatsoils on greenhouse gas emissions. It has been argued that row sown and intensivelycultivated crops such as carrots are more likely to emit carbon dioxide than for example grassleys. The association KRAV (an association promoting organic farming) shall, from this yearadapt their environmental policy to be more climate smart and have asked the question if thecultivation of some crops is more climate smart than others? Carbon dioxide emissions fromsoil are due to degradation of organic material and the rate is controlled by microbial activity.The microbial activity is determined by a variety of factors such as temperature, soil organicmatter quality and water content. I have measured the carbon dioxide emission from fourdifferent crops at two different farms.

Människovana grävlingar som testdjur för grythundar. En studie om hur grävlingars beteende och fysiologi påverkas av hundars aggressivitet

In Sweden live badgers are used in tests in order to train and prepare earth dogs for hunting underneath ground. This has for several years causeddebate concerning the welfare of the badgers. It is questioned whether the purpose of the dog training, i.e. to reduce injuries in both dogs and prey, is worth the suffering that is reflected on the badgers. The aim of this investigation was to study 1) stress levels in badgers when used in earth dog training, 2) if the stress load differs when the badgers are exposed to dogs with varying aggression levels (low, moderate, high).

BI M i förvaltningsskedet med avseende på konstruktion.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

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