1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 22 av 81
Case Study: The Shtokman Project : The socio-economic capacity of the Murmansk region in the framework of the development of the Shtokman project
This research is conducted on one of the world?s largest deposits - Shtokman gas and condensate field located in the Barents Sea. The development of the field is operated by the Special Purpose Company Shtokman Development AG - the international consortium of Total, Statoil and Gazprom. This research is aimed to analyze the value chain of the Shtokman project and to study the socio-economic capacity of the Murmansk region in order to examine the perspective fields of work for local companies, as well as the socio-economic potential of the region related to the gas industry that can be applied to the realization of the Shtokman project. The research is based on qualitative and quantitative data collection that involves the results of 24 semi structured interviews conducted in the Murmansk region, including the interviews with representatives of the Shtokman Development AG and the industrial committee of the Murmansk region government.
Livscykelanalys av sex olika fiskodlingssystem : Fiskens miljöpåverkan för konsumtion i Stockholm
This thesis evaluates the environmental performance of six different fish farming systems. The thesis is part of the network group ?Hållbar fiskförsörjning I Stockholms län? (HFFS) which tries to increase the domestic and regional production of fish in Stockholm and move to a more sustainable supply in the Stockholm county. Two of the chosen systems; pangasius from Vietnam and salmon from Norway are delivering a substantial part of the fish consumed in Stockholm today, although they are very different when it comes to system characteristics. One system, arctic char with conventional feed, is produced in a fairly small scale in the north of Sweden, while the three remaining systems are viewed upon as possible options to supply Stockholm with fish in the future.
M2M - affecting organisations, offerings and relations
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is a phase in the digital revolution connecting computing devices with each other bringing along new business opportunities for companies. Although being a fast growing field it has not been researched to any greater extent, particularly not within the academical literature. Consequently, information on how M2M can affect organisations seems strongly needed. This thesis uses three perspectives, derived from already recognised business benefits of M2M, as an aid to select proper theoretical tools to investigate the phenomenon. The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how an M2M adoption affects a firm?s organisation, customer offerings and customer relations.
Every year, thousands tons of edible food are discarded by the grocery stores. This is food that could have gone to people that?s in need of it. In many countries, so called food banks are established in order to supply welfare organizations with this kind of food. Today there is no equivalent system existing in Sweden.
Tillväxt hos Husmossa (Hylocomium splendens) i boreal skog och växthus : effekter av ökad vattentillgång
Hylocomium splendens (Glittering wood-moss) is a common species in the Nordic countries and can be found in many different types of boreal forests. It usually forms dense moss carpets on the forest floor. The shoots grow in segments and new segments form annually on the previous years growth. The size of the segments is probably regulated in a high extent by local micro environmental conditions. Previous experiments suggest increased growth of H.
Den geopolitiska krisen i Ukrainas p?verkan p? Svenska F?retags Leveranskedjor - En Analys av Svenska F?retags respons inom Livsmedels- samt J?rn- och Metallindustrin
Den p?g?ende geopolitiska krisen i Ukraina har lett till omfattande konsekvenser f?r samh?llet i stort, men i synnerhet bidragit till komplikationer f?r f?retag inom olika branscher att bedriva sin verksamhet. Krisen har medf?rt globalt ekonomiska, sociala och milj?m?ssiga konsekvenser d?r vi i denna studie kommer fokusera p? hur svenska f?retag med handelskopplingar till Ukraina och Ryssland. Vi har valt att unders?ka hur f?retagens leveranskedjor har p?verkats.
Från Policy Till Praktik -en studie om textilföretags uppfattningar om utmaningar vid implementering av CSR-policies
From policy to practice - a study of textile companies view about challenges with implementing CSR policies examine the textile companies awareness of which challenges there are with the implementation of codes of conduct in a global Supply Chain, as well as to analyze how the companies deal with the challenges. With increased globalization many companies have chosen to outsource entire or parts of the production in various developing and newly industrialized countries. However, the working conditions in these countries do not always fulfill the labor standards that are defined in various conventions. The society began demanding companies to take social responsibility. The social responsibility goes under the term Corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Bestämning av optimal fordonspark -Distribution av bitumen vid Nynäs AB
Nynas produces bitumen at two refineries in Sweden. The bitumen is shipped to seven depots along the swedish coast line, and from the depots special trucks handle the transportation to customers. Recently Nynas has transformed its Supply Chain and closed down a few depots. At the moment the company is considering a further reduction of the number of depots. In connection to these discussions an analyse of the companys distributionsystem and of possible changes is required.
Energianalys av etanolproduktion : en fallstudie av Lantmännen Agroetanols produktionssystem i Norrköping
In this thesis an energy analysis of ethanol production at the ethanol plant of
Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping has been performed. The ethanol plant has
been studied in combination with Händelöverket, the combined heat and power
plant which provides the ethanol process with steam. The purpose of this study
was to determine the energy consumption for the whole production chain from
grain to ethanol. The analysis has included the energy consumption for cultivation
of grain, production of chemicals, the production chain for wood chips, the steam
production and the ethanol plant. The grain and wood chips are both considered
raw materials there for the energy content in these are not included as energy input
in the system.
Energianalys av etanolproduktion : en fallstudie av Lantmännen Agroetanols produktionssystem i Norrköping
In this thesis an energy analysis of ethanol production at the ethanol plant of
Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping has been performed. The ethanol plant has
been studied in combination with Händelöverket, the combined heat and power
plant which provides the ethanol process with steam. The purpose of this study
was to determine the energy consumption for the whole production chain from
grain to ethanol. The analysis has included the energy consumption for cultivation
of grain, production of chemicals, the production chain for wood chips, the steam
production and the ethanol plant. The grain and wood chips are both considered
raw materials there for the energy content in these are not included as energy input
in the system.
Interorganisatoriska Samarbeten i Byggprojekt : En Kontraktsansats
Bakgrund: Forskningen kring projekt har under senare år ökat i omfattning. En anledning är att projektorganiseringen utgör ett sätt att samla ett antal specialister för att få dem att samverka mot ett gemensamt mål. Utöver de interna relationer som uppstår i projekt förekommer det även involvering av interorganisatoriska partners i samarbetet vilket är speciellt vanligt i byggprojekt som karaktäriseras av en hög grad av interorganisatorisk specialisering. Problemformuleringar: Den utpräglade specialiseringen inom byggprojekt fordrar som all annan typ av specialisering, samordning och koordinering av resurser med den skillnaden att det här handlar om samordning över de organisatoriska gränserna. Det som denna studie behandlar är därför de relationer byggföretag har till sina underentreprenörer i samband medbyggprojekt.
Assuandammens påverkan på Nilen, Egypten
Regulation of rivers by dams and reservoirs is a good example where anthropogenic impact could be considerable both in the local environment, but also has major implications upstream and downstream. This study was accomplished as a literature study of the river Nile, which is extremely important for water supply. The purpose of this study was to investigate the consequences of the construction of the Aswan High Dam, to obtain a consistent flow for water supply, irrigation and power generation in Egypt. Since Egypt has a very hot and dry climate large amounts of water in reservoir is lost to the Nubian aquifer system and by evaporation. The consequences from constructing the dam are considerable.
En generell processkartläggning av leveransplanering för biobränsle i Sverige
The contribution of biofuels to the total consumption of energy in Sweden must increase to 49 % in order to meet the goals for the year 2020 set by the European Union. In order to do so, improved information systems are needed to support the business processes within delivery scheduling between customers and suppliers.Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a concept to enable the alignment of Business processes and Information Systems. EA is the framework for the architectures of business, information and applications. With a comprehensive view of the architectures, an Information System aligned with the Business processes can be enabled. The first step in the development of an Information System is documenting the business processes.The goal of this study is to clarify a generic sequence of activities performed within the delivery scheduling process and the information needed to perform the activities.Data for the study was collected through qualitative interviews, first through a meeting with the respondent and after that a following telephone interview with in total 5 suppliers and 6 customers of biofuels.
Släng inte maten - ge bort den!
Every year, thousands tons of edible food are discarded by the grocery stores. This is food that could have gone to people that?s in need of it. In many countries, so called food banks are established in order to supply welfare organizations with this kind of food. Today there is no equivalent system existing in Sweden.
Commercial thinning and its potential for contribution to the timber supply in British Columbia?s Interior forests : a look at Finnish and Swedish forest practices and their applicability in British Columbia?s Interior forests
Thinning is the partial removal of trees in a forest stand prior to final harvest. The term can be divided in pre-commercial thinning where little if any volume is removed from the stand and commercial thinning where removals are intended to provide a positive economic result. From a silvicultural point of view, the goal of thinning is to enhance future crop tree quality by removing low-quality stems and providing sufficient space for the accelerated development of retained ones (Huuskonen & Hynynen, 2006).
The goals of this study was to see if commercial thinning could positively affect the short and medium term timber supply (MTTS) in the Interior regions of British Columbia (BC), and whether or not Scandinavian forestry practices could be adopted in the BC context. The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) has created significant forest planning problems in BC. The annual allowable cut (AAC) was raised to capture beetle-killed timber while still merchantable.