1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 20 av 81
Inställningen till partnering En jämförelse mellan byggmarknaderna i Stockholm och Göteborg
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
I vår produktion har vi tagit fram ett system för order- och lagerhantering,
med vikt på realtidsuppdateringar, åt en extern mottagare där infrastrukturen
inte hängt med i företagets utveckling.
Vi valde detta projekt i syfte att bredda våra kunskaper inom både
programmering och projekthantering.
Denna slutreflektion tar upp den förundersökning vi gjorde för att kunna
besluta om vilka verktyg vi använde i utvecklingen, den tar även upp vårt sätt
att hantera och planera projektet. Under projektet har vi arbetat med en
egenutformad arbetsprocess vilken även beskrivs här.
Our production has been to design a system for ordering and supply management
with emphasis on realtime updates to an external recipient, where the
infrastructure has not kept pace with the development of the company.
We chose this project in order to broaden our knowledge in both programming and
project management.
This text brings up the investigation we made to decide which tools to use in
the development, it also brings up the way we managed and planned our project.
During the project we have worked with a self-designed software development
process which is also described here..
Bromodellering genom bromodulen i Revit Structure - Anpassning av programvara för skapande av ändskärmsbroar
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
VDC i produktionsfasen Implementering av virtuellt byggande för Veidekke Bygg Väst
This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.
Att locka fler studenter till Energiingenjörsprogrammet : En studie om studentrekrytering
Datum: 2012-01-06Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi med inriktig marknadsföringInstitution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, HST, Mälardalens HögskolaFörfattare: Aiman Hadrous Ashkan Mortazavifar Nancy Saad 25 juni 1987 7 december 1990 26 november 1986Titel: Att locka fler studenter till Energiingenjörsprogrammet: En studie om studentrekrytering.Handledare: Johan GrinbergsNyckelord: Attrahera, Energiingenjörsprogrammet, Konsumentens köpprocess, Means- and Value ChainFrågeställning: Hur skall fler studenter bli attraherade av att söka till Energiingenjörsprogrammet?Syfte: Arbetets syfte är att undersöka och analysera hur Energiingenjörsprogrammet kan attrahera fler studenter i framtiden. Metod: I detta arbete utnyttjas både den kvalitativa och den kvantitativa metoden. Insamlingen av sekundära data gjordes genom studier av relevanta artiklar inom ämnet konsumentbeteende. Till grund för resultat och slutsats användes en enkätundersökning på gymnasieelever inom Västerås kommun.Slutsats: Undersökningen visade att flera aspekter påverkar studentens val av utbildning. Energiingenjörsprogrammet ska arbeta med positionering av programmet och anpassa detta utifrån studentens mål och behov, för att kunna skapa ett attraktivt val..
Teknisk utredning av skärutrustning till skördare : En analys av den svenska marknaden
Husqvarna is a world leading producer of chainsaws with a well-established brand name. Husqvarna now has an interest in investigating the possibiltiy to expand their production of chains and guide bars to include cutting equipment for timber-harvesters.This project is a technical study which aims to answer questions about cutting equipment for timber-harvesters that have been decided in cooperation with Husqvarna. The questions have mainly been focused on forces, cutting speeds, service and maintenance -as well as general questions regarding the size of the Swedish market.Two methods have been applied to answer the questions. Interviews with retailers of harvesters, producers of harvester heads and harvester drivers.The main findings in this project show that there is a relatively small selection of harvester chains on the Swedish market. In contrast to the selection of harvester chains the selection of guide bars is quite large.
Nötkött : kriterier vid inköp av nötkött i restaurangbranschen
Swedish beef production has during the past year decreased while the consumption has
increased. It´s imported beef that takes market shares. The purpose with this degreeproject is
to investigate if the restaurants in Sweden are using imported or Swedish beef and the reason
for their choice.
The purpose is to find out if there is something the Swedish beef producers can change to
increase Swedish beef in restaurants. My expectation is that the demand for Swedish beef will
increase in restaurant and later even among consumers.
I have interviewed ten chiefs in different restaurants and asked them the following questions:
Is it the price, quality or something else that influences your choise?
Does it matter to their customers if they serve Swedish or imported beef?
How is the marketing of Swedish beef?
It appeared both Swedish and imported beef on the restaurants.
Förpackningshantering i det dolda : En studie om hur den interna hanteringen kan synliggöras och förbättras.
Handling materials and packaging, which is the focus of this study, requires efficient logistics, both internally and between companies. To achieve an efficient material flow, good information systems, whose role is to collect, store, process and distribute information, are required. The assumption that packagings are handled in an efficient manner is currently not a matter of course, when many companies do not prioritize the internal management of the package.The purpose of this report was to investigate how medium-sized businesses working with distribution and handling of spare parts packaging can improve their internal management of packaging. In order to answer the purpose, we have used an abductive process and a qualitative data collection. The study had Logistic Center Ljungby (LCL) at Electrolux Laundry Systems (ELS) as a case company and two other respondents, Nibe in Markaryd and Enertech in Ljungby.
Styrning och nödbroms av ModuLith
The purpose of this project is to get a fully functional, automatic steering system and a variable breaking system with an emergency breaking function to an off road vehicle. This off road vehicle is supposed to work as an aid in military situations. A team of two, Sebastian Attervall and Nichlas Gustafsson, got an order from Jonas Nyårds and the PreeRunners Project to construct a steering system that could manoeuvre an off road vehicle without any human involvement. To make this possible the vehicle would be guided by onboard sensors, cameras and computers. The team where also assigned to construct an automatic breaking system, there also no human would be involved.
Implementering av Neutrallager - En fallstudie inom Tooling Support Halmstad AB
Demand has become increasingly difficult to forecast in today?s volatile markets. Being able to produce towards real demand is becoming vital for companies, since inventories of finished goods are expensive to maintain and because miscalculated products tie up capital that in the end is never repaid. More and more companies are using postponement strategies to delay the process of producing until real demand has become known.
Tooling Support Halmstad is a company within the manufacturing industry, which has become aware of the benefits with postponement strategies for parts of their production.
Adaptive Capacity through Complex Adaptive System
Problem: The corrugated board industry is highly affected by customer uncertainty, various demands and short delivery times. In combination with a complex multi-step production process managers have to be able to identify bottle-necks and gain knowledge and understanding of how different changes in process will affect the production output. <br/><br/>Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is twofold, (1) to examine applicability of complexity theory through agent-based modelling on a production process (2) to identify improvement areas in order to increase the production output at SKS production site in Eslöv, by modelling and simulating the production process through an agent-based model. <br/><br/>Method: The chosen method of this study is a combination of a case study and a complex system approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews, observation and document studies which were analysed through an agent-based simulation model.
Volymsrapportering vid terrängtransport av virke
This report is a B.Sc. Forestry thesis work at the school for Forest Management, SLU.
The work was an assignment from the forest owners? association Mellanskog.
The aim of the work where to investigate the economical result of removing undergrowth trees before first thinning, and a follow-up of the contractors and their compliance with Mellanskog standards.
This thesis work was divided in three parts: The first was to find a relation between the net volume from the first thinning and the cost of cleaning undergrowth trees. Secondly there was a follow-up in the field, to investigate whether the contractors have done the undergrowth cleaning according to Mellanskog?s directives.
Kartläggning av materialflödet i Peabs försörjningskedja till byggarbetsplats med SCOR
The construction industry has not undergone the same logistical development as the manufacturing industry; this, in combination with increased material price, leads to the fact that the construction industry must be improved. This master thesis is a part of the research cooperation Brains & Bricks goal of reducing production costs for the construction sector by 25 percent. Brains & Bricks is a cooperation between Linköping University, Peab and Katrineholms municipality. The master thesis aims to identify improvements in the flow of material, the Supply Chain operation reference, SCOR, model has been used and the work has been carried out on one of Peab?s construction sites. At present the business is characterized by bad communication both between the construction site and the office as well as between the construction site and suppliers.
Analys av mellanspänningsnätet i centrala delar av Västerås stad
The dependency of continuous electricity supply is high in the Swedish society today, at the same time no one is willing to pay for a too costly or over dimensioned power distribution system. The owners of the distribution systems are the ones responsible for this balance act of maintaining a high quality of electricity delivery to customers at a reasonable cost.In this master thesis a limited part of the primary distribution system (10 kV), owned by Mälarenergi Elnät AB and located in the city centre of Västerås, was chosen for a deeper analysis of its reliability. Its ability to handle outages of system components (N-1 and N-2 contingency analysis) was investigated to find out potential weak spots and parts of the grid that showed signs of being overdimensioned.The results of the performed simulations showed that in 74 % of the studied N-1 contingencies cases, consisting of outages of a bus bar in a distribution substation, the system could handle this without causing outages in other parts of the grid. For the N-2 contingencies 61 % passed the test. It was also found that one of the two included high voltage substations could alone supply the investigated part of the grid.
Konceptuellt ramverk för lagerlokalisering : ? En kvalitativ studie om lagerlokalisering
Bakgrund: Globalisering har gjort försörjningskedjan till ett komplicerat nätverk med många påverkande faktorer. I försörjningskedjan är valet av anläggningars position viktigt för att företag ska behålla sin konkurrenskraft. Valet av lagerlokalisering har stor påverkan på ett företags framgång. Problem: Lagerlokalisering är en komplex process med många faktorer som påverkar, att praktiskt tillämpa existerande modeller är komplicerat. Det saknas ett konceptuellt ramverk för lagerlokalisering. Syfte: Syfte med examensarbetet är att skapa en konceptuell modell för beslutsfattandet för lagerlokalisering för mindre företag, att finna relevanta faktorer samt att praktiskt göra en förstudie för ett företag med verksamhet i Norra Europa.