

5242 Uppsatser om Support strategies. - Sida 62 av 350

Konflikthantering i förskolan : En studie om barns och pedagogers konflikthanteringsstrategier

Problemområdet för denna studie behandlar konflikthantering mellan barn i förskolan. Det första syftet med studien är att belysa hur konflikter mellan barn i förskolan kan uppfattas och hanteras. Det andra syftet med studien är att beskriva några barns och pedagogers konflikthanteringsstrategier i konflikter mellan barn. Studiens metod är att utifrån en hermeneutisk forskningstradition genomföra fokusgruppsintervjuer med barn och parintervjuer med pedagoger. Därefter kopplades resultatet från intervjuerna till litteratur och forskning vi funnit inom området.

Hur sjuksköterskan i omvårdnaden kan stödja anhöriga barn - en litteraturstudie

Studiens syfte har varit att se vad sjuksköterskan i sin omvårdnad kan göra för att stödja barn i åldrarna tre till tolv år som är anhöriga till svårt sjuka föräldrar samt i samband med förälderns bortgång. Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie. Det har inte direkt forskats så mycket om sjuksköterskans roll vid bemötande av barn som är anhöriga till en svårt sjuk förälder. Den forskning som finns om barn fokuseras till stor del på situationer då det är barnet som är sjukt och föräldrarna är anhöriga. Vissa forskare har dock intresserat sig för stöd av anhöriga i stort.


The aim of this study is to describe how unemployment is experienced by unemployed persons and how this situation affects their health and wellbeing. A qualitative semi structured interview method has been applied. The study includes seven persons in the age between 29- 58. Four of them were women and three were men. The following four themes are presented in the study: psychological health and wellbeing and how unemployment is experienced, social factors, economic factors and, how they value a job.

Att blunda för annonser. En studie av konsumenters och annonsfinansierade företags uppfattningar om annonsblockering på webben

The majority of free content on the internet is financed by online advertising. A requirement for thismodel to work is that the visitors see the ads. The emergence of ad-blocking software has shifted thepower from the advertiser?s choice of publishing ads to the consumer?s choice of viewing ads. Weexamine the consumers? opinions regarding the use of ad-blocking software and compare them to theopinions of companies using online advertisement.

Kunskap & strategi : En studie av strategisk kongruens mellan affärs- och kunskapsstrategi i managementkonsultföretag

This study examines how management consulting firms work with business- and functional strategy and how these strategies are interrelated. More specifically we focus on business strategy (business unit level) and knowledge strategy (functional level) and whether these are aligned or not, i.e. whether strategic congruence exists.A number of recent studies have examined the importance of business strategy and knowledge strategy in management consulting firms separately, but few have pointed out the importance of the alignment between them. With this study we contribute to the strategic field of research with a model that describes how management consulting firms should work with their knowledge strategy given their business strategy. The model is developed through a synthesis between theories in the field of strategic congruence, business- and functional strategies and thereafter tested by an empirical case study of six management consulting firms.

Trygghet och trygghetsskapande i arbetslivet

In this paper we examine what security is to the individual and how the individual creates and maintains security in their work. The purpose of this paper is to study how the creating of security in working life is performed. We conduct six semi-structured qualitative interviews with permanent employees in the private sector and we encode our material using thematic analysis. We analyze our material and illustrate our problem area on the basis of Anthony Giddens's theory of ontological security and give examples of how security and creating of security is performed at the empirical field with previous studies in the research area. Our survey shows that security for the individual at work seems to be about having continuity in everyday life, financial stability, a permanent employment, a challenging and fun job and a family in good health and good living.

Delaktighet och frånvaro - Blivande fäders förhandlingar om faderskapets innebörd

The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home.

Vad ska produkten heta? En kvantitativ studie om produktnamns påverkan på konsumenten.

The number of products offered by retailers has increased immensely during the last two decades, which has resulted in an increase of naming decisions having to be made. The importance of product names has become more significant for retailers offering their products online, as these are more visible to the customer in comparison to products offered offline. Consequently, it is of great value for retailers to gain knowledge about how a product name affects the customers' perception of the product. The purpose of this study is to examine whether product names affect customers perception of the relevant products in the online environment. This has been illustrated by applying the following theories to the relevant product names; meaningful and meaningless brand names as well as concrete and abstract words.

Hållbara städer ? bidrar IT? En undersökning huruvida kommuner använder IT för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling

Environmental issues and sustainable development is a high priority in today?s society and has received substantial attention lately. In the inaugural speech it is expressed that the goal for the IT?politics is a sustainable information society for everyone, which can be achieved by using IT to support sustainable growth. The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications has developed a document which outlines three specific proposals on what the government should focus on during a three?year period (2008?2010) that with the use of IT will contribute to a sustainable society.

Lärande genom lärorika och lustfyllda metoder i dagens förskola. : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner kring deras dagliga arbete med barns lärande

I want to investigate different preschool teachers' views of their daily work in terms of the diversity of children and learning, and the methods and strategies of preschool teachers use in their everyday lives, to meet every child's individual needs. I also want to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions of children's social skills as this is included in the pre-school assignments relating to a favorable social environment for all children.To find this out, I have compiled three issues.What are the views interviewed preschool teachers to learning and different lustful methods that make the educational activities meaningful for all children?? What pedagogical strategies do preschool teachers to respond to the diversity of children?? What opinions have interviewed preschool teachers about children's social interaction with other children in preschool?The conclusion is:all children are different and learn in different ways. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure every child's development and adapt the business to the children's level and needs in a way that could inspire children to learn new skills. It is teachers' responsibility to provide children with good opportunities to express their views and feelings.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av för tidigt födda barn : Så kan föräldrarna involveras i vården av sitt barn

The aim of this literature review was primarily to describe how the nurse can involve the parents in the care for their premature baby, and secondly to describe the aim, design, method, population and quality of the reviewed studies. Searches have been made in different databases in order to find articles where the search words ?neonatal care?, ?neonatalvård?, ?premature infants? and ?nurse? were included. The literature review was based on 12 scientific articles. The results of the study were divided into six categories; The nursing staff?s relation to the parents, Support group, ?Home-early program?, Decision-making, A work in progress and A safe and efficient method.

Föräldrars upplevelse av miljön och bemötandet på Ronald McDonald Hus - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Abstract Background: Families with sick children are expressing the needs of accommodation near the hospital, in order to be close to their children and be together as a family.Aim: To investigate how parents experienced the hospitality and the environment at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Uppsala and how they feel their children have experienced the stay.Method: Descriptive qualitative interview study. Five parents who lived with their family at RMH between 2013- 2014 have been interviewed with a semi-structured approach. A qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach according to Graneheim and Lundman (2003) was conducted on a manifest level.Results: RMH made the families? situation easier. RMH met their needs of a homelike environment where they could be themselves; be together and maintain everyday routines.

Comparative analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings produced using Suspension and Solution Precursor Feedstock

The research work performed in this thesis has been carried out at the Production Tech-nology Centre where the Thermal Spray research group of University West has its work-shop and labs.This research work has been performed in collaboration with the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, India.First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisors Dr. Nicolaie Markocsan and Dr. Nicholas Curry for their guidance, great support and valuable suggestions without which this work could not have been possible. I would also like to thanks Prof. Per Nylén for keeping faith in me and providing me an opportunity to work at PTC, which is a great place to perform research.

Sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i vården till patienter som genomgår inducerad abort : En litteraturstudie

Theoretical framework: The Theory of Human Caring by Jean Watson was used as a theoretical framework.Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the attitude of nursing patients who go through an induced abortion, from a nurse perspective.Method: This literature review is based on a sample of nine qualitative and quantitative studies, collected in the databases Cinahl, PubMed and PsycInfo. The qualities of the studies were assessed through modified templates. Analysis of the results from the studies was inspired of a content analysis.Findings: The nurses experienced their work as meaningful since they give support to the patient. The nurses felt that their work was justified when the decision to have an abortion was well thought through and they felt respect towards the patient when they were aware of the patient?s circumstances.

Livslångt lärande - från vaggan til graven : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärarnas föreställningar om det livslånga lärandet

Aim of this work was to determine teachers' ideas about how to encourage lifelong learning in primary school in year 3, so that students can continue learning throughout life. To get answers to my purpose, I used the following questions: What are the teachers' perceptions of the concept of lifelong learning? What are the main aspects teachers emerged as important in education, to encourage students to lifelong learning? Is there potential barriers to teachers for the promotion by the term of lifelong learning?The method used, is qualitative interviews and as a starting point I used the hermeneutic approach. Theoretical part included Ziehes modernity theory of learning and Vygotsky socio-cultural perspective.The results revealed that lifelong learning is interpreted on the basis of active teachers in many varied ways. Teachers' perceptions of the concept of lifelong learning have been very varied.

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