

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 50 av 393

Barn som vistas på kvinnohus : En fördjupning av Oasenmodellen som arbetsmetod

At the Women?s House in Örebro, a children?s project has started where the work method ?Oasen? [Oasis] model has been developed by two children?s educationists. The aim of this study is, with the ?Oasen? model as a starting point, to deepen the knowledge of (1) how to meet children?s central needs while staying at a Women?s House and (2) what the ?Oasen? model may contribute to the children. The theoretical framework consists of a cognitive approach to the progress of children experiencing domestic violence and a presentation of conceptions concerning children?s needs.

Finansiella nyckeltalens samspel som investeringsstrategi : En kombinationsmodell för att uppnå riskjusterad överavkastning

This study is based on a statistical analysis of fundamental key ratios on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the period 2004-2012. In total 35 financial ratios of 90 companies were tested, ultimately five ratios remained within the 5% significance level. These ratios were ROA, P/B, Total Yield, EV/EBIT and Operating Margin. A custom made investment model was created based on the purpose to achieve a risk-adjusted excess return. The results in general did not show any significant difference in return between the model's portfolio and index.

  Olika betyg med hänsyn till program, elevernas och lärarnas kön? :   En undersökning av betygsmedelvärde i Svenska A, Matematik A och Engelska A i två olika gymnasieprogram och städer.

I have with this thesis sought to understand how chick lit could be useful in the classroom in the teaching of Swedish B-course in high school. Based on the model of critical literacy I am arguing that this genre would help to meet the objectives of the policy documents which, among other things, are to critically examine and analyze various types of texts.I have found that some of these texts could be used for analyzing and critically examine the ideological dimensions of texts and cultural heritage by the model of critical literacy, and also as a counterweight to the more traditional teaching of the canonical literature as a literary historical stuff that students should learn. I have also wanted to create a basis for discussions about literature in the classroom based on the chick lit genre. To do this I have, based on three themes and questions from the model of critical literacy, tried to focus on issues that might emerge from the ideological analysis and critical review. The model aims to deconstruct norms of society, and in the work of chick lit, I wanted to show how you could deconstruct norms around gender..

Kosovo - Självständighetens betydelse och möjligheter : En fallstudie i demokratiutveckling

The aim of this study is to examine the democratization process of Kosovo in the years after the countries independence was assured. Two central questions for the case study consist of whether a democratic improvement in the country has occurred and which factors, positive and negative, are present to further improve or impede the democratizationprocess. The study builds upon two central definitions, democratic states and democratization in order to gain theoretical background to be able to measure these two quite abstract expressions. A socioeconomic model is used to measure favorable or negative developments within Kosovos society and the findings of this model confirms the hypothesis of modernization theory, namely that increased socioeconomic development increases the chance of a positive democratizationprocess. There has been a positive democratic development aswell as socioecomic progress but since the nature of this study is merely descriptive and not explanatory, it doesnt make claims on the explanatory power of modernization theory.


This report reflects an examination work performed for Getrag All Wheel Drive AB during the spring of 2005. Among the companies range of products there exists some concern regarding the amount of clamping force and friction on bolted joints caused by the assembly torque.The aim of this project has been to determine if there is a simple way in which to identify and then practically apply testing methods for clamping force and friction through utilization of existing testing equipment.Three separate methods of clamping force and friction determination have been tested in rear drive unit, RDU, at a 30 Nm assembly torque. A fourth and final method, screw elongation with ultrasound, has been used as reference. The methods are:?Torque-Tension test.?Screw elongation with micrometer.?Joint stiffness test.?Screw elongation with ultra sound for reference.The results from tests can be viewed in table below.MethodTorque-TensionMicrometerCs=318 kN/mm Assembled with torque wrenchMicrometerCs=318 kN/mm Assembled on lineUltra-soundCS=311 kN/mm Ultra- soundCS=318 kN/mm Joint stiffnessTheoreticalClamping force-21,8 kN17,6 kN17,3 kN17,6 kN17,1 kN17,3 kNFriction-0,110,1470,1530,1470,1520,149.

Att upprätta ett konsignationslager ? en best practice

I en mer global och konkurrensutsatt marknad krävs, i allt större utsträckning, att företag väljer att differentiera sig med specifika kundlösningar istället för den enskilda produkten. Genom att, tillsammans med kunden, skapa värde knyter man denna närmare till sig. Ett konsignationslager är en strategisk lagerlösning för att minska avstånden mellan kund och leverantör samt att minska kedjans totala lagerkostnad. SCA Timber har begränsad erfarenhet kring konsignationslager. Av den anledningen har det funnits oklarheter kring hur arbetet bör organiseras. Syftet med studien är att ta fram en best practice för hur SCA Timber ska arbeta med upprättandet av framtida konsignationslager. Studien är en multipel fallstudie av fyra verksamheter inom SCA och baseras på kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som varit inblandade i upprättandet av konsignationslager. Det empiriska materialet består av fjorton intervjuer. Studien utgår ifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av teorier kring projekt, kritiska framgångsfaktorer i projekt och skapandet av nyttjandevärde.

Underlag för BREEAM-certifiering : Kristianstad Nya Galleria

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.

Uppförandekoder - En fallstudie i hur fyra svenska textilföretag arbetar med uppförandekoder

Idag använder sig många textilföretag av långa leverantörskedjor över stora avstånd samtidigtsom företagens omgivning ställer allt högre krav på dem i samband med sociala frågor. Dethar resulterat i ett allt större behov av att kunna kontrollera företagens produktion. På grundav det har uppförandekoder blivit allt vanligare. Uppförandekoder är ett sätt för företagen attförsäkra sig om att deras produkter tillverkas på ett socialt ansvarstagande sätt. Dock finns detflera frågetecken i samband med om uppförandekoder verkligen fyller sitt syfte.Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera hur fyra svenska textilföretag arbetar meduppförandekoder för att minimera de sociala problem som finns i deras leverantörskedjor.

En trädgård, en boksamling och det väl valda ordet : genrepedagogik för skriftspråksutveckling hos framgångsrika respektive mindre framgångsrika skriftspråkare i gymnasiet

This is a qualitative analysis that, based on systemic functional linguistics, or SFL, and genre theory, has aimed to study the genre pedagogical implications on written language as they occur in narrative stories and expositions whilst the model is introduced. Systemic functional linguistics is a linguistic theory that views the organisation of language as functional options for meaning; language is a set of resources to channel meaning through realisation. Genre theory elucidates the pragmatic and educational uses of SFL in the categorizing of language in configurations of meanings as they are set and understood in different cultures.  The purpose of the survey is to do so with focus on successful and less successful writers by attempting to answer two primal issues:How is development of written language in reference to the introduction of the genre pedagogical model visible in the studied texts?How does genre pedagogical teaching influence successful and less successful writers as visible in their writing with a certain purpose?To answer these issues the survey is based on narratives and expositions written by high school students who have been divided into two groups according to the purpose of the survey. One text in each genre has been written by the students before and after lessons based on the genre pedagogical learning wheel explaining the relevant genres.

"Nu är det slut på sossepjalleriet och pisshumanismen" : Om kravet på motprestationer inom socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study was to determine if and how the city district of Södra Innerstaden in Malmö, by using the Skärholms model, demand their client to reciprocate. The first problem set was to see how the demand was shown in the social service act from year 1998. From there the motives behind the introduction of the Skärholms model in city district of Södra Innerstaden were researched and also if there were a demand on reciprocity in city district of Södra Innerstaden public administration. The study was conducted in an exploratory way. The method used was to describe the idea behind Skärholms model after examining documents from the public administration.

Ansvarsfull produktion ? vägen till kundens hjärta?

Responsible production is a subject of increasing importance for companies toadopt and communicate to their environment and many companies choose to implementenvironmental ? and ethic considerations into their brand strategy. There is, however, adividing line between companies according to what extent they choose to implementresponsible production into their brand strategy and to which extent they choose tocommunicate it to their stakeholders and surroundings. It is the hypothesis about a dividingline that is the foundation for this essay and something we believed could be interesting forfurther analysis.The purpose of our essay is to find out how the brand strategy of a company is affected by theresponsible production and in what extent they communicate it to their environment. Byanswering those questions we hope to find out why some companies communicateresponsible production more actively than others.We have conducted in-depth interviews with the Swedish clothing companies; MariaWesterlind, Zion and Dem Collective and we have through our analysis reached interestingconclusions.

Var i den textila värdekedjan hör vi hemma?

Textilhögskolan är sedan 1982 en del av Högskolan i Borås och har i dagsläget 14 utbildningar varav en är kandidatutbildningen Textil produktutveckling och Entreprenörskap. Utbildningen ger studenterna en förståelse för den textila värdekedjan där de lär sig att hantera processer i produkt- och affärsidéutveckling inom det textila området. Utbildningen bygger på en översikt och inte spetskunskap vilket har resulterat i en ovisshet bland studenter var fokus bör ligga vid karriärval. Detta resulterade i uppsatsens syfte; ?Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur svagheter och styrkor i den textila värdekedjan kan omsättas i utbildning för att öppna nya arbetsområden inom den textila industrin.? För att undersöka syftet genomfördes ett antal kvalitativa intervjuer med personer insatta i den textila industrin med erfarenhet av Textile management.

Betydelsen av att samverka : En studie av det interorganisatoriska samarbetet kring demensvården i Halland

The purpose of our study is to interpret and understand the collaborative process around a regional model that is based on state developed guidelines for people with dementia. We have chosen to focus on the importance of interaction and have therefore interviewed participants in the project's steering committee. This group participates in efforts to develop a model for dementia care in Halland.The project work in Halland, to develop a joint model for people with dementia and their families was initiated in the spring of 2011 and is due to finish at the end of 2012. The Halland model has been named ?Annas led? and is about Anna and her husband Lars and living with dementia.

Kan vi prata om det? Deliberativ demokrati, mångfald och politisk kamp

In recent years the liberal representative democracy has been subject of a substantial critique because of its inability to accommodate difference and createa genuinely democratic political process. One such critique comes from the theory of deliberative democracy. Supporters of deliberative democracy try to promote a model of democracy that take its vantage point in free and equal deliberationbetween all relevant actors in a political community. This model has with some success opposed the aggregative model of democracy, and in important ways turned the attention to the potential of deliberative processes.However, the deliberative model is still somewhat underdeveloped when it comes to issues of diversity and difference. This essay deals with such deficiencies by analysing deliberative democracy in the light of the critiquelaunched by difference- and radical democrats.

Franchising - ett lyckat koncept för Östgöta Brandstodsbolag? : lönsamhetsbedömning av bolagets distributionskanaler

Östgöta Brandstodsbolag started its insurance business in 1841 and is today a part of Länsförsäkringsgruppen, which consists of 24 independent and locally anchored county insurance companies. The local concept is a condition for the county insurance (länsförsäkring) idea, which means that the 24 county insurance companies cooperate freely. Länsförsäkringar is the market leader within property and liability insurances in Sweden and has a market share of 30.5%. The largest, and most well known, insurance companies in Sweden, apart from Länsförsäkringar, are If, Trygg-Hansa and Folksam. This essay treats with Östgöta Brandstodsbolag, which is one of Sweden's largest county insurance companies. The company is active in the county of Östergötland where it has the dominant market shares within home, detached houses, car and farming.

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