1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 6 av 81
IT, mat och miljö
Shopping for groceries often means that, as consumers, we travel to the grocery store ourselves, by ear, bike or on foot. At the store we pick out the groceries that we want, go the register and pay for them. During the last couple of years consumers in Sweden have been given the opportunity to let someone else select and transport the groceries to their home instead, so called home shopping. As this report is being written, the possibility to buy groceries this way is somewhat limited, but many forecasters believe that in the near future it will increase immensely. Because of the large volumes of groceries that are being transported, there is great transport work being done in the Supply Chain.
The Innovation Value Chain -How Firms can Generate Innovation
Teorigenomgång som mynnar ut i tolv parametrar som karaktäriserar en innovativ organisation, samt en teoretisk modell, Innovation Value Chain (IVC) som beskriver den innovativa processen. Åtta fallstudier utav tillverkande svenska företag analyseras med hjälp av IVC modellen..
Chefer i rehabiliteringskedjan
Vocational rehabilitation is an ongoing issue that directly or indirectly affects everyone at a workplace. In recent years, laws and rules have changed. The 1st July 2008 changes were made in the General Insurance Act (SFS 1962:381). These changes have meant that there is now a so-called rehabilitation chain. The rehabilitation chain contains time frames for when sick people will have their ability to work tested against their normal work or to other jobs. If a person is considered having enough capacity to be able to work he or she will lose their entitlement to sick pay.The aim of our study is to investigate managers? perceptions of the new rehabilitation chain, with a focus on vocational rehabilitation of long-term sick to get them back to work.The method used was qualitative and data collection was done through nine semi-structured interviews.
Vädrets påverkan på försäljningen inom svensk dagligvaruhandel : En studie om vädrets påverkan på ICA:s försäljning
ICA is the largest general dealer in the Swedish market as well as the largest supplier to the independent ICA-dealers. The principal and one of the biggest stakeholders of this thesis is the department Supply Chain Development who is responsible for the development of ICA?s Supply Chain.The purpose of this study is to examine how ICA?s sales are affected by weather and to make recommendations on how ICA should proceed with its work regarding this issue. By leveraging their forecasts by including weather, ICA hopes that their logistical metrics amount of spoilage, service levels and number of inventory days will improve. This thesis describes how ICA is working with weather currently, and furthermore it discusses the existing literature within this area.
Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?
This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today. The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and their compatibility with policy for housing supply.
Effekter av ett informationsintensivt material- och produktionsstyrningssystem
We were assigned to do this master thesis by Husqvarna AB who at the time for this thesis just had implemented a new material and production planning system called Replenishment system. Husqvarna AB wanted us to examine the effects of their new planning system to see if it was profitable or not. Husqvarna AB had for a time considered their delivery and supplier service to bee their biggest problem and they wanted to solve this problem by improving the communication with all involved actors in the logistic chain, which they hoped would result in a better mix of products in their warehouses. The aim of this report was therefor to analyze eventual effects for Husqvarna AB when changing from a traditional material- and production planing system to a more information intensive one. The result of this report showed effects on decreasing administrational routines and improved flexibility and lead-times.
Vilka kvalitetsfaktorer anses viktigast vid inköp av grönsaker och frukt för återförsäljare i Sverige :
Since Sweden joined the European Union all Swedish fruit and vegetables are classified according to EU Quality standards. One important function is the product description and how it can facilitate the trade; for example in better comparing prices and also to guarantee the quality of the product. This quality standards or product descriptions are written as words of an Act and obligatory for all countries that has joined the EU.
It?s often a demand from the customers to be certificated according to some of many certificating systems. One example is the common worldwide GLOBAL GAP-certification system created by the organisation EUREP which represents the leading European retail traders.
Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?
This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for
housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study
of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy
for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks
to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing
the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to
discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and
the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today.
The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the
content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding
aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also
points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land
contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a
connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and
their compatibility with policy for housing supply.
Using theories of policy implementation and the municipal planning situation,
possible explanations for the findings of the analysis could be a split in
responsibility between the formulating and implementation of the policy for
housing supply and its contents, a lack of resources of means for implementing
or the prevalence of special interests when attempting to convert policy to
Pooling som affärsstrategiskt koncept: en fallstudie vid Volvo Aero Corporation
Marknaden för flygmotorunderhåll har blivit allt mer konkurrensutsatt sedan nya aktörer börjat ta marknadsandelar. Det kärvare marknadsklimatet har främst drabbat de små fristående underhållsleverantörerna. En av dessa små fristående underhållsleverantörer är Volvo Aero Corporation, VAC, i Trollhättan. Ett problem vid flygmotorunderhåll är behovet av reservmotorer. Kapitalkostnaden för inköp av reservmotorer är mycket hög, samtidigt som bristkostnaderna också är mycket höga.
Förbättringsmöjligheter i en försörjningskedja under stark omvandling
Syftet med denna studie är att se vad som påverkar förbättringsmöjligheterna i en försörjningskedja. Detta har vi gjort genom att analysera ett terminal- och logistikbolag i Kiruna. Efter att ha gjort lite efterforsking kom vi fram till ett forskningsproblem (FP) och två forsknings frågor (FF).? FP: Vad påverkar förbättringsmöjligheter i en försörjningskedja?? FF 1: Hur påverkas befintliga och potentiella kunders önskemål om logistiklösningar i en försörjningskedja med hänsyn till miljöpåverkande effekter?? FF 2: Hur ser utvecklingsmöjligheterna ut för en försörjningskedja i en kontext under stark omvandling?Studien påvisar att det finns ett antal faktorer som påverkar förbättringsmöjligheterna i en försörjningskedja. De viktigaste faktorerna som vi kom fram till är pris, samordning och miljöpåverkan..
Operatörspanel chokladhantering
The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Supply Chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.
Better Together. Ett koncept för ett kollektivt studentboende
The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Supply Chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.
Att fylla ett tomrum i staden
The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Supply Chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.
Software unit test
The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Supply Chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.
Lokalproducerad mat: en studie av dagligvarubutikers förhållningssätt till lokalproducerad mat
The purpose of this thesis is to give an understanding of how grocery stores relate to local foods. Through a case study representatives for two groceries in Norrbotten have been interviewed regarding why they supply local foods, how they try to influence customers to buy this, and how they decide upon the assortment of local foods. The result shows that groceries supply local foods in order to supply a wide range of products and to mediate social responsibility, in order to create customer loyalty. Concerning how the groceries try to influence customers to buy local foods the result cannot give any clear-cut view. Instead it shows that a grocery that actively works to influence customers to buy local foods markets them in specific ways, while the opposite applies to a grocery that does not actively work for this.