1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 30 av 81
Immunoglobulin VH gen analys in human B-cell
Malt lymphoma is a malignant disease that can arise in a variety of extra nodal sites. Previous studies indicate that tumour arise from more mature B-cells.Our purpose was to examine the presence of clonality and somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin (IgV?) of MALT lymphomas.Paraffin-embedded tumour samples from13 MALT lymphoma were subjected to rearrangement analysis, by using PCR, heteroduplex gels and sequence analysis.Successful amplification was seen in 10/13 cases and sequences of IgV? genes were obtained in 6/13, all of them were mutated. The percentage of mutation compared to germline sequences was 1,1% to 8,6% monoclonal rearrangemang. It was demonstrated that 5 of 7 clones were derived from the V?3 family, 2 from V?1 and 1 from the V? 4 family..
Trängselskatt En jämförelse av systemet i Göteborg och Stockholm
SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.
Effektivisering av råvarulager för lagerhållning av ett bredare artikelsortiment
SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.
RFID - tillämpning och lönsamhet
This report is the result of an investigation of the possibility to use RFID-technology in a producing company. The investigation is focused on a flow between the company?s producing subsidiary company in Lithuania and its main facility in Sweden.RFID is the abbreviation for radiofrequency identification. The RFID-technology forms the base of a system with wireless information transmission between an object to which a transponder, also called tag, has been attached and a reader. The information is transmitted by radio waves and the system is equipped with software that can digitalise the radio waves.
Vägghängd duschpall : Utveckling av duschpall för Etac Supply Center AB
This degree project has been carried out by Oscar Adolfsson and Marcus Blomqvist, during the spring of 2010, both studying to become Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering, at Karlstad University. The degree project includes 22,5 credits.The work is done on behalf of Etac Supply Center AB in Anderstorp. Etac is a company developing and manufacturing home health care products, with operation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England and Germany, and with sales worldwide. Bo Lindqvist, R & D manager has been the contact person at Etac.During the project the students has had a workplace at Semcon Caran AB in Karlstad. Semcon has also been helpful as a sounding board.The objective of the work has been developing a new, wall mounted shower chair, assigned for persons with difficulty to stand up while showering.Etacs requirement of the shower chair is that it should be able to support a user with a weight of 100 kg, the chair shouldn?t have any outrigger, optional should be armrests and backrest.
Att larma eller inte larma
: Outsourcing har blivit en mycket vanlig företeelse i det moderna samhället och textilbranschen anses vara den geografiskt mest spridda industrin i världen med produktion oftast belägen i Asien. Outsourcing till trots finns det fortfarande vissa moment i värdekedjan som i stor utsträckning utförs i butik i Sverige trots att i stort sett alla andra tillverkande och sammansättande moment utförs i fabrik i låglöneländer. Ett av dessa moment är larmning av varor. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och beskriva hur larmning av konfektionsplagg går till i svenska A-läge butiker samt analysera om förflyttningen av momentet bakåt i värdekedjan skulle kunna påverka detaljhandelns tidsbudgetering och lönsamhet. Frågeställningarna för studien är: På vilket sätt påverkar larmningsmomentets placering i värdekedjan butikens tidsbudgetering? Samt: Hur påverkas butikers lönsamhet av att larmningsmomentet förflyttas bakåt i värdekedjan? Den empiriska studien är indelad i tre delar; kvantitativa observationer i form av tidsstudier utförd hos tre butiker; kvalitativa intervjuer med sex tillfrågade butikschefer; samt kvalitativa intervjuer med huvudkontor från valda modeföretag.
Vitvarueffektivisering med hjälp av värmelagring : Simuleringsstudie kring energiförsörjning av vitvaror med hjälp av värmepump & ackumulatortank
The constant need of energy is something that affects us all no matter our current situation. Whether we are driving our car to work, taking the elevator or using the oven to cook dinner we end up relying on energy. Our whole society is continuously striving to achieve a higher grade of efficiency and the process of supplying ourselves with energy is no exception. The importance of appliances in our everyday life cannot be exaggerated and thus the importance of their high efficiency.Efficiency is already a keyword in the appliance industry with labels, stars and numbers helping us choosing the most suitable option for the task ahead. No matter how efficient appliances often use pure electricity as their energy source.
Var sitter kompetensen? En studie om villkor för lärande i arbetet
Projektarbete har blivit en vanlig arbetsform i organisationer. Alfa Laval är ett företag som utnyttjar projektarbete för att utveckla verksamheten. Projekten leder dock inte alltid till de resultat som förväntas. För att analysera denna diskrepans vill jag lyfta fram projektledarnas uppfattning om sin arbetssituation. Studiens syfte är att belysa och analysera villkor för projektledarnas kompetensutveckling inom ramen för OD Supplys verksamhet.
Starkt butikskoncept - ur unga kunders perspektiv
I dagens samhälle kretsar shopping inte bara kring själva produkterna som säljs, utan även om hur butiksmiljön är uppbyggd. Den visuella miljön och hur produkter presenteras har stor påverkan på kunders beteende och inköp. Ljus, ljud och färger påverkar våra sinnen både positivt och negativt, vilket butiker utnyttjar på olika sätt. Syftet med detta uppsatsarbete är att beskriva vad unga kunder (18-25 år) anser ska ingå i ett attraktivt och starkt butikskoncept. Syftet är också att undersöka hur unga kunder upplever likheter respektive skillnader gällande butikskoncept för butikskedjor och produktutvecklande varumärkesleverantörer.
RFID:s effekter inom logistik
Modeprodukter har en mycket kort livslängd och modebranschen förändras snabbt. Tiden är därför essentiell och utgör en betydelsefull konkurrensfaktor. Genom att reducera tid i försörjningskedjan kan ett företag vinna marknadsandelar samt höja sin lönsamhet. RFID är en teknik som kan användas för att reducera tid samt förbättra logistiska processer i försörjningskedjor. Trots att denna teknik har börjat spridas, används den generellt inte hos svenska modeföretag.
Ledarskap & management i storskalig smågrisproduktion
This study has been done in order to map the supply of vegetarian and vegan food products in Sweden for business clients and consumers. A total of 665 food stuffs were found and classified into six categories. The biggest category was meat substitutes with 302 products and the second largest category was sandwich spreads with 150 different products. Within the remaining categories a varied number of products were found; 86 beverages, 64 cooking accessories, 34 milk free ice creams and 29 plant based yogurts. Of the meat substitutes were 28 only available for business clients.
Ledande individers effekt på organisationen
This study is conducted with a focus on managers and its different forms as found in a nation wide Swedish bedroom specialist-organisation, Sängjätten. Leadership is perceived in many forms and depends on a large variety of factors within and outside the organisation. One of these factors is ownership and the characteristics these imply on the forms in which the manager works. Within the studied organisation there were two distinctive forms of ownership regarding to the stores we studied; such as franchising compared to the franchiser owned through a national headquarter, so-called ?self-proprietary stores?.
Energieffektivisering av Åhlénshuset i Umeå : Utredning av åtgärder för ventilation, värme och kyla
Sweden is a country that has made some progress in developing energy efficient solutions. The problem in Sweden is that many houses and apartment buildings are old and have inefficient ventilation- and heating systems. This energy is lost when systems are inefficient, which then results in huge economic costs. Luckily, more and more people are becoming aware of this, which means that Sweden is on track to become even better within energy efficiency.Energy use for the housing- and service sector amounts to 166 TWh of total use at 616 TWh. Without distribution and conversion losses, these figures show that the housing- and service sector accounts for almost 40 % of the country's total energy consumption.
Solenergi och värmelagring i kvarteret Lagern
Humanity stands before a huge challenge to lower its emissions of carbon dioxide and its use of energy at the same time as the global population is rising and the developing countries are being industrialized. A lot of newly built buildings are due to this challenge, designed to be more energy efficient but also use renewable energy resources instead of pollutant fossil fuels .Solar energy is one of the purest forms of energy that exists in abundant amounts, which is why it is most likely that it could come to play a major part in the future energy market. The main purpose of this report is to investigate the possibility to implement a sustainable energy system with solar thermal heat and heat storage as main sources of energy in the neighborhood ?kvarteret Lagern?, which is the area where the old football stadium ?Rasunda Stadion? was located. New developments within different heat storage techniques have opened up new approaches to enable buildings an all year round heat supply from solar energy. This report will focus on heat storage in boreholes. At the present here is only a preliminary plan of how the neighborhood is supposed to be designed.
Likviditetsförbättring i Skanska Direkt. En fallstudie i en byggserviceverksamhet.
SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.